/** * Modules for cleaning a molecule * * @param molecule * @return cleaned AtomContainer */ @TestMethod("testCheckAndCleanMolecule") public static IAtomContainer checkAndCleanMolecule(IAtomContainer molecule) { boolean isMarkush = false; for (IAtom atom : molecule.atoms()) { if (atom.getSymbol().equals("R")) { isMarkush = true; break; } } if (isMarkush) { System.err.println("Skipping Markush structure for sanity check"); } // Check for salts and such if (!ConnectivityChecker.isConnected(molecule)) { // lets see if we have just two parts if so, we assume its a salt and just work // on the larger part. Ideally we should have a check to ensure that the smaller // part is a metal/halogen etc. IMoleculeSet fragments = ConnectivityChecker.partitionIntoMolecules(molecule); if (fragments.getMoleculeCount() > 2) { System.err.println("More than 2 components. Skipped"); } else { IMolecule frag1 = fragments.getMolecule(0); IMolecule frag2 = fragments.getMolecule(1); if (frag1.getAtomCount() > frag2.getAtomCount()) { molecule = frag1; } else { molecule = frag2; } } } configure(molecule); return molecule; }
/** @cdk.bug 2142400 */ @Test public void testHydrogenCount2() throws Exception { String cmlString = "<molecule><atomArray>" + "<atom id='a1' elementType='C' hydrogenCount='4'/>" + "<atom id='a2' elementType='H'/>" + "<atom id='a3' elementType='H'/>" + "<atom id='a4' elementType='H'/>" + "<atom id='a5' elementType='H'/>" + "</atomArray>" + "<bondArray>" + "<bond id='b1' atomRefs2='a1 a2' order='S'/>" + "<bond id='b2' atomRefs2='a1 a3' order='S'/>" + "<bond id='b3' atomRefs2='a1 a4' order='S'/>" + "<bond id='b4' atomRefs2='a1 a5' order='S'/>" + "</bondArray></molecule>"; IChemFile chemFile = parseCMLString(cmlString); IMolecule mol = checkForSingleMoleculeFile(chemFile); Assert.assertEquals(5, mol.getAtomCount()); IAtom atom = mol.getAtom(0); Assert.assertNotNull(atom); Assert.assertEquals("C", atom.getSymbol()); Assert.assertNotNull(atom.getImplicitHydrogenCount()); Assert.assertEquals(0, atom.getImplicitHydrogenCount().intValue()); }
/** * Test for SF bug #1309731. * * @cdk.bug 1309731 */ @Test public void testModelBuilder3D_keepChemObjectIDs() throws Exception { ModelBuilder3D mb3d = ModelBuilder3D.getInstance(); IMolecule methanol = new org.openscience.cdk.Molecule(); IChemObjectBuilder builder = methanol.getBuilder(); IAtom carbon1 = builder.newInstance(IAtom.class, "C"); carbon1.setID("carbon1"); methanol.addAtom(carbon1); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { IAtom hydrogen = builder.newInstance(IAtom.class, "H"); methanol.addAtom(hydrogen); methanol.addBond(builder.newInstance(IBond.class, carbon1, hydrogen, IBond.Order.SINGLE)); } IAtom oxygen1 = builder.newInstance(IAtom.class, "O"); oxygen1.setID("oxygen1"); methanol.addAtom(oxygen1); methanol.addBond(builder.newInstance(IBond.class, carbon1, oxygen1, IBond.Order.SINGLE)); IAtom hydrogen = builder.newInstance(IAtom.class, "H"); methanol.addAtom(hydrogen); methanol.addBond(builder.newInstance(IBond.class, hydrogen, oxygen1, IBond.Order.SINGLE)); Assert.assertEquals(6, methanol.getAtomCount()); Assert.assertEquals(5, methanol.getBondCount()); mb3d.generate3DCoordinates(methanol, false); checkAverageBondLength(methanol); Assert.assertEquals("carbon1", carbon1.getID()); Assert.assertEquals("oxygen1", oxygen1.getID()); }
