  void expandNode(Node node) {
    // System.out.println(node.toString(target));
    QuerySequenceElement el = sequence.get(node.sequenceElNum);

    if (el.center == null) // This node describers a bond that closes a ring
      // Checking whether this bond is present in the target
      IAtom tAt0 = node.atoms[query.getAtomNumber(el.atoms[0])];
      IAtom tAt1 = node.atoms[query.getAtomNumber(el.atoms[1])];
      IBond tBo = target.getBond(tAt0, tAt1);
      if (tBo != null)
        if (el.bonds[0].matches(tBo)) {
          // stack.push(node);
          if (node.sequenceElNum == sequence.size()) {
            // The node is not added in the stack if the end of the sequence is reached
            isomorphismFound = true;
            if (FlagStoreIsomorphismNode) isomorphismNodes.add(node);
          } else stack.push(node);
    } else {
      IAtom tAt = node.atoms[el.centerNum];
      List<IAtom> conAt = target.getConnectedAtomsList(tAt);
      for (int i = 0; i < conAt.size(); i++) {
        if (!containsAtom(node.atoms, conAt.get(i))) targetAt.add(conAt.get(i));

      if (el.atoms.length <= targetAt.size()) generateNodes(node);
  public List<IBond> generateBondMapping(IAtomContainer container, List<IAtom> atomMapping) {
    if (query == null) return null;

    List<IBond> v = new ArrayList<IBond>();
    for (int i = 0; i < query.getBondCount(); i++) {
      IAtom qa0 = query.getBond(i).getAtom(0);
      IAtom qa1 = query.getBond(i).getAtom(1);
      IAtom a0 = atomMapping.get(query.getAtomNumber(qa0));
      IAtom a1 = atomMapping.get(query.getAtomNumber(qa1));

      v.add(container.getBond(a0, a1));

    return (v);