public static SimpleFeatureType toReShapeFeatureType( SimpleFeatureCollection delegate, List<Definition> definitionList) { SimpleFeature sample = null; SimpleFeatureIterator iterator = delegate.features(); try { if (iterator.hasNext()) { sample =; } } finally { iterator.close(); // good bye } SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder build = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder(); SimpleFeatureType origional = delegate.getSchema(); for (Definition def : definitionList) { String name =; Expression expression = def.expression; Object value = null; if (sample != null) { value = expression.evaluate(sample); } Class<?> binding = def.binding; // make use of any default binding hint provided by user if (value == null) { if (expression instanceof PropertyName) { PropertyName propertyName = (PropertyName) expression; String path = propertyName.getPropertyName(); AttributeDescriptor descriptor = origional.getDescriptor(name); AttributeType attributeType = descriptor.getType(); binding = attributeType.getBinding(); } } else { binding = value.getClass(); } if (binding == null) { // note we could consider scanning through additional samples until we get a non null hit throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to determine type for " + name); } if (Geometry.class.isAssignableFrom(binding)) { CoordinateReferenceSystem crs; AttributeType originalAttributeType = origional.getType(name); if (originalAttributeType != null && originalAttributeType instanceof GeometryType) { GeometryType geometryType = (GeometryType) originalAttributeType; crs = geometryType.getCoordinateReferenceSystem(); } else { crs = origional.getCoordinateReferenceSystem(); }; build.add(name, binding); } else { build.add(name, binding); } } build.setName(origional.getTypeName()); return build.buildFeatureType(); }
private void register(AttributeType type, boolean anonymous) { Name name = type.getName(); Object old; if (anonymous) { old = anonTypeRegistry.put(name, type); } else { old = typeRegistry.put(name, type); } if (old != null) { LOGGER.fine(type.getName() + " replaced by new value."); } }
public NonFeatureTypeProxy( final AttributeType type, final FeatureTypeMapping mapping, Collection<PropertyDescriptor> schema) { super(type.getName(), null); subject = type; AttributeDescriptor originalTarget = mapping.getTargetFeature(); int maxOccurs = originalTarget.getMaxOccurs(); int minOccurs = originalTarget.getMinOccurs(); boolean nillable = originalTarget.isNillable(); Object defaultValue = originalTarget.getDefaultValue(); Name name = originalTarget.getName(); // create a new descriptor with the wrapped type and set it to the mapping ComplexFeatureTypeFactoryImpl typeFactory = new ComplexFeatureTypeFactoryImpl(); AttributeDescriptor descriptor = typeFactory.createAttributeDescriptor( this, name, minOccurs, maxOccurs, nillable, defaultValue); descriptor.getUserData().putAll(originalTarget.getUserData()); mapping.setTargetFeature(descriptor); // smuggle FEATURE_LINK descriptor schema.add(ComplexFeatureConstants.FEATURE_CHAINING_LINK); this.descriptors = schema; }
AttributeType findType(Class binding) { for (Schema schema : typeMappingProfiles) { for (Map.Entry<Name, AttributeType> e : schema.entrySet()) { AttributeType at = e.getValue(); if (at.getBinding() != null && at.getBinding().equals(binding)) { return at; } } for (AttributeType at : schema.values()) { if (binding.isAssignableFrom(at.getBinding())) { return at; } } } return null; }
/** * Used to supply a list of suggested values; given the provided attribtue descriptor. * * @param descriptor * @return list of suggested values (may be empty if no values are suggested) */ protected SortedSet<String> generateSuggestedValues(AttributeDescriptor descriptor) { SortedSet<String> options = new TreeSet<String>(); Object defaultValue = descriptor.getDefaultValue(); if (defaultValue != null) { options.add(String.valueOf(defaultValue)); } AttributeType type = descriptor.getType(); if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(type.getBinding())) { options.add("0"); options.add("1"); options.add("2"); options.add("3"); options.add("4"); options.add("5"); } return options; }
/** * Parses the value of the current attribute, parser cursor shall be on a feature attribute * START_TAG event. * * @return * @throws IOException * @throws XmlPullParserException * @throws FactoryException * @throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Object parseAttributeValue() throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { final String name = parser.getName(); final AttributeDescriptor attribute = expectedProperties.get(name); final AttributeType type = attribute.getType(); Object parsedValue; if (type instanceof GeometryType) { parser.nextTag(); try { parsedValue = parseGeom(); } catch (NoSuchAuthorityCodeException e) { throw new DataSourceException(e); } catch (FactoryException e) { throw new DataSourceException(e); } } else { String rawTextValue = parser.nextText(); Class binding = type.getBinding(); parsedValue = Converters.convert(rawTextValue, binding); } return parsedValue; }
