   * Prune raptor data to include only routes and boardings which have trips today. Doesn't actually
   * improve speed
  private RaptorData pruneDataForServiceDays(Graph graph, ArrayList<ServiceDay> serviceDays) {

    if (serviceDays.equals(cachedServiceDays)) return cachedRaptorData;
    RaptorData data = graph.getService(RaptorDataService.class).getData();
    RaptorData pruned = new RaptorData();
    pruned.raptorStopsForStopId = data.raptorStopsForStopId;
    pruned.stops = data.stops;
    pruned.routes = new ArrayList<RaptorRoute>();
    pruned.routesForStop = new List[pruned.stops.length];

    for (RaptorRoute route : data.routes) {
      ArrayList<Integer> keep = new ArrayList<Integer>();

      for (int i = 0; i < route.boards[0].length; ++i) {
        Edge board = route.boards[0][i];
        int serviceId;
        if (board instanceof TransitBoardAlight) {
          serviceId = ((TransitBoardAlight) board).getPattern().getServiceId();
        } else {
          log.debug("Unexpected nonboard among boards");
        for (ServiceDay day : serviceDays) {
          if (day.serviceIdRunning(serviceId)) {
      if (keep.isEmpty()) continue;
      int nPatterns = keep.size();
      RaptorRoute prunedRoute = new RaptorRoute(route.getNStops(), nPatterns);
      for (int stop = 0; stop < route.getNStops() - 1; ++stop) {
        for (int pattern = 0; pattern < nPatterns; ++pattern) {
          prunedRoute.boards[stop][pattern] = route.boards[stop][keep.get(pattern)];
      for (RaptorStop stop : route.stops) {
        List<RaptorRoute> routes = pruned.routesForStop[stop.index];
        if (routes == null) {
          routes = new ArrayList<RaptorRoute>();
          pruned.routesForStop[stop.index] = routes;
    for (RaptorStop stop : data.stops) {
      if (pruned.routesForStop[stop.index] == null) {
        pruned.routesForStop[stop.index] = Collections.emptyList();
    cachedServiceDays = serviceDays;
    cachedRaptorData = pruned;
    return pruned;
  private boolean checkForInterliningArriveBy(
      RoutingRequest options, int nBoardings, RaptorRoute route, List<RaptorState> boardStates) {
    int firstStop = route.getNStops() - 1;
    boolean started = false;
    final List<RaptorState> states = statesByStop[route.stops[firstStop].index];
    if (states == null) return false;
    for (RaptorState oldState : states) {
      if (oldState.nBoardings != nBoardings - 1) {
      if (oldState.route == null) {
      if (oldState.route.stops[0] != oldState.stop) {
      RaptorInterlineData interline = oldState.route.interlinesIn.get(oldState.tripId);
      if (interline == null || interline.fromRoute != route) {

      RaptorState stayOn = oldState.clone();
      stayOn.arrivalTime += options.getBoardSlack(); // go backwards in time
      stayOn.interlining = true;

      // generate a board state for this interline
      RaptorState boardState = new RaptorState(stayOn);
      // we need to subtract out the boardSlack that we are about to mistakenly pay
      boardState.weight = -options.getBoardSlack() - options.getAlightSlack();
      boardState.nBoardings = boardState.nBoardings = nBoardings - 1;
      boardState.boardStop = route.stops[firstStop];
      boardState.boardStopSequence = firstStop;

      TransitBoardAlight alight = route.alights[firstStop - 1][interline.fromPatternIndex];
      TableTripPattern pattern = alight.getPattern();

      boardState.tripTimes = pattern.getTripTimes(interline.fromTripIndex);
      final ServiceDay serviceDay = oldState.serviceDay;
      boardState.arrivalTime =
          (int) serviceDay.time(boardState.tripTimes.getArrivalTime(firstStop - 1));
      boardState.patternIndex = interline.fromPatternIndex;
      boardState.tripId = interline.fromTripId;

      boardState.serviceDay = serviceDay;
      boardState.route = route;
      boardState.walkDistance = oldState.walkDistance;

      for (RaptorState state : boardStates) {
        if (state.eDominates(boardState)) {
          continue INTERLINE;

      started = true;

    return started;
  public List<RaptorState> transitPhase(RoutingRequest options, int nBoardings) {

    Collection<RaptorRoute> routesToVisit = new HashSet<RaptorRoute>();

    if (data.routesForStop == null) {
      Collection<RaptorRoute> routes = data.routes;
      for (RaptorStop stop : visitedLastRound) {
        for (RaptorRoute route : data.routesForStop[stop.index]) {
          if (routes.contains(route)) {
    } else {
      for (RaptorStop stop : visitedLastRound) {
        for (RaptorRoute route : data.routesForStop[stop.index]) {
    HashSet<RaptorStop> visitedThisRound = new HashSet<RaptorStop>();

    List<RaptorState> createdStates = new ArrayList<RaptorState>();

    int boardSlack;
    if (options.isArriveBy()) {
      boardSlack =
          nBoardings == 1
              ? options.getAlightSlack()
              : (options.getTransferSlack() - options.getBoardSlack());
    } else {
      boardSlack =
          nBoardings == 1
              ? options.getBoardSlack()
              : (options.getTransferSlack() - options.getAlightSlack());
    for (RaptorRoute route : routesToVisit) {
      List<RaptorState> boardStates = new ArrayList<RaptorState>(); // not really states
      boolean started;

      int firstStop, lastStop, direction, lastBoardStop;
      if (options.isArriveBy()) {
        firstStop = route.getNStops() - 1;
        lastStop = -1;
        direction = -1;
        lastBoardStop = 0;
        // check for interlining on the first stop
        started = checkForInterliningArriveBy(options, nBoardings, route, boardStates);
      } else {
        firstStop = 0;
        lastStop = route.getNStops();
        direction = 1;
        lastBoardStop = lastStop - 1;
        started = checkForInterliningDepartAt(options, nBoardings, route, boardStates);
      for (int stopNo = firstStop; stopNo != lastStop; stopNo += direction) {
        // find the current time at this stop
        RaptorStop stop = route.stops[stopNo];
        if (!started && !visitedLastRound.contains(stop)) continue;
        started = true;

