private void setPollerConfiguration(PollerConfiguration pollconfig) { try { pollconfig.validate(); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( WTProperties.getValue("") + "poller-configuration.xml")); pollconfig.marshal(bw); bw.flush(); bw.close(); } catch (MarshalException me) { me.printStackTrace(); } catch (ValidationException ve) { ve.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** initPollerServices */ public void initPollerServices() { Collection<org.opennms.netmgt.config.poller.Package> packageColl = pollerConfig.getPackages(); if (packageColl != null) { Iterator<org.opennms.netmgt.config.poller.Package> pkgiter = packageColl.iterator(); if (pkgiter.hasNext()) { pkg =; Collection<Service> svcColl = pkg.getServices(); for (Service svcProp : svcColl) { pollerServices.put(svcProp.getName(), svcProp); } } } }
/** * removeMonitor * * @param service a {@link java.lang.String} object. */ public void removeMonitor(String service) { // Add the new monitor with the protocol. Collection<Monitor> monitorColl = pollerConfig.getMonitors(); Monitor newMonitor = new Monitor(); if (monitorColl != null) { for (Monitor mon : monitorColl) { if (mon != null) { if (mon.getService().equals(service)) { newMonitor.setService(service); newMonitor.setClassName(mon.getClassName()); newMonitor.setParameters(mon.getParameters()); break; } } } monitorColl.remove(newMonitor); } }
public void _jspService(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws, ServletException { JspFactory _jspxFactory = null; javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext pageContext = null; HttpSession session = null; ServletContext application = null; ServletConfig config = null; JspWriter out = null; Object page = this; JspWriter _jspx_out = null; try { _jspxFactory = JspFactory.getDefaultFactory(); response.setContentType("text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1"); pageContext = _jspxFactory.getPageContext(this, request, response, null, true, 8192, true); application = pageContext.getServletContext(); config = pageContext.getServletConfig(); session = pageContext.getSession(); out = pageContext.getOut(); _jspx_out = out; out.write("\n\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n\n"); out.write("\n\n"); PollerConfiguration pollconfig = getPollerConfiguration(); org.opennms.netmgt.config.poller.Package pkg = null; int pkgIdx = -1; String pkgIdxStr = (String) request.getParameter("pkgidx"); if (pkgIdxStr != null && pkgIdxStr.trim().length() > 0) { try { pkgIdx = Integer.parseInt(pkgIdxStr); if (pkgIdx >= 0) { if (pollconfig != null) { pkg = pollconfig.getPackage(pkgIdx); } } } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { ne.printStackTrace(); } } if (pkg == null) { if ((org.opennms.netmgt.config.poller.Package) request.getSession().getAttribute("pkg") != null) { pkg = (org.opennms.netmgt.config.poller.Package) request.getSession().getAttribute("pkg"); } } if (pkgIdx == -1) { pkgIdxStr = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("pkgidx"); if (pkgIdxStr != null && pkgIdxStr.trim().length() > 0) { try { pkgIdx = Integer.parseInt(pkgIdxStr); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { ne.printStackTrace(); } } } request.getSession().setAttribute("pkg", pkg); request.getSession().setAttribute("pkgidx", String.valueOf(pkgIdx)); String title = " Poller Package Downtime Model"; if (pkg != null) { title = " Poller Package - Downtime Model for: " + pkg.getName(); } out.write("\n\n"); out.write("<html>\n"); out.write("<head>\n "); out.write("<title>"); out.print(title); out.write("</title>\n "); out.write( "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/wt-portal/css/default.css\" />\n "); out.write("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"/wt-portal/javascript/WTtools.js\">"); out.write("</script>\n\n"); out.write( "<script language=javascript>\nfunction confirmDelete(msg)\n{\n\tvar agree=confirm(msg);\n\tif (agree)\n\t\treturn true;\n\telse\n\t\treturn false;\n}\n\nfunction addDowntime()\n{\n var msg = \"\";\n var error = false;\n var begin = 0;\n var end = 0;\n var interval = 0;\n\n dtbeginday = parseInt(document.downtime.dtbeginday.value) * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;\n dtbeginhour = parseInt(document.downtime.dtbeginhour.value) * 60 * 60 * 1000;\n dtbeginminute = parseInt(document.downtime.dtbeginminute.value) * 60 * 1000;\n dtbeginsecond = parseInt(document.downtime.dtbeginsecond.value) * 1000;\n dtbeginmillisecond = parseInt(document.downtime.dtbeginmillisecond.value);\n\n dtendday = parseInt(document.downtime.dtendday.value) * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;\n dtendhour = parseInt(document.downtime.dtendhour.value) * 60 * 60 * 1000;\n dtendminute = parseInt(document.downtime.dtendminute.value) * 60 * 1000;\n dtendsecond = parseInt(document.downtime.dtendsecond.value) * 1000;\n dtendmillisecond = parseInt(document.downtime.dtendmillisecond.value);\n"); out.write( "\n dtintervalday = parseInt(document.downtime.dtintervalday.value) * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;\n dtintervalhour = parseInt(document.downtime.dtintervalhour.value) * 60 * 60 * 1000;\n dtintervalminute = parseInt(document.downtime.dtintervalminute.value) * 60 * 1000;\n dtintervalsecond = parseInt(document.downtime.dtintervalsecond.value) * 1000;\n dtintervalmillisecond = parseInt(document.downtime.dtintervalmillisecond.value);\n\n document.downtime.dtbegin.value = dtbeginday + dtbeginhour + dtbeginminute + dtbeginsecond + dtbeginmillisecond;\n document.downtime.dtend.value = dtendday + dtendhour + dtendminute + dtendsecond + dtendmillisecond;\n document.downtime.dtinterval.value = dtintervalday + dtintervalhour + dtintervalminute + dtintervalsecond + dtintervalmillisecond;\n\n\tvar beginVal = trim(document.downtime.dtbegin.value);\n\tvar endVal = trim(document.downtime.dtend.value);\n\tvar intervalVal = trim(document.downtime.dtinterval.value);\n\n if (beginVal == \"\") {\n error = true;\n msg += \"Must enter a numeric time value for \\\"begin\\\".\\n\";\n"); out.write( " }\n if (endVal == \"\") {\n error = true;\n msg += \"\\nMust enter a numeric time value for \\\"end\\\".\\n\";\n }\n if (intervalVal == \"\") {\n error = true;\n msg += \"\\nMust enter a numeric time value for \\\"interval\\\".\\n\";\n }\n if (isNaN(beginVal)) {\n error = true;\n msg += \"\\nMust enter a numeric time value for \\\"begin\\\".\\n\";\n }\n if (isNaN(endVal)) {\n error = true;\n msg += \"\\nMust enter a numeric time value for \\\"end\\\".\\n\";\n }\n if (isNaN(intervalVal)) {\n error = true;\n msg += \"\\nMust enter a numeric time value for \\\"interval\\\".\\n\";\n }\n\n if (!error) {\n begin = parseInt(beginVal);\n end = parseInt(endVal);\n interval = parseInt(intervalVal);\n \n if (!(end > 0)) {\n error = true;\n msg = \"The end time must be greater than zero.\\n\";\n }\n if (!(interval > 0)) {\n error = true;\n msg += \"\\nThe 'interval' value must be greater than zero.\\n\";\n }\n"); out.write( " if (!((end - begin) > 0)) {\n error = true;\n msg += \"\\nThe 'end' time must be greater than the 'begin'.\\n\";\n }\n if (!(interval "); out.write( "<= (end - begin))) {\n error = true;\n msg += \"\\nThe 'interval' time must be less than the difference of the 'begin' and the 'end'.