/** * POST /users : Creates a new user. * * <p>Creates a new user if the login and email are not already used, and sends an mail with an * activation link. The user needs to be activated on creation. * * @param managedUserVM the user to create * @return the ResponseEntity with status 201 (Created) and with body the new user, or with status * 400 (Bad Request) if the login or email is already in use * @throws URISyntaxException if the Location URI syntax is incorrect */ @PostMapping("/users") @Timed @Secured(AuthoritiesConstants.ADMIN) public ResponseEntity<?> createUser(@RequestBody ManagedUserVM managedUserVM) throws URISyntaxException { log.debug("REST request to save User : {}", managedUserVM); // Lowercase the user login before comparing with database if (userRepository.findOneByLogin(managedUserVM.getLogin().toLowerCase()).isPresent()) { return ResponseEntity.badRequest() .headers( HeaderUtil.createFailureAlert("userManagement", "userexists", "Login already in use")) .body(null); } else if (userRepository.findOneByEmail(managedUserVM.getEmail()).isPresent()) { return ResponseEntity.badRequest() .headers( HeaderUtil.createFailureAlert( "userManagement", "emailexists", "Email already in use")) .body(null); } else { User newUser = userService.createUser(managedUserVM); mailService.sendCreationEmail(newUser); return ResponseEntity.created(new URI("/api/users/" + newUser.getLogin())) .headers(HeaderUtil.createAlert("userManagement.created", newUser.getLogin())) .body(newUser); } }
/** * PUT /users : Updates an existing User. * * @param managedUserVM the user to update * @return the ResponseEntity with status 200 (OK) and with body the updated user, or with status * 400 (Bad Request) if the login or email is already in use, or with status 500 (Internal * Server Error) if the user couldn't be updated */ @PutMapping("/users") @Timed @Secured(AuthoritiesConstants.ADMIN) public ResponseEntity<ManagedUserVM> updateUser(@RequestBody ManagedUserVM managedUserVM) { log.debug("REST request to update User : {}", managedUserVM); Optional<User> existingUser = userRepository.findOneByEmail(managedUserVM.getEmail()); if (existingUser.isPresent() && (!existingUser.get().getId().equals(managedUserVM.getId()))) { return ResponseEntity.badRequest() .headers( HeaderUtil.createFailureAlert( "userManagement", "emailexists", "E-mail already in use")) .body(null); } existingUser = userRepository.findOneByLogin(managedUserVM.getLogin().toLowerCase()); if (existingUser.isPresent() && (!existingUser.get().getId().equals(managedUserVM.getId()))) { return ResponseEntity.badRequest() .headers( HeaderUtil.createFailureAlert("userManagement", "userexists", "Login already in use")) .body(null); } userService.updateUser( managedUserVM.getId(), managedUserVM.getLogin(), managedUserVM.getFirstName(), managedUserVM.getLastName(), managedUserVM.getEmail(), managedUserVM.isActivated(), managedUserVM.getLangKey(), managedUserVM.getAuthorities()); return ResponseEntity.ok() .headers(HeaderUtil.createAlert("userManagement.updated", managedUserVM.getLogin())) .body(new ManagedUserVM(userService.getUserWithAuthorities(managedUserVM.getId()))); }
/** POST /account -> update the current user information. */ @RequestMapping( value = "/account", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @Timed public ResponseEntity<String> saveAccount(@RequestBody UserDTO userDTO) { Optional<User> existingUser = userRepository.findOneByEmail(userDTO.getEmail()); if (existingUser.isPresent() && (!existingUser.get().getLogin().equalsIgnoreCase(userDTO.getLogin()))) { return ResponseEntity.badRequest() .headers( HeaderUtil.createFailureAlert( "user-management", "emailexists", "Email already in use")) .body(null); } return userRepository .findOneByLogin(SecurityUtils.getCurrentUser().getUsername()) .map( u -> { userService.updateUserInformation( userDTO.getFirstName(), userDTO.getLastName(), userDTO.getEmail(), userDTO.getLangKey()); return new ResponseEntity<String>(HttpStatus.OK); }) .orElseGet(() -> new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)); }
