public void testSplitText() {
       "Empty text should be split into one part (unported).",
       GsmAlphabet.splitText("", false).length);
       "Empty text should be split into one part (ported).",
       GsmAlphabet.splitText("", true).length);
 private void testStringToBytes(String text) {
   byte[] refBytes = new byte[400];
   int cBytesLength = ReferenceGsmAlphabet.stringToBytes(text, refBytes);
   byte[] finalRefBytes = new byte[cBytesLength];
   System.arraycopy(refBytes, 0, finalRefBytes, 0, cBytesLength);
   assertEquals("", finalRefBytes, GsmAlphabet.stringToBytes(text));
 private void testBytesToString(byte[] bytes) {
   String cString = ReferenceGsmAlphabet.bytesToString(bytes);
   String myString = GsmAlphabet.bytesToString(bytes);
   try {
     myAssertEquals("Generated strings not equal.", myString, cString);
   } catch (ComparisonFailure c) {
     System.out.println("cString  : " + cString);
     System.out.println("myString : " + myString);
     System.out.println("bytes    : " + new String(bytes));
     int minLen = Math.min(cString.length(), myString.length());
     for (int i = 0; i < minLen; i++) {
       if (cString.charAt(i) != myString.charAt(i)) {
         System.out.println("Naughty Character Found:");
         System.out.println("  c : " + cString.charAt(i) + "\t" + ((int) cString.charAt(i)));
         System.out.println("  my: " + myString.charAt(i) + "\t" + ((int) myString.charAt(i)));
     throw c;
   * FIXME rename this test in line with renamed {@link GsmAlphabet#pduToText(String)} rename.
   * @param pdu
  private void testPduToText(String pdu) {
    byte[] nonRefBytes = GsmAlphabet.pduToText(pdu);
    StringBuilder nonRefPdu = new StringBuilder(nonRefBytes.length);
    for (byte b : nonRefBytes) nonRefPdu.append((char) b);
    String referencePdu = ReferenceGsmAlphabet.pduToText(pdu);

    String nonRefPduString = nonRefPdu.toString();
    for (int i = 0; i < referencePdu.length(); i++) {
          "Character "
              + i
              + "was different - expected '"
              + referencePdu
              + "' but was '"
              + nonRefPduString
              + "'",
    // Cunningly ignore the first character - the new implementation is correct, but the old one
    // was very nearly correct!
    // TODO update this testPduToText method, and the reference implementation, to the correct
    // implementation.