@Override public synchronized List<FunctionDefAdapter> getFunctionsInitFiltered() { if (cache == null) { cache = new ArrayList<FunctionDefAdapter>(); for (IToken tok : this.tokens) { if (tok.getType() == IToken.TYPE_FUNCTION || tok.getType() == IToken.TYPE_BUILTIN || tok.getType() == IToken.TYPE_UNKNOWN) { String args = tok.getArgs(); List<exprType> arguments = new ArrayList<exprType>(); boolean useAnyArgs = false; if (args.length() > 0) { StringTokenizer strTok = new StringTokenizer(args, "( ,)"); if (!strTok.hasMoreTokens()) { useAnyArgs = true; } else { while (strTok.hasMoreTokens()) { String nextArg = strTok.nextToken(); arguments.add(new Name(nextArg, Name.Load, false)); } } } else { useAnyArgs = true; } argumentsType functionArguments = new argumentsType( arguments.toArray(new exprType[0]), null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); if (useAnyArgs) { Name name = new Name("self", Name.Store, false); name.addSpecial(new SpecialStr(",", -1, -1), true); functionArguments.args = new exprType[] {name}; functionArguments.vararg = new NameTok("args", NameTok.VarArg); functionArguments.kwarg = new NameTok("kwargs", NameTok.KwArg); } // System.out.println(tok.getRepresentation()+tok.getArgs()); FunctionDef functionDef = new FunctionDef( new NameTok(tok.getRepresentation(), NameTok.FunctionName), functionArguments, null, null, null); cache.add(new FunctionDefAdapter(this.getModule(), null, functionDef, adapterPrefs)); } } } return cache; }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.python.pydev.editor.codecompletion.IPyCodeCompletion#getCodeCompletionProposals(org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextViewer, org.python.pydev.editor.codecompletion.CompletionRequest) */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List getCodeCompletionProposals(ITextViewer viewer, CompletionRequest request) throws CoreException, BadLocationException, IOException, MisconfigurationException, PythonNatureWithoutProjectException { if (request.getPySelection().getCursorLineContents().trim().startsWith("#")) { // this may happen if the context is still not correctly computed in python return new PyStringCodeCompletion().getCodeCompletionProposals(viewer, request); } if (DebugSettings.DEBUG_CODE_COMPLETION) { Log.toLogFile(this, "Starting getCodeCompletionProposals"); Log.addLogLevel(); Log.toLogFile(this, "Request:" + request); } ArrayList<ICompletionProposal> ret = new ArrayList<ICompletionProposal>(); // let's see if we should do a code-completion in the current scope... if (!isValidCompletionContext(request)) { request.showTemplates = false; return ret; } try { IPythonNature pythonNature = request.nature; checkPythonNature(pythonNature); ICodeCompletionASTManager astManager = pythonNature.getAstManager(); if (astManager == null) { // we're probably still loading it. return ret; } // list of Object[], IToken or ICompletionProposal List<Object> tokensList = new ArrayList<Object>(); lazyStartShell(request); String trimmed = request.activationToken.replace('.', ' ').trim(); ImportInfo importsTipper = getImportsTipperStr(request); int line = request.doc.getLineOfOffset(request.documentOffset); IRegion region = request.doc.getLineInformation(line); ICompletionState state = new CompletionState( line, request.documentOffset - region.getOffset(), null, request.nature, request.qualifier); state.setIsInCalltip(request.isInCalltip); boolean importsTip = false; if (importsTipper.importsTipperStr.length() != 0) { // code completion in imports request.isInCalltip = false; // if found after (, but in an import, it is not a calltip! importsTip = doImportCompletion(request, astManager, tokensList, importsTipper); } else if (trimmed.length() > 0 && request.activationToken.indexOf('.') != -1) { // code completion for a token doTokenCompletion(request, astManager, tokensList, trimmed, state); } else { // go to globals doGlobalsCompletion(request, astManager, tokensList, state); } Map<String, IToken> alreadyChecked = new HashMap<String, IToken>(); String lowerCaseQual = request.qualifier.toLowerCase(); if (lowerCaseQual.length() >= PyCodeCompletionPreferencesPage.getArgumentsDeepAnalysisNChars()) { // this can take some time on the analysis, so, let's let the user choose on how many chars // does he // want to do the analysis... state.pushFindResolveImportMemoryCtx(); try { for (Iterator<Object> it = tokensList.listIterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object o = it.next(); if (o instanceof IToken) { it .remove(); // always remove the tokens from the list (they'll be re-added later // once they are filtered) IToken initialToken = (IToken) o; IToken token = initialToken; String strRep = token.getRepresentation(); IToken prev = alreadyChecked.get(strRep); if (prev != null) { if (prev.getArgs().length() != 0) { continue; // we already have a version with args... just keep going } } if (!strRep.toLowerCase().startsWith(lowerCaseQual)) { // just re-add it if we're going to actually use it (depending on the qualifier) continue; } while (token.isImportFrom()) { // we'll only add it here if it is an import from (so, set the flag to false for the // outer add) if (token.getArgs().length() > 0) { // if we already have the args, there's also no reason to do it (that's what we'll // do here) break; } ICompletionState s = state.getCopyForResolveImportWithActTok(token.getRepresentation()); s.checkFindResolveImportMemory(token); IToken token2 = astManager.resolveImport(s, token); if (token2 != null && initialToken != token2) { String args = token2.getArgs(); if (args.length() > 0) { // put it into the map (may override previous if it didn't have args) initialToken.setArgs(args); initialToken.setDocStr(token2.getDocStr()); if (initialToken instanceof SourceToken && token2 instanceof SourceToken) { SourceToken initialSourceToken = (SourceToken) initialToken; SourceToken token2SourceToken = (SourceToken) token2; initialSourceToken.setAst(token2SourceToken.getAst()); } break; } if (token2 == null || (token2.equals(token) && token2.getArgs().equals(token.getArgs()) && token2.getParentPackage().equals(token.getParentPackage()))) { break; } token = token2; } else { break; } } alreadyChecked.put(strRep, initialToken); } } } finally { state.popFindResolveImportMemoryCtx(); } } tokensList.addAll(alreadyChecked.values()); changeItokenToCompletionPropostal(viewer, request, ret, tokensList, importsTip, state); } catch (CompletionRecursionException e) { if (onCompletionRecursionException != null) { onCompletionRecursionException.call(e); } if (DebugSettings.DEBUG_CODE_COMPLETION) { Log.toLogFile(e); } // PydevPlugin.log(e); // ret.add(new CompletionProposal("",request.documentOffset,0,0,null,e.getMessage(), // null,null)); } if (DebugSettings.DEBUG_CODE_COMPLETION) { Log.remLogLevel(); Log.toLogFile(this, "Finished completion. Returned:" + ret.size() + " completions.\r\n"); } return ret; }