public void testViewMacronutrientsAsHCP() throws Exception { // Login patient 1. WebDriver wd = (HtmlUnitDriver) login("9000000071", "pw"); assertEquals("iTrust - HCP Home", wd.getTitle()); // Navigate to the Macronutrients page. wd.findElement(By.partialLinkText("Patient Macronutrient")).click(); assertEquals("iTrust - Please Select a Patient", wd.getTitle()); wd.findElement("UID_PATIENTID")).sendKeys("342"); // the button to click should have the text of the MID wd.findElement(By.cssSelector("input[value='342']")).submit(); assertTrue( wd.findElement(By.tagName("body")) .getText() .contains("Hubert Farnsworth's Macronutrient Intake")); wd = (HtmlUnitDriver) login("9000000000", "pw"); assertEquals("iTrust - HCP Home", wd.getTitle()); // Navigate to the Macronutrients page. wd.findElement(By.partialLinkText("Patient Macronutrient")).click(); assertEquals("iTrust - Please Select a Patient", wd.getTitle()); wd.findElement("UID_PATIENTID")).sendKeys("342"); // the button to click should have the text of the MID wd.findElement(By.cssSelector("input[value='342']")).submit(); assertTrue( wd.findElement(By.tagName("body")) .getText() .contains("You do not have permission to view the Food Diary!")); }
@Test( priority = 1, dependsOnMethods = {"test001createRoleTest"}) public void test002updateRoleTest() { // click Roles menu $(By.partialLinkText("Roles")).shouldBe(visible).click(); // click List roles menu item $(By.linkText("List roles")).shouldBe(visible).click(); // search for newly created role searchForElement(ROLE_NAME_VALUE); // click on the found role $(By.linkText(ROLE_NAME_VALUE)).shouldBe(visible).click(); // update role attributes values Set<String> attributeFielldNames = roleAttributes.keySet(); Map<String, String> roleAttributesUpdated = new HashMap<>(); for (String attributeFieldName : attributeFielldNames) { roleAttributesUpdated.put( attributeFieldName, roleAttributes.get(attributeFieldName) + UPDATED_VALUE); } setFieldValues(roleAttributesUpdated); // click Save button $(By.linkText("Save")).shouldBe(visible).click(); // check if Success message appears $(byText("Success")).shouldBe(visible); // search for newly created role searchForElement(ROLE_NAME_VALUE + UPDATED_VALUE); // click on the found role $(By.linkText(ROLE_NAME_VALUE + UPDATED_VALUE)).shouldBe(visible).click(); // check role attributes are filled in with correct values checkObjectAttributesValues(roleAttributesUpdated); }
public class DevBySalaryPage extends BaseForm { private static String formlocator = "//body/div[@class='wrapper dev all']"; private Button devByPositionLink = new Button(By.linkText("Должности"), "link on positions"); private Button devByPositionQALink = new Button(By.partialLinkText("QA Engineer"), "link on QA position"); private Label devBySalaryRations = new Label( By.xpath("//strong[contains(., 'Соотношение размеров зарплат')]"), "salary rations text"); private Label devBySalaryForQA = new Label( By.xpath("//span[@class='ui-selectmenu-status' and contains(., 'QA Engineer/ Tester')]"), "salary for QA in menu"); public void clickOnPositionAll() {; } public void clickOnPositionQA() {; } public DevBySalaryPage() { super(By.xpath(formlocator), " Salary page"); } public void assertDevBySalary() { assert (devBySalaryRations.isPresent(10) && devBySalaryForQA.isPresent(10)); } }
@Test(priority = 0) public void test001createRoleTest() { close(); login(); // click Roles menu $(By.partialLinkText("Roles")).shouldBe(visible).click(); // click New role menu item $(By.linkText("New role")).shouldBe(visible).click(); // set new role attributes roleAttributes.put(ROLE_NAME_FIELD, ROLE_NAME_VALUE); roleAttributes.put(ROLE_DISPLAY_NAME_FIELD, ROLE_DISPLAY_NAME_VALUE); roleAttributes.put(ROLE_DESCRIPTION_FIELD, ROLE_DESCRIPTION_VALUE); roleAttributes.put(ROLE_TYPE_FIELD, ROLE_TYPE_VALUE); roleAttributes.put(ROLE_IDENTIFIER_FIELD, ROLE_IDENTIFIER_VALUE); roleAttributes.put(ROLE_RISK_LEVEL_FIELD, ROLE_RISK_LEVEL_VALUE); setFieldValues(roleAttributes); // click Save button $(By.linkText("Save")).shouldBe(visible).click(); // check if Success message appears $(byText("Success")).shouldBe(visible); // search for newly created role searchForElement(ROLE_NAME_VALUE); // click on the found role $(By.linkText(ROLE_NAME_VALUE)).shouldBe(visible).click(); // check role attributes are filled in with correct values checkObjectAttributesValues(roleAttributes); }
