   * Selects from the start offset to the end offset. This is the general selection method used by
   * all other selecting methods. The caret position will be start if start < end, and end if end
   * > start.
   * @param start The start offset
   * @param end The end offset
  public void select(int start, int end) {
    int newStart, newEnd;
    boolean newBias;
    if (start <= end) {
      newStart = start;
      newEnd = end;
      newBias = false;
    } else {
      newStart = end;
      newEnd = start;
      newBias = true;

    if (newStart < 0 || newEnd > getDocumentLength()) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bounds out of" + " range: " + newStart + "," + newEnd);

    // If the new position is the same as the old, we don't
    // do all this crap, however we still do the stuff at
    // the end (clearing magic position, scrolling)
    if (newStart != selectionStart || newEnd != selectionEnd || newBias != biasLeft) {
      int newStartLine = getLineOfOffset(newStart);
      int newEndLine = getLineOfOffset(newEnd);

      if (painter.isBracketHighlightEnabled()) {
        if (bracketLine != -1) painter.invalidateLine(bracketLine);
        if (bracketLine != -1) painter.invalidateLine(bracketLine);

      painter.invalidateLineRange(selectionStartLine, selectionEndLine);
      painter.invalidateLineRange(newStartLine, newEndLine);

      document.addUndoableEdit(new CaretUndo(selectionStart, selectionEnd));

      selectionStart = newStart;
      selectionEnd = newEnd;
      selectionStartLine = newStartLine;
      selectionEndLine = newEndLine;
      biasLeft = newBias;


    // When the user is typing, etc, we don't want the caret
    // to blink
    blink = true;

    // Disable rectangle select if selection start = selection end
    if (selectionStart == selectionEnd) rectSelect = false;

    // Clear the `magic' caret position used by up/down
    magicCaret = -1;