@Test public void testReading() throws Exception { String filename = "data/asn/pubchem/cid1145.xml"; logger.info("Testing: " + filename); InputStream ins = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(filename); PCCompoundXMLReader reader = new PCCompoundXMLReader(ins); IMolecule molecule = (IMolecule) reader.read(new Molecule()); Assert.assertNotNull(molecule); // check atom stuff Assert.assertEquals(14, molecule.getAtomCount()); Assert.assertEquals("O", molecule.getAtom(0).getSymbol()); Assert.assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(-1), molecule.getAtom(0).getFormalCharge()); Assert.assertEquals("N", molecule.getAtom(1).getSymbol()); Assert.assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(1), molecule.getAtom(1).getFormalCharge()); // check bond stuff Assert.assertEquals(13, molecule.getBondCount()); Assert.assertNotNull(molecule.getBond(3)); // coordinates Assert.assertNull(molecule.getAtom(0).getPoint3d()); Point2d point = molecule.getAtom(0).getPoint2d(); Assert.assertNotNull(point); Assert.assertEquals(3.7320508956909, point.x, 0.00000001); Assert.assertEquals(0.5, point.y, 0.00000001); }
/** * Bug #1610997 says the modelbuilder does not work if 2d coordinates exist before - we test this * here * * @cdk.bug 1610997 */ @Test public void testModelBuilder3D_CCCCCCCCCC_with2d() throws Exception { Assume.assumeTrue(runSlowTests()); ModelBuilder3D mb3d = ModelBuilder3D.getInstance(); String smile = "CCCCCCCCCC"; SmilesParser sp = new SmilesParser(DefaultChemObjectBuilder.getInstance()); IMolecule mol = sp.parseSmiles(smile); for (int i = 0; i < mol.getAtomCount(); i++) { mol.getAtom(i).setPoint2d(new Point2d(1, 1)); } addExplicitHydrogens(mol); mol = mb3d.generate3DCoordinates(mol, false); for (int i = 0; i < mol.getAtomCount(); i++) { Assert.assertNotNull(mol.getAtom(i).getPoint3d()); } checkAverageBondLength(mol); }
@Test public void testNNMolecule_int_int_int_int() { IMolecule m = new NNMolecule(5, 5, 1, 1); Assert.assertNotNull(m); Assert.assertEquals(0, m.getAtomCount()); Assert.assertEquals(0, m.getBondCount()); Assert.assertEquals(0, m.getLonePairCount()); Assert.assertEquals(0, m.getSingleElectronCount()); }
/** Sets the format origin and tries to find a good title */ protected void setMetaData(MoleculeType molMolecule, IMolecule molStructure) { if (molStructure != null) { if (molStructure.getProperty("cdk:Title") != null) { molMolecule.setTitle(molStructure.getProperty("cdk:Title").toString()); } else { molMolecule.setTitle("Unknown molecule"); } if (molStructure.getID() != null) { molMolecule.setId(molStructure.getID().toString()); } else { molMolecule.setId("ID" + Integer.toString(molStructure.hashCode())); } if (molStructure.getAtomCount() > 0) { molMolecule.setCount((double) molStructure.getAtomCount()); } // ToDo add additional properties from the >property block and/or M // block } }
@Test public void testAtomElementType3() throws Exception { String cmlString = "<molecule id='m1'><atomArray atomID='a1' elementType='C'/></molecule>"; IChemFile chemFile = parseCMLString(cmlString); IMolecule mol = checkForSingleMoleculeFile(chemFile); Assert.assertEquals(1, mol.getAtomCount()); IAtom atom = mol.getAtom(0); Assert.assertEquals("C", atom.getSymbol()); }
