  protected boolean validateFormLogic(UserRequest ureq) {
    boolean allOk = true;

    if (!acknowledgeEl.isAtLeastSelected(1)) {
      acknowledgeEl.setErrorKey("details.read.only.acknowledge.error", null);
      allOk &= false;

    return allOk & super.validateFormLogic(ureq);
  protected boolean validateFormLogic(UserRequest ureq) {
    boolean allOk = true;

    if (!isInherit()) {
      if (glossarEl.isAtLeastSelected(1)) {
        if (!jsOptionEl.isSelected(1)) {
          allOk &= false;
          glossarEl.setErrorKey("glossary.need.jQuery", null);

      if (heightEl.isSelected(0) && (standardModeEl.isSelected(0) || jsOptionEl.isSelected(0))) {
        heightEl.setErrorKey("automatic.need.js", null);
        allOk = false;

    return allOk & super.validateFormLogic(ureq);
   * @see
   *     org.olat.core.gui.components.form.flexible.impl.FormBasicController#validateFormLogic(org.olat.core.gui.UserRequest)
  public boolean validateFormLogic(UserRequest ureq) {
    // 1) Check valid group names
    if (!StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(businessGroupName.getValue())) {
      businessGroupName.setErrorKey("form.legende.mandatory", new String[] {});
      return false;

    if (bulkMode) {
      // check all names to be valid and check that at least one is entered
      // e.g. find "," | " , " | ",,," errors => no group entered
      String selectionAsCsvStr = businessGroupName.getValue();
      String[] activeSelection =
          selectionAsCsvStr != null ? selectionAsCsvStr.split(",") : new String[] {};
      validNames = new HashSet<String>();
      Set<String> wrongNames = new HashSet<String>();
      boolean nameTooLong = false;
      for (int i = 0; i < activeSelection.length; i++) {
        String currentName = activeSelection[i].trim();
        if (currentName.getBytes().length > BusinessGroup.MAX_GROUP_NAME_LENGTH) {
          nameTooLong = true;
        } else if ((currentName).matches(BusinessGroup.VALID_GROUPNAME_REGEXP)) {
        } else {
      if (validNames.size() == 0 && wrongNames.size() == 0 && !nameTooLong) {
        // no valid name and no invalid names, this is no names
        businessGroupName.setErrorKey("create.form.error.illegalName", new String[] {});
        return false;
      } else if (nameTooLong) {
            new String[] {BusinessGroup.MAX_GROUP_NAME_LENGTH + ""});
        return false;
      } else if (wrongNames.size() == 1) {
        // one invalid name
        businessGroupName.setErrorKey("create.form.error.illegalName", new String[] {});
        return false;
      } else if (wrongNames.size() > 1) {
        // two or more invalid names
        String[] args = new String[] {StringHelper.formatAsCSVString(wrongNames)};
        businessGroupName.setErrorKey("create.form.error.illegalNames", args);
        return false;
    } else {
      String groupName = businessGroupName.getValue();
      if (groupName.getBytes().length > BusinessGroup.MAX_GROUP_NAME_LENGTH) {
            new String[] {BusinessGroup.MAX_GROUP_NAME_LENGTH + ""});
        return false;
      } else if (!(groupName).matches(BusinessGroup.VALID_GROUPNAME_REGEXP)) {
        businessGroupName.setErrorKey("create.form.error.illegalName", new String[] {});
        return false;
      if (businessGroupName.hasError()) {
        return false; // auto-validations from form, return false, because of that
                      // clearError()-calls everywhere...
    // all group name tests passed

    // 2) Check valid description
    if (businessGroupDescription.getValue().length() > 4000) {
      businessGroupDescription.setErrorKey("input.toolong", new String[] {"4000"});
      return false;

    // 3) Check auto close settings
    boolean disableWaitingListOk = true;
    if (businessGroup != null) {
      int waitingPartipiciantSize =
          businessGroupService.countMembers(businessGroup, GroupRoles.waiting.name());
      if ((businessGroup.getWaitingListEnabled()).booleanValue()
          && !isWaitingListEnabled()
          && (waitingPartipiciantSize > 0)) {
        enableAutoCloseRanks.setErrorKey("form.error.disableNonEmptyWaitingList", new String[] {});
        disableWaitingListOk = false;
        return false;

    if (disableWaitingListOk) {
      // 4) Check min / max settings
      String maxValue = null;
      if (StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(businessGroupMaximumMembers.getValue())) {
        maxValue = businessGroupMaximumMembers.getValue();
      String minValue = null;
      if (StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(businessGroupMinimumMembers.getValue())) {
        minValue = businessGroupMinimumMembers.getValue();
      if (isWaitingListEnabled() && (maxValue == null || minValue == "")) {
        enableWaitingList.setErrorKey("create.form.error.enableWaitinglist", new String[] {});
        return false;

      // 5) Check auto close - waiting list dependency
      if (isAutoCloseRanksEnabled() && !isWaitingListEnabled()) {
        enableAutoCloseRanks.setErrorKey("create.form.error.enableAutoCloseRanks", new String[] {});
        return false;

      // 6) Check min/max validity
      if (!businessGroupMaximumMembers
          .matches("^\\p{Space}*(\\p{Digit}*)\\p{Space}*$")) {
        businessGroupMaximumMembers.setErrorKey("create.form.error.numberOrNull", new String[] {});
        return false;
      if (!businessGroupMinimumMembers
          .matches("^\\p{Space}*(\\p{Digit}*)\\p{Space}*$")) {
        businessGroupMaximumMembers.setErrorKey("create.form.error.numberOrNull", new String[] {});
        return false;
    // group name duplication test passed

    // all checks passed
    return true;