   * Prepares a temporary attributes map for serialization purposes. Includes only the requested
   * elements in the map.
  private Map<String, Object> prepareAttributesForSerialization(
      boolean saveDocuments, boolean saveClusters, boolean saveOtherAttributes) {
    final Map<String, Object> tempAttributes = Maps.newHashMap();

    if (saveOtherAttributes) {
    } else {
      tempAttributes.put(AttributeNames.QUERY, attributes.get(AttributeNames.QUERY));

    if (saveDocuments) {
      tempAttributes.put(AttributeNames.DOCUMENTS, getDocuments());

    if (saveClusters) {
      tempAttributes.put(AttributeNames.CLUSTERS, getClusters());

    return tempAttributes;
  /** Transfers document and cluster lists to the attributes map after deserialization. */
  private void afterDeserialization() throws Exception {
    if (otherAttributesForSerialization != null) {
      attributes = SimpleXmlWrappers.unwrap(otherAttributesForSerialization);

    attributesView = Collections.unmodifiableMap(attributes);

    attributes.put(AttributeNames.QUERY, query != null ? query.trim() : null);
    attributes.put(AttributeNames.DOCUMENTS, documents);
    attributes.put(AttributeNames.CLUSTERS, clusters);

    // Convert document ids to the actual references
    if (clusters != null && documents != null) {
      final Map<String, Document> documentsById = Maps.newHashMap();
      for (Document document : documents) {
        documentsById.put(document.getStringId(), document);

      for (Cluster cluster : clusters) {
        documentIdToReference(cluster, documentsById);
 * Encapsulates the results of processing. Provides access to the values of attributes collected
 * after processing and utility methods for obtaining processed documents ( {@link
 * #getDocuments()})) and the created clusters ({@link #getClusters()}).
@Root(name = "searchresult", strict = false)
public final class ProcessingResult {
  /** Attributes collected after processing */
  private Map<String, Object> attributes = Maps.newHashMap();

  /** Read-only view of attributes exposed in {@link #getAttributes()} */
  private Map<String, Object> attributesView;

   * Query field used during serialization/ deserialization, see {@link #afterDeserialization()} and
   * {@link #beforeSerialization()}
  @Element(required = false)
  private String query;

   * Documents field used during serialization/ deserialization, see {@link #afterDeserialization()}
   * and {@link #beforeSerialization()}
  @ElementList(inline = true, required = false)
  private List<Document> documents;

   * Clusters field used during serialization/ deserialization, see {@link #afterDeserialization()}
   * and {@link #beforeSerialization()}
  @ElementList(inline = true, required = false)
  private List<Cluster> clusters;

  /** Attributes of this result for serialization/ deserialization purposes. */
  @ElementMap(entry = "attribute", key = "key", attribute = true, inline = true, required = false)
  private HashMap<String, SimpleXmlWrapperValue> otherAttributesForSerialization;

  /** Parameterless constructor required for XML serialization/ deserialization. */
  ProcessingResult() {
    this(new HashMap<String, Object>());

   * Creates a {@link ProcessingResult} with the provided <code>attributes</code>. Assigns unique
   * document identifiers if documents are present in the <code>attributes</code> map (under the key
   * {@link AttributeNames#DOCUMENTS}).
  ProcessingResult(Map<String, Object> attributes) {
    this.attributes = attributes;

    // Replace a modifiable collection of documents with an unmodifiable one
    final List<Document> documents = (List<Document>) attributes.get(AttributeNames.DOCUMENTS);
    if (documents != null) {
      attributes.put(AttributeNames.DOCUMENTS, Collections.unmodifiableList(documents));

    // Replace a modifiable collection of clusters with an unmodifiable one
    final List<Cluster> clusters = (List<Cluster>) attributes.get(AttributeNames.CLUSTERS);
    if (clusters != null) {
      attributes.put(AttributeNames.CLUSTERS, Collections.unmodifiableList(clusters));

    // Store a reference to attributes as an unmodifiable map
    this.attributesView = Collections.unmodifiableMap(attributes);

   * Returns attributes fed-in and collected during processing. The returned map is unmodifiable.
   * @return attributes fed-in and collected during processing
  public Map<String, Object> getAttributes() {
    return attributesView;

   * Returns a specific attribute of this result set. This method is equivalent to calling {@link
   * #getAttributes()} and then getting the required attribute from the map.
   * @param key key of the attribute to return
   * @return value of the attribute
  public <T> T getAttribute(String key) {
    return (T) attributesView.get(key);

   * Returns the documents that have been processed. The returned collection is unmodifiable.
   * @return documents that have been processed or <code>null</code> if no documents are present in
   *     the result.
  public List<Document> getDocuments() {
    return (List<Document>) attributes.get(AttributeNames.DOCUMENTS);

   * TODO: Returning a list of clusters instead of a (possibly artificial) cluster with
   * subclusters adds a little complexity to recursive methods operating on clusters (a
   * natural entry point is a method taking one cluster and acting on subclusters
   * recursively). If we have to start with a list of clusters, we have to handle this
   * special case separately...