@Test public void testAtomId3() throws Exception { String cmlString = "<molecule id='m1'><atomArray atomID='a1 a2 a3'/></molecule>"; IChemFile chemFile = parseCMLString(cmlString); IMolecule mol = checkForSingleMoleculeFile(chemFile); Assert.assertEquals(3, mol.getAtomCount()); IAtom atom = mol.getAtom(1); Assert.assertEquals("a2", atom.getID()); }
@Test public void testBondStereo() throws Exception { String cmlString = "<molecule id='m1'><atomArray><atom id='a1'/><atom id='a2'/></atomArray><bondArray><bond id='b1' atomRefs2='a1 a2'><bondStereo dictRef='cml:H'/></bond></bondArray></molecule>"; IChemFile chemFile = parseCMLString(cmlString); IMolecule mol = checkForSingleMoleculeFile(chemFile); Assert.assertEquals(2, mol.getAtomCount()); Assert.assertEquals(1, mol.getBondCount()); IBond bond = mol.getBond(0); Assert.assertEquals(IBond.Stereo.DOWN, bond.getStereo()); }
@Test public void testIsotopicMass() throws Exception { String cmlString = "<molecule><atomArray><atom id='a1' elementType=\"C\"><scalar dataType=\"xsd:float\" dictRef=\"cdk:isotopicMass\">12.0</scalar></atom></atomArray></molecule>"; IChemFile chemFile = parseCMLString(cmlString); IMolecule mol = checkForSingleMoleculeFile(chemFile); Assert.assertEquals(1, mol.getAtomCount()); IAtom atom = mol.getAtom(0); Assert.assertEquals("C", atom.getSymbol()); Assert.assertEquals(12.0, atom.getExactMass().doubleValue(), 0.01); }
@Test public void testBondAromatic2() throws Exception { String cmlString = "<molecule id='m1'><atomArray atomID='a1 a2'/><bondArray><bond atomRefs='a1 a2' order='2'><bondType dictRef='cdk:aromaticBond'/></bond></bondArray></molecule>"; IChemFile chemFile = parseCMLString(cmlString); IMolecule mol = checkForSingleMoleculeFile(chemFile); Assert.assertEquals(2, mol.getAtomCount()); Assert.assertEquals(1, mol.getBondCount()); org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IBond bond = mol.getBond(0); Assert.assertEquals(CDKConstants.BONDORDER_DOUBLE, bond.getOrder()); Assert.assertTrue(bond.getFlag(CDKConstants.ISAROMATIC)); }
@Test public void testBondId() throws Exception { String cmlString = "<molecule id='m1'><atomArray><atom id='a1'/><atom id='a2'/></atomArray><bondArray><bond id='b1' atomRefs2='a1 a2'/></bondArray></molecule>"; IChemFile chemFile = parseCMLString(cmlString); IMolecule mol = checkForSingleMoleculeFile(chemFile); Assert.assertEquals(2, mol.getAtomCount()); Assert.assertEquals(1, mol.getBondCount()); org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IBond bond = mol.getBond(0); Assert.assertEquals("b1", bond.getID()); }
@Test public void testMassNumber() throws Exception { String cmlString = "<molecule id='m1'><atomArray><atom id='a1' elementType='C' isotopeNumber='12'/></atomArray></molecule>"; IChemFile chemFile = parseCMLString(cmlString); IMolecule mol = checkForSingleMoleculeFile(chemFile); Assert.assertEquals(1, mol.getAtomCount()); IAtom atom = mol.getAtom(0); Assert.assertEquals("C", atom.getSymbol()); Assert.assertEquals(12, atom.getMassNumber().intValue()); }
@Test public void testAtomicNumber() throws Exception { String cmlString = "<molecule><atomArray><atom id='a1' elementType=\"C\"><scalar dataType=\"xsd:integer\" dictRef=\"cdk:atomicNumber\">6</scalar></atom></atomArray></molecule>"; IChemFile chemFile = parseCMLString(cmlString); IMolecule mol = checkForSingleMoleculeFile(chemFile); Assert.assertEquals(1, mol.getAtomCount()); IAtom atom = mol.getAtom(0); Assert.assertEquals("C", atom.getSymbol()); Assert.assertEquals(6, atom.getAtomicNumber().intValue()); }