@Test public void testLoginAndLogout() throws InterruptedException { String baseUrl = ""; String loginText = "登录"; String logoutText = "退出"; String userName = "******"; String password = "******"; // get index page of testerhome driver.get(baseUrl); Thread.sleep(1000); // enter login page by clicking login button driver.findElement(By.partialLinkText(loginText)).click(); Thread.sleep(500); // input user name and password WebElement userNameInput = driver.findElement("user_login")); userNameInput.clear(); userNameInput.sendKeys(userName); WebElement passwordInput = driver.findElement("user_password")); passwordInput.clear(); passwordInput.sendKeys(password); // click login commit button and wait for success alert driver.findElement("commit")).click(); TestWaiter.waitForElement(By.cssSelector("div.alert.alert-success"), 3, driver); Thread.sleep(3000); // click toggle menu button WebElement toggleMenuBtn = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("button.navbar-toggle"));; Thread.sleep(500); // click logout text and wait for success alert driver.findElement(By.partialLinkText(logoutText)).click(); TestWaiter.waitForElement(By.cssSelector("div.alert.alert-success"), 3, driver); Thread.sleep(3000); }
public void testViewMacronutrientGraphs() throws Exception { // Login patient 1. WebDriver wd = login("341", "pw"); assertEquals("iTrust - Patient Home", wd.getTitle()); assertLogged(TransactionType.HOME_VIEW, 341L, 0L, ""); // Navigate to the Macronutrients page. wd.findElement(By.partialLinkText("Macronutrients")).click(); assertEquals("iTrust - View Macronutrients", wd.getTitle()); assertTrue( wd.findElement(By.tagName("body")).getText().contains("Macronutrient Intake Totals")); }
public SearchItemPage searchSpecifiedIteam(String item) { if (driver.getPageSource().contains(item)) { System.out.println("Jest tekst"); WebElement firstLink = driver.findElement(By.partialLinkText(item)); System.out.println(firstLink.getAttribute("href"));; } else { System.out.println("Nie ma tekstu"); } return new SearchItemPage(driver); }
@Test public void scrollElementIntoView() { WebDriver d = getDriver(); d.get(""); WebElement aboutGoogleLink = d.findElement(By.partialLinkText("About MDN")); Point locationBeforeScroll = aboutGoogleLink.getLocation(); Point locationAfterScroll = ((Locatable) aboutGoogleLink).getLocationOnScreenOnceScrolledIntoView(); assertTrue(locationBeforeScroll.x >= locationAfterScroll.x); assertTrue(locationBeforeScroll.y >= locationAfterScroll.y); }
public void testViewEmptyMacronutrientGraphs() throws Exception { // Login patient 1. WebDriver wd = login("343", "pw"); assertEquals("iTrust - Patient Home", wd.getTitle()); assertLogged(TransactionType.HOME_VIEW, 343L, 0L, ""); // Navigate to the Macronutrients page. wd.findElement(By.partialLinkText("Macronutrients")).click(); assertEquals("iTrust - View Macronutrients", wd.getTitle()); assertTrue( wd.findElement(By.tagName("body")).getText().contains("Add an entry to your Food Diary.")); assertTrue( wd.findElement(By.tagName("body")).getText().contains("You have no Food Diary entries.")); }
@Test @Title("Create new building to verify R,E,C permissions") public void test003CreateNewBuilding() throws Exception { OpenView.NavigateTO(Grundschutz, InventoryAnalysis); // Create TO TargetObject.CreateNew("Building", TOname, null); // Assert $(By.xpath(".//*[@id='footerForm:message']/dt/span")) .waitUntil(visible, 10000) .shouldHave(text("Successfully saved")) .shouldHave(text(TOname)); $(By.partialLinkText(TOname)).waitUntil(present, 8000).shouldBe(visible, enabled); }
/** * Permet de trouver un élément dans une page avec un minimum d'effort pour l'utilisateur Pour * l'instant c'est hyper brouillon, faut repasser dessus * * @param clue * @return */ private static WebElement fineElementFinder(String clue) { WebElement ret = null; Exception e = null; try { // TODO Make this stuff smarter by proper use of xpath ret = SEL_DRIVER.findElement(; // find element using tag 'name' } catch (Exception e0) { e = e0; try { ret = SEL_DRIVER.findElement(By.linkText(clue)); } catch (Exception e1) { e = e1; try { ret = SEL_DRIVER.findElement(By.partialLinkText(clue)); } catch (Exception e2) { e = e2; try { ret = SEL_DRIVER.findElement(By.className(clue)); } catch (Exception e3) { e = e3; try { ret = SEL_DRIVER.findElement(By.cssSelector("value$='" + clue + "'")); } catch (Exception e4) { e = e4; try { ret = SEL_DRIVER.findElement(By.xpath("#" + clue)); } // find element id catch (Exception e5) { e = e5; try { ret = SEL_DRIVER.findElement(By.xpath("//*[contains(@value, '" + clue + "')]")); } catch (Exception e6) { e = e6; System.out.println( "NOTHING WAS FOUND by the fine element finder using clue : '" + clue + "' ! "); } } } } } } } if (e != null) {} return ret; }
