  public void vnfLifecycleOperationGrantingTest() throws VimException {
    VirtualNetworkFunctionRecord vnfr = createVirtualNetworkFunctionRecord();
    boolean granted;

    granted = vnfLifecycleOperationGranting.grantLifecycleOperation(vnfr);

    granted = vnfLifecycleOperationGranting.grantLifecycleOperation(vnfr);
  private NFVImage getImage(
      VNFPackage vnfPackage,
      VirtualNetworkFunctionDescriptor virtualNetworkFunctionDescriptor,
      String projectId)
      throws NotFoundException, PluginException, VimException, IncompatibleVNFPackage {

    Map<String, Object> metadata;
    NFVImage image = new NFVImage();
    Map<String, Object> imageDetails = new HashMap<>();
    List<String> vimInstances = new ArrayList<>();
    byte[] imageFile = null;

    YamlJsonParser yaml = new YamlJsonParser();
    metadata = yaml.parseMap(new String(this.vnfMetadata.toByteArray()));
    // Get configuration for NFVImage
    String[] REQUIRED_PACKAGE_KEYS = new String[] {"name", "image", "vim_types"};
    for (String requiredKey : REQUIRED_PACKAGE_KEYS) {
      if (!metadata.containsKey(requiredKey)) {
        throw new NotFoundException("Not found " + requiredKey + " of VNFPackage in Metadata.yaml");
      if (metadata.get(requiredKey) == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException(
            "Not defined " + requiredKey + " of VNFPackage in Metadata.yaml");
    vnfPackage.setName((String) metadata.get("name"));
    if (metadata.containsKey("nfvo_version")) {
      String nfvo_version = (String) metadata.get("nfvo_version");
      String actualNfvoVersion = getNfvoVersion();
      if (nfvo_version.equals(actualNfvoVersion)) {
      } else {
        throw new IncompatibleVNFPackage(
            "The NFVO Version: "
                + nfvo_version
                + " specified in the Metadata"
                + " is not compatible with the this NFVOs version: "
                + actualNfvoVersion);
    if (metadata.containsKey("scripts-link"))
      vnfPackage.setScriptsLink((String) metadata.get("scripts-link"));
    if (metadata.containsKey("vim_types")) {
      List<String> vimTypes = (List<String>) metadata.get("vim_types");
    if (metadata.containsKey("image")) {
      imageDetails = (Map<String, Object>) metadata.get("image");
      String[] REQUIRED_IMAGE_DETAILS = new String[] {"upload"};
      log.debug("image: " + imageDetails);
      for (String requiredKey : REQUIRED_IMAGE_DETAILS) {
        if (!imageDetails.containsKey(requiredKey)) {
          throw new NotFoundException(
              "Not found key: " + requiredKey + "of image in Metadata.yaml");
        if (imageDetails.get(requiredKey) == null) {
          throw new NullPointerException(
              "Not defined value of key: " + requiredKey + " of image in Metadata.yaml");
      // If upload==true -> create a new Image
      if (imageDetails.get("upload").equals("true") || imageDetails.get("upload").equals("check")) {
        vnfPackage.setImageLink((String) imageDetails.get("link"));
        if (metadata.containsKey("image-config")) {
          log.debug("image-config: " + metadata.get("image-config"));
          Map<String, Object> imageConfig = (Map<String, Object>) metadata.get("image-config");
          // Check if all required keys are available
          String[] REQUIRED_IMAGE_CONFIG =
              new String[] {
                "name", "diskFormat", "containerFormat", "minCPU", "minDisk", "minRam", "isPublic"
          for (String requiredKey : REQUIRED_IMAGE_CONFIG) {
            if (!imageConfig.containsKey(requiredKey)) {
              throw new NotFoundException(
                  "Not found key: " + requiredKey + " of image-config in Metadata.yaml");
            if (imageConfig.get(requiredKey) == null) {
              throw new NullPointerException(
                  "Not defined value of key: " + requiredKey + " of image-config in Metadata.yaml");
          image.setName((String) imageConfig.get("name"));
          image.setDiskFormat(((String) imageConfig.get("diskFormat")).toUpperCase());
          image.setContainerFormat(((String) imageConfig.get("containerFormat")).toUpperCase());
          image.setMinCPU(Integer.toString((Integer) imageConfig.get("minCPU")));
          image.setMinDiskSpace((Integer) imageConfig.get("minDisk"));
          image.setMinRam((Integer) imageConfig.get("minRam"));
              Boolean.parseBoolean(Integer.toString((Integer) imageConfig.get("minRam"))));
        } else {
          throw new NotFoundException(
              "The image-config is not defined. Please define it to upload a new image");
    } else {
      throw new NotFoundException(
          "The image details are not defined. Please define it to use the right image");
    nsdUtils.fetchVimInstances(virtualNetworkFunctionDescriptor, projectId);
    if (imageDetails.get("upload").equals("true")) {
      log.debug("VNFPackageManagement: Uploading a new Image");
      if (vnfPackage.getImageLink() == null && imageFile == null) {
        throw new NotFoundException(
            "VNFPackageManagement: Neither the image link is defined nor the image file is available. Please define at least one if you want to upload a new image");
      } else if (vnfPackage.getImageLink() != null) {
        log.debug("VNFPackageManagement: Uploading a new Image by using the image link");
        for (VirtualDeploymentUnit vdu : virtualNetworkFunctionDescriptor.getVdu()) {
          if (vdu.getVimInstanceName() != null) {
            for (String vimName : vdu.getVimInstanceName()) {
              VimInstance vimInstance = null;

