private static void replaceReferencesWithClones(final IChemModel chemModel) throws CDKException { // we make references in products/reactants clones, since same compounds // in different reactions need separate layout (different positions etc) if (chemModel.getReactionSet() != null) { for (final IReaction reaction : chemModel.getReactionSet() .reactions()) { int i = 0; final IAtomContainerSet products = reaction.getProducts(); for (final IAtomContainer product : products.atomContainers()) { try { products.replaceAtomContainer(i, product.clone()); } catch (final CloneNotSupportedException e) { } i++; } i = 0; final IAtomContainerSet reactants = reaction.getReactants(); for (final IAtomContainer reactant : reactants.atomContainers()) { try { reactants.replaceAtomContainer(i, reactant.clone()); } catch (final CloneNotSupportedException e) { } i++; } } } }
/** * Takes an object which subclasses IChemObject, e.g.Molecule, and will read this (from file, * database, internet etc). If the specific implementation does not support a specific IChemObject * it will throw an Exception. * * @param object The object that subclasses IChemObject * @return The IChemObject read * @exception CDKException */ public IChemObject read(IChemObject object) throws CDKException { if (object instanceof IReaction) { return (IChemObject) readReaction(object.getBuilder()); } else if (object instanceof IReactionSet) { IReactionSet reactionSet = object.getBuilder().newReactionSet(); reactionSet.addReaction(readReaction(object.getBuilder())); return reactionSet; } else if (object instanceof IChemModel) { IChemModel model = object.getBuilder().newChemModel(); IReactionSet reactionSet = object.getBuilder().newReactionSet(); reactionSet.addReaction(readReaction(object.getBuilder())); model.setReactionSet(reactionSet); return model; } else if (object instanceof IChemFile) { IChemFile chemFile = object.getBuilder().newChemFile(); IChemSequence sequence = object.getBuilder().newChemSequence(); sequence.addChemModel((IChemModel) read(object.getBuilder().newChemModel())); chemFile.addChemSequence(sequence); return chemFile; } else { throw new CDKException( "Only supported are Reaction and ChemModel, and not " + object.getClass().getName() + "."); } }
public static IChemModel emptyModel() { final IChemModel chemModel = DefaultChemObjectBuilder.getInstance() .newInstance(IChemModel.class); chemModel.setMoleculeSet(chemModel.getBuilder().newInstance( IAtomContainerSet.class)); chemModel.getMoleculeSet().addAtomContainer( chemModel.getBuilder().newInstance(IAtomContainer.class)); return chemModel; }
private IChemModel readChemModel(IChemModel chemModel) throws CDKException { IAtomContainerSet setOfMolecules = chemModel.getMoleculeSet(); if (setOfMolecules == null) { setOfMolecules = chemModel.getBuilder().newInstance(IAtomContainerSet.class); } IAtomContainer m = readAtomContainer(chemModel.getBuilder().newInstance(IAtomContainer.class)); if (m != null && m instanceof IAtomContainer) { setOfMolecules.addAtomContainer((IAtomContainer) m); } chemModel.setMoleculeSet(setOfMolecules); return chemModel; }
@TestMethod("testReadReactions1") public <T extends IChemObject> T read(T object) throws CDKException { if (object instanceof IReaction) { return (T) readReaction(object.getBuilder()); } else if (object instanceof IChemModel) { IChemModel model = object.getBuilder().newInstance(IChemModel.class); IReactionSet reactionSet = object.getBuilder().newInstance(IReactionSet.class); reactionSet.addReaction(readReaction(object.getBuilder())); model.setReactionSet(reactionSet); return (T) model; } else { throw new CDKException( "Only supported are Reaction and ChemModel, and not " + object.getClass().getName() + "."); } }
private IChemFile readChemFile() throws CDKException { IChemSequence seq = file.getBuilder().newChemSequence(); IChemModel model = file.getBuilder().newChemModel(); IMoleculeSet containerSet = file.getBuilder().newMoleculeSet(); IMolecule container = file.getBuilder().newMolecule(); int lineNumber = 0; try { String line = input.readLine(); while (input.ready() && line != null) { logger.debug((lineNumber++) + ": ", line); String command = null; if (isCommand(line)) { command = getCommand(line); int lineCount = getContentLinesCount(line); if ("ATOMS".equals(command)) { processAtomsBlock(lineCount, container); } else if ("BONDS".equals(command)) { processBondsBlock(lineCount, container); } else if ("IDENT".equals(command)) { processIdentBlock(lineCount, container); } else if ("NAME".equals(command)) { processNameBlock(lineCount, container); } else { // skip lines logger.warn("Dropping block: ", command); for (int i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) input.readLine(); } } else { logger.warn("Unexpected content at line: ", lineNumber); } line = input.readLine(); } containerSet.addAtomContainer(container); model.setMoleculeSet(containerSet); seq.addChemModel(model); file.addChemSequence(seq); } catch (Exception exception) { String message = "Error while parsing CTX file: " + exception.getMessage(); logger.error(message); logger.debug(exception); throw new CDKException(message, exception); } return file; }
private static void removeDuplicateAtomContainers(final IChemModel chemModel) { // we remove molecules which are in AtomContainerSet as well as in a // reaction final IReactionSet reactionSet = chemModel.getReactionSet(); final IAtomContainerSet moleculeSet = chemModel.getMoleculeSet(); if (reactionSet != null && moleculeSet != null) { final List<IAtomContainer> aclist = ReactionSetManipulator .getAllAtomContainers(reactionSet); for (int i = moleculeSet.getAtomContainerCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { for (int k = 0; k < aclist.size(); k++) { final String label = moleculeSet.getAtomContainer(i) .getID(); if (aclist.get(k).getID().equals(label)) { chemModel.getMoleculeSet().removeAtomContainer(i); break; } } } } }
private static void setReactionIDs(final IChemModel chemModel) { // we give all reactions an ID, in case they have none // IDs are needed for handling in JCP final IReactionSet reactionSet = chemModel.getReactionSet(); if (reactionSet != null) { int i = 0; for (final IReaction reaction : reactionSet.reactions()) { if (reaction.getID() == null) { reaction.setID("Reaction " + ++i); } } } }
private IReaction checkForXReactionFile(IChemFile chemFile, int numberOfReactions) { Assert.assertNotNull(chemFile); Assert.assertEquals(chemFile.getChemSequenceCount(), 1); org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IChemSequence seq = chemFile.getChemSequence(0); Assert.assertNotNull(seq); Assert.assertEquals(seq.getChemModelCount(), 1); org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IChemModel model = seq.getChemModel(0); Assert.assertNotNull(model); IReactionSet reactionSet = model.getReactionSet(); Assert.assertNotNull(reactionSet); Assert.assertEquals(reactionSet.getReactionCount(), numberOfReactions); IReaction reaction = null; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfReactions; i++) { reaction = reactionSet.getReaction(i); Assert.assertNotNull(reaction); } return reaction; }
private IMolecule checkForXMoleculeFile(IChemFile chemFile, int numberOfMolecules) { Assert.assertNotNull(chemFile); Assert.assertEquals(chemFile.getChemSequenceCount(), 1); org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IChemSequence seq = chemFile.getChemSequence(0); Assert.assertNotNull(seq); Assert.assertEquals(seq.getChemModelCount(), 1); org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IChemModel model = seq.getChemModel(0); Assert.assertNotNull(model); org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IMoleculeSet moleculeSet = model.getMoleculeSet(); Assert.assertNotNull(moleculeSet); Assert.assertEquals(moleculeSet.getMoleculeCount(), numberOfMolecules); IMolecule mol = null; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfMolecules; i++) { mol = moleculeSet.getMolecule(i); Assert.assertNotNull(mol); } return mol; }
/** * Clean up chemical model ,removing duplicates empty molecules etc * * @param chemModel * @param avoidOverlap * @throws CDKException */ public static void cleanUpChemModel(final IChemModel chemModel, final boolean avoidOverlap, final AbstractJChemPaintPanel panel) throws CDKException { JChemPaint.setReactionIDs(chemModel); JChemPaint.replaceReferencesWithClones(chemModel); // check the model is not completely empty if (ChemModelManipulator.getBondCount(chemModel) == 0 && ChemModelManipulator.getAtomCount(chemModel) == 0) { throw new CDKException( "Structure does not have bonds or atoms. Cannot depict structure."); } JChemPaint.removeDuplicateAtomContainers(chemModel); JChemPaint.checkCoordinates(chemModel); JChemPaint.removeEmptyAtomContainers(chemModel); if (avoidOverlap) { try { ControllerHub.avoidOverlap(chemModel); } catch (final Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(panel, GT._("Structure could not be generated")); throw new CDKException("Cannot depict structure"); } } // We update implicit Hs in any case final CDKAtomTypeMatcher matcher = CDKAtomTypeMatcher .getInstance(chemModel.getBuilder()); for (final IAtomContainer container : ChemModelManipulator .getAllAtomContainers(chemModel)) { for (final IAtom atom : container.atoms()) { if (!(atom instanceof IPseudoAtom)) { try { final IAtomType type = matcher.findMatchingAtomType( container, atom); if (type != null && type.getFormalNeighbourCount() != null) { final int connectedAtomCount = container .getConnectedAtomsCount(atom); atom.setImplicitHydrogenCount(type .getFormalNeighbourCount() - connectedAtomCount); } } catch (final CDKException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } }
private static void checkCoordinates(final IChemModel chemModel) throws CDKException { for (final IAtomContainer next : ChemModelManipulator .getAllAtomContainers(chemModel)) { if (!GeometryTools.get2DCoordinateCoverage(next).equals( GeometryTools.CoordinateCoverage.FULL)) { final String error = GT._("Not all atoms have 2D coordinates." + " JCP can only show full 2D specified structures." + " Shall we lay out the structure?"); final int answer = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, error, "No 2D coordinates", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if (answer == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) { throw new CDKException( GT._("Cannot display without 2D coordinates")); } else { // CreateCoordinatesForFileDialog frame = // new CreateCoordinatesForFileDialog(chemModel); // frame.pack(); //; WaitDialog.showDialog(); final List<IAtomContainer> acs = ChemModelManipulator .getAllAtomContainers(chemModel); generate2dCoordinates(acs); WaitDialog.hideDialog(); return; } } } /* * Add implicit hydrogens (in ControllerParameters, * autoUpdateImplicitHydrogens is true by default, so we need to do that * anyway) */ final CDKHydrogenAdder hAdder = CDKHydrogenAdder.getInstance(chemModel .getBuilder()); for (final IAtomContainer molecule : ChemModelManipulator .getAllAtomContainers(chemModel)) { if (molecule != null) { try { hAdder.addImplicitHydrogens(molecule); } catch (final CDKException e) { // do nothing } } } }
public static JChemPaintPanel showInstance(final IChemModel chemModel, final String title, final boolean debug) { final JFrame f = new JFrame(title + " - JChemPaint"); chemModel.setID(title); f.addWindowListener(new JChemPaintPanel.AppCloser()); f.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); final JChemPaintPanel p = new JChemPaintPanel(chemModel, GUI_APPLICATION, debug, null, new ArrayList<String>()); p.updateStatusBar(); f.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(800, 494)); // 1.618 f.add(p); f.pack(); final Point point = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment() .getCenterPoint(); final int w2 = f.getWidth() / 2; final int h2 = f.getHeight() / 2; f.setLocation(point.x - w2, point.y - h2); f.setVisible(true); frameList.add(f); return p; }
private static void removeEmptyAtomContainers(final IChemModel chemModel) { final IAtomContainerSet moleculeSet = chemModel.getMoleculeSet(); if (moleculeSet != null && moleculeSet.getAtomContainerCount() == 0) { chemModel.setMoleculeSet(null); } }
/** * Inserts a molecule into the current set, usually from Combobox or Insert * field, with possible shifting of the existing set. * * @param chemPaintPanel * @param molecule * @param generateCoordinates * @param shiftPanel * @throws CDKException */ public static void generateModel( final AbstractJChemPaintPanel chemPaintPanel, IAtomContainer molecule, final boolean generateCoordinates, final boolean shiftPasted) throws CDKException { if (molecule == null) { return; } final IChemModel chemModel = chemPaintPanel.getChemModel(); IAtomContainerSet moleculeSet = chemModel.getMoleculeSet(); if (moleculeSet == null) { moleculeSet = new AtomContainerSet(); } // On copy & paste on top of an existing drawn structure, prevent the // pasted section to be drawn exactly on top or to far away from the // original by shifting it to a fixed position next to it. if (shiftPasted) { double maxXCurr = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; double minXPaste = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for (final IAtomContainer atc : moleculeSet.atomContainers()) { // Detect the right border of the current structure.. for (final IAtom atom : atc.atoms()) { if (atom.getPoint2d().x > maxXCurr) { maxXCurr = atom.getPoint2d().x; } } // Detect the left border of the pasted structure.. for (final IAtom atom : molecule.atoms()) { if (atom.getPoint2d().x < minXPaste) { minXPaste = atom.getPoint2d().x; } } } if (maxXCurr != Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY && minXPaste != Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { // Shift the pasted structure to be nicely next to the existing // one. final int MARGIN = 1; final double SHIFT = maxXCurr - minXPaste; for (final IAtom atom : molecule.atoms()) { atom.setPoint2d(new Point2d(atom.getPoint2d().x + MARGIN + SHIFT, atom.getPoint2d().y)); } } } if (generateCoordinates) { // now generate 2D coordinates final StructureDiagramGenerator sdg = new StructureDiagramGenerator(); sdg.setTemplateHandler(new TemplateHandler(moleculeSet.getBuilder())); try { sdg.setMolecule(molecule); sdg.generateCoordinates(new Vector2d(0, 1)); molecule = sdg.getMolecule(); } catch (final Exception exc) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(chemPaintPanel, GT._("Structure could not be generated")); throw new CDKException("Cannot depict structure"); } } if (moleculeSet.getAtomContainer(0).getAtomCount() == 0) { moleculeSet.getAtomContainer(0).add(molecule); } else { moleculeSet.addAtomContainer(molecule); } final IUndoRedoFactory undoRedoFactory = chemPaintPanel.get2DHub() .getUndoRedoFactory(); final UndoRedoHandler undoRedoHandler = chemPaintPanel.get2DHub() .getUndoRedoHandler(); if (undoRedoFactory != null) { final IUndoRedoable undoredo = undoRedoFactory .getAddAtomsAndBondsEdit(chemPaintPanel.get2DHub() .getIChemModel(), molecule, null, "Paste", chemPaintPanel.get2DHub()); undoRedoHandler.postEdit(undoredo); } chemPaintPanel.getChemModel().setMoleculeSet(moleculeSet); chemPaintPanel.updateUndoRedoControls(); chemPaintPanel.get2DHub().updateView(); }
/** * Read a ChemFile from a file in MDL SDF format. * * @return The ChemFile that was read from the MDL file. */ private IChemFile readChemFile(IChemFile chemFile) throws CDKException { IChemSequence chemSequence = chemFile.getBuilder().newInstance(IChemSequence.class); IChemModel chemModel = chemFile.getBuilder().newInstance(IChemModel.class); IAtomContainerSet setOfMolecules = chemFile.getBuilder().newInstance(IAtomContainerSet.class); IAtomContainer m = readAtomContainer(chemFile.getBuilder().newInstance(IAtomContainer.class)); if (m != null && m instanceof IAtomContainer) { setOfMolecules.addAtomContainer((IAtomContainer) m); } chemModel.setMoleculeSet(setOfMolecules); chemSequence.addChemModel(chemModel); setOfMolecules = chemFile.getBuilder().newInstance(IAtomContainerSet.class); chemModel = chemFile.getBuilder().newInstance(IChemModel.class); String str; try { String line; while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) { logger.debug("line: ", line); // apparently, this is a SDF file, continue with // reading mol files str = new String(line); if (str.equals("$$$$")) { m = readAtomContainer(chemFile.getBuilder().newInstance(IAtomContainer.class)); if (m != null && m instanceof IAtomContainer) { setOfMolecules.addAtomContainer((IAtomContainer) m); chemModel.setMoleculeSet(setOfMolecules); chemSequence.addChemModel(chemModel); setOfMolecules = chemFile.getBuilder().newInstance(IAtomContainerSet.class); chemModel = chemFile.getBuilder().newInstance(IChemModel.class); } } else { // here the stuff between 'M END' and '$$$$' if (m != null) { // ok, the first lines should start with '>' String fieldName = null; if (str.startsWith("> ")) { // ok, should extract the field name str.substring(2); // String content = int index = str.indexOf("<"); if (index != -1) { int index2 = str.substring(index).indexOf(">"); if (index2 != -1) { fieldName = str.substring(index + 1, index + index2); } } } if (line == null) { throw new CDKException("Expecting data line here, but found null!"); } StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder(); int dataLineCount = 0; boolean lineIsContinued = false; while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) { if (line.equals(" ") && dataLineCount == 0) { // apparently a file can have a field whose value is a single space. Moronic // we check for it *before* trimming it. ideally we should check for any length // of whitespace // In adition some SD files have the blank line after the value line contain // a space, rather than being a true blank line. So we only store a blank value // line if it's the first line after the key line data.append(line); lineIsContinued = false; dataLineCount++; if (!lineIsContinued && dataLineCount > 1) data.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); continue; } line = line.trim(); if (line.length() == 0) break; if (line.equals("$$$$")) { logger.error("Expecting data line here, but found end of molecule: ", line); break; } logger.debug("data line: ", line); lineIsContinued = false; // reset property dataLineCount++; // preserve newlines, unless the line is exactly 80 chars; // in that case it is assumed to continue on the next line. // See MDL documentation. if (!lineIsContinued && dataLineCount > 1) data.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); // add the data line data.append(line); // check if the line will be continued on the next line if (line.length() == 80) lineIsContinued = true; } if (fieldName != null) {"fieldName, data: ", fieldName, ", ", data); m.setProperty(fieldName, data.toString()); } } } } } catch (CDKException cdkexc) { throw cdkexc; } catch (Exception exception) { String error = "Error while parsing SDF"; logger.error(error); logger.debug(exception); throw new CDKException(error, exception); } try { input.close(); } catch (Exception exc) { String error = "Error while closing file: " + exc.getMessage(); logger.error(error); throw new CDKException(error, exc); } chemFile.addChemSequence(chemSequence); return chemFile; }