protected static void validateTableOfLongs(VoltTable vt, long[][] expected) { assertNotNull(expected); assertEquals("Wrong number of rows in table. ", expected.length, vt.getRowCount()); int len = expected.length; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { validateRowOfLongs("at row " + i + ", ", vt, expected[i]); } }
protected static void validateTableOfScalarLongs(VoltTable vt, long[] expected) { assertNotNull(expected); assertEquals("Different number of rows! ", expected.length, vt.getRowCount()); int len = expected.length; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { validateRowOfLongs(vt, new long[] {expected[i]}); } }
private static void validateTableOfLongs(String messagePrefix, VoltTable vt, long[][] expected) { assertNotNull(expected); if (expected.length != vt.getRowCount()) { if (vt.getRowCount() < m_verboseDiagnosticRowCap) { System.out.println( "Diagnostic dump of unexpected result for " + messagePrefix + " : " + vt); System.out.println("VS. expected : "); dumpExpectedLongs(expected); } // * enable and set breakpoint to debug multiple row count mismatches and continue */ return; } assertEquals( messagePrefix + " returned wrong number of rows. ", expected.length, vt.getRowCount()); int len = expected.length; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { validateRowOfLongs(messagePrefix + " at row " + i + ", ", vt, expected[i]); } }
protected static void validateRowOfLongs(VoltTable vt, long[] expected) { validateRowOfLongs("", vt, expected); }