@Test( description = "Delete a task by selecting and typing 'delete' keyboard-Verify Toast message through GUI", groups = {"smoke"}, dataProvider = "DataProviderDeleteKeys") public void DeleteTaskToastMsg_03(String name, int keyEvent) throws HarnessException { FolderItem taskFolder = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), SystemFolder.Tasks); // Create a basic task to delete String subject = "task" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); app.zGetActiveAccount() .soapSend( "<CreateTaskRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<m >" + "<inv>" + "<comp name='" + subject + "'>" + "<or a='" + app.zGetActiveAccount().EmailAddress + "'/>" + "</comp>" + "</inv>" + "<su>" + subject + "</su>" + "<mp ct='text/plain'>" + "<content>content" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString() + "</content>" + "</mp>" + "</m>" + "</CreateTaskRequest>"); GeneralUtility.syncDesktopToZcsWithSoap(app.zGetActiveAccount()); TaskItem task = TaskItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), subject); ZAssert.assertNotNull(task, "Verify the task is created"); // Refresh the tasks view app.zPageTasks.zToolbarPressButton(Button.B_REFRESH); app.zTreeTasks.zTreeItem(Action.A_LEFTCLICK, taskFolder); // Select the item app.zPageTasks.zListItem(Action.A_MAIL_CHECKBOX, subject); // Click delete keyboard logger.info("Typing shortcut key " + name + " KeyEvent: " + keyEvent); app.zPageMail.zKeyboardKeyEvent(keyEvent); // Verifying the toaster message Toaster toast = app.zPageMain.zGetToaster(); String toastMsg = toast.zGetToastMessage(); ZAssert.assertStringContains( toastMsg, "1 task moved to Trash", "Verify toast message: Task Moved To trash"); }
@Test( description = "Create task through SOAP - delete using Backspace Key & verify Toast message through GUI", groups = {"functional"}) public void DeleteTaskToastMsg_07() throws HarnessException { FolderItem taskFolder = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), SystemFolder.Tasks); // Create a basic task to delete String subject = "task" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); app.zGetActiveAccount() .soapSend( "<CreateTaskRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<m >" + "<inv>" + "<comp name='" + subject + "'>" + "<or a='" + app.zGetActiveAccount().EmailAddress + "'/>" + "</comp>" + "</inv>" + "<su>" + subject + "</su>" + "<mp ct='text/plain'>" + "<content>content" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString() + "</content>" + "</mp>" + "</m>" + "</CreateTaskRequest>"); GeneralUtility.syncDesktopToZcsWithSoap(app.zGetActiveAccount()); TaskItem task = TaskItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), subject); ZAssert.assertNotNull(task, "Verify the task is created"); // Refresh the tasks view app.zPageTasks.zToolbarPressButton(Button.B_REFRESH); app.zTreeTasks.zTreeItem(Action.A_LEFTCLICK, taskFolder); // Select the item app.zPageTasks.zListItem(Action.A_MAIL_CHECKBOX, subject); // Use Backspace Keyboard Shortcut app.zPageTasks.zKeyboardShortcut(Shortcut.S_BACKSPACE); // Verifying the toaster message Toaster toast = app.zPageMain.zGetToaster(); String toastMsg = toast.zGetToastMessage(); ZAssert.assertStringContains( toastMsg, "1 task moved to Trash", "Verify toast message: Task Moved to Trash"); }
@Test( description = "Rename a folder - Context menu -> Rename", groups = {"smoke"}) public void RenameFolder_01() throws HarnessException { FolderItem inbox = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), SystemFolder.Inbox); ZAssert.assertNotNull(inbox, "Verify the inbox is available"); // Create the subfolder String name1 = "folder" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); app.zGetActiveAccount() .soapSend( "<CreateFolderRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<folder name='" + name1 + "' l='" + inbox.getId() + "'/>" + "</CreateFolderRequest>"); FolderItem subfolder1 = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), name1); ZAssert.assertNotNull(subfolder1, "Verify the subfolder is available"); // Click on Get Mail to refresh the folder list app.zPageMail.zToolbarPressButton(Button.B_GETMAIL); // Rename the folder using context menu DialogRenameFolder dialog = (DialogRenameFolder) app.zTreeMail.zTreeItem(Action.A_RIGHTCLICK, Button.B_RENAME, subfolder1); ZAssert.assertNotNull(dialog, "Verify the dialog opened"); // Set the name, click OK String name2 = "folder" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); dialog.zSetNewName(name2); dialog.zClickButton(Button.B_OK); // Get all the folders and verify the new name appears and the old name disappears app.zGetActiveAccount().soapSend("<GetFolderRequest xmlns = 'urn:zimbraMail'/>"); Element[] eFolder1 = app.zGetActiveAccount().soapSelectNodes("//mail:folder[@name='" + name1 + "']"); ZAssert.assertEquals(eFolder1.length, 0, "Verify the old folder name no longer exists"); Element[] eFolder2 = app.zGetActiveAccount().soapSelectNodes("//mail:folder[@name='" + name2 + "']"); ZAssert.assertEquals(eFolder2.length, 1, "Verify the new folder name exists"); }