              for (VimInstance vi : vimInstanceRepository.findByProjectId(projectId)) {
                if (vimName.equals(vi.getName())) vimInstance = vi;

              if (!vimInstances.contains(
                  vimInstance.getId())) { // check if we didn't already upload it
                Vim vim = vimBroker.getVim(vimInstance.getType());
                    "VNFPackageManagement: Uploading a new Image to VimInstance "
                        + vimInstance.getName());
                image = vim.add(vimInstance, image, vnfPackage.getImageLink());
                if (vdu.getVm_image() == null) vdu.setVm_image(new HashSet<String>());
      } else if (imageFile != null) {
        log.debug("VNFPackageManagement: Uploading a new Image by using the image file");
        for (VirtualDeploymentUnit vdu : virtualNetworkFunctionDescriptor.getVdu()) {
          if (vdu.getVimInstanceName() != null) {
            for (String vimName : vdu.getVimInstanceName()) {
              VimInstance vimInstance = null;

              for (VimInstance vi : vimInstanceRepository.findByProjectId(projectId)) {
                if (vimName.equals(vi.getName())) vimInstance = vi;

              if (!vimInstances.contains(
                  vimInstance.getId())) { // check if we didn't already upload it
                Vim vim = vimBroker.getVim(vimInstance.getType());
                    "VNFPackageManagement: Uploading a new Image to VimInstance "
                        + vimInstance.getName());
                image = vim.add(vimInstance, image, imageFile);
                if (vdu.getVm_image() == null) vdu.setVm_image(new HashSet<String>());
    } else {
      if (!imageDetails.containsKey("ids") && !imageDetails.containsKey("names")) {
        throw new NotFoundException(
            "VNFPackageManagement: Upload option 'false' or 'check' requires at least a list of ids or names to find "
                + " the right image.");
      for (VirtualDeploymentUnit vdu : virtualNetworkFunctionDescriptor.getVdu()) {
        if (vdu.getVimInstanceName() != null) {
          if (vdu.getVimInstanceName().size() != 0) {
            for (String vimName : vdu.getVimInstanceName()) {

              VimInstance vimInstance = null;

              for (VimInstance vi : vimInstanceRepository.findByProjectId(projectId)) {
                if (vimName.equals(vi.getName())) {
                  vimInstance = vi;

              if (vimInstance == null) {
                throw new NotFoundException(
                    "Vim Instance with name "
                        + vimName
                        + " was not found in project: "
                        + projectId);

              boolean found = false;
              // First, check for image ids
              if (imageDetails.containsKey("ids")) {
                for (NFVImage nfvImage : vimInstance.getImages()) {
                  if (((List) imageDetails.get("ids")).contains(nfvImage.getExtId())) {
                    if (!found) {
                      found = true;
                    } else {
                      throw new NotFoundException(
                          "VNFPackageManagement: Multiple images found with the defined list of IDs. Do not know "
                              + "which one to choose");

              // If no one was found, check for the names
              if (!found) {
                if (imageDetails.containsKey("names")) {
                  for (NFVImage nfvImage : vimInstance.getImages()) {
                    if (((List) imageDetails.get("names")).contains(nfvImage.getName())) {
                      if (!found) {
                        found = true;
                      } else {
                        throw new NotFoundException(
                            "VNFPackageManagement: Multiple images found with the same name. Do not know which one to"
                                + " choose. To avoid this, define the id");
              // if no image was found with the defined ids or names, the image doesn't exist
              if (!found) {
                if (imageDetails.get("upload").equals("check")) {
                  if (vnfPackage.getImageLink() == null && imageFile == null) {
                    throw new NotFoundException(
                        "VNFPackageManagement: Neither the image link is defined nor the image file is available. "
                            + "Please define at least one if you want to upload a new image");
                  } else if (vnfPackage.getImageLink() != null) {
                        "VNFPackageManagement: Uploading a new Image by using the image link");
                    if (!vimInstances.contains(
                        vimInstance.getId())) { // check if we didn't already upload it
                      Vim vim = vimBroker.getVim(vimInstance.getType());
                          "VNFPackageManagement: Uploading a new Image to VimInstance "
                              + vimInstance.getName());
                      image = vim.add(vimInstance, image, vnfPackage.getImageLink());
                      if (vdu.getVm_image() == null) {
                        vdu.setVm_image(new HashSet<String>());
                  } else if (imageFile != null) {
                        "VNFPackageManagement: Uploading a new Image by using the image file");
                    if (!vimInstances.contains(
                        vimInstance.getId())) { // check if we didn't already upload it
                      Vim vim = vimBroker.getVim(vimInstance.getType());
                          "VNFPackageManagement: Uploading a new Image to VimInstance "
                              + vimInstance.getName());
                      image = vim.add(vimInstance, image, imageFile);
                      if (vdu.getVm_image() == null) {
                        vdu.setVm_image(new HashSet<String>());
                } else {
                  throw new NotFoundException(
                      "VNFPackageManagement: Neither the defined ids nor the names were found. Use upload option "
                          + "'check' to get sure that the image will be available");
              } else {
                log.debug("VNFPackageManagement: Found image");
          } else { // vimInstanceName is not defined, just put the name into the vdu
            List names = (List) imageDetails.get("names");
            log.debug("Adding names: " + names);
        } else { // vimInstanceName is not defined, just put the name into the vdu
          List names = (List) imageDetails.get("names");
          log.debug("Adding names: " + names);

    return image;