// Test harness that tests any type of node, interface or element. private void testElementDeleted(MockElement element) { Event deleteEvent = element.createDeleteEvent(); m_pollerConfig.setNodeOutageProcessingEnabled(false); PollAnticipator poll = new PollAnticipator(); element.addAnticipator(poll); poll.anticipateAllServices(element); startDaemons(); // wait til after the first poll of the services poll.waitForAnticipated(1000L); // now delete the node and send a nodeDeleted event m_network.removeElement(element); m_eventMgr.sendEventToListeners(deleteEvent); // reset the poll count and wait to see if any polls on the removed // element happened m_network.resetInvalidPollCount(); // now ensure that no invalid polls have occurred sleep(3000); assertEquals( "Received a poll for an element that doesn't exist", 0, m_network.getInvalidPollCount()); }
private void anticipateDown(MockElement element, boolean force) { if (force || !element.getPollStatus().equals(PollStatus.down())) { Event event = element.createDownEvent(); m_anticipator.anticipateEvent(event); m_outageAnticipator.anticipateOutageOpened(element, event); } }
private void anticipateServicesDown(MockElement node) { MockVisitor eventCreator = new MockVisitorAdapter() { public void visitService(MockService svc) { anticipateDown(svc); } }; node.visit(eventCreator); }
public void testOutagesClosedOnDelete(MockElement element) { startDaemons(); Event deleteEvent = element.createDeleteEvent(); // bring down so we create an outage in the outages table anticipateDown(element); element.bringDown(); verifyAnticipated(5000, false); m_outageAnticipator.anticipateOutageClosed(element, deleteEvent); // now delete the service m_eventMgr.sendEventToListeners(deleteEvent); m_network.removeElement(element); verifyAnticipated(5000); }
private void bringDownCritSvcs(MockElement element) { MockVisitor markCritSvcDown = new MockVisitorAdapter() { public void visitService(MockService svc) { if ("ICMP".equals(svc.getSvcName())) { svc.bringDown(); } } }; element.visit(markCritSvcDown); }
private void createOutages(MockElement element, final Event event) { MockVisitor outageCreater = new MockVisitorAdapter() { public void visitService(MockService svc) { if (svc.getMgmtStatus().equals(SvcMgmtStatus.ACTIVE)) { m_db.createOutage(svc, event); } } }; element.visit(outageCreater); }
private void testElementDownUp(MockElement element) { startDaemons(); resetAnticipated(); anticipateDown(element); MockUtil.println("Bringing down element: " + element); element.bringDown(); MockUtil.println("Finished bringing down element: " + element); verifyAnticipated(5000); sleep(2000); resetAnticipated(); anticipateUp(element); MockUtil.println("Bringing up element: " + element); element.bringUp(); MockUtil.println("Finished bringing up element: " + element); verifyAnticipated(8000); }