\\n\";\n }\n }\n\n if (error) {\n alert (msg);\n return;\n }\n else\n {\n = \"pollerDetailFrame\";\n \tdocument.downtime.action.value = 'adddt';\n \tdocument.downtime.submit();\n }\n}\n\nfunction removeDowntime(dtidx)\n{\n if (confirmDelete('Are you sure you want to delete this downtime model?')) {\n = \"pollerDetailFrame\";\n document.downtime.action.value = 'removedt';\n document.downtime.dtidx.value = dtidx;\n \tdocument.downtime.submit();\n }\n}\n\nfunction updateDowntime()\n{\n = \"_parent\";\n document.downtime.action.value = 'updatedt';\n\tdocument.downtime.submit();\n}\n\nfunction restoreDefaultDowntime()\n{\n if (confirmDelete('Are you sure you want to restore the default downtime model? All your changes will be lost.')) {\n = \"pollerDetailFrame\";\n"); out.write( " document.downtime.action.value = 'restoredt';\n \tdocument.downtime.submit();\n }\n}\n"); out.write("</script>\n"); out.write("</head>\n"); out.write("<body>\n\n\t"); String breadcrumb1 = "<a href='admin/index.jsp'></a>"; out.write("\n\t"); String breadcrumb2 = "Poller Packages"; out.write("\n\t"); JspRuntimeLibrary.include( request, response, "/includes/header.jsp" + "?" + "title=" +"" + title) + "&" + "location=" + "admin" + "&" + "help=" + "monitoringadmin%2Fpolling%2FWTHelp_PollerPackageDowntimeModel.html" + "&" + "noPopOut=" + "true" + "&" + "breadcrumb=" +"" + breadcrumb1) + "&" + "breadcrumb=" +"" + breadcrumb2), out, false); out.write("\n"); out.write("<!-- BEGIN FRAMING TABLE:open tags, keep at 100%-->\n"); out.write("<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n\t"); out.write("<tr>\n\t\t"); out.write("<td width=\"10\">"); out.write( "<img src=\"/wt-portal/images/spacers/spacer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"10\" border=\"0\" alt=\"WebTelemetry\">"); out.write("</td>\n\t\t"); out.write("<td>\n"); out.write("<!-- END FRAMING TABLE:open tags, keep at 100%-->\n\t"); out.write("<form action=\""); out.print(WTTools.getMonServletURL(request)); out.write("WTPollerPackages\" method=\"post\" name=\"downtime\" target=\"_parent\">\n\t "); out.write("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"\">\n\t "); out.write("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"pkgidx\" value=\"\">\n\t "); out.write("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dtidx\" value=\"\">\n\t "); out.write("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dtbegin\" value=\"\">\n\t "); out.write("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dtend\" value=\"\">\n\t "); out.write("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dtinterval\" value=\"\">\n\n"); out.write("<table width=\"98%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n "); out.write("<tr>\n "); out.write("<td colspan=\"4\">"); out.write("<b>Downtime Model:"); out.write("</b>"); out.write("<a class=\"tt\" href=\"javascript: towerTip("); out.print(WTTips.TIP_POLLER_MON_SERVICE); out.write(");\" title=\"Telemetry Tip\">"); out.write("<img src=\"/wt-portal/images/icons/tower_tips.gif\" border=\"0\">"); out.write("</a>"); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("</tr>\n "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableHeader\">\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableHeader\" width=\"25%\">Begin Time"); out.write("<a class=\"tt\" href=\"javascript: towerTip("); out.print(WTTips.TIP_POLLER_DT_BEGIN); out.write(");\" title=\"Telemetry Tip\">"); out.write("<img src=\"/wt-portal/images/icons/tower_tips.gif\" border=\"0\">"); out.write("</a>"); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableHeader\" width=\"25%\">End Time"); out.write("<a class=\"tt\" href=\"javascript: towerTip("); out.print(WTTips.TIP_POLLER_DT_END); out.write(");\" title=\"Telemetry