public void importarClientesPendientes(final Date desde) { for (Long sucursal : getSucursales()) { JdbcTemplate sucursalTemplate = ReplicaServices.getInstance().getJdbcTemplate(sucursal); String sql = "select CLIENTE_ID from sx_clientes where date(creado)>=?"; Object args[] = {new SqlParameterValue(Types.DATE, desde)}; final List<Long> ids = sucursalTemplate.queryForList(sql, args, Long.class); System.out.println("Clientes: " + ids.size()); for (Long id : ids) { System.out.println("Validando: " + id + " En sucursal: " + sucursal); Cliente c = Services.getInstance().getClientesManager().get(id); if (c == null) { System.out.println("Faltante: " + id + " importandolo..."); HibernateTemplate target = Services.getInstance().getHibernateTemplate(); HibernateTemplate source = ReplicaServices.getInstance().getHibernateTemplate(sucursal); List<Cliente> clientes = source.find( "from Cliente c left join fetch c.credito " + " left join fetch c.direcciones d" + " left join fetch c.telefonos t" + " where", id); c = clientes.get(0); target.replicate(c, ReplicationMode.EXCEPTION); } } } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Team> getTeam(int userId, TeamType type) { boolean isAdmin = false; HibernateTemplate template = getHibernateTemplate(); Object obj = template.get(Employee.class, userId); List<Team> list = new ArrayList<Team>(); if (null == obj) return list; else { Employee employee = (Employee) obj; isAdmin = employee.getIsAdmin(); if (isAdmin) { DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Team.class); if (type == TeamType.Product) criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("isProduct", true)); else if (type == TeamType.Sales) criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("isSales", true)); else if (type == TeamType.Operator) criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("isOperator", true)); criteria.setResultTransformer(CriteriaSpecification.ROOT_ENTITY); list = getHibernateTemplate().findByCriteria(criteria); } else { Set<Team> team = employee.getTeamMemberships(); for (Team team2 : team) { if (type == TeamType.Operator && team2.getIsOperator()) list.add(team2); else if (type == TeamType.Sales && team2.getIsSales()) list.add(team2); else if (type == TeamType.Product && team2.getIsProduct()) list.add(team2); } } return list; } }
private ContentKey storeSimpleContent(String title) { ContentEntity content = factory.createContent("MyCategory", "en", "testuser", "0", new Date()); ContentVersionEntity version = factory.createContentVersion("0", "testuser"); ContentTypeConfig contentTypeConfig = ContentTypeConfigParser.parse(ContentHandlerName.CUSTOM, createSimpleContentTypeConfig()); CustomContentData contentData = new CustomContentData(contentTypeConfig); TextDataEntryConfig titleConfig = new TextDataEntryConfig("myTitle", true, title, "contentdata/mytitle"); contentData.add(new TextDataEntry(titleConfig, "relatedconfig")); version.setContentData(contentData); UserEntity runningUser = fixture.findUserByName("testuser"); CreateContentCommand createContentCommand = new CreateContentCommand(); createContentCommand.setCreator(runningUser); createContentCommand.populateCommandWithContentValues(content); createContentCommand.populateCommandWithContentVersionValues(version); createContentCommand.setBinaryDatas(new ArrayList<BinaryDataAndBinary>()); createContentCommand.setUseCommandsBinaryDataToAdd(true); ContentKey contentKey = contentService.createContent(createContentCommand); hibernateTemplate.flush(); hibernateTemplate.clear(); return contentKey; }
/** Load this DAO from the data source */ public void load() throws DataAccessException { HibernateTemplate ht; ht = new HibernateTemplate(getSessionFactory()); teeName = (TeeName) ht.load(TeeName.class, getId()); ht.initialize(teeName); }
