private void add(@NotNull ValueTable table, @NotNull ValueSource variableValueSource) { Assert.notNull(table, "ValueTable cannot be null"); Assert.notNull(variableValueSource, "variableValueSource cannot be null"); VectorSource vectorSource = variableValueSource.asVectorSource(); if (vectorSource == null) return; for (Value value : vectorSource.getValues(summary.getVariableEntities(table))) { add(value); } }
private void compute() { long max = 0; Iterator<String> concat = summary.distinct // ? freqNames(summary.frequencyDist) // category names, null values and distinct values : Iterators.concat( categoryNames(), ImmutableList.of(NULL_NAME).iterator()); // category names and null values // Iterate over all category names including or not distinct values. // The loop will also determine the mode of the distribution (most frequent value) while (concat.hasNext()) { String value =; long count = summary.frequencyDist.getCount(value); if (count > max) { max = count; summary.mode = value; } summary.frequencies.add( new Frequency( value, summary.frequencyDist.getCount(value), summary.frequencyDist.getPct(value))); } summary.n = summary.frequencyDist.getSumFreq(); }
private void add(@NotNull Value value) { Assert.notNull(value, "Value cannot be null"); if (summary.empty) summary.empty = false; if (value.isSequence()) { if (value.isNull()) { summary.frequencyDist.addValue(NULL_NAME); } else { //noinspection ConstantConditions for (Value v : value.asSequence().getValue()) { add(v); } } } else { summary.frequencyDist.addValue(value.isNull() ? NULL_NAME : value.toString()); } }
public Builder filter(Integer offset, Integer limit) { summary.setOffset(offset); summary.setLimit(limit); return this; }
public Builder distinct(boolean distinct) { summary.setDistinct(distinct); return this; }