Tip\">"); out.write("<img src=\"/wt-portal/images/icons/tower_tips.gif\" border=\"0\">"); out.write("</a>"); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableHeader\" width=\"25%\">Polling Interval"); out.write("<a class=\"tt\" href=\"javascript: towerTip("); out.print(WTTips.TIP_POLLER_DT_INTERVAL); out.write(");\" title=\"Telemetry Tip\">"); out.write("<img src=\"/wt-portal/images/icons/tower_tips.gif\" border=\"0\">"); out.write("</a>"); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableHeader\" width=\"25%\">Action"); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("</tr>\n "); long daymilli = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 86400000 long hourmlli = 60 * 60 * 1000; // 3600000; long minutemilli = 60 * 1000; // 60000; long secondmilli = 1000; String pattern2digit = "00"; DecimalFormat df2digit = new DecimalFormat(pattern2digit); String pattern3digit = "000"; DecimalFormat df3digit = new DecimalFormat(pattern3digit); long begin = 0; long end = 0; long interval = 0; String delete = null; long addbegin = 0; if (pkg != null) { Downtime[] ds = pkg.getDowntime(); if (ds != null) { for (int i = 0; i < ds.length; i++) { Downtime d = ds[i]; begin = d.getBegin(); end = d.getEnd(); interval = d.getInterval(); delete = d.getDelete(); long dtbegin = begin; long dtend = end; long dtinterval = interval; addbegin = begin; long dtbeginday = 0; long dtbeginhour = 0; long dtbeginminute = 0; long dtbeginsecond = 0; long dtbeginmillisecond = 0; long dtendday = 0; long dtendhour = 0; long dtendminute = 0; long dtendsecond = 0; long dtendmillisecond = 0; long dtintervalday = 0; long dtintervalhour = 0; long dtintervalminute = 0; long dtintervalsecond = 0; long dtintervalmillisecond = 0; if (dtbegin > 0) { dtbeginday = dtbegin / daymilli; dtbegin -= (dtbeginday * daymilli); } if (dtbegin > 0) { dtbeginhour = dtbegin / hourmlli; dtbegin -= (dtbeginhour * hourmlli); } if (dtbegin > 0) { dtbeginminute = dtbegin / minutemilli; dtbegin -= (dtbeginminute * minutemilli); } if (dtbegin > 0) { dtbeginsecond = dtbegin / secondmilli; dtbegin -= (dtbeginsecond * secondmilli); } if (dtbegin > 0) { dtbeginmillisecond = dtbegin; } if (dtend > 0) { dtendday = dtend / daymilli; dtend -= (dtendday * daymilli); } if (dtend > 0) { dtendhour = dtend / hourmlli; dtend -= (dtendhour * hourmlli); } if (dtend > 0) { dtendminute = dtend / minutemilli; dtend -= (dtendminute * minutemilli); } if (dtend > 0) { dtendsecond = dtend / secondmilli; dtend -= (dtendsecond * secondmilli); } if (dtend > 0) { dtendmillisecond = dtend; } if (dtinterval > 0) { dtintervalday = dtinterval / daymilli; dtinterval -= (dtintervalday * daymilli); } if (dtinterval > 0) { dtintervalhour = dtinterval / hourmlli; dtinterval -= (dtintervalhour * hourmlli); } if (dtinterval > 0) { dtintervalminute = dtinterval / minutemilli; dtinterval -= (dtintervalminute * minutemilli); } if (dtinterval > 0) { dtintervalsecond = dtinterval / secondmilli; dtinterval -= (dtintervalsecond * secondmilli); } if (dtinterval > 0) { dtintervalmillisecond = dtinterval; } out.write("\n "); out.write("<!--\n \t\t"); out.write("<TR>\n \t\t"); out.write("<TD align=\"center\">\n \t\t"); out.write("<INPUT name=\"dtbegin_"); out.print(String.valueOf(i)); out.write("\" type=\"text\" value=\""); out.print(begin); out.write("\" disabled>\n \t\t"); out.write("</TD>\n \t\t"); out.write("<TD align=\"center\">"); out.write("<INPUT name=\"dtend_"); out.print(String.valueOf(i)); out.write("\" type=\"text\" value=\""); out.print(end); out.write("\" disabled>"); out.write("</TD>\n \t\t"); out.write("<TD align=\"center\">"); out.write("<INPUT