  public void testJarListedInClassLoader() throws ClassNotFoundException {

    boolean jarFound = false;
    for (URL url : pluginLoader.getURLs()) {
      if (url.toString().contains("test-jar.jar")) {
        jarFound = true;

    assertTrue("test-jar.jar not found in classloader", jarFound);

    // now load a class from the jar
  public void testLoadXml() throws IOException {
    InputStream in = pluginLoader.getResourceAsStream("test1.xml");
    assertNotNull("input stream is null", in);

    byte b[] = toBytes(in);
    String xml = new String(b);
    assertTrue("xml is wrong", xml.contains("<test1>"));
 public void testLoadBadClass() throws IOException {
   // now try getting it as a class
   try {
     assertFalse("Exception expected", true);
   } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
     assertTrue("Exception expected", true);
  public void testLoadProperties_fromDir() throws IOException {
    InputStream in =
    assertNotNull("input stream is null", in);

    byte b[] = toBytes(in);
    String classBytes = new String(b);
    assertTrue("property is missing", classBytes.contains("name="));
  public void testLoadProperties_fromJar() throws IOException {
    InputStream in =
    assertNotNull("input stream is null", in);

    byte b[] = toBytes(in);
    String classBytes = new String(b);
    assertTrue("property is missing", classBytes.contains("test_setting=test"));
 public void testLoadClass() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
   // now try getting it as a class
   Class<?> testClass =
   assertNotNull("class is null", testClass);
       "wrong class",
  public void testFindClassResource() throws IOException {
    InputStream in =

    assertNotNull("input stream is null", in);

    byte b[] = toBytes(in);
    String xml = new String(b);
    assertTrue("xml is wrong", xml.contains("TestClassForClassloader"));
  public void testFindBadResources() throws IOException {
    Enumeration<URL> urls = pluginLoader.getResources("bogus.xml");

    assertNotNull("URLS is null", urls);

    int count = 0;
    while (urls.hasMoreElements()) {

    assertEquals("Wrong number of URLS", 0, count);
  public void testFindXmlResource() throws IOException {
    URL url = pluginLoader.getResource("test1.xml");

    assertNotNull("URL is null", url);

    InputStream in = url.openStream();
    assertNotNull("input stream is null", in);

    byte b[] = toBytes(in);
    String xml = new String(b);
    assertTrue("xml is wrong", xml.contains("<test1>"));
  public void testLoadClassAsResource() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    // test the byte array first
    InputStream in =
    assertNotNull("Could not find class TestClassForClassloader in jar file", in);

    byte b[] = toBytes(in);
    String classBytes = new String(b);
        "method is missing",
  public void testOverrideLoad()
      throws ClassNotFoundException, SecurityException, InstantiationException,
          IllegalAccessException {

    String className = "org.pentaho.test.platform.plugin.pluginmgr.ClassToOverride";

    Class clazz = Class.forName(className, true, getClass().getClassLoader());
    Object o = clazz.newInstance();
    assertEquals("I am the original class from the parent class loader", o.toString());

    Class overridenClazz = Class.forName(className, true, pluginLoader);
    Object o2 = overridenClazz.newInstance();
    assertEquals("I am the overridden class from the plugin class loader", o2.toString());
  public void testFindResources() throws IOException {
    Enumeration<URL> urls = pluginLoader.getResources("test1.xml");

    assertNotNull("URLS is null", urls);

    int count = 0;
    while (urls.hasMoreElements()) {
      URL url = urls.nextElement();
      InputStream in = url.openStream();
      assertNotNull("input stream is null", in);

      byte b[] = toBytes(in);
      String xml = new String(b);
      assertTrue("xml is wrong", xml.contains("<test1>"));

    assertEquals("Wrong number of URLS", 1, count);
  public void testImplicitLoad()
      throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {

    // 1. Implicitly create an instance of ClassToOverride and check that it was loaded by the
    // default loader.
    ClassToOverride cto = new ClassToOverride();
        PluginClassLoader.class.getName(), cto.getClass().getClassLoader().getClass().getName());
        "failed to load original class",
        "I am the original class from the parent class loader",

    // NOTE: implicit loading of a class (i.e. "new" or static method access) is always performed by
    // the
    // classloader of the enclosing class (the "current" classloader), so if we set
    // Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(pluginLoader) and then did a new
    // ClassToOverride(),
    // the pluginLoader would *not* be asked to load ClassToOverride, rather the current classloader
    // will be asked to load it.

    // 2. Ask a class that we are certain was loaded by the private loader to implicitly create an
    // instance
    //   of ClassToOverride and check that the class was loaded by the private loader
    Object explicitlyLoadedContainer = getContainerFromPrivateClassLoader();
        "failed to load override class",
        "I am the overridden class from the plugin class loader",
  public void testFindBadResource() throws IOException {
    URL url = pluginLoader.getResource("bogus.xml");

    assertNull("URL should be null", url);
 public void testLoadBadResource() throws IOException {
   InputStream in = pluginLoader.getResourceAsStream("bogus.xml");
   assertNull("input stream should be null", in);