  /** Execute the actual compilation for each of the given files. */
  private void compile() {
    // let everyone know what we're doing
    task.log("Starting Compile ");

    // generate the command line
    Commandline command = generateCompileCommand();

    // get all the files that we should compile
    // this will run checks for things like incremental compiling
    File objectDirectory = configuration.getObjectDirectory();
    File[] filesToCompile = helper.getFilesThatNeedCompiling(objectDirectory);
    task.log("" + filesToCompile.length + " files to be compiled.");

    // Do the compile
    // We have to support parallel builds by ourselves, so we throw a bunch of compile tasks
    // into a queue and process with an executor and then wait for them all to finish
    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(configuration.getThreadCount());

    // create a runnable task for the compilation of each file and submit it
    for (File sourceFile : filesToCompile)
      executor.submit(new CompileTask(sourceFile, objectDirectory, command));

    // run the executor over the queue
    while (executor.isTerminated() == false) {
      try {
        executor.awaitTermination(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
      } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
        /* just carry on */

    task.log("Compile complete");
   * This method is the main manager of the linking process. It should only be run if an "outfile"
   * has been provided in the configuration. It will attempt to link all the files in the objdir
   * into a simple executable/library.
  private void link() {
    // generate the command line
    Commandline commandline = generateLinkCommand();

    // create the execution object
    Execute runner =
        new Execute(
            new LogStreamHandler(configuration.getTask(), Project.MSG_INFO, Project.MSG_WARN));


    // run the command
    try {
      task.log("Starting Link ");
      task.log(commandline.toString(), Project.MSG_DEBUG);

      int exitValue = runner.execute();
      if (exitValue != 0) throw new BuildException("Link Failed, (exit value: " + exitValue + ")");
    } catch (IOException e) {
      String msg =
          "There was a problem running the linker, this usually occurs when the "
              + "linker can't be found, make sure it is on your path. full error: "
              + e.getMessage();
      throw new BuildException(msg, e);

    task.log("Link complete. Library in directory: " + configuration.getOutputDirectory());
    task.log(""); // a little bit of space
 ///////////////////////////////// Private Helper Methods /////////////////////////////////
 private void debug(String message) {
   task.log(message, Project.MSG_DEBUG);