name=\"dtinterval_"); out.print(String.valueOf(i)); out.write("\" type=\"text\" value=\""); out.print(interval); out.write("\" disabled>"); out.write("</TD>\n \t\t"); out.write("<TD align=\"center\">"); out.write("<INPUT name=\"dtdel_"); out.print(String.valueOf(i)); out.write("\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"true\" "); if (delete != null && delete.equals("true")) { out.write("checked"); } out.write(" disabled>"); out.write("</TD>\n \t\t"); out.write("<TD align=\"center\">\n "); if ((i + 2) == ds.length) { out.write("\n "); out.write("<a HREF=\"javascript:removeDowntime('"); out.print(i); out.write("')\" title=\"Remove Downtime Model\">Remove"); out.write("</a>\n "); } else { out.write("\n \n "); } out.write("\n "); out.write("</TD>\n \t\t"); out.write("</TR>\n \t\t-->\n\n \t\t"); if (i < (ds.length - 1)) { out.write("\n "); out.write("<tr class=\""); out.print(((i % 2) == 0) ? "tableRowLIght" : "tableRowDark"); out.write("\">\n \t\t"); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\">\n \t\t"); out.print(dtbeginday); out.write(" days "); out.print(df2digit.format(dtbeginhour)); out.write(":"); out.print(df2digit.format(dtbeginminute)); out.write(":"); out.print(df2digit.format(dtbeginsecond)); out.write(":"); out.print(df3digit.format(dtbeginmillisecond)); out.write("\n "); out.write("</td>\n \t\t"); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\">\n \t\t "); out.print(dtendday); out.write(" days "); out.print(df2digit.format(dtendhour)); out.write(":"); out.print(df2digit.format(dtendminute)); out.write(":"); out.print(df2digit.format(dtendsecond)); out.write(":"); out.print(df3digit.format(dtendmillisecond)); out.write("\n "); out.write("</td>\n \t\t"); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\">\n \t\t"); out.print(dtintervalday); out.write(" days "); out.print(df2digit.format(dtintervalhour)); out.write(":"); out.print(df2digit.format(dtintervalminute)); out.write(":"); out.print(df2digit.format(dtintervalsecond)); out.write(":"); out.print(df3digit.format(dtintervalmillisecond)); out.write("\n "); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\">\n "); if (i == (ds.length - 2)) { out.write("\n "); out.write("<a href=\"javascript:removeDowntime('"); out.print(i); out.write("')\" title=\"Remove Downtime Model\">Remove"); out.write("</a>"); out.write("</td>\n "); } out.write("\n "); out.write("</td>\n \t\t"); } else { out.write("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"); out.write("<tr>"); out.write("<td colspan=\"3\"> "); out.write("</td>"); out.write("</tr>\n "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableHeader\">\n \t\t"); out.write("<td class=\"tableHeader\" colspan=\"3\">\n "); if ((delete == null || !delete.equals("true")) && end == 0 && interval > 0) { out.write("\n \t\tAfter\n \t\t"); out.write("<b>\n \t\t "); if (dtbeginday > 0) { out.print(dtbeginday); out.write(" days"); } out.write("\n \t\t "); if (dtbeginhour > 0) { out.print(dtbeginhour); out.write(" hr"); } out.write("\n \t\t "); if (dtbeginminute > 0) { out.print(dtbeginminute); out.write(" min"); } out.write("\n \t\t "); if (dtbeginsecond > 0) { out.print(dtbeginsecond); out.write(" sec"); } out.write("\n \t\t "); if (dtbeginmillisecond > 0) { out.print(dtbeginmillisecond); out.write(" ms"); } out.write("\n \t\t"); out.write( "</b>\n \t\tthe system will continue to poll downed nodes at a\n \t\t"); out.write("<b>\n \t\t "); if (dtintervalday > 0) { out.print(dtintervalday); out.write(" day"); } out.write("\n \t\t "); if (dtintervalhour > 0) { out.print(dtintervalhour); out.write(" hr"); } out.write("\n \t\t "); if (dtintervalminute > 0) { out.print(dtintervalminute); out.write(" min"); } out.write("\n \t\t "); if (dtintervalsecond > 0) { out.print(dtintervalsecond); out.write(" sec"); } out.write("\n \t\t "); if (dtintervalmillisecond > 0) { out.print(dtintervalmillisecond); out.write(" ms"); } out.write("\n "); out.write( "</b>\n interval.