@Bugs(ids = "82807") @Test( description = "Hover over an image attachment", dataProvider = "DataProviderMimeWithImageAttachments", groups = {"functional"}) public void HoverOverAttachment_01(String subject, String path) throws HarnessException { // -- DATA final String mimeFile = ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getBaseDirectory() + path; LmtpInject.injectFile(app.zGetActiveAccount().EmailAddress, new File(mimeFile)); // -- GUI // Click on Get Mail to refresh the folder list app.zPageMail.zToolbarPressButton(Button.B_GETMAIL); // Select the message DisplayMail display = (DisplayMail) app.zPageMail.zListItem(Action.A_LEFTCLICK, subject); List<AttachmentItem> attachments = display.zListGetAttachments(); ZAssert.assertEquals(attachments.size(), 1, "Verify the attachment appears"); TooltipImage tooltip = (TooltipImage) display.zListAttachmentItem(Action.A_HOVEROVER, attachments.get(0)); // -- VERIFICATION ZAssert.assertTrue(tooltip.zIsActive(), "Verify the tooltip shows"); ZAssert.assertNotNull(tooltip.zGetField(Field.URL), "Verify the image URL"); }
@Test( description = "Create a new tasklist using tasks app New -> New Task Folder", groups = {"functional"}) public void CreateTaskFolder_02() throws HarnessException { ZimbraAccount account = app.zGetActiveAccount(); FolderItem taskFolder = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(account, SystemFolder.Tasks); _folderName = "taskfolder" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); // Create folder DialogCreateTaskFolder createTaskFolderDialog = (DialogCreateTaskFolder) app.zPageTasks.zToolbarPressPulldown(Button.B_NEW, Button.O_NEW_TASKFOLDER); createTaskFolderDialog.zEnterFolderName(_folderName); createTaskFolderDialog.zClickButton(Button.B_OK); _folderIsCreated = true; SleepUtil.sleepVerySmall(); // refresh task page app.zTreeTasks.zTreeItem(Action.A_LEFTCLICK, taskFolder); // Make sure the task folder was created on the ZCS server FolderItem folder = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), _folderName); ZAssert.assertNotNull(folder, "Verify task folder is created"); ZAssert.assertEquals( folder.getName(), _folderName, "Verify the server and client folder names match"); }
@Test( description = "Create a new tasklist by clicking 'Create a new task' on task folders tree", groups = {"sanity"}) public void CreateTaskFolder_01() throws HarnessException { ZimbraAccount account = app.zGetActiveAccount(); FolderItem taskFolder = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(account, SystemFolder.Tasks); _folderName = "taskfolder" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); // Create folder // DialogCreateTaskFolder createTaskFolderDialog // =(DialogCreateTaskFolder)app.zTreeTasks.zPressButton(Button.B_TREE_NEWTASKLIST); DialogCreateTaskFolder createTaskFolderDialog = (DialogCreateTaskFolder) app.zTreeTasks.zPressPulldown(Button.B_TREE_FOLDERS_OPTIONS, Button.B_TREE_NEWTASKLIST); createTaskFolderDialog.zEnterFolderName(_folderName); createTaskFolderDialog.zClickButton(Button.B_OK); _folderIsCreated = true; SleepUtil.sleepVerySmall(); // refresh task page app.zTreeTasks.zTreeItem(Action.A_LEFTCLICK, taskFolder); // Make sure the task folder was created on the ZCS server FolderItem folder = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), _folderName); ZAssert.assertNotNull(folder, "Verify task folder is created"); ZAssert.assertEquals( folder.getName(), _folderName, "Verify the server and client folder names match"); }
@Test( description = "Rename a folder - set to an invalid name with ':'", groups = {"functional"}) public void RenameFolder_02() throws HarnessException { FolderItem inbox = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), SystemFolder.Inbox); ZAssert.assertNotNull(inbox, "Verify the inbox is available"); // Create the subfolder String name1 = "folder" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); app.zGetActiveAccount() .soapSend( "<CreateFolderRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<folder name='" + name1 + "' l='" + inbox.getId() + "'/>" + "</CreateFolderRequest>"); FolderItem subfolder1 = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), name1); ZAssert.assertNotNull(subfolder1, "Verify the subfolder is available"); // Click on Get Mail to refresh the folder list app.zPageMail.zToolbarPressButton(Button.B_GETMAIL); // Rename the folder using context menu DialogRenameFolder dialog = (DialogRenameFolder) app.zTreeMail.zTreeItem(Action.A_RIGHTCLICK, Button.B_RENAME, subfolder1); ZAssert.assertNotNull(dialog, "Verify the dialog opened"); // Set the name, click OK String name2 = "folder:folder" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); dialog.zSetNewName(name2); dialog.zClickButton(Button.B_OK); DialogError error = app.zPageMain.zGetErrorDialog(DialogErrorID.InvalidFolderName); ZAssert.assertTrue(error.zIsActive(), "Verify the error dialog appears"); error.zClickButton(Button.B_OK); }