/** POST /evolutionPrescriptions -> Create a new evolutionPrescription. */ @RequestMapping( value = "/episodes/{episode_id}/evolutionPrescriptions", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @Timed public ResponseEntity<EvolutionPrescription> createByEpisode( @PathVariable(value = "episode_id") Long episodeId, @RequestBody EvolutionPrescription evolutionPrescription) throws URISyntaxException { log.debug("REST request to save EvolutionPrescription : {}", evolutionPrescription); if (evolutionPrescription.getId() != null) { return ResponseEntity.badRequest() .header("Failure", "A new evolutionPrescription cannot already have an ID") .body(null); } Episode episode = new Episode(); episode.setId(episodeId); evolutionPrescription.setEpisode(episode); EvolutionPrescription result = evolutionPrescriptionRepository.save(evolutionPrescription); return ResponseEntity.created( new URI("/api/episodes/" + episodeId + "/evolutionPrescriptions/" + result.getId())) .headers( HeaderUtil.createEntityCreationAlert( "evolutionPrescription", result.getId().toString())) .body(result); }
/** POST /newss -> Create a new news. */ @RequestMapping( value = "/newss", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @Timed public ResponseEntity<News> createNews(@Valid @RequestBody News news) throws URISyntaxException { log.debug("REST request to save News : {}", news); if (news.getId() != null) { return ResponseEntity.badRequest() .headers( HeaderUtil.createFailureAlert( "news", "idexists", "A new news cannot already have an ID")) .body(null); } News result = newsRepository.save(news); List<Subscription> subscriptions = subscriptionRepository .findAll() .stream() .filter(item -> (item.getIdMarketPlace().equals(result.getMarketPlace().getId()))) .collect(Collectors.toList()); String title = result.getMarketPlace().getName() + " vous a envoyé une News !"; String content = result.getTitle() + "\n\n\n" + result.getContent(); for (Subscription subscription : subscriptions) { mailService.sendEmail(subscription.getUser().getEmail(), title, content, false, false); } return ResponseEntity.created(new URI("/api/newss/" + result.getId())) .headers(HeaderUtil.createEntityCreationAlert("news", result.getId().toString())) .body(result); }
/** * PUT /users : Updates an existing User. * * @param managedUserDTO the user to update * @return the ResponseEntity with status 200 (OK) and with body the updated user, or with status * 400 (Bad Request) if the login or email is already in use, or with status 500 (Internal * Server Error) if the user couldnt be updated */ @RequestMapping( value = "/users", method = RequestMethod.PUT, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @Timed @Transactional @Secured(AuthoritiesConstants.ADMIN) public ResponseEntity<ManagedUserDTO> updateUser(@RequestBody ManagedUserDTO managedUserDTO) { log.debug("REST request to update User : {}", managedUserDTO); Optional<User> existingUser = userRepository.findOneByEmail(managedUserDTO.getEmail()); if (existingUser.isPresent() && (!existingUser.get().getId().equals(managedUserDTO.getId()))) { return ResponseEntity.badRequest() .headers( HeaderUtil.createFailureAlert( "userManagement", "emailexists", "E-mail already in use")) .body(null); } existingUser = userRepository.findOneByLogin(managedUserDTO.getLogin().toLowerCase()); if (existingUser.isPresent() && (!existingUser.get().getId().equals(managedUserDTO.getId()))) { return ResponseEntity.badRequest() .headers( HeaderUtil.createFailureAlert("userManagement", "userexists", "Login already in use")) .body(null); } return userRepository .findOneById(managedUserDTO.getId()) .map( user -> { user.setLogin(managedUserDTO.getLogin()); user.setFirstName(managedUserDTO.getFirstName()); user.setLastName(managedUserDTO.getLastName()); user.setEmail(managedUserDTO.getEmail()); user.setActivated(managedUserDTO.isActivated()); user.setLangKey(managedUserDTO.getLangKey()); Set<Authority> authorities = user.getAuthorities(); authorities.clear(); managedUserDTO .getAuthorities() .stream() .forEach(authority -> authorities.add(authorityRepository.findOne(authority))); return ResponseEntity.ok() .headers( HeaderUtil.createAlert("userManagement.updated", managedUserDTO.getLogin())) .body(new ManagedUserDTO(userRepository.findOne(managedUserDTO.getId()))); }) .orElseGet(() -> new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)); }
