private void shutdown(JEReplicaDB replicaDB) {
   if (replicaDB != null) {
  private void testGetOldestNewestCSNs(final int max, final int counterWindow) throws Exception {
    String tn = "testDBCount(" + max + "," + counterWindow + ")";
    debugInfo(tn, "Starting test");

    File testRoot = null;
    ReplicationServer replicationServer = null;
    ReplicationDbEnv dbEnv = null;
    JEReplicaDB replicaDB = null;
    try {
      replicationServer = configureReplicationServer(100000, 10);

      testRoot = createCleanDir();
      dbEnv = new ReplicationDbEnv(testRoot.getPath(), replicationServer);
      replicaDB = new JEReplicaDB(1, TEST_ROOT_DN, replicationServer, dbEnv);

      // Populate the db with 'max' msg
      int mySeqnum = 1;
      CSN csns[] = new CSN[2 * (max + 1)];
      long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
      for (int i = 1; i <= max; i++) {
        csns[i] = new CSN(now + i, mySeqnum, 1);
        replicaDB.add(new DeleteMsg(TEST_ROOT_DN, csns[i], "uid"));
        mySeqnum += 2;

      assertEquals(replicaDB.getOldestCSN(), csns[1], "Wrong oldest CSN");
      assertEquals(replicaDB.getNewestCSN(), csns[max], "Wrong newest CSN");

      // Now we want to test that after closing and reopening the db, the
      // counting algo is well reinitialized and when new messages are added
      // the new counter are correctly generated.
      debugInfo(tn, "SHUTDOWN replicaDB and recreate");

      replicaDB = new JEReplicaDB(1, TEST_ROOT_DN, replicationServer, dbEnv);

      assertEquals(replicaDB.getOldestCSN(), csns[1], "Wrong oldest CSN");
      assertEquals(replicaDB.getNewestCSN(), csns[max], "Wrong newest CSN");

      // Populate the db with 'max' msg
      for (int i = max + 1; i <= 2 * max; i++) {
        csns[i] = new CSN(now + i, mySeqnum, 1);
        replicaDB.add(new DeleteMsg(TEST_ROOT_DN, csns[i], "uid"));
        mySeqnum += 2;

      assertEquals(replicaDB.getOldestCSN(), csns[1], "Wrong oldest CSN");
      assertEquals(replicaDB.getNewestCSN(), csns[2 * max], "Wrong newest CSN");

      replicaDB.purgeUpTo(new CSN(Long.MAX_VALUE, 0, 0));

      String testcase = "AFTER PURGE (oldest, newest)=";
      debugInfo(tn, testcase + replicaDB.getOldestCSN() + replicaDB.getNewestCSN());
      assertEquals(replicaDB.getNewestCSN(), csns[2 * max], "Newest=");

      // Clear ...
      debugInfo(tn, "clear:");

      // Check the db is cleared.
      assertEquals(null, replicaDB.getOldestCSN());
      assertEquals(null, replicaDB.getNewestCSN());
      debugInfo(tn, "Success");
    } finally {
      if (dbEnv != null) {