public void saveDocumentMapping(JSONObject jobj) throws ServiceException { try { Docmap docMap = new Docmap(); if (jobj.has("docid") && !StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(jobj.getString("docid"))) { Docs doc = (Docs) hibernateTemplate.get(Docs.class, jobj.getString("docid")); docMap.setDocid(doc); if (jobj.has("companyid") && !StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(jobj.getString("companyid"))) { Company company = (Company) hibernateTemplate.get(Company.class, jobj.getString("companyid")); doc.setCompany(company); } if (jobj.has("userid") && !StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(jobj.getString("userid"))) { User user = (User) hibernateTemplate.get(User.class, jobj.getString("userid")); doc.setUserid(user); } } if (jobj.has("refid")) { docMap.setRecid(jobj.getString("refid")); } if (jobj.has("map")) { docMap.setRelatedto(jobj.getString("map")); }; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ServiceException.FAILURE("documentDAOImpl.saveDocumentMapping", ex); } }
/** * Tests <code>{@link CopilotProjectDAOImpl#retrieveAll()}</code> method. * * @throws CopilotDAOException if any error occurs */ @Test public void testRetrieveAll2() throws CopilotDAOException { CopilotProfile copilotProfile1 = TestHelper.createCopilotProfile(); CopilotProject copilotProject1 = TestHelper.createCopilotProject(); TestHelper.persistCopilotProjectDependencies( hibernateTemplate, copilotProfile1, copilotProject1);; CopilotProfile copilotProfile2 = TestHelper.createCopilotProfile(); CopilotProject copilotProject2 = TestHelper.createCopilotProject(); TestHelper.persistCopilotProjectDependencies( hibernateTemplate, copilotProfile2, copilotProject2);; List<CopilotProject> result = instance.retrieveAll(); Assert.assertEquals("Two entities were expected.", 2, result.size()); assertCopilotProject(copilotProject1, result.get(0)); assertCopilotProject(copilotProject2, result.get(1)); hibernateTemplate.delete(copilotProject1); result = instance.retrieveAll(); Assert.assertEquals("One entity was expected.", 1, result.size()); assertCopilotProject(copilotProject2, result.get(0)); hibernateTemplate.delete(copilotProject2); Assert.assertEquals("No entities were expected.", 0, instance.retrieveAll().size()); }
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Throwable.class) @Override public void saveOrUpdateRecords(ArchivedInferredLocationRecord... records) { List<ArchivedInferredLocationRecord> list = new ArrayList<ArchivedInferredLocationRecord>(records.length); for (ArchivedInferredLocationRecord record : records) list.add(record); _template.saveOrUpdateAll(list); // LastKnownRecord LinkedHashMap<Integer, CcAndInferredLocationRecord> lastKnownRecords = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, CcAndInferredLocationRecord>(records.length); for (ArchivedInferredLocationRecord record : records) { CcLocationReportRecord cc = findRealtimeRecord(record); if (cc != null) { CcAndInferredLocationRecord lastKnown = new CcAndInferredLocationRecord(record, cc); if (validationService.validateLastKnownRecord(lastKnown)) { lastKnownRecords.put(lastKnown.getVehicleId(), lastKnown); } else { discardRecord(lastKnown); } } } _template.saveOrUpdateAll(lastKnownRecords.values()); _template.flush(); _template.clear(); }
/** * Tests <code>{@link CopilotProjectDAOImpl#getCopilotProjects(long)}</code> method. * * @throws CopilotDAOException if any error occurs */ @Test public void testGetCopilotProjects1() throws CopilotDAOException { CopilotProfile copilotProfile1 = TestHelper.createCopilotProfile(); CopilotProject copilotProject1 = TestHelper.createCopilotProject(); TestHelper.persistCopilotProjectDependencies( hibernateTemplate, copilotProfile1, copilotProject1);; CopilotProfile copilotProfile2 = TestHelper.createCopilotProfile(); CopilotProject copilotProject2 = TestHelper.createCopilotProject(); TestHelper.persistCopilotProjectDependencies( hibernateTemplate, copilotProfile2, copilotProject2);; List<CopilotProject> result = instance.getCopilotProjects(copilotProject1.getCopilotProfileId()); Assert.assertEquals("Only one result was expected.", 1, result.size()); assertCopilotProject(copilotProject1, result.get(0)); result = instance.getCopilotProjects(copilotProject2.getCopilotProfileId()); Assert.assertEquals("Only one result was expected.", 1, result.size()); assertCopilotProject(copilotProject2, result.get(0)); }