/** * POST /users : Creates a new user. * * <p>Creates a new user if the login and email are not already used, and sends an mail with an * activation link. The user needs to be activated on creation. * * @param managedUserDTO the user to create * @param request the HTTP request * @return the ResponseEntity with status 201 (Created) and with body the new user, or with status * 400 (Bad Request) if the login or email is already in use * @throws URISyntaxException if the Location URI syntaxt is incorrect */ @RequestMapping( value = "/users", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @Timed @Secured(AuthoritiesConstants.ADMIN) public ResponseEntity<?> createUser( @RequestBody ManagedUserDTO managedUserDTO, HttpServletRequest request) throws URISyntaxException { log.debug("REST request to save User : {}", managedUserDTO); // Lowercase the user login before comparing with database if (userRepository.findOneByLogin(managedUserDTO.getLogin().toLowerCase()).isPresent()) { return ResponseEntity.badRequest() .headers( HeaderUtil.createFailureAlert("userManagement", "userexists", "Login already in use")) .body(null); } else if (userRepository.findOneByEmail(managedUserDTO.getEmail()).isPresent()) { return ResponseEntity.badRequest() .headers( HeaderUtil.createFailureAlert( "userManagement", "emailexists", "Email already in use")) .body(null); } else { User newUser = userService.createUser(managedUserDTO); String baseUrl = request.getScheme() + // "http" "://" + // "://" request.getServerName() + // "myhost" ":" + // ":" request.getServerPort() + // "80" request.getContextPath(); // "/myContextPath" or "" if deployed in root context mailService.sendCreationEmail(newUser, baseUrl); return ResponseEntity.created(new URI("/api/users/" + newUser.getLogin())) .headers(HeaderUtil.createAlert("userManagement.created", newUser.getLogin())) .body(newUser); } }
@RequestMapping(value = "", method = RequestMethod.PUT) @JsonView(View.PrincipalWithManyToOne.class) public ResponseEntity<Offender> update(@Valid @RequestBody Offender teacher) throws URISyntaxException { if (!teacher.getType().equals(OffenderTypeEnum.TEACHER)) { return ResponseEntity.badRequest().header("Failure", "This is not a teacher").body(null); } return super.update(teacher); }
/** POST /register -> register the user. */ @RequestMapping( value = "/register", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE) @Timed public ResponseEntity<?> registerAccount( @Valid @RequestBody UserDTO userDTO, HttpServletRequest request) { User user = userRepository.findOneByLogin(userDTO.getLogin()); if (user != null) { return ResponseEntity.badRequest() .contentType(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) .body("login already in use"); } else { if (userRepository.findOneByEmail(userDTO.getEmail()) != null) { return ResponseEntity.badRequest() .contentType(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) .body("e-mail address already in use"); } user = userService.createUserInformation( userDTO.getLogin(), userDTO.getPassword(), userDTO.getFirstName(), userDTO.getLastName(), userDTO.getEmail().toLowerCase(), userDTO.getLangKey()); String baseUrl = request.getScheme() + // "http" "://" + // "://" request.getServerName() + // "myhost" ":" + // ":" request.getServerPort(); // "80" mailService.sendActivationEmail(user, baseUrl); return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.CREATED); } }
@RequestMapping(value = "${cerberus.route.authentication.refresh}", method = RequestMethod.GET) public ResponseEntity<?> authenticationRequest(HttpServletRequest request) { String token = request.getHeader(this.tokenHeader); String username = this.tokenUtils.getUsernameFromToken(token); CerberusUser user = (CerberusUser) this.userDetailsService.loadUserByUsername(username); if (this.tokenUtils.canTokenBeRefreshed(token, user.getLastPasswordReset())) { String refreshedToken = this.tokenUtils.refreshToken(token); return ResponseEntity.ok(new AuthenticationResponse(refreshedToken)); } else { return ResponseEntity.badRequest().body(null); } }
private ResponseEntity<?> checkErrors(String location) { String[] locationErrors = location.split(";"); if (Character.isDigit(locationErrors[0].charAt(0))) { return ResponseEntity.badRequest() .headers(HeaderUtil.createFailureAlert("purchaseOrder", "PayPalError", location)) .body("{\"error\":\"PayPalError\",\"detail\":\"" + location + "\"}"); // return new ResponseEntity<>(locationErrors[1], // HttpStatus.valueOf(Integer.valueOf(locationErrors[0]))); } return null; }