@Bugs(ids = "69132") @Test( description = "Delete an appointment using Delete toolbar button", groups = {"smoke"}) public void DeleteAppointment_01() throws HarnessException { // Creating objects for appointment data String tz, apptSubject, apptBody; tz = ZTimeZone.TimeZoneEST.getID(); apptSubject = ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); apptBody = ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); // Absolute dates in UTC zone Calendar now = this.calendarWeekDayUTC; ZDate startUTC = new ZDate( now.get(Calendar.YEAR), now.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1, now.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), 12, 0, 0); ZDate endUTC = new ZDate( now.get(Calendar.YEAR), now.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1, now.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), 14, 0, 0); app.zGetActiveAccount() .soapSend( "<CreateAppointmentRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<m>" + "<inv method='REQUEST' type='event' fb='B' transp='O' allDay='0' name='" + apptSubject + "'>" + "<s d='" + startUTC.toTimeZone(tz).toYYYYMMDDTHHMMSS() + "' tz='" + tz + "'/>" + "<e d='" + endUTC.toTimeZone(tz).toYYYYMMDDTHHMMSS() + "' tz='" + tz + "'/>" + "<or a='" + app.zGetActiveAccount().EmailAddress + "'/>" + "</inv>" + "<mp content-type='text/plain'>" + "<content>" + apptBody + "</content>" + "</mp>" + "<su>" + apptSubject + "</su>" + "</m>" + "</CreateAppointmentRequest>"); // Right click to appointment and delete it app.zPageCalendar.zToolbarPressButton(Button.B_REFRESH); app.zPageCalendar.zListItem(Action.A_LEFTCLICK, apptSubject); DialogConfirmDeleteAppointment dlgConfirm = (DialogConfirmDeleteAppointment) app.zPageCalendar.zToolbarPressButton(Button.B_DELETE); dlgConfirm.zClickButton(Button.B_YES); dlgConfirm.zWaitForClose(); ZAssert.assertEquals( app.zPageCalendar.zIsAppointmentExists(apptSubject), false, "Verify appointment is deleted"); }
@Bugs(ids = "69132") @Test( description = "Delete an appointment using keyboard shortcuts (Del & Backspace)", groups = {"functional"}, dataProvider = "DataProviderShortcutKeys") public void DeleteAppointment_03(String name, int keyEvent) throws HarnessException { // Creating objects for appointment data String tz, apptSubject, apptBody; tz = ZTimeZone.TimeZoneEST.getID(); apptSubject = ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); apptBody = ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); // Absolute dates in UTC zone Calendar now = this.calendarWeekDayUTC; ZDate startUTC = new ZDate( now.get(Calendar.YEAR), now.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1, now.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), 12, 0, 0); ZDate endUTC = new ZDate( now.get(Calendar.YEAR), now.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1, now.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), 14, 0, 0); app.zGetActiveAccount() .soapSend( "<CreateAppointmentRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<m>" + "<inv method='REQUEST' type='event' fb='B' transp='O' allDay='0' name='" + apptSubject + "'>" + "<s d='" + startUTC.toTimeZone(tz).toYYYYMMDDTHHMMSS() + "' tz='" + tz + "'/>" + "<e d='" + endUTC.toTimeZone(tz).toYYYYMMDDTHHMMSS() + "' tz='" + tz + "'/>" + "<or a='" + app.zGetActiveAccount().EmailAddress + "'/>" + "</inv>" + "<mp content-type='text/plain'>" + "<content>" + apptBody + "</content>" + "</mp>" + "<su>" + apptSubject + "</su>" + "</m>" + "</CreateAppointmentRequest>"); String apptId = app.zGetActiveAccount() .soapSelectValue("//mail:CreateAppointmentResponse//mail:appt", "id"); // Delete appointment using keyboard Del and Backspace key app.zPageCalendar.zToolbarPressButton(Button.B_REFRESH); app.zPageCalendar.zListItem(Action.A_LEFTCLICK, apptSubject); DialogConfirmDeleteAppointment dlgConfirm = (DialogConfirmDeleteAppointment) app.zPageCalendar.zKeyboardKeyEvent(keyEvent); dlgConfirm.zClickButton(Button.B_YES); // -- Verification app.zGetActiveAccount() .soapSend( "<SearchRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail' types='appointment' calExpandInstStart='" + startUTC.addDays(-7).toMillis() + "' calExpandInstEnd='" + startUTC.addDays(7).toMillis() + "'>" + "<query>subject:(" + apptSubject + ")</query>" + "</SearchRequest>"); Element[] nodes = app.zGetActiveAccount().soapSelectNodes("//mail:appt"); ZAssert.assertEquals(nodes.length, 0, "Verify appointment is deleted"); }
