public void saveMedia(String agent, String mediaLocation) { try { SecurityService.pushAdvisor( new SecurityAdvisor() { public SecurityAdvice isAllowed(String userId, String function, String reference) { return SecurityAdvice.ALLOWED; } }); File media = new File(mediaLocation); byte[] mediaByte = getMediaStream(mediaLocation); String mimeType = MimeTypesLocator.getInstance().getContentType(media); String fullname = media.getName().trim(); String collectionId = getPrivateCollection(); currentItem.setImageMapSrc("/access/content" + collectionId + fullname); ResourcePropertiesEdit resourceProperties = AssessmentService.getContentHostingService().newResourceProperties(); resourceProperties.addProperty(ResourceProperties.PROP_DISPLAY_NAME, fullname); AssessmentService.getContentHostingService() .addResource( collectionId + fullname, mimeType, mediaByte, resourceProperties, NotificationService.NOTI_NONE); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn(e); } finally { SecurityService.popAdvisor(); } }
private void getSiteParticipantList(String siteId, HttpServletResponse res) { // get the user id String userId = SessionManager.getCurrentSessionUserId(); if (userId == null) { // fail the request, user not logged in yet. log.warn( this + " HttpAccess for printing participant of site id =" + siteId + " without user loggin. "); } else { String siteReference = SiteService.siteReference(siteId); // check whether the user has permission to view the site roster or is super user if (SecurityService.unlock(userId, SiteService.SECURE_VIEW_ROSTER, siteReference) || SecurityService.isSuperUser()) { print_participant(siteId); } else { log.warn( this + " HttpAccess for printing participant of site id =" + siteId + " with user id = " + userId + ": user does not have permission to view roster. "); } } }
/** * Retrieve the list of pages in this site, checking to see if the user has permission to see the * page - by checking the permissions of tools on the page. * * @param site * @return */ public List getPermittedPagesInOrder(Site site) { // Get all of the pages List pages = site.getOrderedPages(); boolean siteUpdate = SecurityService.unlock("site.upd", site.getReference()); List newPages = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator i = pages.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { // check if current user has permission to see page SitePage p = (SitePage); List pTools = p.getTools(); Iterator iPt = pTools.iterator(); boolean allowPage = false; while (iPt.hasNext()) { ToolConfiguration placement = (ToolConfiguration); boolean thisTool = allowTool(site, placement); boolean unHidden = siteUpdate || !isHidden(placement); if (thisTool && unHidden) allowPage = true; } if (allowPage) newPages.add(p); } PageFilter pageFilter = portal.getPageFilter(); if (pageFilter != null) { newPages = pageFilter.filter(newPages, site); } return newPages; }
/** Setup a security advisor. */ public void pushAdvisor() { // setup a security advisor SecurityService.pushAdvisor( new SecurityAdvisor() { public SecurityAdvice isAllowed(String userId, String function, String reference) { return SecurityAdvice.ALLOWED; } }); }
public void doPresence( HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, Session session, String siteId, String toolContextPath, String toolPathInfo) throws ToolException, IOException { // permission check - visit the site Site site = null; try { Set<SecurityAdvisor> advisors = (Set<SecurityAdvisor>) session.getAttribute(""); if (advisors != null) { for (SecurityAdvisor advisor : advisors) { SecurityService.pushAdvisor(advisor); // session.removeAttribute(""); } } site = SiteService.getSiteVisit(siteId); } catch (IdUnusedException e) { portal.doError(req, res, session, Portal.ERROR_WORKSITE); return; } catch (PermissionException e) { // if not logged in, give them a chance if (session.getUserId() == null) { portal.doLogin(req, res, session, req.getPathInfo(), false); } else { portal.doError(req, res, session, Portal.ERROR_WORKSITE); } return; } // get the skin for the site String skin = site.getSkin(); // find the tool registered for this ActiveTool tool = ActiveToolManager.getActiveTool("sakai.presence"); if (tool == null) { portal.doError(req, res, session, Portal.ERROR_WORKSITE); return; } // form a placement based on the site and the fact that this is that // site's presence... // Note: the placement is transient, but will always have the same id // and context based on the siteId Placement placement = new org.sakaiproject.util.Placement( siteId + "-presence", tool.getId(), tool, null, siteId, null); portal.forwardTool(tool, req, res, placement, skin, toolContextPath, toolPathInfo); }
/** * Establish a security advisor to allow the "embedded" azg work to occur with no need for * additional security permissions. */ protected void enableSecurityAdvisorToGetAnnouncement() { // put in a security advisor so we can do our podcast work without need // of further permissions SecurityService.pushAdvisor( new SecurityAdvisor() { public SecurityAdvice isAllowed(String userId, String function, String reference) { if (function.equals(AnnouncementService.SECURE_ANNC_READ) || function.equals(ContentHostingService.AUTH_RESOURCE_READ)) // SAK-23300 return SecurityAdvice.ALLOWED; else return SecurityAdvice.PASS; } }); }
/** @inheritDoc */ protected List<User> getRecipients(Event event) { // get the resource reference Reference ref = EntityManager.newReference(event.getResource()); // use either the configured site, or if not configured, the site (context) of the resource String siteId = (getSite() != null) ? getSite() : ref.getContext(); // if the site is published, use the list of users who can SITE_VISIT the site, // else use the list of users who can SITE_VISIT_UNP the site. try { Site site = SiteService.getSite(siteId); String ability = SiteService.SITE_VISIT; if (!site.isPublished()) { ability = SiteService.SITE_VISIT_UNPUBLISHED; } // get the list of users who can do the right kind of visit List<User> users = SecurityService.unlockUsers(ability, ref.getReference()); // get the list of users who have the appropriate access to the resource if (getResourceAbility() != null) { List<User> users2 = SecurityService.unlockUsers(getResourceAbility(), ref.getReference()); // find intersection of users and user2 users.retainAll(users2); } // only use direct site members for the base list of users refineToSiteMembers(users, site); // add any other users addSpecialRecipients(users, ref); return users; } catch (Exception any) { return new Vector<User>(); } }
/** * @see * */ public void delete(final SakaiPerson sakaiPerson) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("delete(SakaiPerson " + sakaiPerson + ")"); } if (sakaiPerson == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal sakaiPerson argument passed!"); String ref = getReference(sakaiPerson); // only someone with the appropriate permissions can delete if (!SecurityService.unlock("user.del", ref)) { throw new SecurityException("You do not have permission to delete this sakaiPerson."); } LOG.debug("getHibernateTemplate().delete(sakaiPerson);"); getHibernateTemplate().delete(sakaiPerson);"profile.delete", ref, true)); }
