  * Get a list of all trips that pass through a stop during a single ServiceDate. Useful when
  * creating complete stop timetables for a single day.
  * @param stop Stop object to perform the search for
  * @param serviceDate Return all departures for the specified date
  * @return
 public List<StopTimesInPattern> getStopTimesForStop(Stop stop, ServiceDate serviceDate) {
   List<StopTimesInPattern> ret = new ArrayList<>();
   TimetableSnapshot snapshot = null;
   if (graph.timetableSnapshotSource != null) {
     snapshot = graph.timetableSnapshotSource.getTimetableSnapshot();
   Collection<TripPattern> patterns = patternsForStop.get(stop);
   for (TripPattern pattern : patterns) {
     StopTimesInPattern stopTimes = new StopTimesInPattern(pattern);
     Timetable tt;
     if (snapshot != null) {
       tt = snapshot.resolve(pattern, serviceDate);
     } else {
       tt = pattern.scheduledTimetable;
     ServiceDay sd =
         new ServiceDay(graph, serviceDate, calendarService, pattern.route.getAgency().getId());
     int sidx = 0;
     for (Stop currStop : pattern.stopPattern.stops) {
       if (currStop == stop) {
         for (TripTimes t : tt.tripTimes) {
           if (!sd.serviceRunning(t.serviceCode)) continue;
           stopTimes.times.add(new TripTimeShort(t, sidx, stop, sd));
   return ret;
   * Fetch upcoming vehicle departures from a stop. It goes though all patterns passing the stop for
   * the previous, current and next service date. It uses a priority queue to keep track of the next
   * departures. The queue is shared between all dates, as services from the previous service date
   * can visit the stop later than the current service date's services. This happens eg. with
   * sleeper trains.
   * <p>TODO: Add frequency based trips
   * @param stop Stop object to perform the search for
   * @param startTime Start time for the search. Seconds from UNIX epoch
   * @param timeRange Searches forward for timeRange seconds from startTime
   * @param numberOfDepartures Number of departures to fetch per pattern
   * @return
  public List<StopTimesInPattern> stopTimesForStop(
      Stop stop, long startTime, int timeRange, int numberOfDepartures) {

    if (startTime == 0) {
      startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
    List<StopTimesInPattern> ret = new ArrayList<>();
    TimetableSnapshot snapshot = null;
    if (graph.timetableSnapshotSource != null) {
      snapshot = graph.timetableSnapshotSource.getTimetableSnapshot();
    ServiceDate[] serviceDates = {
      new ServiceDate().previous(), new ServiceDate(), new ServiceDate().next()

    for (TripPattern pattern : patternsForStop.get(stop)) {

      // Use the Lucene PriorityQueue, which has a fixed size
      PriorityQueue<TripTimeShort> pq =
          new PriorityQueue<TripTimeShort>(numberOfDepartures) {
            protected boolean lessThan(TripTimeShort tripTimeShort, TripTimeShort t1) {
              // Calculate exact timestamp
              return (tripTimeShort.serviceDay + tripTimeShort.realtimeDeparture)
                  > (t1.serviceDay + t1.realtimeDeparture);

      // Loop through all possible days
      for (ServiceDate serviceDate : serviceDates) {
        ServiceDay sd =
            new ServiceDay(graph, serviceDate, calendarService, pattern.route.getAgency().getId());
        Timetable tt;
        if (snapshot != null) {
          tt = snapshot.resolve(pattern, serviceDate);
        } else {
          tt = pattern.scheduledTimetable;

        if (!tt.temporallyViable(sd, startTime, timeRange, true)) continue;

        int secondsSinceMidnight = sd.secondsSinceMidnight(startTime);
        int sidx = 0;
        for (Stop currStop : pattern.stopPattern.stops) {
          if (currStop == stop) {
            for (TripTimes t : tt.tripTimes) {
              if (!sd.serviceRunning(t.serviceCode)) continue;
              if (t.getDepartureTime(sidx) != -1
                  && t.getDepartureTime(sidx) >= secondsSinceMidnight) {
                pq.insertWithOverflow(new TripTimeShort(t, sidx, stop, sd));

            // TODO: This needs to be adapted after #1647 is merged
            for (FrequencyEntry freq : tt.frequencyEntries) {
              if (!sd.serviceRunning(freq.tripTimes.serviceCode)) continue;
              int departureTime = freq.nextDepartureTime(sidx, secondsSinceMidnight);
              if (departureTime == -1) continue;
              int lastDeparture =
                      + freq.tripTimes.getArrivalTime(sidx)
                      - freq.tripTimes.getDepartureTime(0);
              int i = 0;
              while (departureTime <= lastDeparture && i < numberOfDepartures) {
                    new TripTimeShort(freq.materialize(sidx, departureTime, true), sidx, stop, sd));
                departureTime += freq.headway;

      if (pq.size() != 0) {
        StopTimesInPattern stopTimes = new StopTimesInPattern(pattern);
        while (pq.size() != 0) {
          stopTimes.times.add(0, pq.pop());
    return ret;