@Bugs(ids = "69132") @Test( description = "Cancel meeting using context menu", groups = {"functional"}) public void CancelMeeting_01() throws HarnessException { // -- Data setup // Creating object for meeting data String tz, apptSubject, apptBody, apptAttendee1; tz = ZTimeZone.TimeZoneEST.getID(); apptSubject = ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); apptBody = ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); apptAttendee1 = ZimbraAccount.AccountA().EmailAddress; // Absolute dates in UTC zone Calendar now = this.calendarWeekDayUTC; ZDate startUTC = new ZDate( now.get(Calendar.YEAR), now.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1, now.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), 12, 0, 0); ZDate endUTC = new ZDate( now.get(Calendar.YEAR), now.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1, now.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), 14, 0, 0); app.zGetActiveAccount() .soapSend( "<CreateAppointmentRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<m>" + "<inv method='REQUEST' type='event' status='CONF' draft='0' class='PUB' fb='B' transp='O' allDay='0' name='" + apptSubject + "'>" + "<s d='" + startUTC.toTimeZone(tz).toYYYYMMDDTHHMMSS() + "' tz='" + tz + "'/>" + "<e d='" + endUTC.toTimeZone(tz).toYYYYMMDDTHHMMSS() + "' tz='" + tz + "'/>" + "<or a='" + app.zGetActiveAccount().EmailAddress + "'/>" + "<at role='REQ' ptst='NE' rsvp='1' a='" + apptAttendee1 + "' d='2'/>" + "</inv>" + "<e a='" + apptAttendee1 + "' t='t'/>" + "<mp content-type='text/plain'>" + "<content>" + apptBody + "</content>" + "</mp>" + "<su>" + apptSubject + "</su>" + "</m>" + "</CreateAppointmentRequest>"); String apptId = app.zGetActiveAccount().soapSelectValue("//mail:CreateAppointmentResponse", "apptId"); // -- GUI actions // Refresh the view app.zPageCalendar.zToolbarPressButton(Button.B_REFRESH); // Select the appointment app.zPageCalendar.zListItem(Action.A_LEFTCLICK, apptSubject); // Right Click -> Delete context menu DialogWarning dialog = (DialogWarning) app.zPageCalendar.zListItem(Action.A_RIGHTCLICK, Button.O_CANCEL_MENU, apptSubject); // Click Send Cancellation dialog.zClickButton(Button.B_SEND_CANCELLATION); // -- Verification // Verify the meeting disappears from the view ZAssert.assertEquals( app.zPageCalendar.sIsElementPresent(app.zPageCalendar.zGetApptLocator(apptSubject)), false, "Verify meeting is deleted from organizer's calendar"); // Verify meeting is deleted from attendee's calendar // AppointmentItem canceledAppt = AppointmentItem.importFromSOAP(ZimbraAccount.AccountA(), // "subject:("+ apptSubject +")", startUTC, endUTC); AppointmentItem canceledAppt = AppointmentItem.importFromSOAP(ZimbraAccount.AccountA(), "subject:(" + apptSubject + ")"); ZAssert.assertNull(canceledAppt, "Verify meeting is deleted from attendee's calendar"); }
@Test( description = "Delete multiple tasks (3) by select and toolbar delete : Verify Toast message through GUI", groups = {"functional"}) public void DeleteTaskToastMsg_05() throws HarnessException { FolderItem taskFolder = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), SystemFolder.Tasks); // Create the message data to be sent String subject1 = "task" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); String subject2 = "task" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); String subject3 = "task" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); app.zGetActiveAccount() .soapSend( "<CreateTaskRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<m >" + "<inv>" + "<comp name='" + subject1 + "'>" + "<or a='" + app.zGetActiveAccount().EmailAddress + "'/>" + "</comp>" + "</inv>" + "<su>" + subject1 + "</su>" + "<mp ct='text/plain'>" + "<content>content" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString() + "</content>" + "</mp>" + "</m>" + "</CreateTaskRequest>"); app.zGetActiveAccount() .soapSend( "<CreateTaskRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<m >" + "<inv>" + "<comp name='" + subject2 + "'>" + "<or a='" + app.zGetActiveAccount().EmailAddress + "'/>" + "</comp>" + "</inv>" + "<su>" + subject2 + "</su>" + "<mp ct='text/plain'>" + "<content>content" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString() + "</content>" + "</mp>" + "</m>" + "</CreateTaskRequest>"); app.zGetActiveAccount() .soapSend( "<CreateTaskRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<m >" + "<inv>" + "<comp name='" + subject3 + "'>" + "<or a='" + app.zGetActiveAccount().EmailAddress + "'/>" + "</comp>" + "</inv>" + "<su>" + subject3 + "</su>" + "<mp ct='text/plain'>" + "<content>content" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString() + "</content>" + "</mp>" + "</m>" + "</CreateTaskRequest>"); GeneralUtility.syncDesktopToZcsWithSoap(app.zGetActiveAccount()); // Import each message into MailItem objects TaskItem task1 = TaskItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), subject1); ZAssert.assertNotNull(task1, "Verify the task is created"); TaskItem task2 = TaskItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), subject2); ZAssert.assertNotNull(task2, "Verify the task is created"); TaskItem task3 = TaskItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), subject3); ZAssert.assertNotNull(task3, "Verify the task is created"); // Refresh the tasks view app.zPageTasks.zToolbarPressButton(Button.B_REFRESH); app.zTreeTasks.zTreeItem(Action.A_LEFTCLICK, taskFolder); // Select the items app.zPageTasks.zListItem(Action.A_MAIL_CHECKBOX, subject1); app.zPageTasks.zListItem(Action.A_MAIL_CHECKBOX, subject2); app.zPageTasks.zListItem(Action.A_MAIL_CHECKBOX, subject3); // Click toolbar delete button app.zPageTasks.zToolbarPressButton(Button.B_DELETE); // Verifying the toaster message Toaster toast = app.zPageMain.zGetToaster(); String toastMsg = toast.zGetToastMessage(); ZAssert.assertStringContains( toastMsg, "3 tasks moved to Trash", "Verify toast message: N Tasks Moved to Trash"); }