        // skip stops which aren't in this set of data;
        // this is used for the rush ahead search
        if (!data.raptorStopsForStopId.containsKey(stop.stopVertex.getStopId())) {

        // Skip banned stops
        if (options.getBannedStops().matches(stop.stopVertex.getStop())) {
        if (options.getBannedStopsHard().matches(stop.stopVertex.getStop())) {

        List<RaptorState> states = statesByStop[stop.index];
        List<RaptorState> newStates = new ArrayList<RaptorState>();

        if (states == null) {
          states = new ArrayList<RaptorState>();
          statesByStop[stop.index] = states;
        // this checks the case of continuing on the current trips.
        for (RaptorState boardState : boardStates) {

          if (boardState.boardStop == stop) {
            // this only happens due to interlines where
            // the last stop of the first route is equal to the first stop of the
            // subsequent route.

          RaptorState newState = new RaptorState(boardState.getParent());

          ServiceDay sd = boardState.serviceDay;

          int travelTime;
          if (options.isArriveBy()) {
            if (!route.alights[0][boardState.patternIndex].getPattern().canBoard(stopNo)) continue;
            int boardTime = route.getBoardTime(boardState.tripTimes, stopNo);
            newState.arrivalTime = (int) sd.time(boardTime);
            // add in slack
            newState.arrivalTime -= options.getBoardSlack();
            travelTime = newState.getParent().arrivalTime - newState.arrivalTime;
          } else {
            if (!route.boards[0][boardState.patternIndex].getPattern().canAlight(stopNo)) continue;
            int alightTime = route.getAlightTime(boardState.tripTimes, stopNo);
            newState.arrivalTime = (int) sd.time(alightTime);
            // add in slack
            newState.arrivalTime += options.getAlightSlack();
            travelTime = newState.arrivalTime - newState.getParent().arrivalTime;

          newState.weight += travelTime;

          // TODO: consider transfer penalties
          newState.weight += boardState.weight;
          newState.boardStop = boardState.boardStop;
          newState.boardStopSequence = boardState.boardStopSequence;
          newState.route = route;
          newState.patternIndex = boardState.patternIndex;
          newState.tripTimes = boardState.tripTimes;
          newState.nBoardings = boardState.nBoardings;
          newState.walkDistance = boardState.walkDistance;
          newState.tripId = boardState.tripId;
          newState.stop = stop;
          newState.serviceDay = boardState.serviceDay;

          for (RaptorState oldState : states) {
            if (oldState.eDominates(newState)) {
              continue CONTINUE;

          for (RaptorState oldState : newStates) {
            if (oldState.eDominates(newState)) {
              continue CONTINUE;

          Iterator<RaptorState> it = states.iterator();
          while (it.hasNext()) {
            RaptorState oldState = it.next();
            if (newState.eDominates(oldState)) {

          it = newStates.iterator();
          while (it.hasNext()) {
            RaptorState oldState = it.next();
            if (newState.eDominates(oldState)) {


        if (stopNo != lastBoardStop) {

          if (stop.stopVertex.isLocal() && nBoardings > 1) {
            // cannot transfer at a local stop

          // try boarding here
          for (RaptorState oldState : states) {
            if (oldState.nBoardings != nBoardings - 1) continue;
            if (oldState.getRoute() == route)
              continue; // we got here via this route, so no reason to transfer

            RaptorBoardSpec boardSpec;
            int waitTime;
            if (options.isArriveBy()) {
              int arrivalTime = oldState.arrivalTime - boardSlack;
              boardSpec = route.getTripIndexReverse(options, arrivalTime, stopNo);
              if (boardSpec == null) continue;
              waitTime = oldState.arrivalTime - boardSpec.departureTime;
            } else {
              int arrivalTime = oldState.arrivalTime + boardSlack;
              boardSpec = route.getTripIndex(options, arrivalTime, stopNo);
              if (boardSpec == null) continue;
              waitTime = boardSpec.departureTime - oldState.arrivalTime;

            RaptorState boardState = new RaptorState(oldState);
            if (nBoardings == 1) {
              // do not count initial wait time, since it will be optimized away later
              boardState.initialWaitTime = waitTime;
              waitTime = 0;

            boardState.weight = options.getBoardCost(route.mode) + waitTime;
            boardState.nBoardings = nBoardings;
            boardState.boardStop = stop;
            boardState.boardStopSequence = stopNo;
            boardState.arrivalTime = boardSpec.departureTime;
            boardState.patternIndex = boardSpec.patternIndex;
            boardState.tripTimes = boardSpec.tripTimes;
            boardState.serviceDay = boardSpec.serviceDay;
            boardState.route = route;
            boardState.walkDistance = oldState.walkDistance;
            boardState.tripId = boardSpec.tripId;

            for (RaptorState state : boardStates) {
              if (state.eDominates(boardState)) {
                continue TRYBOARD;

            for (RaptorState state : newStates) {
              if (state.eDominates(boardState)) {
                continue TRYBOARD;

    visitedLastRound = visitedThisRound;
    return createdStates;