   * Returns the clusters that have been created during processing. The returned list is
   * unmodifiable.
   * @return clusters created during processing or <code>null</code> if no clusters were present in
   *     the result.
  public List<Cluster> getClusters() {
    return (List<Cluster>) attributes.get(AttributeNames.CLUSTERS);

  /** Extracts document and cluster lists before serialization. */
  private void beforeSerialization() {
     * See http://issues.carrot2.org/browse/CARROT-693; this monitor does not save us
     * in multi-threaded environment anyway. A better solution would be to prepare
     * this eagerly in the constructor, but we try to balance overhead and full
     * correctness here.
    synchronized (this) {
      query = (String) attributes.get(AttributeNames.QUERY);

      if (getDocuments() != null) {
        documents = Lists.newArrayList(getDocuments());
      } else {
        documents = null;

      if (getClusters() != null) {
        clusters = Lists.newArrayList(getClusters());
      } else {
        clusters = null;

      otherAttributesForSerialization = MapUtils.asHashMap(SimpleXmlWrappers.wrap(attributes));
      if (otherAttributesForSerialization.isEmpty()) {
        otherAttributesForSerialization = null;

  /** Transfers document and cluster lists to the attributes map after deserialization. */
  private void afterDeserialization() throws Exception {
    if (otherAttributesForSerialization != null) {
      attributes = SimpleXmlWrappers.unwrap(otherAttributesForSerialization);

    attributesView = Collections.unmodifiableMap(attributes);

    attributes.put(AttributeNames.QUERY, query != null ? query.trim() : null);
    attributes.put(AttributeNames.DOCUMENTS, documents);
    attributes.put(AttributeNames.CLUSTERS, clusters);

    // Convert document ids to the actual references
    if (clusters != null && documents != null) {
      final Map<String, Document> documentsById = Maps.newHashMap();
      for (Document document : documents) {
        documentsById.put(document.getStringId(), document);

      for (Cluster cluster : clusters) {
        documentIdToReference(cluster, documentsById);

  /** Replace document refids with the actual references upon deserialization. */
  private void documentIdToReference(Cluster cluster, Map<String, Document> documents) {
    if (cluster.documentIds != null) {
      for (Cluster.DocumentRefid documentRefid : cluster.documentIds) {

    for (Cluster subcluster : cluster.getSubclusters()) {
      documentIdToReference(subcluster, documents);

  /** Serializes this {@link ProcessingResult} to an XML string. */
  public String serialize() {
    try {
      StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
      new Persister().write(this, sw);
      return sw.toString();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);

   * Serializes this {@link ProcessingResult} to an XML stream. The output includes all documents,
   * clusters and other attributes.
   * <p>This method is not thread-safe, external synchronization must be applied if needed.
   * @param stream the stream to serialize this {@link ProcessingResult} to. The stream will
   *     <strong>not</strong> be closed.
   * @throws Exception in case of any problems with serialization
  public void serialize(OutputStream stream) throws Exception {
    serialize(stream, true, true);

   * Serializes this {@link ProcessingResult} to a byte stream. Documents and clusters can be
   * included or skipped in the output as requested. Other attributes are always included.
   * <p>This method is not thread-safe, external synchronization must be applied if needed.
   * @param stream the stream to serialize this {@link ProcessingResult} to. The stream will
   *     <strong>not</strong> be closed.
   * @param saveDocuments if <code>false</code>, documents will not be serialized. Notice that when
   *     deserializing XML containing clusters but not documents, document references in {@link
   *     Cluster#getDocuments()} will not be restored.
   * @param saveClusters if <code>false</code>, clusters will not be serialized
   * @throws Exception in case of any problems with serialization
  public void serialize(OutputStream stream, boolean saveDocuments, boolean saveClusters)
      throws Exception {
    serialize(stream, saveDocuments, saveClusters, true);

   * Serializes this {@link ProcessingResult} to a byte stream. Documents, clusters and other
   * attributes can be included or skipped in the output as requested.
   * <p>This method is not thread-safe, external synchronization must be applied if needed.
   * @param stream the stream to serialize this {@link ProcessingResult} to. The stream will
   *     <strong>not</strong> be closed.
   * @param saveDocuments if <code>false</code>, documents will not be serialized. Notice that when
   *     deserializing XML containing clusters but not documents, document references in {@link
   *     Cluster#getDocuments()} will not be restored.
   * @param saveClusters if <code>false</code>, clusters will not be serialized
   * @param saveOtherAttributes if <code>false</code>, other attributes will not be serialized
   * @throws Exception in case of any problems with serialization
  public void serialize(
      OutputStream stream, boolean saveDocuments, boolean saveClusters, boolean saveOtherAttributes)
      throws Exception {
    final Map<String, Object> backupAttributes = attributes;

    attributes =
        prepareAttributesForSerialization(saveDocuments, saveClusters, saveOtherAttributes);

    new Persister().write(this, stream);

    attributes = backupAttributes;