@Bugs(ids = "86168") @Test( description = "Forward (on behalf of) to a message in a shared folder (admin rights)", groups = {"functional"}) public void ForwardMail_01() throws HarnessException { // -- DATA // Create the folder owner ZimbraAccount owner = (new ZimbraAccount()).provision().authenticate(); // Allow sending rights owner.soapSend( "<GrantRightsRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraAccount'>" + "<ace gt='usr' d='" + app.zGetActiveAccount().EmailAddress + "' right='sendOnBehalfOf'/>" + "</GrantRightsRequest>"); String foldername = "folder" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); String subject = "subject" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); String mountpointname = "mountpoint" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); FolderItem inbox = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(owner, FolderItem.SystemFolder.Inbox); // Create a folder to share owner.soapSend( "<CreateFolderRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<folder name='" + foldername + "' l='" + inbox.getId() + "'/>" + "</CreateFolderRequest>"); FolderItem folder = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(owner, foldername); // Share it owner.soapSend( "<FolderActionRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<action id='" + folder.getId() + "' op='grant'>" + "<grant d='" + app.zGetActiveAccount().EmailAddress + "' gt='usr' perm='r'/>" + "</action>" + "</FolderActionRequest>"); // Add a message to it owner.soapSend( "<AddMsgRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<m l='" + folder.getId() + "' >" + "<content>From: " + ZimbraAccount.AccountB().EmailAddress + "\n" + "To: " + owner.EmailAddress + "\n" + "Subject: " + subject + "\n" + "MIME-Version: 1.0 \n" + "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 \n" + "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n" + "\n" + "simple text string in the body\n" + "</content>" + "</m>" + "</AddMsgRequest>"); // Mount it app.zGetActiveAccount() .soapSend( "<CreateMountpointRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<link l='1' name='" + mountpointname + "' rid='" + folder.getId() + "' zid='" + owner.ZimbraId + "'/>" + "</CreateMountpointRequest>"); FolderMountpointItem mountpoint = FolderMountpointItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), mountpointname); // -- GUI // Login to load the rights app.zPageLogin.zNavigateTo(); this.startingPage.zNavigateTo(); try { // Click on the mountpoint app.zTreeMail.zTreeItem(Action.A_LEFTCLICK, mountpoint); // Select the item app.zPageMail.zListItem(Action.A_LEFTCLICK, subject); // Reply the item FormMailNew mailform = (FormMailNew) app.zPageMail.zToolbarPressButton(Button.B_FORWARD); mailform.zFillField(FormMailNew.Field.To, ZimbraAccount.AccountA().EmailAddress); mailform.zFillField(Field.From, owner.EmailAddress); mailform.zSubmit(); } finally { // Select the inbox app.zTreeMail.zTreeItem( Action.A_LEFTCLICK, FolderItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), FolderItem.SystemFolder.Inbox)); } // -- VERIFICATION // From the receiving end, verify the message details // Need 'in:inbox' to separate the message from the sent message MailItem sent = MailItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), "in:sent subject:(" + subject + ")"); ZAssert.assertEquals( sent.dToRecipients.size(), 1, "Verify the message is sent to 1 'to' recipient"); ZAssert.assertEquals( sent.dToRecipients.get(0).dEmailAddress, ZimbraAccount.AccountA().EmailAddress, "Verify the 'To' field is correct"); ZAssert.assertEquals( sent.dFromRecipient.dEmailAddress, owner.EmailAddress, "Verify the 'From' field is correct"); ZAssert.assertEquals( sent.dSenderRecipient.dEmailAddress, app.zGetActiveAccount().EmailAddress, "Verify the 'Sender' field is correct"); }
@Bugs(ids = "69132") @Test( description = "Delete instance of series appointment (every week) using keyboard shortcuts Del & Backspace", groups = {"functional"}, dataProvider = "DataProviderShortcutKeys") public void DeleteInstance_06(String name, int keyEvent) throws HarnessException { // -- Data Setup // Appointment data String tz, apptSubject, apptBody; tz = ZTimeZone.TimeZoneEST.getID(); apptSubject = "subject" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); apptBody = "body" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); // Absolute dates in UTC zone Calendar now = this.calendarWeekDayUTC; ZDate startTime = new ZDate( now.get(Calendar.YEAR), now.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1, now.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), 12, 0, 0); ZDate endTime = new ZDate( now.get(Calendar.YEAR), now.