/** * Method to check if a tool is visible for a user in a site, based on KNL-428 * * @param site * @param toolConfig * @return */ private boolean isToolVisible(Site site, ToolConfiguration toolConfig) { // no way to check, so allow access. It's then up to the tool to control permissions if (site == null || toolConfig == null) { return true; } String toolPermissionsStr = toolConfig.getConfig().getProperty("functions.require"); // no special permissions required, it's visible if (toolPermissionsStr == null || toolPermissionsStr.trim().length() == 0) { return true; } // check each set, if multiple permissions in the set, must have all. String[] toolPermissionsSets = toolPermissionsStr.split("\\|"); for (int i = 0; i < toolPermissionsSets.length; i++) { String[] requiredPermissions = toolPermissionsSets[i].split(","); boolean allowed = true; for (int j = 0; j < requiredPermissions.length; j++) { // since all in a set are required, if we are missing just one permission, set false, break // and continue to check next set // as that set may override and allow access if (!SecurityService.unlock(requiredPermissions[j].trim(), site.getReference())) { allowed = false; break; } } // if allowed, we have matched the entire set so are satisfied // otherwise we will check the next set if (allowed) { return true; } } // no sets were completely matched return false; }
public boolean getIsAdmin() { String context = "!admin"; return SecurityService.unlock("site.upd", "/site/" + context); }
/** remove recent add SecurityAdvisor from stack */ protected void disableSecurityAdvisor() { SecurityService.popAdvisor(); }
/** * Produce a page and/or a tool list doPage = true is best for the tabs-based portal and for RSS - * these think in terms of pages doPage = false is best for the portlet-style - it unrolls all of * the tools unless a page is marked as a popup. If the page is a popup - it is left a page and * marked as such. restTools = true - generate resetting tool URLs. * * @see * org.sakaiproject.portal.api.PortalSiteHelper#pageListToMap(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, * boolean,,, * java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean, boolean, boolean) */ public Map pageListToMap( HttpServletRequest req, boolean loggedIn, Site site, SitePage page, String toolContextPath, String portalPrefix, boolean doPages, boolean resetTools, boolean includeSummary) { Map<String, Object> theMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String pageUrl = Web.returnUrl( req, "/" + portalPrefix + "/" + Web.escapeUrl(getSiteEffectiveId(site)) + "/page/"); String toolUrl = Web.returnUrl(req, "/" + portalPrefix + "/" + Web.escapeUrl(getSiteEffectiveId(site))); if (resetTools) { toolUrl = toolUrl + "/tool-reset/"; } else { toolUrl = toolUrl + "/tool/"; } String pagePopupUrl = Web.returnUrl(req, "/page/"); boolean showHelp = ServerConfigurationService.getBoolean("", true); String iconUrl = ""; try { if (site.getIconUrlFull() != null) iconUrl = new URI(site.getIconUrlFull()).toString(); } catch (URISyntaxException uex) { log.debug("Icon URL is invalid: " + site.getIconUrlFull()); } boolean published = site.isPublished(); String type = site.getType(); theMap.put("siteId", site.getId()); theMap.put("pageNavPublished", Boolean.valueOf(published)); theMap.put("pageNavType", type); theMap.put("pageNavIconUrl", iconUrl); String htmlInclude = site.getProperties().getProperty(PROP_HTML_INCLUDE); if (htmlInclude != null) theMap.put("siteHTMLInclude", htmlInclude); // theMap.put("pageNavSitToolsHead", // Web.escapeHtml(rb.getString("sit_toolshead"))); // order the pages based on their tools and the tool order for the // site type // List pages = site.getOrderedPages(); List pages = getPermittedPagesInOrder(site); List<Map> l = new ArrayList<Map>(); String addMoreToolsUrl = null; for (Iterator i = pages.