  * Called when a statement with resource value is added to the model.
  * @param subject IRI of the subject resource
  * @param predicate IRI of the predicate resource
  * @param object IRI of the object resource
  * @param reificationID if not {@code null}, contains IRI of the resource that will wold the
  *     reified statement
 public void statementWithResourceValue(
     @Nonnull String subject,
     @Nonnull String predicate,
     @Nonnull String object,
     @Nullable String reificationID) {
   String remappedSubject = consumer.remapOnlyIfRemapped(subject);
   consumer.statementWithResourceValue(remappedSubject, predicate, object);
   if (reificationID != null) {
     consumer.statementWithResourceValue(reificationID, RDF_TYPE, RDF_STATEMENT);
     consumer.statementWithResourceValue(reificationID, RDF_SUBJECT, remappedSubject);
     consumer.statementWithResourceValue(reificationID, RDF_PREDICATE, predicate);
     consumer.statementWithResourceValue(reificationID, RDF_OBJECT, object);