public static String sha512(String pwd, String salt) { ShaPasswordEncoder pe = new ShaPasswordEncoder(512); pe.setIterations(1024); String hash = pe.encodePassword(pwd, salt); return hash; }
private void importMongoSchema() { User user = new User().setUsername("user").setPassword(encoder.encodePassword("user", "user")); user.getAuthorities().add(Role.roleUser());; }
public Authentication authenticate(Authentication auth) throws UsernameNotFoundException { /** Init a database user object */ try { employeeEntity = employeeDao.findByLogin(auth.getName()); } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw new BadCredentialsException( this.messageSource.getMessage( "auth.no_user", new Object[] {"userName"}, "Access denied", Locale.getDefault())); } /** Checking if user account is active */ if (employeeEntity.getActive() == 0) { throw new BadCredentialsException( this.messageSource.getMessage( "auth.expired", new Object[] {"active"}, "Access denied", Locale.getDefault())); } /** Compare passwords Make sure to encode the password first before comparing */ if (!passwordEncoder.isPasswordValid( employeeEntity.getPassword(), (String) auth.getCredentials(), null)) { throw new BadCredentialsException( this.messageSource.getMessage( "auth.wrong", new Object[] {"password"}, "Access denied", Locale.getDefault())); } /** * main logic of Authentication manager * * @return UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken */ userAccessLogger.debug("User is located!"); return new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken( auth.getName(), auth.getCredentials(), getAuthorities(employeeEntity.getAdmin())); }
/** * 执行注册的业务逻辑。 * * @param regUser 代注册的用户信息 * @return */ @RequestMapping("doRegister") public String doRegister(User regUser, Map<String, Object> maps) { // 对密码进行sha,不保存原始密码 String password = shaPasswordEncoder.encodePassword(regUser.getPassword(), KeyValue.PASS_SALT); regUser.setPassword(password); regUser.setCreateDate(new Date()); regUser.setId(ObjectId.get().toString()); int result =; if (result == 1) { return "home/index"; } else { maps.put(MSG, "账号注册失败。"); return "user/register"; } }
public String encodePassword(String password) { return shaPasswordEncoder.encodePassword(password, null); }
/** * 比较密码是否相等 * * @param encodePass 加密密码 * @param rawPass 原密码 * @return true相等,false不等 */ private boolean passEqual(String encodePass, String rawPass) { boolean passEqual = shaPasswordEncoder.isPasswordValid(encodePass, rawPass, KeyValue.PASS_SALT); return passEqual; }
public String makeEncodePassword(UserDetails user) { String encodedPassword = passwordEncoder.encodePassword(user.getPassword(), saltSource.getSalt(user)); return encodedPassword; }