/** * Tests <code>{@link CopilotProjectDAOImpl#delete(long)}</code> method. * * @throws CopilotDAOException if any error occurs */ @Test @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void testDelete2() throws CopilotDAOException { CopilotProfile copilotProfile = TestHelper.createCopilotProfile(); CopilotProject copilotProject = TestHelper.createCopilotProject(); TestHelper.persistCopilotProjectDependencies(hibernateTemplate, copilotProfile, copilotProject); CopilotProjectInfoType copilotProjectInfoType = TestHelper.createCopilotProjectInfoType();; CopilotProjectInfo copilotProjectInfo = TestHelper.createCopilotProjectInfo(); copilotProjectInfo.setCopilotProjectId(copilotProject.getId()); copilotProjectInfo.setInfoType(copilotProjectInfoType); copilotProject.getProjectInfos().add(copilotProjectInfo);; instance.delete(copilotProject.getId()); Assert.assertEquals( "None entity in database should exist.", 0, hibernateTemplate.find("from CopilotProject").size()); Assert.assertEquals( "None entity in database should exist.", 0, hibernateTemplate.find("from CopilotProjectInfo").size()); }
/** * Tests <code>{@link CopilotProjectDAOImpl#retrieve(long)}</code> method. * * @throws CopilotDAOException if any error occurs */ @Test public void testRetrieve1() throws CopilotDAOException { CopilotProfile copilotProfile1 = TestHelper.createCopilotProfile(); CopilotProject copilotProject1 = TestHelper.createCopilotProject(); TestHelper.persistCopilotProjectDependencies( hibernateTemplate, copilotProfile1, copilotProject1);; CopilotProfile copilotProfile2 = TestHelper.createCopilotProfile(); CopilotProject copilotProject2 = TestHelper.createCopilotProject(); TestHelper.persistCopilotProjectDependencies( hibernateTemplate, copilotProfile2, copilotProject2);; CopilotProject result = instance.retrieve(copilotProject1.getId()); assertCopilotProject(copilotProject1, result); result = instance.retrieve(copilotProject2.getId()); assertCopilotProject(copilotProject2, result); }
/** * Tests <code>{@link * CopilotProjectDAOImpl#update(} * </code> method. * * @throws CopilotDAOException if any error occurs */ @Test @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void testUpdate() throws CopilotDAOException { CopilotProfile copilotProfile = TestHelper.createCopilotProfile(); CopilotProject copilotProject = TestHelper.createCopilotProject(); TestHelper.persistCopilotProjectDependencies(hibernateTemplate, copilotProfile, copilotProject);; copilotProject.setCompletionDate(new Date()); copilotProject.setCustomerFeedback("test customer feedback"); copilotProject.setCustomerRating(0.9F); copilotProject.setPmFeedback("test pm feedback"); copilotProject.setPmRating(0.9F); CopilotProjectInfoType copilotProjectInfoType = TestHelper.createCopilotProjectInfoType();; CopilotProjectInfo copilotProjectInfo = TestHelper.createCopilotProjectInfo(); copilotProjectInfo.setInfoType(copilotProjectInfoType); copilotProject.getProjectInfos().add(copilotProjectInfo); instance.update(copilotProject); List<CopilotProject> result = (List<CopilotProject>) hibernateTemplate.find("from CopilotProject where id = ?", copilotProject.getId()); assertCopilotProject(copilotProject, result.get(0)); }
@Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) public List<Ticket> searchTicketByKeyword(String keyword) { HibernateTemplate ht = getHibernateTemplate(); List<Ticket> resultList = new ArrayList<Ticket>(); List<Ticket> titleList = ht.find("from Ticket t where t.title like ? order by desc", wildCardKeyword(keyword)); List<Ticket> creatorList = ht.find( "from Ticket t where t.creator.username like ? order by desc", wildCardKeyword(keyword)); // searchTicket By Creator; List<Ticket> assigneeList = ht.find( "from Ticket t where t.assignee.username like ? order by desc", wildCardKeyword(keyword)); List<Ticket> custList = ht.find( "from Ticket t where t.customer.username like ? order by desc", wildCardKeyword(keyword)); // searchTicketByCustomer(keyword); // List<Ticket> noteList = ht.find("from Ticket t where t.notes.note like ?", // wildCardKeyword(keyword)); resultList.addAll(titleList); resultList.addAll(creatorList); resultList.addAll(assigneeList); resultList.addAll(custList); // resultList.addAll(noteList); return resultList; }