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1, now.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), 14, 0, 0); app.zGetActiveAccount() .soapSend( "<CreateAppointmentRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<m>" + "<inv method='REQUEST' type='event' fb='B' transp='O' allDay='0' name='" + apptSubject + "'>" + "<s d='" + startTime.toTimeZone(tz).toYYYYMMDDTHHMMSS() + "' tz='" + tz + "'/>" + "<e d='" + endTime.toTimeZone(tz).toYYYYMMDDTHHMMSS() + "' tz='" + tz + "'/>" + "<or a='" + app.zGetActiveAccount().EmailAddress + "'/>" + "<recur>" + "<add>" + "<rule freq='MON'>" + "<interval ival='1'/>" + "</rule>" + "</add>" + "</recur>" + "</inv>" + "<mp content-type='text/plain'>" + "<content>" + apptBody + "</content>" + "</mp>" + "<su>" + apptSubject + "</su>" + "</m>" + "</CreateAppointmentRequest>"); // -- GUI actions // Delete instance and verify corresponding UI app.zPageCalendar.zToolbarPressButton(Button.B_REFRESH); app.zPageCalendar.zListItem(Action.A_LEFTCLICK, apptSubject); DialogWarning dialogSeriesOrInstance = (DialogWarning) app.zPageCalendar.zKeyboardKeyEvent(keyEvent); dialogSeriesOrInstance.zClickButton(Button.B_DELETE_THIS_INSTANCE); DialogWarning confirmDelete = (DialogWarning) dialogSeriesOrInstance.zClickButton(Button.B_OK); confirmDelete.zClickButton(Button.B_YES); // -- Verification // On the server, verify the appointment is in the trash app.zGetActiveAccount() .soapSend( "<SearchRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail' types='appointment' calExpandInstStart='" + startTime.addDays(-7).toMillis() + "' calExpandInstEnd='" + endTime.addDays(7).toMillis() + "'>" + "<query>is:anywhere " + apptSubject + "</query>" + "</SearchRequest>"); // http://bugzilla.zimbra.com/show_bug.cgi?id=63412 - "Deleting instance from calendar series // does not allow for user restoration from the Trash can" // http://bugzilla.zimbra.com/show_bug.cgi?id=13527#c4 - "Moving an instance from one cal to // other, moves complete series" // For now, nothing should be returned in the SearchResponse // // String folderID = app.zGetActiveAccount().soapSelectValue("//mail:appt", "l"); // ZAssert.assertEquals( // folderID, // FolderItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), SystemFolder.Trash).getId(), // "Verify appointment is in the trash folder"); Element[] appts = app.zGetActiveAccount().soapSelectNodes("//mail:appt"); ZAssert.assertEquals( appts.length, 0, "Verify the appt element does not exist ... See also bug 63412"); // Verify the appointment is not in the GUI view // ZAssert.assertEquals(app.zPageCalendar.sIsElementPresent(app.zPageCalendar.zGetApptLocator(apptSubject)), false, "Verify instance is deleted from the calendar"); boolean deleted = app.zPageCalendar.zWaitForElementDeleted( app.zPageCalendar.zGetApptLocator(apptSubject), "10000"); ZAssert.assertEquals(deleted, true, "Verify instance is deleted from the calendar"); }
@Test( description = "Login to the Ajax Client - with a mountpoint to a deleted share", groups = {"functional"}) public void ShareDeleted01() throws HarnessException { // Data setup String subject = "subject" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); String foldername = "folder" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); String mountpointname = "mountpoint" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); FolderItem inbox = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(Owner, FolderItem.SystemFolder.Inbox); // Create a folder to share Owner.soapSend( "<CreateFolderRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<folder name='" + foldername + "' l='" + inbox.getId() + "'/>" + "</CreateFolderRequest>"); FolderItem folder = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(Owner, foldername); Owner.soapSend( "<AddMsgRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<m l='" + folder.getId() + "' f='u'>" + "<content>From: [email protected]\n" + "To: [email protected] \n" + "Subject: " + subject + "\n" + "MIME-Version: 1.0 \n" + "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 \n" + "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n" + "\n" + "simple text string in the body\n" + "</content>" + "</m>" + "</AddMsgRequest>"); // Share it Owner.soapSend( "<FolderActionRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<action id='" + folder.getId() + "' op='grant'>" + "<grant d='" + app.zGetActiveAccount().EmailAddress + "' gt='usr' perm='rwidxa'/>" + "</action>" + "</FolderActionRequest>"); // Mount it app.zGetActiveAccount() .soapSend( "<CreateMountpointRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<link l='1' name='" + mountpointname + "' rid='" + folder.getId() + "' zid='" + Owner.ZimbraId + "'/>" + "</CreateMountpointRequest>"); FolderMountpointItem mountpoint = FolderMountpointItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), mountpointname); ZAssert.assertNotNull(mountpoint, "Verify the mountpoint was created"); // Click Get Mail button app.zPageMail.zToolbarPressButton(Button.B_GETMAIL); // View the folder app.zTreeMail.zTreeItem(Action.A_LEFTCLICK, mountpoint); // Logout ZimbraAccount account = app.zGetActiveAccount(); app.zPageMain.zLogout(); // Share it Owner.soapSend( "<FolderActionRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<action id='" + folder.getId() + "' op='delete'>" + "</action>" + "</FolderActionRequest>"); // Login app.zPageLogin.zLogin(account); // View the folder app.zTreeMail.zTreeItem(Action.A_LEFTCLICK, mountpoint); }