@Test public void testFractional3D() throws Exception { String cmlString = "<molecule id='m1'><atomArray atomID='a1 a2' xFract='0.0 0.1' yFract='1.2 1.3' zFract='2.1 2.5'/></molecule>"; IChemFile chemFile = parseCMLString(cmlString); IMolecule mol = checkForSingleMoleculeFile(chemFile); Assert.assertEquals(2, mol.getAtomCount()); Assert.assertNull(mol.getAtom(0).getPoint3d()); Assert.assertNull(mol.getAtom(1).getPoint3d()); Assert.assertNotNull(mol.getAtom(0).getFractionalPoint3d()); Assert.assertNotNull(mol.getAtom(1).getFractionalPoint3d()); }
@Test public void testModelBuilder3D_CccccC() throws Exception { ModelBuilder3D mb3d = ModelBuilder3D.getInstance(); String smile = "CccccC"; SmilesParser sp = new SmilesParser(DefaultChemObjectBuilder.getInstance()); IMolecule mol = sp.parseSmiles(smile); addExplicitHydrogens(mol); mol = mb3d.generate3DCoordinates(mol, false); for (int i = 0; i < mol.getAtomCount(); i++) { Assert.assertNotNull(mol.getAtom(i).getPoint3d()); } checkAverageBondLength(mol); // logger.debug("Layout molecule with SMILE: "+smile); }
/** @cdk.bug 2142400 */ @Test public void testHydrogenCount1() throws Exception { String cmlString = "<molecule><atomArray><atom id='a1' elementType='C' hydrogenCount='4'/></atomArray></molecule>"; IChemFile chemFile = parseCMLString(cmlString); IMolecule mol = checkForSingleMoleculeFile(chemFile); Assert.assertEquals(1, mol.getAtomCount()); IAtom atom = mol.getAtom(0); Assert.assertNotNull(atom); Assert.assertNotNull(atom.getImplicitHydrogenCount()); Assert.assertEquals(4, atom.getImplicitHydrogenCount().intValue()); }
@Test public void testModelBuilder3D_reserpine() throws Exception { ModelBuilder3D mb3d = ModelBuilder3D.getInstance(); String filename = "data/mdl/reserpine.mol"; InputStream ins = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(filename); MDLV2000Reader reader = new MDLV2000Reader(ins); ChemFile chemFile = (ChemFile) reader.read((ChemObject) new ChemFile()); List containersList = ChemFileManipulator.getAllAtomContainers(chemFile); IMolecule ac = new NNMolecule((IAtomContainer) containersList.get(0)); ac = mb3d.generate3DCoordinates(ac, false); for (int i = 0; i < ac.getAtomCount(); i++) { Assert.assertNotNull(ac.getAtom(i).getPoint3d()); } checkAverageBondLength(ac); }
@Test public void testModelBuilder3D_Konstanz() throws Exception { Assume.assumeTrue(runSlowTests()); ModelBuilder3D mb3d = ModelBuilder3D.getInstance(); String smile = "C12(-[H])-C3(-C(-[H])(-[H])-C(-C4(-C5(-C(-Cl)(-Cl)-C(-C-3-4-[H])(-Cl)-C(-Cl)(-[H])-C-5(-Cl)-[H])-Cl)-[H])(-[H])-C-2(-O-1)-[H])-[H]"; SmilesParser sp = new SmilesParser(DefaultChemObjectBuilder.getInstance()); IMolecule mol = sp.parseSmiles(smile); addExplicitHydrogens(mol); mol = mb3d.generate3DCoordinates(mol, false); for (int i = 0; i < mol.getAtomCount(); i++) { Assert.assertNotNull(mol.getAtom(i).getPoint3d()); } checkAverageBondLength(mol); }
@Test public void testBond5() throws Exception { String cmlString = "<molecule id='m1'><atomArray atomID='a1 a2 a3'/><bondArray atomRef1='a1 a1' atomRef2='a2 a3' order='1 1'/></molecule>"; IChemFile chemFile = parseCMLString(cmlString); IMolecule mol = checkForSingleMoleculeFile(chemFile); Assert.assertEquals(3, mol.getAtomCount()); Assert.assertEquals(2, mol.getBondCount()); org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IBond bond = mol.getBond(0); Assert.assertEquals(2, bond.getAtomCount()); Assert.assertEquals(IBond.Order.SINGLE, bond.getOrder()); bond = mol.getBond(1); Assert.assertEquals(2, bond.getAtomCount()); Assert.assertEquals(IBond.Order.SINGLE, bond.getOrder()); }