\n "); } out.write("\n "); out.write("</td>\n "); if (i == (ds.length - 2)) { out.write("\n "); } else { out.write("\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableHeader\"> "); out.write("</td>\n "); } out.write("\n \t\t"); } out.write("\n \t\t"); out.write("</tr>\n \t\t"); } } } out.write("\n "); out.write("<!--\n \t"); out.write("<TR>\n \t"); out.write("<TD align=\"center\">"); out.write("<INPUT name=\"dtbegin\" type=\"text\" value=\""); out.print(begin); out.write("\" readonly>"); out.write("</TD>\n \t"); out.write("<TD align=\"center\">"); out.write("<INPUT name=\"dtend\" type=\"text\" value=\"\">"); out.write("</TD>\n \t"); out.write("<TD align=\"center\">"); out.write("<INPUT name=\"dtinterval\" type=\"text\" value=\"\">"); out.write("</TD>\n \t"); out.write("<TD align=\"center\">"); out.write("<INPUT name=\"dtdel\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"true\" disabled>"); out.write("</TD>\n \t"); out.write("<TD align=\"center\">"); out.write("<a HREF=\"javascript:addDowntime()\" title=\"Add Downtime Model\">Add Downtime"); out.write("</a>"); out.write("</TD>\n \t"); out.write("</TR>\n \t-->\n \t"); long dtbeginday = 0; long dtbeginhour = 0; long dtbeginminute = 0; long dtbeginsecond = 0; long dtbeginmillisecond = 0; long dtendday = 0; long dtendhour = 0; long dtendminute = 0; long dtendsecond = 0; long dtendmillisecond = 0; long dtintervalday = 0; long dtintervalhour = 0; long dtintervalminute = 0; long dtintervalsecond = 0; long dtintervalmillisecond = 0; if (addbegin > 0) { dtbeginday = addbegin / daymilli; addbegin = addbegin - (dtbeginday * daymilli); } if (addbegin > 0) { dtbeginhour = addbegin / hourmlli; addbegin = addbegin - (dtbeginhour * hourmlli); } if (addbegin > 0) { dtbeginminute = addbegin / minutemilli; addbegin = addbegin - (dtbeginminute * minutemilli); } if (addbegin > 0) { dtbeginsecond = addbegin / secondmilli; addbegin = addbegin - (dtbeginsecond * secondmilli); } if (addbegin > 0) { dtbeginmillisecond = addbegin; } out.write("\n \t"); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n \t"); out.write("<td>\n \t "); out.write("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dtbeginday\" value=\""); out.print(dtbeginday); out.write("\">\n \t "); out.write("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dtbeginhour\" value=\""); out.print(dtbeginhour); out.write("\">\n \t "); out.write("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dtbeginminute\" value=\""); out.print(dtbeginminute); out.write("\">\n \t "); out.write("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dtbeginsecond\" value=\""); out.print(dtbeginsecond); out.write("\">\n \t "); out.write("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dtbeginmillisecond\" value=\""); out.print(dtbeginmillisecond); out.write("\">\n \t "); out.write("<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n \t "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n \t "); out.write("<td nowrap>Days: "); out.write("</td>\n \t "); out.write("<td nowrap>"); out.print(dtbeginday); out.write("</td>\n \t "); out.write("</tr>\n \t "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n \t "); out.write("<td nowrap>Hours: "); out.write("</td>\n \t "); out.write("<td nowrap>"); out.print(dtbeginhour); out.write("</td>\n \t "); out.write("</tr>\n \t "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n \t "); out.write("<td nowrap>Minutes: "); out.write("</td>\n \t "); out.write("<td