@Bugs(ids = "80287") @Test( description = "Modify a basic retention (Context menu -> Edit -> Retention) (zimbraFeatureSharingEnabled=FALSE)", groups = {"functional"}) public void Bug80287_01() throws HarnessException { // -- Data // Create the subfolder String foldername = "folder" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); app.zGetActiveAccount() .soapSend( "<CreateFolderRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<folder name='" + foldername + "' l='" + FolderItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), FolderItem.SystemFolder.Inbox) .getId() + "'/>" + "</CreateFolderRequest>"); FolderItem folder = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), foldername); ZAssert.assertNotNull(folder, "Verify the subfolder is available"); // Add a retention policy app.zGetActiveAccount() .soapSend( "<FolderActionRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<action id='" + folder.getId() + "' op='retentionpolicy'>" + "<retentionPolicy>" + "<keep>" + "<policy lifetime='5d' type='user'/>" + "</keep>" + "</retentionPolicy>" + "</action>" + "</FolderActionRequest>"); // -- GUI // Click on Get Mail to refresh the folder list app.zPageMail.zToolbarPressButton(Button.B_GETMAIL); // Rename the folder using context menu DialogEditFolder dialog = (DialogEditFolder) app.zTreeMail.zTreeItem(Action.A_RIGHTCLICK, Button.B_TREE_EDIT, folder); // Set to 4 years dialog.zNavigateToTab(DialogEditFolder.DialogTab.Retention); dialog.zRetentionSetRangeValue(6); // Save dialog.zClickButton(Button.B_OK); // -- Verification // Verify the retention policy on the folder app.zGetActiveAccount() .soapSend( "<GetFolderRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<folder l='" + folder.getId() + "'/>" + "</GetFolderRequest>"); String lifetime = app.zGetActiveAccount().soapSelectValue("//mail:keep//mail:policy", "lifetime"); ZAssert.assertEquals(lifetime, "6d", "Verify the policy lifetime is set to 6 days"); }
@Test( description = "Delete a conversation - 1 message in inbox, 1 message in sent, 1 message in subfolder", groups = {"functional"}) public void DeleteConversation_10() throws HarnessException { // -- DATA // Create a conversation (3 messages) ConversationItem c = ConversationItem.createConversationItem(app.zGetActiveAccount()); // Put one message in inbox, one in trash, one in subfolder // Get the system folders FolderItem inbox = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), SystemFolder.Inbox); FolderItem trash = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), SystemFolder.Trash); FolderItem sent = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), SystemFolder.Sent); // Move the conversation to the trash app.zGetActiveAccount() .soapSend( "<ItemActionRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<action op='move' l='" + trash.getId() + "' id='" + c.getMessageList().get(0).getId() + "'/>" + "</ItemActionRequest>"); // Create a message in a subfolder String foldername = "folder" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); app.zGetActiveAccount() .soapSend( "<CreateFolderRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<folder name='" + foldername + "' l='" + inbox.getId() + "'/>" + "</CreateFolderRequest>"); FolderItem subfolder = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), foldername); // Move the conversation to the subfolder app.zGetActiveAccount() .soapSend( "<ItemActionRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<action op='move' l='" + subfolder.getId() + "' id='" + c.getMessageList().get(1).getId() + "'/>" + "</ItemActionRequest>"); // Reply to one message (putting a message in sent) app.zGetActiveAccount() .soapSend( "<SendMsgRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<m origid='" + c.getMessageList().get(2).getId() + "' rt='r'>" + "<e t='t' a='" + ZimbraAccount.AccountA().EmailAddress + "'/>" + "<su>RE: " + c.getSubject() + "</su>" + "<mp ct='text/plain'>" + "<content>" + "body" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString() + "</content>" + "</mp>" + "</m>" + "</SendMsgRequest>"); String idSent = app.zGetActiveAccount().soapSelectValue("//mail:m", "id"); // -- GUI // Click Get Mail button app.zPageMail.zToolbarPressButton(Button.B_GETMAIL); // Right click the item, select delete app.zPageMail.zListItem(Action.A_RIGHTCLICK, Button.B_DELETE, c.getSubject()); // -- Verification // Expected: all messages should be in trash, except for the sent message // Check each message to verify they exist in the trash ConversationItem actual = ConversationItem.importFromSOAP( app.zGetActiveAccount(), "is:anywhere subject:" + c.getSubject()); for (MailItem m : actual.getMessageList()) { if (idSent.equals(m.getId())) { // Sent message should remain in sent ZAssert.assertEquals( m.dFolderId, sent.getId(), "Verify the conversation message is in the sent folder"); } else { // All other messages should be moved to trash ZAssert.assertEquals( m.dFolderId, trash.getId(), "Verify the conversation message is in the trash"); } } }
