/** Sets the displayed map pane and zoom level so that all map markers are visible. */ public void setDisplayToFitMapMarkers() { if (mapMarkerList == null || mapMarkerList.size() == 0) return; int x_min = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int y_min = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int x_max = Integer.MIN_VALUE; int y_max = Integer.MIN_VALUE; int mapZoomMax = tileController.getTileSource().getMaxZoom(); for (MapMarker marker : mapMarkerList) { int x = OsmMercator.LonToX(marker.getLon(), mapZoomMax); int y = OsmMercator.LatToY(marker.getLat(), mapZoomMax); x_max = Math.max(x_max, x); y_max = Math.max(y_max, y); x_min = Math.min(x_min, x); y_min = Math.min(y_min, y); } int height = Math.max(0, getHeight()); int width = Math.max(0, getWidth()); // System.out.println(x_min + " < x < " + x_max); // System.out.println(y_min + " < y < " + y_max); // System.out.println("tiles: " + width + " " + height); int newZoom = mapZoomMax; int x = x_max - x_min; int y = y_max - y_min; while (x > width || y > height) { // System.out.println("zoom: " + zoom + " -> " + x + " " + y); newZoom--; x >>= 1; y >>= 1; } x = x_min + (x_max - x_min) / 2; y = y_min + (y_max - y_min) / 2; int z = 1 << (mapZoomMax - newZoom); x /= z; y /= z; setDisplayPosition(x, y, newZoom); }
@Override protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); int iMove = 0; int tilex = center.x / Tile.SIZE; int tiley = center.y / Tile.SIZE; int off_x = (center.x % Tile.SIZE); int off_y = (center.y % Tile.SIZE); int w2 = getWidth() / 2; int h2 = getHeight() / 2; int posx = w2 - off_x; int posy = h2 - off_y; int diff_left = off_x; int diff_right = Tile.SIZE - off_x; int diff_top = off_y; int diff_bottom = Tile.SIZE - off_y; boolean start_left = diff_left < diff_right; boolean start_top = diff_top < diff_bottom; if (start_top) { if (start_left) iMove = 2; else iMove = 3; } else { if (start_left) iMove = 1; else iMove = 0; } // calculate the visibility borders int x_min = -Tile.SIZE; int y_min = -Tile.SIZE; int x_max = getWidth(); int y_max = getHeight(); // paint the tiles in a spiral, starting from center of the map boolean painted = true; int x = 0; while (painted) { painted = false; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (i % 2 == 0) x++; for (int j = 0; j < x; j++) { if (x_min <= posx && posx <= x_max && y_min <= posy && posy <= y_max) { // tile is visible Tile tile = tileController.getTile(tilex, tiley, zoom); if (tile != null) { painted = true; tile.paint(g, posx, posy); if (tileGridVisible) g.drawRect(posx, posy, Tile.SIZE, Tile.SIZE); } } Point p = move[iMove]; posx += p.x * Tile.SIZE; posy += p.y * Tile.SIZE; tilex += p.x; tiley += p.y; } iMove = (iMove + 1) % move.length; } } for (OverlayPainter op : overlayPainterList) { op.paintOverlay(g); } // outer border of the map int mapSize = Tile.SIZE << zoom; g.drawRect(w2 - center.x, h2 - center.y, mapSize, mapSize); // g.drawString("Tiles in cache: " + tileCache.getTileCount(), 50, 20); if (mapRectanglesVisible && mapRectangleList != null) { for (MapRectangle rectangle : mapRectangleList) { Coordinate topLeft = rectangle.getTopLeft(); Coordinate bottomRight = rectangle.getBottomRight(); if (topLeft != null && bottomRight != null) { Point pTopLeft = getMapPosition(topLeft.getLat(), topLeft.getLon(), false); Point pBottomRight = getMapPosition(bottomRight.getLat(), bottomRight.getLon(), false); if (pTopLeft != null && pBottomRight != null) { rectangle.paint(g, pTopLeft, pBottomRight); } } } } if (mapMarkersVisible && mapMarkerList != null) { for (MapMarker marker : mapMarkerList) { Point p = getMapPosition(marker.getLat(), marker.getLon()); if (p != null) { marker.paint(g, p); } } } }