@Test @Title("Delete created TO, check L permission") public void test004DeleteCreatedBuilding() throws Exception { // Select created TO $(By.partialLinkText(TOname)).click(); // Click Delete button and confirm deletion $("#deleteElementEnabled").waitUntil(enabled, 6000).click(); $("#genericConfirmPanelYes").waitUntil(enabled, 8000).click(); $("#genericConfirmPanelYes").waitUntil(disappear, 8000); // Assertion $(By.xpath(".//*[@id='footerForm:message']/dt/span")) .waitUntil(visible, 8000) .shouldHave(text("Item successfully deleted")) .shouldHave(text(TOname)); }
@Test( priority = 2, dependsOnMethods = {"test001createRoleTest"}) public void test003deleteRoleTest() { // click Roles menu $(By.partialLinkText("Roles")).shouldBe(visible).click(); // click List roles menu item $(By.linkText("List roles")).shouldBe(visible).click(); // search for created role searchForElement(ROLE_NAME_VALUE + UPDATED_VALUE); // select found role checkbox $(byAttribute("type", "checkbox")).shouldBe(visible).click(); // click on the menu icon in the upper right corner of the roles list $(By.className("cog")).find(By.className("caret")).shouldBe(visible).click(); // click Delete menu item $(By.linkText("Delete")).shouldBe(visible).click(); // click Yes button in the Confirm delete window $(By.linkText("Yes")).shouldBe(visible).click(); // check if success message appears after role deletion $(byText("The role(s) have been successfully deleted.")).shouldBe(visible); }
public By getByElementFromRepo(String pageName, String loc) { String locatorType = null; String locatorValue = null; String repoFilePath = "src/test/resources/or/IMDbRepo.xml"; try { File repoXmlFile = new File(repoFilePath); DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = documentBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document document = documentBuilder.parse(repoXmlFile); document.getDocumentElement().normalize(); NodeList nodeList = document.getElementsByTagName("PageNode"); for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++) { Node pageNode = nodeList.item(i); if ((pageNode .getAttributes() .getNamedItem("name") .getTextContent() .toString() .equalsIgnoreCase(pageName))) { for (int j = 0; j < pageNode.getChildNodes().getLength(); j++) { if (!pageNode.getChildNodes().item(j).getNodeName().toString().startsWith("#")) { if (pageNode .getChildNodes() .item(j) .getAttributes() .getNamedItem("name") .getTextContent() .toString() .equalsIgnoreCase(loc)) { locatorType = pageNode .getChildNodes() .item(j) .getAttributes() .getNamedItem("locator_type") .getTextContent() .toString(); locatorValue = pageNode .getChildNodes() .item(j) .getAttributes() .getNamedItem("locator") .getTextContent() .toString(); } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } By locator = null; if (locatorType.equalsIgnoreCase("Id")) { locator =; } else if (locatorType.equalsIgnoreCase("Name")) { locator =; } else if (locatorType.equalsIgnoreCase("CssSelector")) { locator = By.cssSelector(locatorValue); } else if (locatorType.equalsIgnoreCase("LinkText")) { locator = By.linkText(locatorValue); } else if (locatorType.equalsIgnoreCase("PartialLinkText")) { locator = By.partialLinkText(locatorValue); } else if (locatorType.equalsIgnoreCase("TagName")) { locator = By.tagName(locatorValue); } else if (locatorType.equalsIgnoreCase("Xpath")) { locator = By.xpath(locatorValue); } else if (locatorType.equalsIgnoreCase("ClassName")) { locator = By.className(locatorValue); } return locator; }