private AttributeDescriptor createAttributeDescriptor( AttributeType type, CoordinateReferenceSystem crs, Name elemName, int minOccurs, int maxOccurs, boolean nillable, Object defaultValue) { AttributeDescriptor descriptor = null; if (maxOccurs == -1) { // this happens when maxOccurs is set to "unbounded" maxOccurs = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } if (!(type instanceof AttributeTypeProxy) && Geometry.class.isAssignableFrom(type.getBinding())) { // create geometry descriptor with the simple feature type CRS GeometryType geomType = new GeometryTypeImpl( type.getName(), type.getBinding(), crs, type.isIdentified(), type.isAbstract(), type.getRestrictions(), type.getSuper(), type.getDescription()); descriptor = typeFactory.createGeometryDescriptor( geomType, elemName, minOccurs, maxOccurs, nillable, defaultValue); } else { descriptor = typeFactory.createAttributeDescriptor( type, elemName, minOccurs, maxOccurs, nillable, defaultValue); } return descriptor; }
/** * create a FeatureSource with the specified Query * * @param entry * @param query - a query containing a filter that will be applied to the data */ public ExcelFeatureSource(ContentEntry entry, Query query) { super(entry, query); Date beginingOfExcelTime = HSSFDateUtil.getJavaDate(0); dataStore = (ExcelDataStore) entry.getDataStore(); sheet = dataStore.getSheet(); latCol = dataStore.getLatColumnIndex(); lonCol = dataStore.getLonColumnIndex(); int rows = sheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows(); int start = dataStore.getHeaderRowIndex() + 1; latCol = dataStore.getLatColumnIndex(); lonCol = dataStore.getLonColumnIndex(); features = new ArrayList<SimpleFeature>(); filteredFeatures = new ArrayList<SimpleFeature>(); evaluator = dataStore.workbook.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator(); if (schema == null) { schema = getSchema(); } GeometryFactory geometryFactory = dataStore.getGeometryFactory(); SimpleFeatureBuilder builder = new SimpleFeatureBuilder(schema); Row header = sheet.getRow(dataStore.getHeaderRowIndex()); for (int i = start; i < rows; i++) { Row data = sheet.getRow(i); double x = 0.0; double y = 0.0; for (int col = data.getFirstCellNum(); col < data.getLastCellNum(); col++) { final Cell cell = data.getCell(col); CellValue value = evaluator.evaluate(cell); if (col == latCol) { if (value.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC) { y = value.getNumberValue(); } } else if (col == lonCol) { if (value.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC) { x = value.getNumberValue(); } } else { // cast and handle final String name = header.getCell(col).getStringCellValue().trim(); switch (value.getCellType()) { case Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC: AttributeType type = schema.getType(name); Class<?> clazz = type.getBinding(); if (clazz == Double.class) { builder.set(name, value.getNumberValue()); } else if (clazz == java.sql.Date.class) { final java.util.Date javaDate = HSSFDateUtil.getJavaDate(value.getNumberValue()); final Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.clear(); cal.setTime(javaDate); java.sql.Date date = new java.sql.Date(cal.getTimeInMillis()); builder.set(name, date); } else if (clazz == java.util.Date.class) { final java.util.Date javaDate = HSSFDateUtil.getJavaDate(value.getNumberValue()); builder.set(name, javaDate); } else if (clazz == Time.class) { final java.util.Date javaDate = HSSFDateUtil.getJavaDate(value.getNumberValue()); final Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.clear(); cal.setTime(javaDate); cal.set(0, 0, 0); Time time = new Time(cal.getTimeInMillis()); builder.set(name, time); } break; case Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING: builder.set(name, value.getStringValue().trim()); break; case Cell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN: builder.set(name, value.getBooleanValue()); break; default: System.out.println( "We don't handle " + cell.getCellType() + " type cells " + cell.getStringCellValue()); } } } Point p = geometryFactory.createPoint(new Coordinate(x, y)); builder.set("the_geom", p); SimpleFeature feature = builder.buildFeature(null); features.add(feature); } filterFeatures(query); }