@Test public void testMissing3DCoordinates() throws Exception { String cmlString = "<molecule id='m1'><atomArray><atom id='a1' xyz3='0.0 0.1 0.2'/><atom id='a2'/><atom id='a3' xyz3='0.1 0.0 0.2'/></atomArray></molecule>"; IChemFile chemFile = parseCMLString(cmlString); IMolecule mol = checkForSingleMoleculeFile(chemFile); Assert.assertEquals(3, mol.getAtomCount()); IAtom atom1 = mol.getAtom(0); IAtom atom2 = mol.getAtom(1); IAtom atom3 = mol.getAtom(2); Assert.assertNotNull(atom1.getPoint3d()); Assert.assertNull(atom2.getPoint3d()); Assert.assertNotNull(atom3.getPoint3d()); }
@Test public void testReading3DCoords() throws Exception { String filename = "data/asn/pubchem/cid176.xml"; logger.info("Testing: " + filename); InputStream ins = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(filename); PCCompoundXMLReader reader = new PCCompoundXMLReader(ins); IMolecule molecule = (IMolecule) reader.read(new Molecule()); Assert.assertNotNull(molecule); // check atom stuff Assert.assertEquals(8, molecule.getAtomCount()); Assert.assertNull(molecule.getAtom(0).getPoint2d()); Point3d point = molecule.getAtom(0).getPoint3d(); Assert.assertNotNull(point); Assert.assertEquals(-0.9598, point.x, 0.0001); Assert.assertEquals(1.5616, point.y, 0.0001); Assert.assertEquals(1.8714, point.z, 0.0001); }
@Test public void testBond4() throws Exception { String cmlString = "<molecule id='m1'><atomArray atomID='a1 a2 a3'/><bondArray atomRef1='a1 a1' atomRef2='a2 a3' bondID='b1 b2'/></molecule>"; IChemFile chemFile = parseCMLString(cmlString); IMolecule mol = checkForSingleMoleculeFile(chemFile); Assert.assertEquals(3, mol.getAtomCount()); Assert.assertEquals(2, mol.getBondCount()); org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IBond bond = mol.getBond(0); Assert.assertEquals(2, bond.getAtomCount()); IAtom atom1 = bond.getAtom(0); IAtom atom2 = bond.getAtom(1); Assert.assertEquals("a1", atom1.getID()); Assert.assertEquals("a2", atom2.getID()); Assert.assertEquals("b2", mol.getBond(1).getID()); }
/** A unit test for JUnit with Methanol */ @Test public void testPartialTotalChargeDescriptor_Methanol() throws ClassNotFoundException, CDKException, java.lang.Exception { double[] testResult = { 0.28, -0.67, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.4 }; /* from Merck Molecular Force Field. II. Thomas A. Halgren*/ IAtomicDescriptor descriptor = new PartialTChargeMMFF94Descriptor(); IMolecule mol = builder.newInstance(IMolecule.class); IAtom carbon = builder.newInstance(IAtom.class, Elements.CARBON); IAtom oxygen = builder.newInstance(IAtom.class, Elements.OXYGEN); // making sure the order matches the test results mol.addAtom(carbon); mol.addAtom(oxygen); mol.addBond(builder.newInstance(IBond.class, carbon, oxygen, CDKConstants.BONDORDER_SINGLE)); addExplicitHydrogens(mol); for (int i = 0; i < mol.getAtomCount(); i++) { double result = ((DoubleResult) descriptor.calculate(mol.getAtom(i), mol).getValue()).doubleValue(); Assert.assertEquals(testResult[i], result, METHOD_ERROR); } }
@Test public void testNNMolecule_IAtomContainer() { IAtomContainer acetone = new org.openscience.cdk.AtomContainer(); IAtom c1 = acetone.getBuilder().newAtom("C"); IAtom c2 = acetone.getBuilder().newAtom("C"); IAtom o = acetone.getBuilder().newAtom("O"); IAtom c3 = acetone.getBuilder().newAtom("C"); acetone.addAtom(c1); acetone.addAtom(c2); acetone.addAtom(c3); acetone.addAtom(o); IBond b1 = acetone.getBuilder().newBond(c1, c2, IBond.Order.SINGLE); IBond b2 = acetone.getBuilder().newBond(c1, o, IBond.Order.DOUBLE); IBond b3 = acetone.getBuilder().newBond(c1, c3, IBond.Order.SINGLE); acetone.addBond(b1); acetone.addBond(b2); acetone.addBond(b3); IMolecule m = new NNMolecule(acetone); Assert.assertNotNull(m); Assert.assertEquals(4, m.getAtomCount()); Assert.assertEquals(3, m.getBondCount()); }
/** * Choose any possible quadruple of the set of atoms in ac and establish all of the possible * bonding schemes according to Faulon's equations. */ public static List sample(IMolecule ac) { logger.debug("RandomGenerator->mutate() Start"); List structures = new ArrayList(); int nrOfAtoms = ac.getAtomCount(); double a11 = 0, a12 = 0, a22 = 0, a21 = 0; double b11 = 0, lowerborder = 0, upperborder = 0; double b12 = 0; double b21 = 0; double b22 = 0; double[] cmax = new double[4]; double[] cmin = new double[4]; IAtomContainer newAc = null; IAtom ax1 = null, ax2 = null, ay1 = null, ay2 = null; IBond b1 = null, b2 = null, b3 = null, b4 = null; // int[] choices = new int[3]; /* We need at least two non-zero bonds in order to be successful */ int nonZeroBondsCounter = 0; for (int x1 = 0; x1 < nrOfAtoms; x1++) { for (int x2 = x1 + 1; x2 < nrOfAtoms; x2++) { for (int y1 = x2 + 1; y1 < nrOfAtoms; y1++) { for (int y2 = y1 + 1; y2 < nrOfAtoms; y2++) { nonZeroBondsCounter = 0; ax1 = ac.getAtom(x1); ay1 = ac.getAtom(y1); ax2 = ac.getAtom(x2); ay2 = ac.getAtom(y2); /* Get four bonds for these four atoms */ b1 = ac.getBond(ax1, ay1); if (b1 != null) { a11 = BondManipulator.destroyBondOrder(b1.getOrder()); nonZeroBondsCounter++; } else { a11 = 0; } b2 = ac.getBond(ax1, ay2); if (b2 != null) { a12 = BondManipulator.destroyBondOrder(b2.getOrder()); nonZeroBondsCounter++; } else { a12 = 0; } b3 = ac.getBond(ax2, ay1); if (b3 != null) { a21 = BondManipulator.destroyBondOrder(b3.getOrder()); nonZeroBondsCounter++; } else { a21 = 0; } b4 = ac.getBond(ax2, ay2); if (b4 != null) { a22 = BondManipulator.destroyBondOrder(b4.getOrder()); nonZeroBondsCounter++; } else { a22 = 0; } if (nonZeroBondsCounter > 1) { /* Compute the range for b11 (see Faulons formulae for details) */ cmax[0] = 0; cmax[1] = a11 - a22; cmax[2] = a11 + a12 - 3; cmax[3] = a11 + a21 - 3; cmin[0] = 3; cmin[1] = a11 + a12; cmin[2] = a11 + a21; cmin[3] = a11 - a22 + 3; lowerborder = MathTools.max(cmax); upperborder = MathTools.min(cmin); for (b11 = lowerborder; b11 <= upperborder; b11++) { if (b11 != a11) { b12 = a11 + a12 - b11; b21 = a11 + a21 - b11; b22 = a22 - a11 + b11; logger.debug("Trying atom combination : " + x1 + ":" + x2 + ":" + y1 + ":" + y2); try { newAc = (IAtomContainer) ac.clone(); change(newAc, x1, y1, x2, y2, b11, b12, b21, b22); if (ConnectivityChecker.isConnected(newAc)) { structures.add(newAc); } else { logger.debug("not connected"); } } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { logger.error("Cloning exception: " + e.getMessage()); logger.debug(e); } } } } } } } } return structures; }