/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean isConfigurationAcceptable( ConnectionHandlerCfg configuration, List<LocalizableMessage> unacceptableReasons) { LDAPConnectionHandlerCfg config = (LDAPConnectionHandlerCfg) configuration; if (currentConfig == null || (!currentConfig.isEnabled() && config.isEnabled())) { // Attempt to bind to the listen port on all configured addresses to // verify whether the connection handler will be able to start. LocalizableMessage errorMessage = checkAnyListenAddressInUse( config.getListenAddress(), config.getListenPort(), config.isAllowTCPReuseAddress(), config.dn()); if (errorMessage != null) { unacceptableReasons.add(errorMessage); return false; } } if (config.isEnabled() // Check that the SSL configuration is valid. && (config.isUseSSL() || config.isAllowStartTLS())) { try { createSSLEngine(config, createSSLContext(config)); } catch (DirectoryException e) { logger.traceException(e); unacceptableReasons.add(e.getMessageObject()); return false; } } return true; }
/** * Enqueue a connection finalizer which will be invoked after a short delay. * * @param r The connection finalizer runnable. */ void registerConnectionFinalizer(Runnable r) { synchronized (connectionFinalizerLock) { if (connectionFinalizer != null) { connectionFinalizerPendingJobQueue.add(r); } else { // Already finalized - invoked immediately. r.run(); } } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void initializeConnectionHandler(LDAPConnectionHandlerCfg config) throws ConfigException, InitializationException { if (friendlyName == null) { friendlyName = config.dn().rdn().getAttributeValue(0).toString(); } // Open the selector. try { selector = Selector.open(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceException(e); LocalizableMessage message = ERR_LDAP_CONNHANDLER_OPEN_SELECTOR_FAILED.get( config.dn(), stackTraceToSingleLineString(e)); throw new InitializationException(message, e); } // Save this configuration for future reference. currentConfig = config; enabled = config.isEnabled(); requestHandlerIndex = 0; allowedClients = config.getAllowedClient(); deniedClients = config.getDeniedClient(); // Configure SSL if needed. try { // This call may disable the connector if wrong SSL settings configureSSL(config); } catch (DirectoryException e) { logger.traceException(e); throw new InitializationException(e.getMessageObject()); } // Save properties that cannot be dynamically modified. allowReuseAddress = config.isAllowTCPReuseAddress(); backlog = config.getAcceptBacklog(); listenAddresses = config.getListenAddress(); listenPort = config.getListenPort(); numRequestHandlers = getNumRequestHandlers(config.getNumRequestHandlers(), friendlyName); // Construct a unique name for this connection handler, and put // together the set of listeners. listeners = new LinkedList<>(); StringBuilder nameBuffer = new StringBuilder(); nameBuffer.append(friendlyName); for (InetAddress a : listenAddresses) { listeners.add(new HostPort(a.getHostAddress(), listenPort)); nameBuffer.append(" "); nameBuffer.append(a.getHostAddress()); } nameBuffer.append(" port "); nameBuffer.append(listenPort); handlerName = nameBuffer.toString(); // Attempt to bind to the listen port on all configured addresses to // verify whether the connection handler will be able to start. LocalizableMessage errorMessage = checkAnyListenAddressInUse(listenAddresses, listenPort, allowReuseAddress, config.dn()); if (errorMessage != null) { logger.error(errorMessage); throw new InitializationException(errorMessage); } // Create a system property to store the LDAP(S) port the server is // listening to. This information can be displayed with jinfo. System.setProperty(protocol + "_port", String.valueOf(listenPort)); // Create and start a connection finalizer thread for this // connection handler. connectionFinalizer = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor( new DirectoryThread.Factory( "LDAP Connection Finalizer for connection handler " + toString())); connectionFinalizerActiveJobQueue = new ArrayList<>(); connectionFinalizerPendingJobQueue = new ArrayList<>(); connectionFinalizer.scheduleWithFixedDelay( new ConnectionFinalizerRunnable(), 100, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); // Create and start the request handlers. requestHandlers = new LDAPRequestHandler[numRequestHandlers]; for (int i = 0; i < numRequestHandlers; i++) { requestHandlers[i] = new LDAPRequestHandler(this, i); } for (int i = 0; i < numRequestHandlers; i++) { requestHandlers[i].start(); } // Register the set of supported LDAP versions. DirectoryServer.registerSupportedLDAPVersion(3, this); if (config.isAllowLDAPV2()) { DirectoryServer.registerSupportedLDAPVersion(2, this); } // Create and register monitors. statTracker = new LDAPStatistics(handlerName + " Statistics"); DirectoryServer.registerMonitorProvider(statTracker); connMonitor = new ClientConnectionMonitorProvider(this); DirectoryServer.registerMonitorProvider(connMonitor); // Register this as a change listener. config.addLDAPChangeListener(this); }