protected static Resource _processProperty( String propertyID, NativeObject propertyNO, String baseURL, SailConnection sailConnection) throws SailException { String label = _getStringProperty(propertyNO, "label"); String pluralLabel = _getStringProperty(propertyNO, "pluralLabel"); String uri = _getStringProperty(propertyNO, "uri"); String valueType = _getStringProperty(propertyNO, "valueType"); if (label == null) { label = propertyID; } if (pluralLabel == null) { pluralLabel = label; } if (valueType == null) { valueType = "item"; } Resource resource; try { resource = new URIImpl(uri); } catch (Exception e) { uri = baseURL + _encode(propertyID); resource = new URIImpl(uri); } sailConnection.addStatement(resource, RDF.TYPE, RDF.PROPERTY); sailConnection.addStatement(resource, ExhibitOntology.ID, new LiteralImpl(propertyID)); sailConnection.addStatement(resource, RDFS.LABEL, new LiteralImpl(label)); sailConnection.addStatement( resource, ExhibitOntology.PLURAL_LABEL, new LiteralImpl(pluralLabel)); sailConnection.addStatement(resource, ExhibitOntology.VALUE_TYPE, new LiteralImpl(valueType)); return resource; }
protected static Resource _processType( String typeID, NativeObject typeNO, String baseURL, SailConnection sailConnection) throws SailException { String label = _getStringProperty(typeNO, "label"); String pluralLabel = _getStringProperty(typeNO, "pluralLabel"); String uri = _getStringProperty(typeNO, "uri"); if (label == null) { label = typeID; } if (pluralLabel == null) { pluralLabel = label; } if (uri == null) { uri = baseURL + _encode(typeID); } Resource resource = new URIImpl(uri); sailConnection.addStatement(resource, RDF.TYPE, OWL.CLASS); sailConnection.addStatement(resource, ExhibitOntology.ID, new LiteralImpl(typeID)); sailConnection.addStatement(resource, RDFS.LABEL, new LiteralImpl(label)); sailConnection.addStatement( resource, ExhibitOntology.PLURAL_LABEL, new LiteralImpl(pluralLabel)); return resource; }
// Note: adding statements does not change the configuration of cached // values. public void addStatement( final Resource subj, final URI pred, final Value obj, final Resource... contexts) throws SailException { cacheConnection.addStatement(subj, pred, obj, contexts); baseSailConnection.addStatement(subj, pred, obj, contexts); uncommittedChanges = true; }
protected void addStatementInternal( final Resource subj, final URI pred, final Value obj, final Resource... contexts) throws SailException { if (0 == contexts.length) { baseSailConnection.addStatement(subj, pred, obj, singleContext); } else { for (Resource context : contexts) { if (null != context && context.equals(singleContext)) { baseSailConnection.addStatement(subj, pred, obj, singleContext); break; } } } }
protected static URI _ensurePropertyExists( String propertyID, String baseURL, SailConnection sailConnection) throws SailException { URI predicate = (URI) _getSubject(ExhibitOntology.ID, new LiteralImpl(propertyID), sailConnection); if (predicate == null) { String label = propertyID; String uri = baseURL + _encode(propertyID); predicate = new URIImpl(uri); sailConnection.addStatement(predicate, RDF.TYPE, OWL.CLASS); sailConnection.addStatement(predicate, ExhibitOntology.ID, new LiteralImpl(propertyID)); sailConnection.addStatement(predicate, RDFS.LABEL, new LiteralImpl(label)); sailConnection.commit(); } return predicate; }
protected static void _addItemProperty( Resource itemResource, URI predicate, Object valueO, String baseURL, SailConnection dataConnection, SailConnection metaConnection, Map<String, String> itemIDToURI) throws SailException { if (valueO == null) return; String valueType = _getObjectString(predicate, ExhibitOntology.VALUE_TYPE, metaConnection); Value object = null; if ("item".equals(valueType)) { String id = valueO.toString(); String uri = itemIDToURI.get(id); try { object = new URIImpl(uri); } catch (Exception e) { object = new URIImpl(baseURL + _encode(id)); } } else if (valueO instanceof Double) { double d = ((Double) valueO).doubleValue(); if (d != Math.floor(d)) { object = new LiteralImpl(valueO.toString() /*, XMLSchema.DOUBLE*/); } else { object = new LiteralImpl(Long.toString(((Double) valueO).longValue()) /*, XMLSchema.LONG*/); } } else { object = new LiteralImpl(valueO.toString()); } dataConnection.addStatement(itemResource, predicate, object); }
// Note: adding statements does not change the configuration of cached // values. public void addStatement( final Resource subj, final URI pred, final Value obj, final Resource... contexts) throws SailException { if (config.logWriteOperations) { queryHandler.handle(new AddStatementCall(id, subj, pred, obj, contexts)); } baseSailConnection.addStatement(subj, pred, obj, contexts); }
protected static Resource _ensureTypeExists( String typeID, String baseURL, SailConnection sailConnection) throws SailException { Resource resource = _getSubject(ExhibitOntology.ID, new LiteralImpl(typeID), sailConnection); if (resource == null) { String label = typeID; String pluralLabel = label; String uri = baseURL + _encode(typeID); resource = new URIImpl(uri); sailConnection.addStatement(resource, RDF.TYPE, OWL.CLASS); sailConnection.addStatement(resource, ExhibitOntology.ID, new LiteralImpl(typeID)); sailConnection.addStatement(resource, RDFS.LABEL, new LiteralImpl(label)); sailConnection.addStatement( resource, ExhibitOntology.PLURAL_LABEL, new LiteralImpl(pluralLabel)); sailConnection.commit(); } return resource; }