  /** Deserialize from an input stream of characters. */
  public static ProcessingResult deserialize(CharSequence input) throws Exception {
    return new Persister().read(ProcessingResult.class, input.toString());

   * Deserializes a {@link ProcessingResult} from an XML stream.
   * @param input the input XML stream to deserialize a {@link ProcessingResult} from. The stream
   *     will <strong>not</strong> be closed.
   * @return deserialized {@link ProcessingResult}
   * @throws Exception is case of any problems with deserialization
  public static ProcessingResult deserialize(InputStream input) throws Exception {
    return new Persister().read(ProcessingResult.class, input);

   * Serializes this processing result as JSON to the provided <code>writer</code>. The output
   * includes all documents, clusters and other attributes.
   * <p>This method is not thread-safe, external synchronization must be applied if needed.
   * @param writer the writer to serialize this processing result to. The writer will
   *     <strong>not</strong> be closed.
   * @throws IOException in case of any problems with serialization
  public void serializeJson(Writer writer) throws IOException {
    serializeJson(writer, null);

   * Serializes this processing result as JSON to the provided <code>writer</code>. The output
   * includes all documents, clusters and other attributes.
   * <p>This method is not thread-safe, external synchronization must be applied if needed.
   * @param writer the writer to serialize this processing result to. The writer will
   *     <strong>not</strong> be closed.
   * @param callback JavaScript function name in which to wrap the JSON response or <code>null
   *     </code>.
   * @throws IOException in case of any problems with serialization
  public void serializeJson(Writer writer, String callback) throws IOException {
    serializeJson(writer, callback, true, true);

   * Serializes this processing result as JSON to the provided <code>writer</code>. Documents and
   * clusters can be included or skipped in the output as requested. Other attributes are always
   * included.
   * <p>This method is not thread-safe, external synchronization must be applied if needed.
   * @param writer the writer to serialize this processing result to. The writer will
   *     <strong>not</strong> be closed.
   * @param callback JavaScript function name in which to wrap the JSON response or <code>null
   *     </code>.
   * @param saveDocuments if <code>false</code>, documents will not be serialized.
   * @param saveClusters if <code>false</code>, clusters will not be serialized
   * @throws IOException in case of any problems with serialization
  public void serializeJson(
      Writer writer, String callback, boolean saveDocuments, boolean saveClusters)
      throws IOException {
    serializeJson(writer, callback, false, saveDocuments, saveClusters);

   * Serializes this processing result as JSON to the provided <code>writer</code>.
   * <p>This method is not thread-safe, external synchronization must be applied if needed.
   * @param writer the writer to serialize this processing result to. The writer will
   *     <strong>not</strong> be closed.
   * @param callback JavaScript function name in which to wrap the JSON response or <code>null
   *     </code>.
   * @param indent if <code>true</code>, the output JSON will be pretty-printed
   * @param saveDocuments if <code>false</code>, documents will not be serialized.
   * @param saveClusters if <code>false</code>, clusters will not be serialized
   * @throws IOException in case of any problems with serialization
  public void serializeJson(
      Writer writer, String callback, boolean indent, boolean saveDocuments, boolean saveClusters)
      throws IOException {
    serializeJson(writer, callback, indent, saveDocuments, saveClusters, true);

   * Serializes this processing result as JSON to the provided <code>writer</code>. Documents,
   * clusters and other attributes can be included or skipped in the output as requested.
   * @param writer the writer to serialize this processing result to. The writer will
   *     <strong>not</strong> be closed.
   * @param callback JavaScript function name in which to wrap the JSON response or <code>null
   *     </code>.
   * @param indent if <code>true</code>, the output JSON will be pretty-printed
   * @param saveDocuments if <code>false</code>, documents will not be serialized.
   * @param saveClusters if <code>false</code>, clusters will not be serialized
   * @param saveOtherAttributes if <code>false</code>, other attributes will not be serialized
   * @throws IOException in case of any problems with serialization
  public void serializeJson(
      Writer writer,
      String callback,
      boolean indent,
      boolean saveDocuments,
      boolean saveClusters,
      boolean saveOtherAttributes)
      throws IOException {
    final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(callback)) {
      writer.write(callback + "(");
    final Map<String, Object> attrs =
        prepareAttributesForSerialization(saveDocuments, saveClusters, saveOtherAttributes);

    mapper.writeValue(writer, attrs);
    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(callback)) {

   * Prepares a temporary attributes map for serialization purposes. Includes only the requested
   * elements in the map.
  private Map<String, Object> prepareAttributesForSerialization(
      boolean saveDocuments, boolean saveClusters, boolean saveOtherAttributes) {
    final Map<String, Object> tempAttributes = Maps.newHashMap();

    if (saveOtherAttributes) {
    } else {
      tempAttributes.put(AttributeNames.QUERY, attributes.get(AttributeNames.QUERY));

    if (saveDocuments) {
      tempAttributes.put(AttributeNames.DOCUMENTS, getDocuments());

    if (saveClusters) {
      tempAttributes.put(AttributeNames.CLUSTERS, getClusters());

    return tempAttributes;