/** * Creates an {@link AttributeType} that matches the xsd type definition as much as possible. * * <p>The original type definition given by the {@link XSDTypeDefinition} is kept as * AttributeType's metadata stored as a "user data" property using <code>XSDTypeDefinition.class * </code> as key. * * <p>If it is a complex attribute, it will contain all the properties declared in the <code> * typeDefinition</code>, as well as all the properties declared in its super types. TODO: handle * the case where the extension mechanism is restriction. * * @param assignedName * @param typeDefinition * @return */ private AttributeType createType( final Name assignedName, final XSDTypeDefinition typeDefinition, CoordinateReferenceSystem crs, boolean anonymous) { AttributeType attType; // ///////// if (processingTypes.contains(assignedName)) { if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { LOGGER.fine("Recursion found for type " + assignedName + ". Proxying it."); } attType = createProxiedType( assignedName, typeDefinition, anonymous ? anonTypeRegistry : typeRegistry); return attType; } processingTypes.push(assignedName); // ////////// final XSDTypeDefinition baseType = typeDefinition.getBaseType(); AttributeType superType = null; if (baseType != null) { String targetNamespace = baseType.getTargetNamespace(); String name = baseType.getName(); if (name != null) { Name baseTypeName = new NameImpl(targetNamespace, name); superType = getAttributeType(baseTypeName, baseType, crs); } } else { LOGGER.warning(assignedName + " has no super type"); } if (typeDefinition instanceof XSDComplexTypeDefinition) { XSDComplexTypeDefinition complexTypeDef; complexTypeDef = (XSDComplexTypeDefinition) typeDefinition; boolean includeParents = true; List<XSDElementDeclaration> children = Schemas.getChildElementDeclarations(typeDefinition, includeParents); final Collection<PropertyDescriptor> schema = new ArrayList<PropertyDescriptor>(children.size()); XSDElementDeclaration childDecl; AttributeDescriptor descriptor; for (Iterator it = children.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { childDecl = (XSDElementDeclaration); try { descriptor = createAttributeDescriptor(complexTypeDef, childDecl, crs); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { String msg = "Failed to create descriptor for '" + childDecl.getTargetNamespace() + "#" + childDecl.getName() + " from container '" + typeDefinition.getTargetNamespace() + "#" + typeDefinition.getName() + "'"; NoSuchElementException nse = new NoSuchElementException(msg); nse.initCause(e); throw nse; } schema.add(descriptor); } if (includeAttributes) { for (XSDAttributeUse attgcontent : complexTypeDef.getAttributeUses()) { XSDAttributeDeclaration att = attgcontent.getContent(); descriptor = createAttributeDescriptor( getXmlAttributeType(), null, new NameImpl(null, "@" + att.getName()), 0, 1, false, null); schema.add(descriptor); } } // set substitution group for descriptors here for (XSDElementDeclaration elemDecl : children) { if (elemDecl.isElementDeclarationReference()) { elemDecl = elemDecl.getResolvedElementDeclaration(); } PropertyDescriptor att = null; for (PropertyDescriptor desc : schema) { if (desc.getName().getLocalPart().equals(elemDecl.getName()) && desc.getName().getNamespaceURI().equals(elemDecl.getTargetNamespace())) { att = desc; break; } } setSubstitutionGroup(complexTypeDef, elemDecl, att, crs); } attType = createComplexAttributeType(assignedName, schema, complexTypeDef, superType); } else { Class<?> binding = String.class; boolean isIdentifiable = false; boolean isAbstract = false; List<Filter> restrictions = Collections.emptyList(); InternationalString description = null; attType = typeFactory.createAttributeType( assignedName, binding, isIdentifiable, isAbstract, restrictions, superType, description); } attType.getUserData().put(XSDTypeDefinition.class, typeDefinition); processingTypes.pop(); // even if the type is anonymous, it still has to be registered somewhere because // it's needed for the proxied types to find them. That's why we have 2 registries, // typeRegistry // and anonTypeRegistry. TypeRegistry is the global one, since anonymous types are meant to // be // local and shouldn't be searchable. register(attType, anonymous); return attType; }
/** * Specifies an attribute type binding. * * <p>This method is used to associate an attribute type with a java class. The class is retreived * from <code>type.getBinding()</code>. When the {@link #add(String, Class)} method is used to add * an attribute to the type being built, this binding is used to locate the attribute type. * * @param type The attribute type. */ public void addBinding(AttributeType type) { bindings().put(type.getBinding(), type); }