@Override @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED, readOnly = false) public boolean delete(Guardian guardian) { hibernateTemplate.delete(guardian); hibernateTemplate.flush(); return true; }
/** * Replica los clientes faltantes de enviar a las sucursales * * <p>Util para tareas especiales */ public void replicarFaltantes() { final JdbcTemplate template = Services.getInstance().getJdbcTemplate(); String sql = "select distinct clave from sx_clientes_log where tx_replicado is null order by modificado desc"; List<Map<String, Object>> rows = template.queryForList(sql); if (rows.size() > 0) {"Clientes pendiente de replicado: " + rows.size()); } for (Map<String, Object> row : rows) { String clave = (String) row.get("CLAVE"); Cliente c = Services.getInstance().getClientesManager().buscarPorClave(clave); if (c != null) {"Replicando :" + c.getClave()); for (Long sucursalId : getSucursales()) { HibernateTemplate target = ReplicaServices.getInstance().getHibernateTemplate(sucursalId); try { target.replicate(c, ReplicationMode.OVERWRITE);"Cliente replicado: " + c.getClave()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error( "Error replicando cliente: " + c.getClave() + " A sucursal: " + sucursalId + " " + ExceptionUtils.getRootCauseMessage(e)); } } } } }
public void importarPendientes(Long sucursalId) { String sql = "select * from sx_clientes_log where tx_importado is null"; JdbcTemplate template = ReplicaServices.getInstance().getJdbcTemplate(sucursalId); List<Map<String, Object>> rows = template.queryForList(sql); for (Map<String, Object> row : rows) { System.out.println("Importando: " + row); try { Number cliente_id = (Number) row.get("CLIENTE_ID"); HibernateTemplate source = ReplicaServices.getInstance().getHibernateTemplate(sucursalId); List<Cliente> clientes = source.find( "from Cliente c " + " left join fetch c.direcciones d" + " left join fetch c.telefonos t" + " where", cliente_id.longValue()); Cliente c = clientes.get(0); Services.getInstance().getHibernateTemplate().replicate(c, ReplicationMode.IGNORE); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error importando cliente: " + row, e); } try { Number id = (Number) row.get("ID"); String update = "UPDATE SX_CLIENTES_LOG SET TX_IMPORTADO=NOW() WHERE ID=?"; template.update(update, new Object[] {id.longValue()}); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error actualizando importado: " + row); } } }
@Test @Transactional(value = "hibernateTransactionManager", readOnly = true) public void shouldLoadAuthoritiesWhichUserHave() { User user = hibernateTemplate.load(User.class, 1); Authority authority = hibernateTemplate.load(Authority.class, 1); assertFalse(user.getAuthorities().isEmpty()); assertTrue(user.getAuthorities().contains(authority)); }
/** * creates user in database * * @param user user reference */ @Override public User create(User user) { Page page = new Page();; user.setPageId(page.getPageId());; return user; }
@Bean public HibernateTemplate hibernateTemplate() throws Exception { // for Hibernate 4, Spring team thought it's transaction is very well so encourage to use // Session and don't need HibernateTemplate HibernateTemplate hibernateTemplate = new HibernateTemplate(); hibernateTemplate.setSessionFactory(sessionFactory()); return hibernateTemplate; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Integer getExecutionTestId(String executionId) { String hql = "from " + TestExecution.class.getName() + " t where = :id"; hibernateTemplate.setMaxResults(1); List<TestExecution> l = hibernateTemplate.findByNamedParam(hql, "id", executionId); hibernateTemplate.setMaxResults(0); return l.size() > 0 ? ((TestExecution) l.get(0)).getTestId() : null; }
