private Group getPeerGroupOf( Group group, AuthorizableManager authorizableManager, Map<String, Object> toSave) throws AccessDeniedException, StorageClientException { Group peerGroup = null; if (group.hasProperty(UserConstants.PROP_MANAGERS_GROUP)) { String managersGroupId = (String) group.getProperty(UserConstants.PROP_MANAGERS_GROUP); if (group.getId().equals(managersGroupId)) { return group; } peerGroup = (Group) toSave.get(managersGroupId); if (peerGroup == null) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug( "For {} Not in toSave List loading Managers Group from store {} ", group.getId(), managersGroupId); } peerGroup = (Group) authorizableManager.findAuthorizable(managersGroupId); } else { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug( "For {} got Managers Group from save list {} ", group.getId(), managersGroupId); } } } else if (group.hasProperty(UserConstants.PROP_MANAGED_GROUP)) { String managedGroupId = (String) group.getProperty(UserConstants.PROP_MANAGED_GROUP); if (group.getId().equals(managedGroupId)) { return group; } peerGroup = (Group) toSave.get(managedGroupId); if (peerGroup == null) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug( "For {} Not in toSave List loading Managed Group from store {} ", group.getId(), managedGroupId); } peerGroup = (Group) authorizableManager.findAuthorizable(managedGroupId); } else { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug( "For {} got Managed Group from save list {} ", group.getId(), managedGroupId); } } } return peerGroup; }
@Override protected TreeMap<String, Group> getGroups( Authorizable member, AuthorizableManager userManager, SlingHttpServletRequest request) throws StorageClientException, AccessDeniedException { TreeMap<String, Group> managedGroups = new TreeMap<String, Group>(); Iterator<Group> allGroupsIter = member.memberOf(userManager); for (String principal : member.getPrincipals()) { Group group = (Group) userManager.findAuthorizable(principal); if (group != null && !group.getId().equals(Group.EVERYONE)) { boolean isManager = false; if (isPseudoGroup(group) && isManagerGroup(group, userManager)) { // The group we want is the child of the pseudo group isManager = true; group = (Group) userManager.findAuthorizable( (String) group.getProperty(UserConstants.PROP_PSEUDO_GROUP_PARENT)); } else { for (String managerId : StorageClientUtils.nonNullStringArray( (String[]) group.getProperty(UserConstants.PROP_GROUP_MANAGERS))) { if (member.getId().equals(managerId)) { isManager = true; break; } } } if (isManager) { final String category = stringRequestParameter(request, "category", null); if (category == null) { // no filtering managedGroups.put(group.getId(), group); } else { // KERN-1865 category filter if (category.equals(group.getProperty("sakai:category"))) { managedGroups.put(group.getId(), group); } } } } } return managedGroups; }
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { provider = new MyRelatedGroupsPropertyProvider(searchServiceFactory); when(request.getRemoteUser()).thenReturn("user1"); when(repo.loginAdministrative()).thenReturn(session); when(session.getAuthorizableManager()).thenReturn(authMgr); when(authMgr.findAuthorizable("user1")).thenReturn(auth1); Group group1 = mock(Group.class); when(group1.getId()).thenReturn("group1"); when(group1.getProperty(GROUP_TITLE_PROPERTY)).thenReturn("Group 1 Test"); when(group1.getProperty("sakai:tag-uuid")).thenReturn(new String[] {"123-456"}); when(auth1.memberOf(authMgr)).thenReturn(Sets.newHashSet(group1).iterator()); when(searchServiceFactory.getSearchResultSet(eq(request), any(Query.class))).thenReturn(rs); }
/** * @param request The request that contains the authorizables. * @param group The group that should be modified. * @param propertyName The name of the property on the group where the authorizable IDs should be * added/deleted. * @param paramName The name of the parameter that contains the authorizable IDs. ie: :manager or * :viewer. If :manager is specified, :manager@Delete will be used for deletes. * @param extraPropertyValues An array of authorizable IDs that should be added as well. * @param toSave * @throws RepositoryException */ protected void handleAuthorizablesOnProperty( SlingHttpServletRequest request, Group group, String propertyName, String paramName, String[] extraPropertyValues, Map<String, Object> toSave) { Set<String> propertyValueSet = new HashSet<String>(); if (group.hasProperty(propertyName)) { String[] existingProperties = (String[]) group.getProperty(propertyName); for (String property : existingProperties) { propertyValueSet.add(property); } } boolean changed = false; // Remove all the managers that are in the :manager@Delete request parameter. String[] propertiesToDelete = request.getParameterValues(paramName + SlingPostConstants.SUFFIX_DELETE); if (propertiesToDelete != null) { for (String propertyToDelete : propertiesToDelete) { propertyValueSet.remove(propertyToDelete); changed = true; } } // Add the new ones (if any) String[] proeprtiesToAdd = request.getParameterValues(paramName); if (proeprtiesToAdd != null) { for (String propertyToAdd : proeprtiesToAdd) { propertyValueSet.add(propertyToAdd); changed = true; } } // Add the extra ones (if any.) if (extraPropertyValues != null) { for (String propertyValue : extraPropertyValues) { propertyValueSet.add(propertyValue); changed = true; } } // Write the property. if (changed) { group.setProperty( propertyName, propertyValueSet.toArray(new String[propertyValueSet.size()])); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Adding to save Queue {} {}", group.getId(), group.getSafeProperties()); } toSave.put(group.getId(), group); } }