@Bugs(ids = "79188") @Test( description = "Delete a conversation - 1 message in inbox, 1 message in draft", groups = {"functional"}) public void DeleteConversation_11() throws HarnessException { // -- DATA String subject = "subject" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); // Create a conversation (1 message in inbox, 1 draft response) ZimbraAccount.AccountA() .soapSend( "<SendMsgRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<m>" + "<e t='t' a='" + app.zGetActiveAccount().EmailAddress + "'/>" + "<su>" + subject + "</su>" + "<mp ct='text/plain'>" + "<content>body " + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString() + "</content>" + "</mp>" + "</m>" + "</SendMsgRequest>"); MailItem message1 = MailItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), "subject:(" + subject + ")"); app.zGetActiveAccount() .soapSend( "<SaveDraftRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<m origid='" + message1.getId() + "' rt='r'>" + "<e t='t' a='" + ZimbraAccount.AccountA().EmailAddress + "'/>" + "<su>RE: " + subject + "</su>" + "<mp ct='text/plain'>" + "<content>body " + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString() + "</content>" + "</mp>" + "</m>" + "</SaveDraftRequest>"); // Get the system folders FolderItem inbox = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), SystemFolder.Inbox); FolderItem drafts = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), SystemFolder.Drafts); FolderItem trash = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), SystemFolder.Trash); // -- GUI // Click Get Mail button app.zPageMail.zToolbarPressButton(Button.B_GETMAIL); // Click in Drafts app.zTreeMail.zTreeItem(Action.A_LEFTCLICK, drafts); // Select the conversation or message (in 8.X, only messages are shown in drafts, not // conversations) app.zPageMail.zListItem(Action.A_LEFTCLICK, subject); // Click Delete app.zPageMail.zToolbarPressButton(Button.B_DELETE); // -- Verification // Verify inbox message remains (bug 79188) MailItem m = MailItem.importFromSOAP( app.zGetActiveAccount(), "subject:(" + subject + ") inid:" + inbox.getId()); ZAssert.assertNotNull(m, "Verify original message reamins in the inbox"); // Verify draft is no longer in drafts folder m = MailItem.importFromSOAP( app.zGetActiveAccount(), "subject:(" + subject + ") inid:" + drafts.getId()); ZAssert.assertNull(m, "Verify message is deleted from drafts"); // Verify draft is in trash folder m = MailItem.importFromSOAP( app.zGetActiveAccount(), "subject:(" + subject + ") inid:" + trash.getId()); ZAssert.assertNotNull(m, "Verify message is moved to trash"); }
@Bugs(ids = "81920") @Test( description = "Reply to a conversation with a draft", groups = {"functional"}) public void Bug81920_01() throws HarnessException { // -- DATA // Create a conversation ConversationItem c = ConversationItem.createConversationItem(app.zGetActiveAccount()); // Create a draft in the conversation // First, need to determine the last message received int id = 0; for (MailItem m : c.getMessageList()) { if (Integer.parseInt(m.getId()) > id) { id = Integer.parseInt(m.getId()); } } String body = "draft" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); app.zGetActiveAccount() .soapSend( "<SaveDraftRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<m origid='" + id + "' rt='r'>" + "<e t='t' a='" + ZimbraAccount.AccountA().EmailAddress + "'/>" + "<su>RE: " + c.getSubject() + "</su>" + "<mp ct='text/plain'>" + "<content>" + body + "</content>" + "</mp>" + "</m>" + "</SaveDraftRequest>"); // Change the whole conversation to be unread app.zGetActiveAccount() .soapSend( "<ItemActionRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<action op='!read' id='" + c.getId() + "'/>" + "</ItemActionRequest>"); // -- GUI // Click Get Mail button app.zPageMail.zToolbarPressButton(Button.B_GETMAIL); // Select the item app.zPageMail.zListItem(Action.A_LEFTCLICK, c.getSubject()); // Click reply FormMailNew mailform = (FormMailNew) app.zPageMail.zToolbarPressButton(Button.B_REPLY); ZAssert.assertNotNull(mailform, "Verify the new form opened"); // Send the message mailform.zSubmit(); // -- Verification // From the test account, check the sent folder for the reply MailItem sent = MailItem.importFromSOAP( app.zGetActiveAccount(), "in:sent subject:(" + c.getSubject() + ")"); ZAssert.assertNotNull(sent, "Verify the sent message in the sent folder"); // Verify the draft body does not appear in the reply ZAssert.assertStringDoesNotContain( sent.dBodyText, body, "Verify the draft body does not appear in the reply"); }