@Override public void add(Iterable<Statement> triples, String namedGraphURI) { for (Statement stmt : triples) try { if (namedGraphURI == null) { connection.addStatement(stmt.getSubject(), stmt.getPredicate(), stmt.getObject()); } else { final URI graph = new ValueFactoryImpl().createURI(namedGraphURI); connection.addStatement(stmt.getSubject(), stmt.getPredicate(), stmt.getObject(), graph); } } catch (SailException e) { try { connection.rollback(); } catch (SailException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } try { connection.commit(); } catch (SailException e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); } }
private void cacheStatements(final Resource subj, final URI pred, final Value obj) throws SailException { boolean includeInferred = false; CloseableIteration<? extends Statement, SailException> iter = baseSailConnection.getStatements(subj, pred, obj, includeInferred); while (iter.hasNext()) { Statement st =; cacheConnection.addStatement( st.getSubject(), st.getPredicate(), st.getObject(), st.getContext()); } iter.close(); cacheConnection.commit(); }
public void handleStatement(Statement arg0) { try { // avoid self-cycles if (arg0.getSubject().stringValue().equals(arg0.getObject().stringValue())) return; sc.addStatement(arg0.getSubject(), arg0.getPredicate(), arg0.getObject()); manager.incrCounter(); if (manager.atCommit()) System.out.print("."); } catch (SailException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println( "Subject: " + arg0.getSubject().toString() + " Predicate: " + arg0.getPredicate().toString() + " Object: " + arg0.getObject().toString()); } }
protected static Resource _processItem( NativeObject itemNO, String baseURL, SailConnection dataConnection, SailConnection metaConnection, Map<String, String> itemIDToURI) throws SailException { String id = _getStringProperty(itemNO, "id"); String label = _getStringProperty(itemNO, "label"); String uri = _getStringProperty(itemNO, "uri"); if (id == null) { if (label == null) { throw new InternalError("Missing both label and id"); } else { id = label; } } Resource itemResource; try { itemResource = new URIImpl(uri); } catch (Exception e) { uri = baseURL + _encode(id); itemResource = new URIImpl(uri); } String typeID = _getStringProperty(itemNO, "type"); Resource type; if (typeID == null) { type = ExhibitOntology.ITEM; } else { type = _ensureTypeExists(typeID, baseURL, metaConnection); } dataConnection.addStatement(itemResource, RDF.TYPE, type); dataConnection.addStatement(itemResource, ExhibitOntology.ID, new LiteralImpl(id)); if (label != null) { dataConnection.addStatement(itemResource, RDFS.LABEL, new LiteralImpl(label)); } Object[] propertiesIds = ScriptableObject.getPropertyIds(itemNO); for (Object propertyId : propertiesIds) { String propertyID = propertyId.toString(); if (!propertyID.equals("type") && !propertyID.equals("label") && !propertyID.equals("uri") && !propertyID.equals("id")) { URI predicate = _ensurePropertyExists(propertyID, baseURL, metaConnection); Object valueO = ScriptableObject.getProperty(itemNO, propertyID); if (valueO instanceof NativeArray) { NativeArray valuesArray = (NativeArray) valueO; long count = valuesArray.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Object itemO = valuesArray.get(i, valuesArray); _addItemProperty( itemResource, predicate, itemO, baseURL, dataConnection, metaConnection, itemIDToURI); } } else { _addItemProperty( itemResource, predicate, valueO, baseURL, dataConnection, metaConnection, itemIDToURI); } } } return itemResource; }
public static void postProcess( Map<String, NativeObject> types, Map<String, NativeObject> properties, List<NativeObject> items, String urlSpec, Sail dataSail, Sail metaSail) throws Exception { Map<String, Resource> typeIDToResource = new HashMap<String, Resource>(); Map<String, Resource> propertyIDToResource = new HashMap<String, Resource>(); String baseURL = _getBaseURL(urlSpec); Literal origin = (urlSpec == null || urlSpec.length() == 0) ? null : new LiteralImpl(urlSpec); SailConnection metaConnection = metaSail.getConnection(); try { for (String typeID : types.keySet()) { Resource typeResource = _processType(typeID, types.get(typeID), baseURL, metaConnection); if (origin != null) { metaConnection.addStatement(typeResource, ExhibitOntology.ORIGIN, origin); } typeIDToResource.put(typeID, typeResource); } for (String propertyID : properties.keySet()) { if (!propertyID.equals("type") && !propertyID.equals("label") && !propertyID.equals("uri") && !propertyID.equals("id")) { Resource propertyResource = _processProperty(propertyID, properties.get(propertyID), baseURL, metaConnection); if (origin != null) { metaConnection.addStatement(propertyResource, ExhibitOntology.ORIGIN, origin); } propertyIDToResource.put(propertyID, propertyResource); } } metaConnection.commit(); Map<String, String> itemIDToURI = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (NativeObject itemNO : items) { String uri = _getStringProperty(itemNO, "uri"); if (uri != null) { String id = _getStringProperty(itemNO, "id"); if (id == null) { id = _getStringProperty(itemNO, "label"); } if (id != null) { itemIDToURI.put(id, uri); } } } SailConnection dataConnection = dataSail.getConnection(); try { for (NativeObject itemNO : items) { Resource itemResource = _processItem(itemNO, baseURL, dataConnection, metaConnection, itemIDToURI); if (origin != null) { dataConnection.addStatement(itemResource, ExhibitOntology.ORIGIN, origin); } } dataConnection.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { dataConnection.rollback(); throw e; } finally { dataConnection.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { metaConnection.rollback(); throw e; } finally { metaConnection.close(); } }