/** POST /group -> Create a new group. */ @RequestMapping( value = "/group", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @Timed public ResponseEntity<Void> create(@RequestBody Group group) throws URISyntaxException { log.debug("REST request to save Group : {}", group); if (group.getId() != null) { return ResponseEntity.badRequest() .header("Failure", "A new group cannot already have an ID") .build(); } groupRepository.save(group); return ResponseEntity.created(new URI("/api/group/" + group.getId())).build(); }
/** POST /orderStatuss -> Create a new orderStatus. */ @RequestMapping( value = "/orderStatuss", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @Timed public ResponseEntity<Void> create(@Valid @RequestBody OrderStatus orderStatus) throws URISyntaxException { log.debug("REST request to save OrderStatus : {}", orderStatus); if (orderStatus.getId() != null) { return ResponseEntity.badRequest() .header("Failure", "A new orderStatus cannot already have an ID") .build(); } orderStatusRepository.save(orderStatus); return ResponseEntity.created(new URI("/api/orderStatuss/" + orderStatus.getId())).build(); }
/** POST /prices -> Create a new price. */ @RequestMapping( value = "/prices", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @Timed public ResponseEntity<Void> create(@Valid @RequestBody Price price) throws URISyntaxException { log.debug("REST request to save Price : {}", price); if (price.getId() != null) { return ResponseEntity.badRequest() .header("Failure", "A new price cannot already have an ID") .build(); } priceRepository.save(price); priceSearchRepository.save(price); return ResponseEntity.created(new URI("/api/prices/" + price.getId())).build(); }
/** POST /codingSessions -> Create a new codingSession. */ @RequestMapping( value = "/codingSessions", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @Timed public ResponseEntity<Void> create(@RequestBody CodingSession codingSession) throws URISyntaxException { log.debug("REST request to save CodingSession : {}", codingSession); if (codingSession.getId() != null) { return ResponseEntity.badRequest() .header("Failure", "A new codingSession cannot already have an ID") .build(); } codingSessionRepository.save(codingSession); return ResponseEntity.created(new URI("/api/codingSessions/" + codingSession.getId())).build(); }
/** POST /customers -> Create a new customer. */ @RequestMapping( value = "/customers", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @Timed public ResponseEntity<Customer> create(@Valid @RequestBody Customer customer) throws URISyntaxException { log.debug("REST request to save Customer : {}", customer); if (customer.getId() != null) { return ResponseEntity.badRequest() .header("Failure", "A new customer cannot already have an ID") .body(null); } Customer result = customerRepository.save(customer); return ResponseEntity.created(new URI("/api/customers/" + customer.getId())).body(result); }
/** POST /socios -> Create a new socio. */ @RequestMapping( value = "/socios", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @Timed public ResponseEntity<Socio> create(@Valid @RequestBody Socio socio) throws URISyntaxException { log.debug("REST request to save Socio : {}", socio); if (socio.getId() != null) { return ResponseEntity.badRequest() .header("Failure", "A new socio cannot already have an ID") .body(null); } Socio result = socioRepository.save(socio); return ResponseEntity.created(new URI("/api/socios/" + result.getId())) .headers(HeaderUtil.createEntityCreationAlert("socio", result.getId().toString())) .body(result); }
/** POST /books -> Create a new book. */ @RequestMapping( value = "/books", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @Timed public ResponseEntity<Book> createBook(@RequestBody Book book) throws URISyntaxException { log.debug("REST request to save Book : {}", book); if (book.getId() != null) { return ResponseEntity.badRequest() .header("Failure", "A new book cannot already have an ID") .body(null); } Book result = bookRepository.save(book); return ResponseEntity.created(new URI("/api/books/" + result.getId())) .headers(HeaderUtil.createEntityCreationAlert("book", result.getId().toString())) .body(result); }
/** POST /teams -> Create a new team. */ @RequestMapping( value = "/teams", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @Timed public ResponseEntity<Team> createTeam(@Valid @RequestBody Team team) throws URISyntaxException { log.debug("REST request to save Team : {}", team); if (team.getId() != null) { return ResponseEntity.badRequest() .header("Failure", "A new team cannot already have an ID") .body(null); } Team result = teamRepository.save(team); return ResponseEntity.created(new URI("/api/teams/" + result.getId())) .headers(HeaderUtil.createEntityCreationAlert("team", result.getId().toString())) .body(result); }
/** POST /roles -> Create a new role. */ @RequestMapping( value = "/roles", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @Timed public ResponseEntity<Role> createRole(@Valid @RequestBody Role role) throws URISyntaxException { log.debug("REST request to save Role : {}", role); if (role.getId() != null) { return ResponseEntity.badRequest() .header("Failure", "A new role cannot already have an ID") .body(null); } Role result = roleRepository.save(role); roleSearchRepository.save(result); return ResponseEntity.created(new URI("/api/roles/" + result.getId())) .headers(HeaderUtil.createEntityCreationAlert("role", result.getId().toString())) .body(result); }
/** POST /clinicHistorys -> Create a new clinicHistory. */ @RequestMapping( value = "/clinicHistorys", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @Timed public ResponseEntity<ClinicHistory> create(@RequestBody ClinicHistory clinicHistory) throws URISyntaxException { log.debug("REST request to save ClinicHistory : {}", clinicHistory); if (clinicHistory.getId() != null) { return ResponseEntity.badRequest() .header("Failure", "A new clinicHistory cannot already have an ID") .body(null); } ClinicHistory result = clinicHistoryRepository.save(clinicHistory); return ResponseEntity.created(new URI("/api/clinicHistorys/" + result.getId())) .headers(HeaderUtil.createEntityCreationAlert("clinicHistory", result.getId().toString())) .body(result); }
/** POST /accountings -> Create a new accounting. */ @RequestMapping( value = "/accountings", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @Timed public ResponseEntity<Accounting> createAccounting(@RequestBody Accounting accounting) throws URISyntaxException { log.debug("REST request to save Accounting : {}", accounting); if (accounting.getId() != null) { return ResponseEntity.badRequest() .header("Failure", "A new accounting cannot already have an ID") .body(null); } Accounting result = accountingRepository.save(accounting); return ResponseEntity.created(new URI("/api/accountings/" + result.getId())) .headers(HeaderUtil.createEntityCreationAlert("accounting", result.getId().toString())) .body(result); }
/** POST /users -> Create a new user. */ @RequestMapping( value = "/users", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @Timed @Secured(AuthoritiesConstants.ADMIN) public ResponseEntity<User> createUser(@RequestBody User user) throws URISyntaxException { log.debug("REST request to save User : {}", user); if (user.getId() != null) { return ResponseEntity.badRequest() .header("Failure", "A new user cannot already have an ID") .body(null); } User result = userRepository.save(user); return ResponseEntity.created(new URI("/api/users/" + result.getId())) .headers(HeaderUtil.createEntityCreationAlert("user", result.getId().toString())) .body(result); }
/** POST /reponse_joueurs -> Create a new reponse_joueur. */ @RequestMapping( value = "/reponse_joueurs", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @Timed public ResponseEntity<Reponse_joueur> createReponse_joueur( @RequestBody Reponse_joueur reponse_joueur) throws URISyntaxException { log.debug("REST request to save Reponse_joueur : {}", reponse_joueur); if (reponse_joueur.getId() != null) { return ResponseEntity.badRequest() .header("Failure", "A new reponse_joueur cannot already have an ID") .body(null); } Reponse_joueur result = reponse_joueurRepository.save(reponse_joueur); return ResponseEntity.created(new URI("/api/reponse_joueurs/" + result.getId())) .headers(HeaderUtil.createEntityCreationAlert("reponse_joueur", result.getId().toString())) .body(result); }
@RequestMapping( method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public ResponseEntity<?> addTask(@RequestBody Task task) { if (taskService.findByTaskTitle(task.getTitle()) != null) { LOGGER.warn("title '" + task.getTitle() + "' already in use!"); return ResponseEntity.badRequest() .headers( HeaderUtil.createFailureAlert( "task-managament", "taskexists", "Title already in use")) .body(null); } else { taskService.save(task); LOGGER.info("Task '" + task.getTitle() + "' has been added"); return ResponseEntity.ok().build(); } }