public List<Address2> retrieveFromId(String userId) { List<Address> listUser = (List<Address>) hibernateTemplate.findByNamedQueryAndNamedParam( "Address.findByUserId", "userId", userId); List<Address2> listUser2 = new ArrayList<Address2>(); for (int i = 0; i < listUser.size(); i++) { Address2 add = new Address2(); add.setAddressId(listUser.get(i).getAddressId()); add.setAddressLine1(listUser.get(i).getAddressLine1()); add.setAddressLine2(listUser.get(i).getAddressLine2()); add.setCityId(listUser.get(i).getCityId()); add.setCountryId(listUser.get(i).getCountryId()); add.setCreatedDate(listUser.get(i).getCreatedDate()); add.setIsActive(listUser.get(i).getIsActive()); add.setName(listUser.get(i).getName()); add.setPhone(listUser.get(i).getPhone()); add.setPostalCode(listUser.get(i).getPostalCode()); add.setUpdatedDate(listUser.get(i).getUpdatedDate()); add.setUserId(listUser.get(i).getUserId()); add.setStateId(listUser.get(i).getStateId()); listUser2.add(add); } /* *Method for fetching CityName using cityId */ for (int i = 0; i < listUser.size(); i++) { List<?> cityList = (List<?>) hibernateTemplate.findByNamedQueryAndNamedParam( "City.findByCityId", "cityId", listUser.get(i).getCityId()); if (cityList.size() > 0) { City city = (City) cityList.get(0); String cityName = city.getCityName(); (listUser2.get(i)).setCityName(cityName); } } /* * Method for fetching StateName using stateId */ for (int i = 0; i < listUser.size(); i++) { List<?> stateList = (List<?>) hibernateTemplate.findByNamedQueryAndNamedParam( "State.findByStateId", "stateId", listUser.get(i).getStateId()); if (stateList.size() > 0) { State state = (State) stateList.get(0); String stateName = state.getStateName(); (listUser2.get(i)).setStateName(stateName); } } return listUser2; }
public List<ExaminationDetail> loadByExamination(final Examination examination) { HibernateTemplate hibernateTemplate = getHibernateTemplate(); List<ExaminationDetail> result = hibernateTemplate.findByNamedParam( "from " + entityBeanType.getSimpleName() + " exd where exd.examination=:examination", "examination", examination); return result; }
public final void createSample(final SamplePE sample) throws DataAccessException { assert sample != null : "Unspecified sample"; final HibernateTemplate hibernateTemplate = getHibernateTemplate(); internalCreateSample( sample, hibernateTemplate, new ClassValidator<SamplePE>(SamplePE.class), true); hibernateTemplate.flush(); }
@Override @Transactional(rollbackFor = Throwable.class, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW) public void handleException(String content, Throwable error, Date timeReceived) { InvalidLocationRecord ilr = new InvalidLocationRecord(content, error, timeReceived); _template.saveOrUpdate(ilr); // clear from level one cache _template.flush(); _template.evict(ilr); }
public boolean delUser(String userId) { User user = hibernateTemplate.get(User.class, userId); try { hibernateTemplate.delete(user); } catch (Exception e) { result = false; } return result; }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see cn.believeus.dao.IBaseDao#delete(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) */ @Override public void delete(Class<?> clazz, String property, final Object value) { HibernateTemplate ht = getHibernateTemplate(); List<?> objectList = this.findObjectList(clazz, property, value); for (Object entity : objectList) { ht.delete(entity); ht.flush(); } }
// 根据toid查找消息 public List<Message> findlaterMessage(int toid) { List<Message> list = new ArrayList<Message>(); // List<Message> listspo=hibernateTemplate.find("from Message m where m.toid=? and type=4 group // by m.invid order by m.time desc",toid); // List<Message> listuser=hibernateTemplate.find("from Message m where m.toid=? and type=0 // group by m.fromid order by m.time desc",toid); // List<Message> listinv=hibernateTemplate.find("from Message m where m.toid=? and type>4 group // by m.invid order by m.time desc",toid); Session session = hibernateTemplate.getSessionFactory().openSession(); Query query = session.createQuery( "from Message m where m.toid=? and type=4 group by m.invid order by m.time desc"); query.setInteger(0, toid); // session.close(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Message> listspo = query.list(); Query query2 = session.createQuery( "from Message m where m.toid=? and type=0 group by m.fromid order by m.time desc"); query2.setInteger(0, toid); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Message> listuser = query2.list(); Query query3 = session.createQuery( "from Message m where m.toid=? and type>4 group by m.invid order by m.time desc"); query3.setInteger(0, toid); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Message> listinv = query3.list(); session.close(); hibernateTemplate.getSessionFactory().close(); // List<Message> listspo= hibernateTemplate // .find(" from Message m where m.toid=? and type=4 group by m.invid order by m.time desc", // toid); // List<Message> listuser = hibernateTemplate // .find("from Message m where m.toid=? and type<4 group by m.fromid order by m.time desc", // toid); // // List<Message> listinv = hibernateTemplate // .find("from Message m where m.toid=? and type>4 group by m.invid order by m.time desc", // toid); if (listinv.size() != 0) { list.addAll(listinv); } if (listspo.size() != 0) { list.addAll(listspo); } if (listuser.size() != 0) { list.addAll(listuser); } return list; }
// 根据toid查找消息 public List<Message> findMessage(int toid) { Session session = hibernateTemplate.getSessionFactory().openSession(); Query query = session.createQuery("from Message m where m.toid=? "); query.setInteger(0, toid); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Message> list = query.list(); session.close(); hibernateTemplate.getSessionFactory().close(); return list; }
@Before public void setUp() { t = new HibernateTemplate(sess); brh = new UserProfile("brh", 12.); admin = new UserProfile("admin", 10., Boolean.TRUE);;; }
@Override @Transactional(readOnly = false, rollbackFor = Exception.class) public void delete(String levelForUserId) throws UserExistInLevelException { // 如果有用户处于当前等级,则不能删除 String hql = "select count(user) from User user where = ?"; long n = (Long) ht.find(hql, levelForUserId).get(0); if (n > 0) { throw new UserExistInLevelException(); } ht.bulkUpdate("delete from LevelForUser lfu where = ?", levelForUserId); }
public void replicarPendientes() { for (Long sucursalId : getSucursales()) { importarPendientes(sucursalId); } final JdbcTemplate template = Services.getInstance().getJdbcTemplate(); String sql = "select * from sx_clientes_log where tx_replicado is null and date(modificado)>=? order by modificado desc"; Object[] values = new Object[] {new SqlParameterValue(Types.DATE, new Date())}; List<Map<String, Object>> rows = template.queryForList(sql, values); if (rows.size() > 0) {"Client es pendiente de replicado: " + rows.size()); } for (Map<String, Object> row : rows) { String clave = (String) row.get("CLAVE"); Number id = (Number) row.get("ID"); Cliente c = Services.getInstance().getClientesManager().buscarPorClave(clave); boolean aplicado = true; if (c != null) {"Replicando :" + c.getClave() + " Log ID:" + id); for (Long sucursalId : getSucursales()) { HibernateTemplate target = ReplicaServices.getInstance().getHibernateTemplate(sucursalId); try { target.replicate(c, ReplicationMode.OVERWRITE); } catch (Exception e) { aplicado = false; logger.error( "Error replicando cliente: " + c.getClave() + " A sucursal: " + sucursalId + " " + ExceptionUtils.getRootCauseMessage(e)); } } if (aplicado) { try { Object[] params = { new SqlParameterValue(Types.TIMESTAMP, new Date()), new SqlParameterValue(Types.NUMERIC, id.longValue()) }; template.update("update sx_clientes_log set tx_replicado=? where id=?", params); //"Log replicado: "+id+ "Cliente : "+c.getClave()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e); } "Actualizacion de cliente exitosa Log ID: " + id + " Cliente(Clave):" + c.getClave()); } } } }