nowrap>"); out.print(dtbeginminute); out.write("</td>\n \t "); out.write("</tr>\n \t "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n \t "); out.write("<td nowrap>Seconds: "); out.write("</td>\n \t "); out.write("<td nowrap>"); out.print(dtbeginsecond); out.write("</td>\n \t "); out.write("</tr>\n \t "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n \t "); out.write("<td nowrap>Milliseconds: "); out.write("</td>\n \t "); out.write("<td nowrap>"); out.print(dtbeginmillisecond); out.write("</td>\n \t "); out.write("</tr>\n \t "); out.write("</table>\n \t"); out.write("</td>\n \t"); out.write("<td>\n \t "); out.write("<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n \t "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n \t "); out.write("<td nowrap>Days: "); out.write("</td>\n \t "); out.write("<td nowrap>"); out.write("<select name=\"dtendday\">\n\t\t "); for (int i = 0; i <= 365; i++) { out.write("\n\t\t "); out.write("<option value="); out.print(i); out.write(" "); if (dtendday == i) { out.write("selected"); } out.write(">"); out.print(df3digit.format(i)); out.write("\n "); } out.write("\n\t\t "); out.write("</select>"); out.write("</td>\n \t "); out.write("</tr>\n \t "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n \t "); out.write("<td nowrap>Hours: "); out.write("</td>\n \t "); out.write("<td nowrap>"); out.write("<select name=\"dtendhour\">\n\t\t "); for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) { out.write("\n\t\t "); out.write("<option value="); out.print(i); out.write(" "); if (dtendhour == i) { out.write("selected"); } out.write(">"); out.print(df3digit.format(i)); out.write("\n "); } out.write("\n\t\t "); out.write("</select>"); out.write("</td>\n \t "); out.write("</tr>\n \t "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n \t "); out.write("<td nowrap>Minutes: "); out.write("</td>\n \t "); out.write("<td nowrap>"); out.write("<select name=\"dtendminute\">\n\t\t "); for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) { out.write("\n\t\t "); out.write("<option value="); out.print(i); out.write(" "); if (dtendminute == i) { out.write("selected"); } out.write(">"); out.print(df3digit.format(i)); out.write("\n "); } out.write("\n\t\t "); out.write("</select>"); out.write("</td>\n \t "); out.write("</tr>\n \t "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n \t "); out.write("<td nowrap>Seconds: "); out.write("</td>\n \t "); out.write("<td nowrap>"); out.write("<select name=\"dtendsecond\">\n\t\t "); for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) { out.write("\n\t\t "); out.write("<option value="); out.print(i); out.write(" "); if (dtendsecond == i) { out.write("selected"); } out.write(">"); out.print(df3digit.format(i)); out.write("\n "); } out.write("\n\t\t "); out.write("</select>"); out.write("</td>\n \t "); out.write("</tr>\n \t "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n \t "); out.write("<td nowrap>Milliseconds: "); out.write("</td>\n \t "); out.write("<td nowrap>"); out.write("<select name=\"dtendmillisecond\">\n\t\t "); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { out.write("\n\t\t "); out.write("<option value="); out.print(i); out.write(" "); if (dtendmillisecond == i) { out.write("selected"); } out.write(">"); out.print(df3digit.format(i)); out.write("\n "); } out.write("\n\t\t "); out.write("</select>"); out.write("</td>\n \t "); out.write("</tr>\n \t "); out.write("</table>\n\n \t"); out.write("</td>\n \t"); out.write("<td>\n \t "); out.write("<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n \t "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n \t "); out.write("<td nowrap>Days: "); out.write("</td>\n \t "); out.write("<td nowrap>"); out.write("<select name=\"dtintervalday\">\n\t\t "); for (int i = 0; i <= 365; i++) { out.write("\n\t\t "); out.write("<option value="); out.print(i); out.write(" "); if (dtintervalday == i) { out.write("selected"); } out.write(">"); out.print(df3digit.format(i)); out.write("\n "); } out.write("\n\t\t "); out.write("</select>"); out.write("</td>\n \t "); out.write("</tr>\n \t "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n \t "); out.write("<td nowrap>Hours: "); out.write("</td>\n \t "); out.write("<td nowrap>"); out.write("<select name=\"dtintervalhour\">\n\t\t "); for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) { out.write("\n\t\t "); out.write("<option value="); out.print(i); out.write(" "); if (dtintervalhour == i) { out.write("selected"); } out.write(">"); out.print(df3digit.format(i)); out.write("\n "); } out.write("\n\t\t "); out.write("</select>"); out.write("</td>\n \t "); out.write("</tr>\n \t "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n \t "); out.write("<td nowrap>Minutes: "); out.write("</td>\n \t "); out.write("<td nowrap>"); out.write("<select name=\"dtintervalminute\">\n\t\t "); for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) { out.write("\n\t\t "); out.write("<option value="); out.print(i); out.write(" "); if (dtintervalminute == i) { out.write("selected"); } out.write(">"); out.print(df3digit.format(i)); out.write("\n "); } out.write("\n\t\t "); out.write("</select>"); out.write("</td>\n \t "); out.write("</tr>\n \t "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n \t "); out.write("<td nowrap>Seconds: "); out.write("</td>\n \t "); out.write("<td nowrap>"); out.write("<select name=\"dtintervalsecond\">\n\t\t "); for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) { out.write("\n\t\t "); out.write("<option value="); out.print(i); out.write(" "); if (dtintervalsecond == i) { out.write("selected"); } out.write(">"); out.print(df3digit.format(i)); out.write("\n "); } out.write("\n\t\t "); out.write("</select>"); out.write("</td>\n \t "); out.write("</tr>\n \t "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n \t "); out.write("<td nowrap>Milliseconds: "); out.write("</td>\n \t "); out.write("<td nowrap>"); out.write("<select name=\"dtintervalmillisecond\">\n\t\t "); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { out.write("\n\t\t "); out.write("<option value="); out.print(i); out.write(" "); if (dtintervalmillisecond == i) { out.write("selected"); } out.write(">"); out.print(df3digit.format(i)); out.write("\n "); } out.write("\n\t\t "); out.write("</select>"); out.write("</td>\n \t "); out.write("</tr>\n \t "); 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out.write( "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"button\" onclick=\"return restoreDefaultDowntime()\" value=\"Restore Defaults\" title=\"Restore Downtime Model Defaults\">-->"); out.write("<br />\n "); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("</tr>\n"); out.write("</table>\n"); out.write("</form>\n"); out.write("<!-- BEGIN FRAMING TABLE:close tags-->\n\t\t"); out.write("</td>\n\t"); out.write("</tr>\n"); out.write("</table>\n"); out.write("<!-- END FRAMING TABLE:close tags-->\n"); out.write("<p>\n"); JspRuntimeLibrary.include( request, response, "/includes/footer.jsp" + "?" + "location=" + "admin", out, false); out.write("\n\n "); out.write("</body>\n"); out.write("</html>\n"); } catch (Throwable t) { out = _jspx_out; if (out != null && out.getBufferSize() != 0) out.clearBuffer(); if (pageContext != null) pageContext.handlePageException(t); } finally { if (_jspxFactory != null) _jspxFactory.releasePageContext(pageContext); } }