/** Transform an InputStream to a dom4j Document. */ public static Document readDom4j(Source source, boolean handleXInclude) { final LocationSAXContentHandler dom4jResult = new LocationSAXContentHandler(); { final XMLReceiver xmlReceiver; if (handleXInclude) { // Insert XIncludeContentHandler xmlReceiver = new XIncludeProcessor.XIncludeXMLReceiver( null, dom4jResult, null, new TransformerURIResolver(XMLUtils.ParserConfiguration.PLAIN)); } else { xmlReceiver = dom4jResult; } sourceToSAX(source, xmlReceiver); } return dom4jResult.getDocument(); }
/** Transform an InputStream to a dom4j Document. */ public static Document readDom4j( InputStream inputStream, String systemId, boolean handleXInclude, boolean handleLexical) { final LocationSAXContentHandler dom4jResult = new LocationSAXContentHandler(); { final XMLReceiver xmlReceiver; if (handleXInclude) { // Insert XIncludeContentHandler xmlReceiver = new XIncludeProcessor.XIncludeXMLReceiver( null, dom4jResult, null, new TransformerURIResolver(XMLUtils.ParserConfiguration.PLAIN)); } else { xmlReceiver = dom4jResult; } XMLUtils.inputStreamToSAX( inputStream, systemId, xmlReceiver, XMLUtils.ParserConfiguration.PLAIN, handleLexical); } return dom4jResult.getDocument(); }