private void attackSpider() { RSNPC spider = npc.getNearestFreeToAttackByID(4400); run(); if (spider != null) { try { if (spider.isOnScreen() && spider.action("Attack")) { if (tries != 0) { tries = 0; } wait(random(800, 900)); waitToStop(); waitSafely(random(2200, 2400)); } else { if (tries > 60) { // if there is no spider on screen in 6-12 seconds if (room == 1) {; } else {; } tries = 0; } else { tries++; } } } catch (final Exception e) { } } }
public boolean onStart() { log("Welcome to Sneaky's Herb farmer"); if (game.isLoggedIn()) { camera.setPitch(100); antiBan = new AntiBan(this); antiBan.start(); } else { log("Please log in before starting this script."); scriptRunning = false; return false; } if (!camelotFarmingArea.contains(getMyPlayer().getLocation())) { log("Not in Camelot farming patch. Please start the script there."); scriptRunning = false; return false; } // Start GUI to select which Herb to farm HerbFarmerGUI GUI = new HerbFarmerGUI(); GUI.setVisible(true); while (GUI.isVisible()) { sleep(50); } currentLocation = Location.CAMELOT; currentState = State.CHECK_CROPS; notedID = grimyID + 1; if (inventory.contains(notedID)) startingNoteSize = inventory.getItem(notedID).getStackSize(); runTime = new Timer(0); marketPriceOfHerbs = grandExchange.lookup(grimyID).getGuidePrice(); marketPriceOfSeeds = grandExchange.lookup(seedID).getGuidePrice(); log("You are farming " + seedType); log("The market price of each " + seedType + " seed is: " + marketPriceOfSeeds + "gp"); log("The market price of each " + seedType + " herb is: " + marketPriceOfHerbs + "gp"); // check if inventory contains seeds, rake, dibber, spade if (!checkInventory()) { log("You do not have all of the required materials in your inventory"); log("(Seeds, rake, dibber, and spade). Stopping script."); scriptRunning = false; return false; } return true; }
@Override public int loop() { if (!inventory.contains(foodID)) { needBank = true; atSpiders = false; if (changeRooms) { room = random(1, 3); } } if (eat()) { return random(100, 250); } if (dropRewards()) { return random(600, 700); } if (atSpiders) { if ((RSNPC) player.getMine().getInteracting() == null) { attackSpider(); } else { if (!drinkPots()) { mouseAntiban(); antiban(); } } return random(100, 250); } loc = player.getMine().getLocation(); if (loc != null) { base = Bot.getClient().getBaseY(); if (needBank && teleport && base > 4000 && teleport()) { return random(5000, 6000); } if (needBank && inventory.contains(229) && base < 4000) { if (dropVial()) { return random(600, 700); } } if (base < 4000) { if (needBank) { if (calculate.distanceTo(bankTile) < 4) { int ct = 0; try { if (!bank.isOpen()) { if ( { wait(random(500, 800)); } while (!bank.isOpen()) { wait(180); ct++; if (ct > 30) { tries++; } } } } catch (final Exception e) { } if (bank.isOpen()) { if (tries != 0) { tries = 0; } if (teleport) { if (tabs) { if (bank.getCount(8007) > 0 && !inventory.contains(8007)) { bank.withdraw(8007, 1); return random(800, 1000); } } else { if (!inventory.contains(563) || inventory.getCount(556) < 3 || !inventory.contains(554)) { if (!inventory.contains(563) && bank.getCount(563) > 0) { bank.withdraw(563, 1); return random(800, 1000); } if (!inventory.contains(554) && bank.getCount(554) > 0) { bank.withdraw(554, 1); return random(800, 1000); } if (inventory.getCount(556) < 3 && bank.getCount(556) >= 3) { bank.withdraw(556, 3); return random(800, 1000); } } } } if (pots) { if (potions[0] == 1 && bank.getCount(potionID[0]) > 0 && inventory.getCount(potionID[0]) < amounts[0]) { withdrawPotion(potionID[0], amounts[0]); return random(800, 1000); } else if (potions[1] == 1 && bank.getCount(potionID[1]) > 0 && inventory.getCount(potionID[1]) < amounts[1]) { withdrawPotion(potionID[1], amounts[1]); return random(800, 1000); } else if (potions[2] == 1 && bank.getCount(potionID[2]) > 0 && inventory.getCount(potionID[2]) < amounts[2]) { withdrawPotion(potionID[2], amounts[2]); return random(800, 1000); } else if (potions[3] == 1 && bank.getCount(potionID[3]) > 0 && inventory.getCount(potionID[3]) < amounts[3]) { withdrawPotion(potionID[3], amounts[3]); return random(800, 1000); } } if (inventory.contains(foodID)) { needBank = false; } else { if (bank.getCount(foodID) < 1) { log("no food left, stopping script..."); stopScript(); } bank.withdraw(foodID, 0); return random(800, 1000); } } else { if (tries > 3) {; tries = 0; } else { try { if (!bank.isOpen()) { if ( { wait(random(500, 800)); } while (!bank.isOpen()) { wait(180); ct++; if (ct > 30) { tries++; } } } } catch (final Exception e) { } // clickObject((!edge ? 782 : 26972), "Use-quickly"); } } } else { walk.pathMM((!edge ? bankingPath : edgeBankingPath)); } } else { if (calculate.distanceTo(entranceTile) < 5) { clickObject(16154, "Climb-down"); } else { walk.pathMM(walk.reversePath((!edge ? bankingPath : edgeBankingPath))); } } } else if (base >= 5192 && base < 5200 && floor1.contains(loc)) { if (!needBank) { clickObject(16150, "Enter"); } else { clickObject(16148, "Climb-up"); } } else if (base >= 5168 && base < 5192 && floor1Middle.contains(loc)) { clickObject(16149, "Climb-down"); } else if (base >= 5192 && base < 5200 && floor2.contains(loc)) { if (!needBank) { clickObject(16082, "Enter"); } else { clickObject(16080, "Climb-up"); } } else if (base >= 5192 && base < 5200 && floor2Middle.contains(loc)) { clickObject(16081, "Climb-down"); } else if (base >= 5200 && floor3.contains(loc)) { if (!needBank) { clickDoor(doors[0], 's'); } else { clickObject(16114, "Climb-up"); } } else if (base >= 5200 && floor3Front.contains(loc)) { if (!needBank) { clickDoor(doors[0], 's'); } else { clickObject(16114, "Climb-up"); } } else if (base >= 5200 && doors1.contains(loc)) { if (!needBank) { clickDoor(doors[1], 's'); } else { clickDoor(doors[0], 's'); } } else if (base >= 5200 && loc.getY() >= 5260 && loc.getY() <= 5278) { if (!needBank) { if (room == 1) { if (room1.contains(loc)) { atSpiders = true; } else {; } } else { clickDoor(doors[2], 'n'); } } else { clickDoor(doors[1], 's'); } } else if (base >= 5200 && doors2.contains(loc)) { if (!needBank && room == 2) { clickDoor(doors[3], 'n'); } else { clickDoor(doors[2], 'n'); } } else if (base >= 5200 && loc.getY() >= 5282 && loc.getY() <= 5295 && loc.getX() <= 2137) { if (!needBank && room == 2) { clickDoor(doors[4], 'w'); } else { clickDoor(doors[3], 'n'); } } else if (base >= 5200 && doors3.contains(loc)) { if (!needBank && room == 2) { clickDoor(doors[5], 'w'); } else { clickDoor(doors[4], 'w'); } } else if (base >= 5200 && loc.getY() >= 5294 && loc.getY() <= 5298 && loc.getX() >= 2141) { if (!needBank && room == 2) { clickDoor(doors[6], 's'); } else { clickDoor(doors[5], 'w'); } } else if (base >= 5200 && doors4.contains(loc)) { if (!needBank && room == 2) { clickDoor(doors[7], 's'); } else { clickDoor(doors[6], 's'); } } else if (base >= 5200 && loc.getY() >= 5302) { if (!needBank && room == 2) {; atSpiders = true; } else { clickDoor(doors[7], 's'); } } } return random(100, 250); }