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { SitePage p = (SitePage); // check if current user has permission to see page // we will draw page button if it have permission to see at least // one tool on the page List<ToolConfiguration> pTools = p.getTools(); ToolConfiguration firstTool = null; String toolsOnPage = null; boolean current = (page != null && p.getId().equals(page.getId()) && !p.isPopUp()); String alias = lookupPageToAlias(site.getId(), p); String pagerefUrl = pageUrl + Web.escapeUrl((alias != null) ? alias : p.getId()); if (doPages || p.isPopUp()) { Map<String, Object> m = new HashMap<String, Object>(); StringBuffer desc = new StringBuffer(); boolean hidden = false; if (pTools != null && pTools.size() > 0) { firstTool = pTools.get(0); hidden = true; // Only set the page to hidden when we have tools that might un-hide it. Iterator<ToolConfiguration> tools = pTools.iterator(); // get the tool descriptions for this page, typically only one per page, execpt for the // Home page int tCount = 0; while (tools.hasNext()) { ToolConfiguration t =; if (hidden && !isHidden(t)) { hidden = false; } if (tCount > 0) { desc.append(" | "); } if (t.getTool() == null) continue; desc.append(t.getTool().getDescription()); tCount++; if ("sakai.siteinfo".equals(t.getToolId())) { addMoreToolsUrl = Web.returnUrl( req, "/site/" + Web.escapeUrl(site.getId()) + "/page/" + Web.escapeUrl(p.getId()) + "?sakai_action=doMenu_edit_site_tools&panel=Shortcut"); } } // Won't work with mutliple tools per page if (tCount > 1) addMoreToolsUrl = null; } boolean siteUpdate = SecurityService.unlock("site.upd", site.getReference()); if (!siteUpdate) addMoreToolsUrl = null; if (!ServerConfigurationService.getBoolean("portal.experimental.addmoretools", false)) addMoreToolsUrl = null; m.put("isPage", Boolean.valueOf(true)); m.put("current", Boolean.valueOf(current)); m.put("ispopup", Boolean.valueOf(p.isPopUp())); m.put("pagePopupUrl", pagePopupUrl); m.put("pageTitle", Web.escapeHtml(p.getTitle())); m.put("jsPageTitle", Web.escapeJavascript(p.getTitle())); m.put("pageId", Web.escapeUrl(p.getId())); m.put("jsPageId", Web.escapeJavascript(p.getId())); m.put("pageRefUrl", pagerefUrl); // TODO: Should have Web.escapeHtmlAttribute() String description = desc.toString().replace("\"", """); m.put("description", description); m.put("hidden", Boolean.valueOf(hidden)); // toolsOnPage is always null // if (toolsOnPage != null) m.put("toolsOnPage", toolsOnPage); if (includeSummary) summarizePage(m, site, p); if (firstTool != null) { String menuClass = firstTool.getToolId(); menuClass = "icon-" + menuClass.replace('.', '-'); m.put("menuClass", menuClass); Properties tmp = firstTool.getConfig(); if (tmp != null) { String mc = tmp.getProperty(PROP_MENU_CLASS); if (mc != null && mc.length() > 0) m.put("menuClassOverride", mc); } } else { m.put("menuClass", "icon-default-tool"); } m.put("pageProps", createPageProps(p)); // this is here to allow the tool reorder to work m.put("_sitePage", p); l.add(m); continue; } // Loop through the tools again and Unroll the tools Iterator iPt = pTools.iterator(); while (iPt.hasNext()) { ToolConfiguration placement = (ToolConfiguration); Tool tool = placement.getTool(); if (tool != null) { String toolrefUrl = toolUrl + Web.escapeUrl(placement.getId()); Map<String, Object> m = new HashMap<String, Object>(); m.put("isPage", Boolean.valueOf(false)); m.put("toolId", Web.escapeUrl(placement.getId())); m.put("jsToolId", Web.escapeJavascript(placement.getId())); m.put("toolRegistryId", placement.getToolId()); m.put("toolTitle", Web.escapeHtml(placement.getTitle())); m.put("jsToolTitle", Web.escapeJavascript(placement.getTitle())); m.put("toolrefUrl", toolrefUrl); String menuClass = placement.getToolId(); menuClass = "icon-" + menuClass.replace('.', '-'); m.put("menuClass", menuClass); Properties tmp = placement.getConfig(); if (tmp != null) { String mc = tmp.getProperty(PROP_MENU_CLASS); if (mc != null && mc.length() > 0) m.put("menuClassOverride", mc); } // this is here to allow the tool reorder to work if requried. m.put("_placement", placement); l.add(m); } } } PageFilter pageFilter = portal.getPageFilter(); if (pageFilter != null) { l = pageFilter.filterPlacements(l, site); } if (addMoreToolsUrl != null) { theMap.put("pageNavAddMoreToolsUrl", addMoreToolsUrl); theMap.put("pageNavCanAddMoreTools", true); } else { theMap.put("pageNavCanAddMoreTools", false); } theMap.put("pageNavTools", l); theMap.put( "pageMaxIfSingle", ServerConfigurationService.getBoolean("portal.experimental.maximizesinglepage", false)); theMap.put("pageNavToolsCount", Integer.valueOf(l.size())); String helpUrl = ServerConfigurationService.getHelpUrl(null); theMap.put("pageNavShowHelp", Boolean.valueOf(showHelp)); theMap.put("pageNavHelpUrl", helpUrl); theMap.put("helpMenuClass", "icon-sakai-help"); theMap.put("subsiteClass", "icon-sakai-subsite"); // theMap.put("pageNavSitContentshead", // Web.escapeHtml(rb.getString("sit_contentshead"))); // Display presence? Global property display.users.present may be always / never / true / false // If true or false, the value may be overriden by the site property display-users-present // which may be true or false. boolean showPresence; String globalShowPresence = ServerConfigurationService.getString("display.users.present", "true"); if ("never".equals(globalShowPresence)) { showPresence = false; } else if ("always".equals(globalShowPresence)) { showPresence = true; } else { String showPresenceSite = site.getProperties().getProperty("display-users-present"); if (showPresenceSite == null) { showPresence = Boolean.valueOf(globalShowPresence).booleanValue(); } else { showPresence = Boolean.valueOf(showPresenceSite).booleanValue(); } } // Check to see if this is a my workspace site, and if so, whether presence is disabled if (showPresence && SiteService.isUserSite(site.getId()) && !ServerConfigurationService.getBoolean("display.users.present.myworkspace", false)) showPresence = false; String presenceUrl = Web.returnUrl(req, "/presence/" + Web.escapeUrl(site.getId())); // theMap.put("pageNavSitPresenceTitle", // Web.escapeHtml(rb.getString("sit_presencetitle"))); // theMap.put("pageNavSitPresenceFrameTitle", // Web.escapeHtml(rb.getString("sit_presenceiframetit"))); theMap.put("pageNavShowPresenceLoggedIn", Boolean.valueOf(showPresence && loggedIn)); theMap.put("pageNavPresenceUrl", presenceUrl); // Retrieve whether or not we are to put presence in a frame theMap.put( "pageNavPresenceIframe", Boolean.valueOf( ServerConfigurationService.getBoolean("display.users.present.iframe", false))); theMap.put( "sakaiPresenceTimeDelay", Integer.valueOf( ServerConfigurationService.getInt("display.users.present.time.delay", 3000))); return theMap; }
// permission convert public boolean checkPermission(String lock, String reference) { return SecurityService.unlock(lock, reference); }
/** Remove our security advisor. */ public void popAdvisor() { SecurityService.popAdvisor(); }
public void doTool( HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, Session session, String placementId, String toolContextPath, String toolPathInfo) throws ToolException, IOException { if (portal.redirectIfLoggedOut(res)) return; // find the tool from some site ToolConfiguration siteTool = SiteService.findTool(placementId); if (siteTool == null) { portal.doError(req, res, session, Portal.ERROR_WORKSITE); return; } // Reset the tool state if requested if ("true".equals(req.getParameter(portalService.getResetStateParam())) || "true".equals(portalService.getResetState())) { Session s = SessionManager.getCurrentSession(); ToolSession ts = s.getToolSession(placementId); ts.clearAttributes(); } // find the tool registered for this ActiveTool tool = ActiveToolManager.getActiveTool(siteTool.getToolId()); if (tool == null) { portal.doError(req, res, session, Portal.ERROR_WORKSITE); return; } // permission check - visit the site (unless the tool is configured to // bypass) Site site = null; if (tool.getAccessSecurity() == Tool.AccessSecurity.PORTAL) { try { Set<SecurityAdvisor> advisors = (Set<SecurityAdvisor>) session.getAttribute(""); if (advisors != null) { for (SecurityAdvisor advisor : advisors) { SecurityService.pushAdvisor(advisor); // session.removeAttribute(""); } } site = SiteService.getSiteVisit(siteTool.getSiteId()); } catch (IdUnusedException e) { portal.doError(req, res, session, Portal.ERROR_WORKSITE); return; } catch (PermissionException e) { // if not logged in, give them a chance if (session.getUserId() == null) { portal.doLogin(req, res, session, req.getPathInfo(), false); } else { portal.doError(req, res, session, Portal.ERROR_WORKSITE); } return; } } // Check to see if the tool is visible if (!isToolVisible(site, siteTool)) { portal.doError(req, res, session, Portal.ERROR_WORKSITE); return; } if (portal.isPortletPlacement(siteTool)) { String siteType = portal.calcSiteType(siteTool.getSiteId()); // form a context sensitive title String title = ServerConfigurationService.getString("ui.service") + " : " + site.getTitle() + " : " + siteTool.getTitle(); PortalRenderContext rcontext = portal.startPageContext(siteType, title, siteTool.getSkin(), req); Map m = portal.includeTool(res, req, siteTool); rcontext.put("tool", m); portal.sendResponse(rcontext, res, "tool", null); } else { portal.forwardTool( tool, req, res, siteTool, siteTool.getSkin(), toolContextPath, toolPathInfo); } }
/** @see SakaiPersonManager#save(SakaiPerson) */ public void save(SakaiPerson sakaiPerson) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("save(SakaiPerson " + sakaiPerson + ")"); } if (sakaiPerson == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal sakaiPerson argument passed!"); if (!isSupportedType(sakaiPerson.getTypeUuid())) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The sakaiPerson argument contains an invalid Type!"); // AuthZ // Only superusers can update system records if (getSystemMutableType().getUuid().equals(sakaiPerson.getTypeUuid()) && !SecurityService.isSuperUser()) { throw new IllegalAccessError("System mutable records cannot be updated."); } // if it is a user mutable record, ensure the user is updating their own record // this can be overriden with a security advisor so the admin user to allow access if (!SecurityService.unlock( UserDirectoryService.ADMIN_ID, SakaiPerson.PROFILE_SAVE_PERMISSION, sakaiPerson.getAgentUuid())) { if (!StringUtils.equals(SessionManager.getCurrentSessionUserId(), sakaiPerson.getAgentUuid()) && !SecurityService.isSuperUser()) { // AuthZ - Ensure the current user is updating their own record if (!StringUtils.equals( SessionManager.getCurrentSessionUserId(), sakaiPerson.getAgentUuid())) { throw new IllegalAccessError("You do not have permissions to update this record!"); } } } // store record if (!(sakaiPerson instanceof SakaiPersonImpl)) { // TODO support alternate implementations of SakaiPerson // copy bean properties into new SakaiPersonImpl with beanutils? throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown SakaiPerson implementation found!"); } else { // update lastModifiedDate SakaiPersonImpl spi = (SakaiPersonImpl) sakaiPerson; persistableHelper.modifyPersistableFields(spi); // if the repository path is set save if there if (photoService.overRidesDefault()) { photoService.savePhoto(spi.getJpegPhoto(), spi.getAgentUuid()); spi.setJpegPhoto(null); } // use update(..) method to ensure someone does not try to insert a // prototype. getHibernateTemplate().update(spi); // set the event String ref = getReference(spi); LOG.debug("got ref of: " + ref + " about to set events");"profile.update", ref, true)); LOG.debug("User record updated for Id :-" + spi.getAgentUuid()); // update the account too -only if not system profile if (serverConfigurationService.getBoolean("profile.updateUser", false) && spi.getTypeUuid().equals(this.userMutableType.getUuid())) { try { UserEdit userEdit = null; userEdit = userDirectoryService.editUser(spi.getAgentUuid()); userEdit.setFirstName(spi.getGivenName()); userEdit.setLastName(spi.getSurname()); userEdit.setEmail(spi.getMail()); userDirectoryService.commitEdit(userEdit); LOG.debug("Saved user object"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }