  private IRenderingElement generate(IAtomContainer molecule, RendererModel model, int atomNum)
      throws CDKException {

    // tag the atom and bond ids
    String molId = molecule.getProperty(MarkedElement.ID_KEY);
    if (molId != null) {
      int atomId = 0, bondid = 0;
      for (IAtom atom : molecule.atoms())
        setIfMissing(atom, MarkedElement.ID_KEY, molId + "atm" + ++atomId);
      for (IBond bond : molecule.bonds())
        setIfMissing(bond, MarkedElement.ID_KEY, molId + "bnd" + ++bondid);

    if (annotateAtomNum) {
      for (IAtom atom : molecule.atoms()) {
        if (atom.getProperty(StandardGenerator.ANNOTATION_LABEL) != null)
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Multiple annotation labels are not supported.");
        atom.setProperty(StandardGenerator.ANNOTATION_LABEL, Integer.toString(atomNum++));
    } else if (annotateAtomVal) {
      for (IAtom atom : molecule.atoms()) {
        if (atom.getProperty(StandardGenerator.ANNOTATION_LABEL) != null)
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Multiple annotation labels are not supported.");
            StandardGenerator.ANNOTATION_LABEL, atom.getProperty(CDKConstants.COMMENT));
    } else if (annotateAtomMap) {
      for (IAtom atom : molecule.atoms()) {
        if (atom.getProperty(StandardGenerator.ANNOTATION_LABEL) != null)
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Multiple annotation labels are not supported.");
        int mapidx = accessAtomMap(atom);
        if (mapidx > 0) {
          atom.setProperty(StandardGenerator.ANNOTATION_LABEL, Integer.toString(mapidx));

    ElementGroup grp = new ElementGroup();
    for (IGenerator<IAtomContainer> gen : gens) grp.add(gen.generate(molecule, model));

    // cleanup
    if (annotateAtomNum || annotateAtomMap) {
      for (IAtom atom : molecule.atoms()) {

    return grp;
   * Prepare the target molecule for analysis.
   * <p>We perform ring perception and aromaticity detection and set up the appropriate properties.
   * Right now, this function is called each time we need to do a query and this is inefficient.
   * @throws CDKException if there is a problem in ring perception or aromaticity detection, which
   *     is usually related to a timeout in the ring finding code.
  private void initializeMolecule() throws CDKException {
    // Code copied from
    // org.openscience.cdk.qsar.descriptors.atomic.AtomValenceDescriptor;
    Map<String, Integer> valencesTable = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
    valencesTable.put("H", 1);
    valencesTable.put("Li", 1);
    valencesTable.put("Be", 2);
    valencesTable.put("B", 3);
    valencesTable.put("C", 4);
    valencesTable.put("N", 5);
    valencesTable.put("O", 6);
    valencesTable.put("F", 7);
    valencesTable.put("Na", 1);
    valencesTable.put("Mg", 2);
    valencesTable.put("Al", 3);
    valencesTable.put("Si", 4);
    valencesTable.put("P", 5);
    valencesTable.put("S", 6);
    valencesTable.put("Cl", 7);
    valencesTable.put("K", 1);
    valencesTable.put("Ca", 2);
    valencesTable.put("Ga", 3);
    valencesTable.put("Ge", 4);
    valencesTable.put("As", 5);
    valencesTable.put("Se", 6);
    valencesTable.put("Br", 7);
    valencesTable.put("Rb", 1);
    valencesTable.put("Sr", 2);
    valencesTable.put("In", 3);
    valencesTable.put("Sn", 4);
    valencesTable.put("Sb", 5);
    valencesTable.put("Te", 6);
    valencesTable.put("I", 7);
    valencesTable.put("Cs", 1);
    valencesTable.put("Ba", 2);
    valencesTable.put("Tl", 3);
    valencesTable.put("Pb", 4);
    valencesTable.put("Bi", 5);
    valencesTable.put("Po", 6);
    valencesTable.put("At", 7);
    valencesTable.put("Fr", 1);
    valencesTable.put("Ra", 2);
    valencesTable.put("Cu", 2);
    valencesTable.put("Mn", 2);
    valencesTable.put("Co", 2);

    // do all ring perception
    AllRingsFinder arf = new AllRingsFinder();
    IRingSet allRings;
    try {
      allRings = arf.findAllRings(atomContainer);
    } catch (CDKException e) {
      throw new CDKException(e.toString(), e);

    // sets SSSR information
    SSSRFinder finder = new SSSRFinder(atomContainer);
    IRingSet sssr = finder.findEssentialRings();

    for (IAtom atom : atomContainer.atoms()) {

      // add a property to each ring atom that will be an array of
      // Integers, indicating what size ring the given atom belongs to
      // Add SSSR ring counts
      if (allRings.contains(atom)) { // it's in a ring
        atom.setFlag(CDKConstants.ISINRING, true);
        // lets find which ring sets it is a part of
        List<Integer> ringsizes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        IRingSet currentRings = allRings.getRings(atom);
        int min = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < currentRings.getAtomContainerCount(); i++) {
          int size = currentRings.getAtomContainer(i).getAtomCount();
          if (min > size) min = size;
        atom.setProperty(CDKConstants.RING_SIZES, ringsizes);
        atom.setProperty(CDKConstants.SMALLEST_RINGS, sssr.getRings(atom));
      } else {
        atom.setFlag(CDKConstants.ISINRING, false);

      // determine how many rings bonds each atom is a part of
      int hCount;
      if (atom.getImplicitHydrogenCount() == CDKConstants.UNSET) hCount = 0;
      else hCount = atom.getImplicitHydrogenCount();

      List<IAtom> connectedAtoms = atomContainer.getConnectedAtomsList(atom);
      int total = hCount + connectedAtoms.size();
      for (IAtom connectedAtom : connectedAtoms) {
        if (connectedAtom.getSymbol().equals("H")) {
      atom.setProperty(CDKConstants.TOTAL_CONNECTIONS, total);
      atom.setProperty(CDKConstants.TOTAL_H_COUNT, hCount);

      if (valencesTable.get(atom.getSymbol()) != null) {
        int formalCharge =
            atom.getFormalCharge() == CDKConstants.UNSET ? 0 : atom.getFormalCharge();
        atom.setValency(valencesTable.get(atom.getSymbol()) - formalCharge);

    for (IBond bond : atomContainer.bonds()) {
      if (allRings.getRings(bond).getAtomContainerCount() > 0) {
        bond.setFlag(CDKConstants.ISINRING, true);

    for (IAtom atom : atomContainer.atoms()) {
      List<IAtom> connectedAtoms = atomContainer.getConnectedAtomsList(atom);

      int counter = 0;
      IAtom any;
      for (IAtom connectedAtom : connectedAtoms) {
        any = connectedAtom;
        if (any.getFlag(CDKConstants.ISINRING)) {
      atom.setProperty(CDKConstants.RING_CONNECTIONS, counter);

    // check for atomaticity
    try {
    } catch (CDKException e) {
      throw new CDKException(e.toString(), e);
  * initializes a path vector in every Atom of the given molecule
  * @param molecule The given molecule
 private void initPath(IAtomContainer molecule) {
   for (int i = 0; i < molecule.getAtomCount(); i++) {
     IAtom atom = molecule.getAtom(i);
     atom.setProperty(PATH, new ArrayList<IAtom>());
  * This routine is called 'getRing() in Figueras original article finds the smallest ring of which
  * rootNode is part of.
  * @param rootNode The Atom to be searched for the smallest ring it is part of
  * @param molecule The molecule that contains the rootNode
  * @return The smallest Ring rootnode is part of
 private IRing getRing(IAtom rootNode, IAtomContainer molecule) {
   IAtom node, neighbor, mAtom;
   List neighbors, mAtoms;
   /** OKatoms is Figueras nomenclature, giving the number of atoms in the structure */
   int OKatoms = molecule.getAtomCount();
   /** queue for Breadth First Search of this graph */
   Queue queue = new Queue();
   /* Initialize a path Vector for each node */
   // Vector pfad1,pfad2;
   List<List<IAtom>> path = new ArrayList<List<IAtom>>(OKatoms);
   List<IAtom> intersection = new ArrayList<IAtom>();
   List<IAtom> ring = new ArrayList<IAtom>();
   for (int f = 0; f < OKatoms; f++) {
     path.set(f, new ArrayList<IAtom>());
     ((List<IAtom>) molecule.getAtom(f).getProperty(PATH)).clear();
   // Initialize the queue with nodes attached to rootNode
   neighbors = molecule.getConnectedAtomsList(rootNode);
   for (int f = 0; f < neighbors.size(); f++) {
     // if the degree of the f-st neighbor of rootNode is greater
     // than zero (i.e., it has not yet been deleted from the list)
     neighbor = (IAtom) neighbors.get(f);
     // push the f-st node onto our FIFO queue
     // after assigning rootNode as its source
     ((List<IAtom>) neighbor.getProperty(PATH)).add(rootNode);
     ((List<IAtom>) neighbor.getProperty(PATH)).add(neighbor);
   while (queue.size() > 0) {
     node = (IAtom) queue.pop();
     mAtoms = molecule.getConnectedAtomsList(node);
     for (int f = 0; f < mAtoms.size(); f++) {
       mAtom = (IAtom) mAtoms.get(f);
       if (mAtom
           != ((List) node.getProperty(PATH))
               .get(((List<IAtom>) node.getProperty(PATH)).size() - 2)) {
         if (((List) mAtom.getProperty(PATH)).size() > 0) {
           intersection =
               getIntersection((List) node.getProperty(PATH), (List) mAtom.getProperty(PATH));
           if (intersection.size() == 1) {
             // we have found a valid ring closure
             // now let's prepare the path to
             // return in tempAtomSet
             logger.debug("path1  ", ((List) node.getProperty(PATH)));
             logger.debug("path2  ", ((List) mAtom.getProperty(PATH)));
             logger.debug("rootNode  ", rootNode);
             logger.debug("ring   ", ring);
             ring = getUnion((List) node.getProperty(PATH), (List) mAtom.getProperty(PATH));
             return prepareRing(ring, molecule);
         } else {
           // if path[mNumber] is null
           // update the path[mNumber]
           // pfad2 = (Vector)node.getProperty(PATH);
           mAtom.setProperty(PATH, new ArrayList<IAtom>((List<IAtom>) node.getProperty(PATH)));
           ((List<IAtom>) mAtom.getProperty(PATH)).add(mAtom);
           // pfad1 = (Vector)mAtom.getProperty(PATH);
           // now push the node m onto the queue
   return null;
  /** Recursive function to produce valid configurations for {@link #getAllConfigurations()}. */
  private void findConfigurationsRecursively(
      List<Integer> rGroupNumbers,
      List<List<Integer>> occurrences,
      List<Integer> occurIndexes,
      List<Integer[]> distributions,
      List<List<RGroup>> substitutes,
      int level,
      List<IAtomContainer> result)
      throws CDKException {

    if (level == rGroupNumbers.size()) {

      if (!checkIfThenConditionsMet(rGroupNumbers, distributions)) return;

      // Clone the root to get a scaffold to plug the substitutes into.
      IAtomContainer root = this.getRootStructure();
      IAtomContainer rootClone = null;
      try {
        rootClone = (IAtomContainer) root.clone();
      } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
        // Abort with CDK exception
        throw new CDKException("clone() failed; could not perform R-group substitution.");

      for (int rgpIdx = 0; rgpIdx < rGroupNumbers.size(); rgpIdx++) {

        int rNum = rGroupNumbers.get(rgpIdx);
        int pos = 0;

        List<RGroup> mapped = substitutes.get(rgpIdx);
        for (RGroup substitute : mapped) {
          IAtom rAtom = this.getRgroupQueryAtoms(rNum).get(pos);
          if (substitute != null) {

            IAtomContainer rgrpClone = null;
            try {
              rgrpClone = (IAtomContainer) (substitute.getGroup().clone());
            } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
              throw new CDKException("clone() failed; could not perform R-group substitution.");

            // root cloned, substitute cloned. These now need to be attached to each other..

            Map<Integer, IBond> rAttachmentPoints = this.getRootAttachmentPoints().get(rAtom);
            if (rAttachmentPoints != null) {
              // Loop over attachment points of the R# atom
              for (int apo = 0; apo < rAttachmentPoints.size(); apo++) {
                IBond bond = rAttachmentPoints.get(apo + 1);
                // Check how R# is attached to bond
                int whichAtomInBond = 0;
                if (bond.getAtom(1).equals(rAtom)) whichAtomInBond = 1;
                IAtom subsAt = null;
                if (apo == 0) subsAt = substitute.getFirstAttachmentPoint();
                else subsAt = substitute.getSecondAttachmentPoint();

                // Do substitution with the clones
                IBond cloneBond = rootClone.getBond(getBondPosition(bond, root));
                if (subsAt != null) {
                  IAtom subsCloneAtom =
                      rgrpClone.getAtom(getAtomPosition(subsAt, substitute.getGroup()));
                  cloneBond.setAtom(subsCloneAtom, whichAtomInBond);

            // Optional: shift substitutes 2D for easier visual checking
            if (rAtom.getPoint2d() != null
                && substitute != null
                && substitute.getFirstAttachmentPoint() != null
                && substitute.getFirstAttachmentPoint().getPoint2d() != null) {
              Point2d pointR = rAtom.getPoint2d();
              Point2d pointC = substitute.getFirstAttachmentPoint().getPoint2d();
              double xDiff = pointC.x - pointR.x;
              double yDiff = pointC.y - pointR.y;
              for (IAtom subAt : rgrpClone.atoms()) {
                if (subAt.getPoint2d() != null) {
                  subAt.getPoint2d().x -= xDiff;
                  subAt.getPoint2d().y -= yDiff;
          } else {
            // Distribution flag is 0, this means the R# group will not be substituted.
            // Any atom connected to this group should be given the defined RestH value.
            IAtom discarded = rootClone.getAtom(getAtomPosition(rAtom, root));
            for (IBond r0Bond : rootClone.bonds()) {
              if (r0Bond.contains(discarded)) {
                for (IAtom atInBond : r0Bond.atoms()) {
                      CDKConstants.REST_H, this.getRGroupDefinitions().get(rNum).isRestH());


      // Remove R# remnants from the clone, bonds and atoms that may linger.
      boolean confHasRGroupBonds = true;
      while (confHasRGroupBonds) {
        for (IBond cloneBond : rootClone.bonds()) {
          boolean removeBond = false;
          if (cloneBond.getAtom(0) instanceof IPseudoAtom
              && isValidRgroupQueryLabel(((IPseudoAtom) cloneBond.getAtom(0)).getLabel()))
            removeBond = true;
          else if (cloneBond.getAtom(1) instanceof IPseudoAtom
              && isValidRgroupQueryLabel(((IPseudoAtom) cloneBond.getAtom(1)).getLabel()))
            removeBond = true;

          if (removeBond) {
            confHasRGroupBonds = true;
          confHasRGroupBonds = false;
      boolean confHasRGroupAtoms = true;
      while (confHasRGroupAtoms) {
        for (IAtom cloneAt : rootClone.atoms()) {
          if (cloneAt instanceof IPseudoAtom)
            if (isValidRgroupQueryLabel(((IPseudoAtom) cloneAt).getLabel())) {
              confHasRGroupAtoms = true;
          confHasRGroupAtoms = false;
      // Add to result list

    } else {
      for (int idx = 0; idx < occurrences.get(level).size(); idx++) {
        occurIndexes.set(level, idx);
        // With an occurrence picked 0..n for this level's R-group, now find
        // all possible distributions (positional alternatives).
        int occurrence = occurrences.get(level).get(idx);
        int positions = this.getRgroupQueryAtoms(rGroupNumbers.get(level)).size();
        Integer[] candidate = new Integer[positions];
        for (int j = 0; j < candidate.length; j++) {
          candidate[j] = 0;
        List<Integer[]> rgrpDistributions = new ArrayList<Integer[]>();
        findDistributions(occurrence, candidate, rgrpDistributions, 0);

        for (Integer[] distribution : rgrpDistributions) {
          distributions.set(level, distribution);

          RGroup[] mapping = new RGroup[distribution.length];
          List<List<RGroup>> mappedSubstitutes = new ArrayList<List<RGroup>>();

          for (List<RGroup> mappings : mappedSubstitutes) {
            substitutes.set(level, mappings);
                level + 1,
   * Procedure required by the CDOInterface. This function is only supposed to be called by the JCFL
   * library
  public void setObjectProperty(String objectType, String propertyType, String propertyValue) {
    logger.debug("objectType: " + objectType);
    logger.debug("propType: " + propertyType);
    logger.debug("property: " + propertyValue);

    if (objectType == null) {
      logger.error("Cannot add property for null object");
    if (propertyType == null) {
      logger.error("Cannot add property for null property type");
    if (propertyValue == null) {
      logger.warn("Will not add null property");

    if (objectType.equals("Molecule")) {
      if (propertyType.equals("id")) {
      } else if (propertyType.equals("inchi")) {
        currentMolecule.setProperty("iupac.nist.chemical.identifier", propertyValue);
    } else if (objectType.equals("PseudoAtom")) {
      if (propertyType.equals("label")) {
        if (!(currentAtom instanceof IPseudoAtom)) {
          currentAtom = builder.newPseudoAtom(currentAtom);
        ((IPseudoAtom) currentAtom).setLabel(propertyValue);
    } else if (objectType.equals("Atom")) {
      if (propertyType.equals("type")) {
        if (propertyValue.equals("R") && !(currentAtom instanceof IPseudoAtom)) {
          currentAtom = builder.newPseudoAtom(currentAtom);
      } else if (propertyType.equals("x2")) {
        Point2d coord = currentAtom.getPoint2d();
        if (coord == null) coord = new Point2d();
        coord.x = Double.parseDouble(propertyValue);
      } else if (propertyType.equals("y2")) {
        Point2d coord = currentAtom.getPoint2d();
        if (coord == null) coord = new Point2d();
        coord.y = Double.parseDouble(propertyValue);
      } else if (propertyType.equals("x3")) {
        Point3d coord = currentAtom.getPoint3d();
        if (coord == null) coord = new Point3d();
        coord.x = Double.parseDouble(propertyValue);
      } else if (propertyType.equals("y3")) {
        Point3d coord = currentAtom.getPoint3d();
        if (coord == null) coord = new Point3d();
        coord.y = Double.parseDouble(propertyValue);
      } else if (propertyType.equals("z3")) {
        Point3d coord = currentAtom.getPoint3d();
        if (coord == null) coord = new Point3d();
        coord.z = Double.parseDouble(propertyValue);
      } else if (propertyType.equals("xFract")) {
        Point3d coord = currentAtom.getFractionalPoint3d();
        if (coord == null) coord = new Point3d();
        coord.x = Double.parseDouble(propertyValue);
      } else if (propertyType.equals("yFract")) {
        Point3d coord = currentAtom.getFractionalPoint3d();
        if (coord == null) coord = new Point3d();
        coord.y = Double.parseDouble(propertyValue);
      } else if (propertyType.equals("zFract")) {
        Point3d coord = currentAtom.getFractionalPoint3d();
        if (coord == null) coord = new Point3d();
        coord.z = Double.parseDouble(propertyValue);
      } else if (propertyType.equals("formalCharge")) {
      } else if (propertyType.equals("charge") || propertyType.equals("partialCharge")) {
      } else if (propertyType.equals("hydrogenCount")) {
      } else if (propertyType.equals("dictRef")) {
        currentAtom.setProperty("org.openscience.cdk.dict", propertyValue);
      } else if (propertyType.equals("atomicNumber")) {
      } else if (propertyType.equals("massNumber")) {
        currentAtom.setMassNumber((int) Double.parseDouble(propertyValue));
      } else if (propertyType.equals("id")) {
        logger.debug("id: ", propertyValue);
        atomEnumeration.put(propertyValue, numberOfAtoms);
    } else if (objectType.equals("Bond")) {
      if (propertyType.equals("atom1")) {
        bond_a1 = Integer.parseInt(propertyValue);
      } else if (propertyType.equals("atom2")) {
        bond_a2 = Integer.parseInt(propertyValue);
      } else if (propertyType.equals("id")) {
        logger.debug("id: " + propertyValue);
        bond_id = propertyValue;
      } else if (propertyType.equals("order")) {
        try {
          Double order = Double.parseDouble(propertyValue);
          if (order == 1.0) {
            bond_order = IBond.Order.SINGLE;
          } else if (order == 2.0) {
            bond_order = IBond.Order.DOUBLE;
          } else if (order == 3.0) {
            bond_order = IBond.Order.TRIPLE;
          } else if (order == 4.0) {
            bond_order = IBond.Order.QUADRUPLE;
          } else {
            bond_order = IBond.Order.SINGLE;
        } catch (Exception e) {
          logger.error("Cannot convert to double: " + propertyValue);
          bond_order = IBond.Order.SINGLE;
      } else if (propertyType.equals("stereo")) {
        if (propertyValue.equals("H")) {
          bond_stereo = CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_DOWN;
        } else if (propertyValue.equals("W")) {
          bond_stereo = CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_UP;
    logger.debug("Object property set...");
   * Read an IAtomContainer from a file in MDL sd format
   * @return The Molecule that was read from the MDL file.
  private IAtomContainer readAtomContainer(IAtomContainer molecule) throws CDKException {
    logger.debug("Reading new molecule");
    IAtomContainer outputContainer = null;
    int linecount = 0;
    int atoms = 0;
    int bonds = 0;
    int atom1 = 0;
    int atom2 = 0;
    int order = 0;
    IBond.Stereo stereo = (IBond.Stereo) CDKConstants.UNSET;
    int RGroupCounter = 1;
    int Rnumber = 0;
    String[] rGroup = null;
    double x = 0.0;
    double y = 0.0;
    double z = 0.0;
    double totalX = 0.0;
    double totalY = 0.0;
    double totalZ = 0.0;
    String title = null;
    String remark = null;
    // int[][] conMat = new int[0][0];
    // String help;
    IAtom atom;
    String line = "";
    // A map to keep track of R# atoms so that RGP line can be parsed
    Map<Integer, IPseudoAtom> rAtoms = new HashMap<Integer, IPseudoAtom>();

    try {
      IsotopeFactory isotopeFactory = Isotopes.getInstance();

      logger.info("Reading header");
      line = input.readLine();
      if (line == null) {
        return null;
      logger.debug("Line " + linecount + ": " + line);

      if (line.startsWith("$$$$")) {
        logger.debug("File is empty, returning empty molecule");
        return molecule;
      if (line.length() > 0) {
        title = line;
      line = input.readLine();
      logger.debug("Line " + linecount + ": " + line);
      line = input.readLine();
      logger.debug("Line " + linecount + ": " + line);
      if (line.length() > 0) {
        remark = line;

      logger.info("Reading rest of file");
      line = input.readLine();
      logger.debug("Line " + linecount + ": " + line);

      // if the line is empty we hav a problem - either a malformed
      // molecule entry or just extra new lines at the end of the file
      if (line.length() == 0) {
        // read till the next $$$$ or EOF
        while (true) {
          line = input.readLine();
          if (line == null) {
            return null;
          if (line.startsWith("$$$$")) {
            return molecule; // an empty molecule

      // check the CT block version
      if (line.contains("V3000") || line.contains("v3000")) {
        handleError("This file must be read with the MDLV3000Reader.");
      } else if (!line.contains("V2000") && !line.contains("v2000")) {
        handleError("This file must be read with the MDLReader.");

      atoms = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(0, 3).trim());
      List<IAtom> atomList = new ArrayList<IAtom>();

      logger.debug("Atomcount: " + atoms);
      bonds = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(3, 6).trim());
      logger.debug("Bondcount: " + bonds);
      List<IBond> bondList = new ArrayList<IBond>();

      // used for applying the MDL valence model
      int[] explicitValence = new int[atoms];

      // read ATOM block
      logger.info("Reading atom block");
      atomsByLinePosition = new ArrayList<IAtom>();
      atomsByLinePosition.add(null); // 0 is not a valid position
      int atomBlockLineNumber = 0;
      for (int f = 0; f < atoms; f++) {
        line = input.readLine();
        Matcher trailingSpaceMatcher = TRAILING_SPACE.matcher(line);
        if (trailingSpaceMatcher.find()) {
              "Trailing space found",
          line = trailingSpaceMatcher.replaceAll("");
        x = Double.parseDouble(line.substring(0, 10).trim());
        y = Double.parseDouble(line.substring(10, 20).trim());
        z = Double.parseDouble(line.substring(20, 30).trim());
        // *all* values should be zero, not just the sum
        totalX += Math.abs(x);
        totalY += Math.abs(y);
        totalZ += Math.abs(z);
        logger.debug("Coordinates: " + x + "; " + y + "; " + z);
        String element = line.substring(31, Math.min(line.length(), 34)).trim();
        if (line.length() < 34) {
              "Element atom type does not follow V2000 format type should of length three"
                  + " and padded with space if required",

        logger.debug("Atom type: ", element);
        if (isotopeFactory.isElement(element)) {
          atom = isotopeFactory.configure(molecule.getBuilder().newInstance(IAtom.class, element));
        } else if ("A".equals(element)) {
          atom = molecule.getBuilder().newInstance(IPseudoAtom.class, element);
        } else if ("Q".equals(element)) {
          atom = molecule.getBuilder().newInstance(IPseudoAtom.class, element);
        } else if ("*".equals(element)) {
          atom = molecule.getBuilder().newInstance(IPseudoAtom.class, element);
        } else if ("LP".equals(element)) {
          atom = molecule.getBuilder().newInstance(IPseudoAtom.class, element);
        } else if ("L".equals(element)) {
          atom = molecule.getBuilder().newInstance(IPseudoAtom.class, element);
        } else if (element.equals("R") || (element.length() > 0 && element.charAt(0) == 'R')) {
          logger.debug("Atom ", element, " is not an regular element. Creating a PseudoAtom.");
          // check if the element is R
          rGroup = element.split("^R");
          atom = null;
          if (rGroup.length > 1) {
            try {
              Rnumber = Integer.valueOf(rGroup[(rGroup.length - 1)]);
              RGroupCounter = Rnumber;
              element = "R" + Rnumber;
              atom = molecule.getBuilder().newInstance(IPseudoAtom.class, element);

            } catch (Exception ex) {
              // This happens for atoms labeled "R#".
              // The Rnumber may be set later on, using RGP line
              atom = molecule.getBuilder().newInstance(IPseudoAtom.class, "R");
              rAtoms.put(atomBlockLineNumber, (IPseudoAtom) atom);
          } else {
            atom = molecule.getBuilder().newInstance(IPseudoAtom.class, element);
        } else {
              "Invalid element type. Must be an existing " + "element, or one in: A, Q, L, LP, *.",
          atom = molecule.getBuilder().newInstance(IPseudoAtom.class, element);

        // store as 3D for now, convert to 2D (if totalZ == 0.0) later
        atom.setPoint3d(new Point3d(x, y, z));

        // parse further fields
        if (line.length() >= 36) {
          String massDiffString = line.substring(34, 36).trim();
          logger.debug("Mass difference: ", massDiffString);
          if (!(atom instanceof IPseudoAtom)) {
            try {
              int massDiff = Integer.parseInt(massDiffString);
              if (massDiff != 0) {
                IIsotope major = Isotopes.getInstance().getMajorIsotope(element);
                atom.setMassNumber(major.getMassNumber() + massDiff);
            } catch (Exception exception) {
              handleError("Could not parse mass difference field.", linecount, 35, 37, exception);
          } else {
            logger.error("Cannot set mass difference for a non-element!");
        } else {
          handleError("Mass difference is missing", linecount, 34, 36);

        // set the stereo partiy
        Integer parity = line.length() > 41 ? Character.digit(line.charAt(41), 10) : 0;

        if (line.length() >= 51) {
          String valenceString = removeNonDigits(line.substring(48, 51));
          logger.debug("Valence: ", valenceString);
          if (!(atom instanceof IPseudoAtom)) {
            try {
              int valence = Integer.parseInt(valenceString);
              if (valence != 0) {
                // 15 is defined as 0 in mol files
                if (valence == 15) atom.setValency(0);
                else atom.setValency(valence);
            } catch (Exception exception) {
                  "Could not parse valence information field", linecount, 49, 52, exception);
          } else {
            logger.error("Cannot set valence information for a non-element!");

        if (line.length() >= 39) {
          String chargeCodeString = line.substring(36, 39).trim();
          logger.debug("Atom charge code: ", chargeCodeString);
          int chargeCode = Integer.parseInt(chargeCodeString);
          if (chargeCode == 0) {
            // uncharged species
          } else if (chargeCode == 1) {
          } else if (chargeCode == 2) {
          } else if (chargeCode == 3) {
          } else if (chargeCode == 4) {
          } else if (chargeCode == 5) {
          } else if (chargeCode == 6) {
          } else if (chargeCode == 7) {
        } else {
          handleError("Atom charge is missing", linecount, 36, 39);

        try {
          // read the mmm field as position 61-63
          String reactionAtomIDString = line.substring(60, 63).trim();
          logger.debug("Parsing mapping id: ", reactionAtomIDString);
          try {
            int reactionAtomID = Integer.parseInt(reactionAtomIDString);
            if (reactionAtomID != 0) {
              atom.setProperty(CDKConstants.ATOM_ATOM_MAPPING, reactionAtomID);
          } catch (Exception exception) {
            logger.error("Mapping number ", reactionAtomIDString, " is not an integer.");
        } catch (Exception exception) {
          // older mol files don't have all these fields...
          logger.warn("A few fields are missing. Older MDL MOL file?");

        // shk3: This reads shifts from after the molecule. I don't think this is an official
        // format, but I saw it frequently 80=>78 for alk
        if (line.length() >= 78) {
          double shift = Double.parseDouble(line.substring(69, 80).trim());
          atom.setProperty("first shift", shift);
        if (line.length() >= 87) {
          double shift = Double.parseDouble(line.substring(79, 87).trim());
          atom.setProperty("second shift", shift);

      // convert to 2D, if totalZ == 0
      if (totalX == 0.0 && totalY == 0.0 && totalZ == 0.0) {
        logger.info("All coordinates are 0.0");
        if (atomList.size() == 1) {
          atomList.get(0).setPoint2d(new Point2d(x, y));
        } else {
          for (IAtom atomToUpdate : atomList) {
      } else if (totalZ == 0.0 && !forceReadAs3DCoords.isSet()) {
        logger.info("Total 3D Z is 0.0, interpreting it as a 2D structure");
        for (IAtom atomToUpdate : atomList) {
          Point3d p3d = atomToUpdate.getPoint3d();
          if (p3d != null) {
            atomToUpdate.setPoint2d(new Point2d(p3d.x, p3d.y));

      // read BOND block
      logger.info("Reading bond block");
      int queryBondCount = 0;
      for (int f = 0; f < bonds; f++) {
        line = input.readLine();
        atom1 = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(0, 3).trim());
        atom2 = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(3, 6).trim());
        order = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(6, 9).trim());
        if (line.length() >= 12) {
          int mdlStereo =
              line.length() > 12
                  ? Integer.parseInt(line.substring(9, 12).trim())
                  : Integer.parseInt(line.substring(9).trim());
          if (mdlStereo == 1) {
            // MDL up bond
            stereo = IBond.Stereo.UP;
          } else if (mdlStereo == 6) {
            // MDL down bond
            stereo = IBond.Stereo.DOWN;
          } else if (mdlStereo == 0) {
            if (order == 2) {
              // double bond stereo defined by coordinates
              stereo = IBond.Stereo.E_Z_BY_COORDINATES;
            } else {
              // bond has no stereochemistry
              stereo = IBond.Stereo.NONE;
          } else if (mdlStereo == 3 && order == 2) {
            // unknown E/Z stereochemistry
            stereo = IBond.Stereo.E_OR_Z;
          } else if (mdlStereo == 4) {
            // MDL bond undefined
            stereo = IBond.Stereo.UP_OR_DOWN;
        } else {
          handleError("Missing expected stereo field at line: ", linecount, 10, 12);
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
          logger.debug("Bond: " + atom1 + " - " + atom2 + "; order " + order);
        // interpret CTfile's special bond orders
        IAtom a1 = atomList.get(atom1 - 1);
        IAtom a2 = atomList.get(atom2 - 1);
        IBond newBond = null;
        if (order >= 1 && order <= 3) {
          IBond.Order cdkOrder = IBond.Order.SINGLE;
          if (order == 2) cdkOrder = IBond.Order.DOUBLE;
          if (order == 3) cdkOrder = IBond.Order.TRIPLE;
          if (stereo != null) {
            newBond = molecule.getBuilder().newInstance(IBond.class, a1, a2, cdkOrder, stereo);
          } else {
            newBond = molecule.getBuilder().newInstance(IBond.class, a1, a2, cdkOrder);
        } else if (order == 4) {
          // aromatic bond
          if (stereo != null) {
            newBond =
                molecule.getBuilder().newInstance(IBond.class, a1, a2, IBond.Order.UNSET, stereo);
          } else {
            newBond = molecule.getBuilder().newInstance(IBond.class, a1, a2, IBond.Order.UNSET);
          // mark both atoms and the bond as aromatic and raise the SINGLE_OR_DOUBLE-flag
          newBond.setFlag(CDKConstants.SINGLE_OR_DOUBLE, true);
          newBond.setFlag(CDKConstants.ISAROMATIC, true);
          a1.setFlag(CDKConstants.ISAROMATIC, true);
          a2.setFlag(CDKConstants.ISAROMATIC, true);
        } else {
          newBond = new CTFileQueryBond(molecule.getBuilder());
          IAtom[] bondAtoms = {a1, a2};
          CTFileQueryBond.Type queryBondType = null;
          switch (order) {
            case 5:
              queryBondType = CTFileQueryBond.Type.SINGLE_OR_DOUBLE;
            case 6:
              queryBondType = CTFileQueryBond.Type.SINGLE_OR_AROMATIC;
            case 7:
              queryBondType = CTFileQueryBond.Type.DOUBLE_OR_AROMATIC;
            case 8:
              queryBondType = CTFileQueryBond.Type.ANY;
          ((CTFileQueryBond) newBond).setType(queryBondType);

        // add the bond order to the explicit valence for each atom
        if (newBond.getOrder() != null && newBond.getOrder() != IBond.Order.UNSET) {
          explicitValence[atom1 - 1] += newBond.getOrder().numeric();
          explicitValence[atom2 - 1] += newBond.getOrder().numeric();
        } else {
          explicitValence[atom1 - 1] = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
          explicitValence[atom2 - 1] = Integer.MIN_VALUE;

      if (queryBondCount == 0) outputContainer = molecule;
      else {
        outputContainer = new QueryAtomContainer(molecule.getBuilder());

      outputContainer.setProperty(CDKConstants.TITLE, title);
      outputContainer.setProperty(CDKConstants.REMARK, remark);
      for (IAtom at : atomList) {
      for (IBond bnd : bondList) {

      // read PROPERTY block
      logger.info("Reading property block");
      while (true) {
        line = input.readLine();
        if (line == null) {
          handleError("The expected property block is missing!", linecount, 0, 0);
        if (line.startsWith("M  END")) break;

        boolean lineRead = false;
        if (line.startsWith("M  CHG")) {
          // FIXME: if this is encountered for the first time, all
          // atom charges should be set to zero first!
          int infoCount = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(6, 9).trim());
          StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line.substring(9));
          for (int i = 1; i <= infoCount; i++) {
            String token = st.nextToken();
            int atomNumber = Integer.parseInt(token.trim());
            token = st.nextToken();
            int charge = Integer.parseInt(token.trim());
            outputContainer.getAtom(atomNumber - 1).setFormalCharge(charge);
        } else if (line.matches("A\\s{1,4}\\d+")) {
          // Reads the pseudo atom property from the mol file

          // The atom number of the to replaced atom
          int aliasAtomNumber =
              Integer.parseInt(line.replaceFirst("A\\s{1,4}", "")) - RGroupCounter;
          line = input.readLine();
          String[] aliasArray = line.split("\\\\");
          // name of the alias atom like R1 or R2 etc.
          String alias = "";
          for (int i = 0; i < aliasArray.length; i++) {
            alias += aliasArray[i];
          IAtom aliasAtom = outputContainer.getAtom(aliasAtomNumber);

          // skip if already a pseudoatom
          if (aliasAtom instanceof IPseudoAtom) {
            ((IPseudoAtom) aliasAtom).setLabel(alias);