/** POST /environments -> Create a new environment. */ @RequestMapping( value = "/environments", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @Timed public ResponseEntity<Environment> createEnvironment(@Valid @RequestBody Environment environment) throws URISyntaxException { log.debug("REST request to save Environment : {}", environment); if (environment.getId() != null) { return ResponseEntity.badRequest() .header("Failure", "A new environment cannot already have an ID") .body(null); } Environment result = environmentRepository.save(environment); environmentSearchRepository.save(result); return ResponseEntity.created(new URI("/api/environments/" + result.getId())) .headers(HeaderUtil.createEntityCreationAlert("environment", result.getId().toString())) .body(result); }
/** POST /proveedoress -> Create a new proveedores. */ @RequestMapping( value = "/proveedoress", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @Timed public ResponseEntity<ProveedoresDTO> createProveedores( @Valid @RequestBody ProveedoresDTO proveedoresDTO) throws URISyntaxException { log.debug("REST request to save Proveedores : {}", proveedoresDTO); if (proveedoresDTO.getId() != null) { return ResponseEntity.badRequest() .header("Failure", "A new proveedores cannot already have an ID") .body(null); } Proveedores proveedores = proveedoresMapper.proveedoresDTOToProveedores(proveedoresDTO); Proveedores result = proveedoresRepository.save(proveedores); return ResponseEntity.created(new URI("/api/proveedoress/" + result.getId())) .headers(HeaderUtil.createEntityCreationAlert("proveedores", result.getId().toString())) .body(proveedoresMapper.proveedoresToProveedoresDTO(result)); }
/** POST /fases -> Create a new fase. */ @RequestMapping( value = "/fases", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @Timed public ResponseEntity<FaseDTO> create(@RequestBody FaseDTO faseDTO) throws URISyntaxException { log.debug("REST request to save Fase : {}", faseDTO); if (faseDTO.getId() != null) { return ResponseEntity.badRequest() .header("Failure", "A new fase cannot already have an ID") .body(null); } Fase fase = faseMapper.faseDTOToFase(faseDTO); Fase result = faseRepository.save(fase); faseSearchRepository.save(result); return ResponseEntity.created(new URI("/api/fases/" + result.getId())) .headers(HeaderUtil.createEntityCreationAlert("fase", result.getId().toString())) .body(faseMapper.faseToFaseDTO(result)); }
/** POST /specialitys -> Create a new speciality. */ @RequestMapping( value = "/specialitys", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @Timed public ResponseEntity<Speciality> createSpeciality(@Valid @RequestBody Speciality speciality) throws URISyntaxException { log.debug("REST request to save Speciality : {}", speciality); if (speciality.getId() != null) { return ResponseEntity.badRequest() .header("Failure", "A new speciality cannot already have an ID") .body(null); } Speciality result = specialityRepository.save(speciality); specialitySearchRepository.save(result); return ResponseEntity.created(new URI("/api/specialitys/" + result.getId())) .headers(HeaderUtil.createEntityCreationAlert("speciality", result.getId().toString())) .body(result); }
/** POST /ordenCompras -> Create a new ordenCompra. */ @RequestMapping( value = "/ordenCompras", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @Timed public ResponseEntity<OrdenCompraDTO> createOrdenCompra( @Valid @RequestBody OrdenCompraDTO ordenCompraDTO) throws URISyntaxException { log.debug("REST request to save OrdenCompra : {}", ordenCompraDTO); if (ordenCompraDTO.getId() != null) { return ResponseEntity.badRequest() .header("Failure", "A new ordenCompra cannot already have an ID") .body(null); } OrdenCompra ordenCompra = ordenCompraMapper.ordenCompraDTOToOrdenCompra(ordenCompraDTO); OrdenCompra result = ordenCompraRepository.save(ordenCompra); return ResponseEntity.created(new URI("/api/ordenCompras/" + result.getId())) .headers(HeaderUtil.createEntityCreationAlert("ordenCompra", result.getId().toString())) .body(ordenCompraMapper.ordenCompraToOrdenCompraDTO(result)); }