public void leerReportesEspionaje() { Db db = new Db(); double metal, cristal, duty; List<WebElement> espionajes = driver.findElements(By.partialLinkText("Reporte de espionaje de")); WebElement espia; List<WebElement> flotas; boolean sindef = true; String helper; for (WebElement row : espionajes) { driver.switchTo().defaultContent();; try { (new WebDriverWait(driver, 10)) .until( new ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() { public Boolean apply(WebDriver d) { return d.findElement("TB_iframeContent")).isEnabled(); } }); // ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("$(\".success\").remove();"); } catch (Exception e) { consola("Error: Mensajes: No abre Iframe - " + e.getMessage()); consola("Reintentando");; (new WebDriverWait(driver, 10)) .until( new ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() { public Boolean apply(WebDriver d) { return d.findElement("TB_iframeContent")).isEnabled(); } }); } driver.switchTo().frame("TB_iframeContent"); try { (new WebDriverWait(driver, 30)) .until( new ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() { public Boolean apply(WebDriver d) { return d.findElement("showmessage")).isEnabled(); } }); consola("Log: Mensajes: Espionaje cargado"); // ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("$(\".success\").remove();"); } catch (Exception e) { consola("Error: Mensajes: Error Espionaje cargado - " + e.getMessage()); } espia = driver.findElement(By.className("spy2")); for (WebElement td : espia.findElements(By.tagName("td"))) { consola(td.getText()); } helper = driver.findElement(By.xpath("/html/body/div/div[2]/table/tbody/tr[3]/td")).getText(); consola(helper.substring(helper.indexOf("[") + 1, helper.indexOf("]"))); // fleetdefbuildings spy flotas = driver.findElements(By.className("fleetdefbuildings")); if (flotas.size() > 0) if (("Flotas".equals(flotas.get(0).findElement(By.tagName("th")).getText())) && (flotas.get(0).findElements(By.tagName("td")).size() == 0)) { consola("no hay flotas"); if ((flotas.size() > 1) && ("Defensa".equals(flotas.get(1).findElement(By.tagName("th")).getText()))) { for (WebElement d : flotas.get(1).findElements(By.className("key"))) { if (!d.getText().startsWith("Misil")) sindef = false; consola("Aqui hay " + d.getText()); } if (sindef) { metal = Double.valueOf( EliminaCaracteres( espia.findElements(By.tagName("td")).get(1).getText(), ".")); cristal = Double.valueOf( EliminaCaracteres( espia.findElements(By.tagName("td")).get(3).getText(), ".")); duty = Double.valueOf( EliminaCaracteres( espia.findElements(By.tagName("td")).get(5).getText(), ".")); db.setEspionaje( helper.substring(helper.indexOf("[") + 1, helper.indexOf("]")), metal, cristal, duty, planeta); } sindef = true; } } driver.findElement(By.className("closeTB")).click(); try { Thread.sleep(200); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { consola("Error: no duerme para cerrar mensajes"); // Logger.getLogger(Bot.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } }
@Test public void assertAnchorTagCount() { List<WebElement> elements; elements = driver.findElements(By.partialLinkText("jump to para")); assertThat(elements.size(), is(25)); }
/** * Find web-element for given locator. * * @param elementName * @return */ public WebElement findElement(String elementName) { String locator; locator = elementName; int count = 0; while (count < 4) { try { if (locator.startsWith("link=") || locator.startsWith("LINK=")) { locator = locator.substring(5); // remove "link=" from // locator try { if (locator.contains(" ")) return driver.findElement(By.partialLinkText(locator)); return driver.findElement(By.linkText(locator)); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } if (locator.startsWith("id=")) { locator = locator.substring(3); // remove "id=" from locator try { return driver.findElement(; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } else if (locator.startsWith("//")) { try { return driver.findElement(By.xpath(locator)); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } else if (locator.startsWith("css=")) { locator = locator.substring(4); // remove "css=" from // locator try { return driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(locator)); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } else if (locator.startsWith("name=")) { locator = locator.substring(5); // remove "name=" from // locator try { return driver.findElement(; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } else { try { return driver.findElement(; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } } catch (StaleElementReferenceException e) { e.toString(); count = count + 1; // System.out.println("Trying["+ // count+"] to recover from a stale element :" + // e.getMessage()); } count = count + 4; } return null; }
@Test public void findChangeLocationUsingPartialLinkText() { WebDriver driver = Browsers.CHROME; driver.get(""); driver.findElement(By.partialLinkText("change")).click(); }