          IAtom newPseudoAtom = molecule.getBuilder().newInstance(IPseudoAtom.class, alias);
          if (aliasAtom.getPoint2d() != null) {
          if (aliasAtom.getPoint3d() != null) {
          List<IBond> bondsOfAliasAtom = outputContainer.getConnectedBondsList(aliasAtom);

          for (int i = 0; i < bondsOfAliasAtom.size(); i++) {
            IBond bondOfAliasAtom = bondsOfAliasAtom.get(i);
            IAtom connectedToAliasAtom = bondOfAliasAtom.getConnectedAtom(aliasAtom);
            IBond newBond = bondOfAliasAtom.getBuilder().newInstance(IBond.class);
            newBond.setAtoms(new IAtom[] {connectedToAliasAtom, newPseudoAtom});
            outputContainer.removeBond(aliasAtom, connectedToAliasAtom);

        } else if (line.startsWith("M  ISO")) {
          try {
            String countString = line.substring(6, 10).trim();
            int infoCount = Integer.parseInt(countString);
            StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line.substring(10));
            for (int i = 1; i <= infoCount; i++) {
              int atomNumber = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken().trim());
              int absMass = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken().trim());
              if (absMass != 0) {
                IAtom isotope = outputContainer.getAtom(atomNumber - 1);
          } catch (NumberFormatException exception) {
            String error =
                "Error ("
                    + exception.getMessage()
                    + ") while parsing line "
                    + linecount
                    + ": "
                    + line
                    + " in property block.";
                "NumberFormatException in isotope information.", linecount, 7, 11, exception);
        } else if (line.startsWith("M  RAD")) {
          try {
            String countString = line.substring(6, 9).trim();
            int infoCount = Integer.parseInt(countString);
            StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line.substring(9));
            for (int i = 1; i <= infoCount; i++) {
              int atomNumber = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken().trim());
              int spinMultiplicity = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken().trim());
              MDLV2000Writer.SPIN_MULTIPLICITY spin = MDLV2000Writer.SPIN_MULTIPLICITY.NONE;
              if (spinMultiplicity > 0) {
                IAtom radical = outputContainer.getAtom(atomNumber - 1);
                switch (spinMultiplicity) {
                  case 1:
                    spin = MDLV2000Writer.SPIN_MULTIPLICITY.DOUBLET;
                  case 2:
                    spin = MDLV2000Writer.SPIN_MULTIPLICITY.SINGLET;
                  case 3:
                    spin = MDLV2000Writer.SPIN_MULTIPLICITY.TRIPLET;
                    logger.debug("Invalid spin multiplicity found: " + spinMultiplicity);
                for (int j = 0; j < spin.getSingleElectrons(); j++) {
                      molecule.getBuilder().newInstance(ISingleElectron.class, radical));
          } catch (NumberFormatException exception) {
            String error =
                "Error ("
                    + exception.getMessage()
                    + ") while parsing line "
                    + linecount
                    + ": "
                    + line
                    + " in property block.";
                "NumberFormatException in radical information", linecount, 7, 10, exception);
        } else if (line.startsWith("G  ")) {
          try {
            String atomNumberString = line.substring(3, 6).trim();
            int atomNumber = Integer.parseInt(atomNumberString);
            // String whatIsThisString = line.substring(6,9).trim();

            String atomName = input.readLine();

            // convert Atom into a PseudoAtom
            IAtom prevAtom = outputContainer.getAtom(atomNumber - 1);
            IPseudoAtom pseudoAtom = molecule.getBuilder().newInstance(IPseudoAtom.class, atomName);
            if (prevAtom.getPoint2d() != null) {
            if (prevAtom.getPoint3d() != null) {
            AtomContainerManipulator.replaceAtomByAtom(molecule, prevAtom, pseudoAtom);
          } catch (NumberFormatException exception) {
            String error =
                "Error ("
                    + exception.toString()
                    + ") while parsing line "
                    + linecount
                    + ": "
                    + line
                    + " in property block.";
            handleError("NumberFormatException in group information", linecount, 4, 7, exception);
        } else if (line.startsWith("M  RGP")) {
          StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line);
          // Ignore first 3 tokens (overhead).
          // Process the R group numbers as defined in RGP line.
          while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
            Integer position = new Integer(st.nextToken());
            Rnumber = new Integer(st.nextToken());
            IPseudoAtom pseudoAtom = rAtoms.get(position);
            if (pseudoAtom != null) {
              pseudoAtom.setLabel("R" + Rnumber);
        if (line.startsWith("V  ")) {
          Integer atomNumber = new Integer(line.substring(3, 6).trim());
          IAtom atomWithComment = outputContainer.getAtom(atomNumber - 1);
          atomWithComment.setProperty(CDKConstants.COMMENT, line.substring(7));

        if (!lineRead) {
          logger.warn("Skipping line in property block: ", line);

      if (interpretHydrogenIsotopes.isSet()) {
        fixHydrogenIsotopes(molecule, isotopeFactory);

      // note: apply the valence model last so that all fixes (i.e. hydrogen
      // isotopes) are in place
      for (int i = 0; i < atoms; i++) {
        applyMDLValenceModel(outputContainer.getAtom(i), explicitValence[i]);

    } catch (CDKException exception) {
      String error =
          "Error while parsing line " + linecount + ": " + line + " -> " + exception.getMessage();
      throw exception;
    } catch (Exception exception) {
      String error =
          "Error while parsing line " + linecount + ": " + line + " -> " + exception.getMessage();
      handleError("Error while parsing line: " + line, linecount, 0, 0, exception);
    return outputContainer;