  * Deploy a worker verticle programmatically
  * @param main The main of the verticle
  * @param config JSON config to provide to the verticle
  * @param instances The number of instances to deploy (defaults to 1)
  * @param doneHandler The handler will be called passing in the unique deployment id when
  *     deployment is complete
 public void deployWorkerVerticle(
     String main,
     JsonObject config,
     int instances,
     boolean multiThreaded,
     Handler<String> doneHandler) {
   URL[] currURLs = mgr.getDeploymentURLs();
   File modDir = mgr.getDeploymentModDir();
       true, multiThreaded, main, config, currURLs, instances, modDir, null, doneHandler);
  * Deploy a verticle programmatically
  * @param main The main of the verticle
  * @param config JSON config to provide to the verticle
  * @param instances The number of instances to deploy (defaults to 1)
  * @param doneHandler The handler will be called passing in the unique deployment id when
  *     deployment is complete
 public void deployVerticle(
     String main, JsonObject config, int instances, Handler<String> doneHandler) {
   URL[] currURLs = mgr.getDeploymentURLs();
   File modDir = mgr.getDeploymentModDir();
   mgr.deployVerticle(false, false, main, config, currURLs, instances, modDir, null, doneHandler);