private boolean compareMD5(String expected, File file) { String actual = MD5Utils.getMD5(file); Launcher.debug( "Checking MD5 of " + file.getName() + ". Expected MD5: " + expected + " | Actual MD5: " + actual); if (expected == null || actual == null) { return false; } return expected.equals(actual); }
public static Download downloadFile( String url, String output, String cacheName, String md5, DownloadListener listener) throws IOException { int tries = Settings.getLoginTries(); File outputFile = null; Download download = null; while (tries > 0) { System.out.println("Starting download of " + url + ", with " + tries + " tries remaining"); tries--; download = new Download(url, output); download.setListener(listener);; if (!download.isSuccess()) { if (download.getOutFile() != null) { download.getOutFile().delete(); } System.err.println("Download of " + url + " Failed!"); if (listener != null) listener.stateChanged("Download Failed, retries remaining: " + tries, 0F); } else { if (md5 != null) { String resultMD5 = MD5Utils.getMD5(download.getOutFile()); System.out.println("Expected MD5: " + md5 + " Calculated MD5: " + resultMD5); if (resultMD5.equals(md5)) { outputFile = download.getOutFile(); break; } } else { outputFile = download.getOutFile(); break; } } } if (outputFile == null) { throw new IOException("Failed to download " + url); } if (cacheName != null) { Utils.copy(outputFile, new File(Launcher.getGameUpdater().getBinCacheDir(), cacheName)); } return download; }
/** * Returns true if validation completed without errors, false if something went wrong deleting * files * * @return true on validation completion, false on failure * @throws RestfulAPIException */ private boolean validate(SpoutcraftData build) throws RestfulAPIException { File minecraftJar = new File(Launcher.getGameUpdater().getBinDir(), "minecraft.jar"); if (minecraftJar.exists()) { if (!compareMD5(build.getMinecraft().getMd5(), minecraftJar)) { // Launcher.err("Invalid minecraft.jar"); return minecraftJar.delete(); } } else { Launcher.err("There is no minecraft.jar!"); return true; } File spoutcraft = new File(Launcher.getGameUpdater().getBinDir(), "spoutcraft.jar"); if (spoutcraft.exists()) { if (!compareMD5(build.getMD5(), spoutcraft)) { Launcher.err("Invalid spoutcraft.jar"); return spoutcraft.delete(); } } else { Launcher.err("There is no spoutcraft.jar"); return true; } final Minecraft minecraft = build.getMinecraft(); final String jinputMD5 = UpdateThread.findMd5("jinput", null, minecraft.getLibraries()); File jinputJar = new File(Launcher.getGameUpdater().getBinDir(), "jinput.jar"); if (jinputJar.exists()) { if (!compareMD5(jinputMD5, jinputJar)) { Launcher.err("Invalid jinput.jar"); return jinputJar.delete(); } } else { Launcher.err("There is no jinput.jar"); return true; } final String lwjglMD5 = UpdateThread.findMd5("lwjgl", null, minecraft.getLibraries()); File lwjglJar = new File(Launcher.getGameUpdater().getBinDir(), "lwjgl.jar"); if (lwjglJar.exists()) { if (!compareMD5(lwjglMD5, lwjglJar)) { Launcher.err("Invalid lwjgl.jar"); return lwjglJar.delete(); } } else { Launcher.err("There is no lwjgl.jar"); return true; } final String lwjgl_utilMD5 = UpdateThread.findMd5("lwjgl_util", null, minecraft.getLibraries()); File lwjgl_utilJar = new File(Launcher.getGameUpdater().getBinDir(), "lwjgl_util.jar"); if (lwjgl_utilJar.exists()) { if (!compareMD5(lwjgl_utilMD5, lwjgl_utilJar)) { Launcher.err("Invalid lwjgl_util.jar"); return lwjgl_utilJar.delete(); } } else { Launcher.err("There is no lwjgl_util.jar"); return true; } File libDir = new File(Launcher.getGameUpdater().getBinDir(), "lib"); List<Library> libraries = build.getLibraries(); for (Library lib : libraries) { File libraryFile = new File(libDir, + ".jar"); if (libraryFile.exists()) { String md5 = MD5Utils.getMD5(libraryFile); if (!lib.valid(md5)) { Launcher.err("Invalid " + libraryFile.getName()); return libraryFile.delete(); } } else { Launcher.err("There is no " + libraryFile.getName()); return true; } } passed = true; return true; }