 public String changePropertiesByCMPAttributes(String source) throws XavaException {
   StringBuffer r = new StringBuffer(source);
   int i = r.toString().indexOf("${");
   int f = 0;
   while (i >= 0) {
     f = r.toString().indexOf("}", i + 2);
     if (f < 0) break;
     String property = r.substring(i + 2, f);
     String cmpAttribute = null;
     if (property.indexOf('.') >= 0) {
       cmpAttribute = "o._" + Strings.firstUpper(Strings.change(property, ".", "_"));
     } else {
       MetaProperty metaProperty = getMetaModel().getMetaProperty(property);
       if (metaProperty.getMapping().hasConverter()) {
         cmpAttribute = "o._" + Strings.firstUpper(property);
       } else {
         cmpAttribute = "o." + property;
     r.replace(i, f + 1, cmpAttribute);
     i = r.toString().indexOf("${");
   return r.toString();
  private void loadDatabaseMetadata() {
    if (!databaseMetadataLoaded) {
      String componentName = "UNKNOWN";
      Connection con = null;
      try {
        componentName = getMetaComponent().getName();

        con = DataSourceConnectionProvider.getByComponent(componentName).getConnection();
        DatabaseMetaData metaData = con.getMetaData();
        supportsSchemasInDataManipulation = metaData.supportsSchemasInDataManipulation();
        Collection timeDateFunctions =

        // another solution instead of the use of 'if' would be to use a xml with
        //	the information of the functions from each BBDD
        if ("DB2 UDB for AS/400".equals(metaData.getDatabaseProductName())
            || "Oracle".equals(metaData.getDatabaseProductName())
            || "PostgresSQL".equals(metaData.getDatabaseProductName())) {
          supportsTranslateFunction = true;
        if ("Oracle".equals(metaData.getDatabaseProductName())
            || "PostgreSQL".equals(metaData.getDatabaseProductName())) {
          supportsYearFunction = supportsMonthFunction = false;
        } else {
          supportsYearFunction = timeDateFunctions.contains("YEAR");
          supportsMonthFunction = timeDateFunctions.contains("MONTH");
        databaseMetadataLoaded = true;
      } catch (Exception ex) {
      } finally {
        try {
          if (con != null) {
        } catch (SQLException e) {
 private String changePropertiesByColumns(String source, boolean qualified) throws XavaException {
   StringBuffer r = new StringBuffer(source);
   int i = r.toString().indexOf("${");
   int f = 0;
   while (i >= 0) {
     f = r.toString().indexOf("}", i + 2);
     if (f < 0) break;
     String property = r.substring(i + 2, f);
     String column = "0"; // thus it remained if it is calculated
     if (!getMetaModel().isCalculated(property)) {
       column =
               ? getTable(property)
               : qualified ? getQualifiedColumn(property) : getColumn(property);
     r.replace(i, f + 1, column);
     i = r.toString().indexOf("${");
   return r.toString();
 String getCMPAttributeForColumn(String column) throws XavaException {
   PropertyMapping mapping = getMappingForColumn(column);
   if (!mapping.hasConverter()) return Strings.change(mapping.getProperty(), ".", "_");
   return "_" + Strings.change(Strings.firstUpper(mapping.getProperty()), ".", "_");
  private String getTableColumn(String modelProperty, boolean qualifyReferenceMappingColumn)
      throws XavaException {

    PropertyMapping propertyMapping = (PropertyMapping) propertyMappings.get(modelProperty);
    if (propertyMapping == null) {
      int idx = modelProperty.indexOf('.');
      if (idx >= 0) {
        String referenceName = modelProperty.substring(0, idx);
        String propertyName = modelProperty.substring(idx + 1);
        if (getMetaModel().getMetaReference(referenceName).isAggregate()
            && !Strings.firstUpper(referenceName).equals(getMetaModel().getContainerModelName())) {
          propertyMapping =
              (PropertyMapping) propertyMappings.get(referenceName + "_" + propertyName);
          if (propertyMapping == null) {
            int idx2 = propertyName.indexOf('.');
            if (idx2 >= 0) {
              String referenceName2 = propertyName.substring(0, idx2);
              String propertyName2 = propertyName.substring(idx2 + 1);
              return getTableColumn(
                  referenceName + "_" + referenceName2 + "." + propertyName2,
            } else {
              throw new ElementNotFoundException(
                  "property_mapping_not_found", referenceName + "_" + propertyName, getModelName());
          return propertyMapping.getColumn();
        ReferenceMapping referenceMapping = getReferenceMapping(referenceName);

        if (referenceMapping.hasColumnForReferencedModelProperty(propertyName)) {
          if (qualifyReferenceMappingColumn) {
            return getTableToQualifyColumn()
                + "."
                + referenceMapping.getColumnForReferencedModelProperty(propertyName);
          } else {
            return referenceMapping.getColumnForReferencedModelProperty(propertyName);
        } else {
          ModelMapping referencedMapping = referenceMapping.getReferencedMapping();

          String tableName = referencedMapping.getTableToQualifyColumn();
          boolean secondLevel = propertyName.indexOf('.') >= 0;
          String columnName = referencedMapping.getTableColumn(propertyName, secondLevel);
          boolean hasFormula = referencedMapping.getPropertyMapping(propertyName).hasFormula();

          if (qualifyReferenceMappingColumn && !secondLevel && !hasFormula) {
            return tableName + "." + columnName;
          } else if (hasFormula) {
            String formula = referencedMapping.getPropertyMapping(propertyName).getFormula();
            referencePropertyWithFormula = true;
            return qualifyFormulaWithReferenceName(
                formula, referencedMapping.getModelName(), modelProperty);
          } else {
            return columnName;
      throw new ElementNotFoundException(
          "property_mapping_not_found", modelProperty, getModelName());
    if (propertyMapping.hasFormula()) return propertyMapping.getFormula();
    return propertyMapping.getColumn();