protected void checkNegativeAcl(ACP acp) { if (negativeAclAllowed) { return; } if (acp == null) { return; } for (ACL acl : acp.getACLs()) { if (acl.getName().equals(ACL.INHERITED_ACL)) { continue; } for (ACE ace : acl.getACEs()) { if (ace.isGranted()) { continue; } String permission = ace.getPermission(); if (permission.equals(SecurityConstants.EVERYTHING) && ace.getUsername().equals(SecurityConstants.EVERYONE)) { continue; } // allow Write, as we're sure it doesn't include Read/Browse if (permission.equals(SecurityConstants.WRITE)) { continue; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative ACL not allowed: " + ace); } } }
protected static void addACLRow(List<ACLRow> aclrows, String name, ACE ace) { // XXX should prefix user/group String user = ace.getUsername(); if (user == null) { // JCR implementation logs null and skips it return; } String group = null; // XXX all in user for now aclrows.add( new ACLRow(aclrows.size(), name, ace.isGranted(), ace.getPermission(), user, group)); }
@Test public void shouldStoreOnlyEffectiveACEs() throws Exception { buildAndIndexTree(); DocumentModelList docs = ess.query(new NxQueryBuilder(session).nxql("select * from Document")); Assert.assertEquals(10, docs.totalSize()); CoreSession restrictedSession = getRestrictedSession("toto"); try { docs = ess.query(new NxQueryBuilder(restrictedSession).nxql("select * from Document")); Assert.assertEquals(0, docs.totalSize()); DocumentRef ref = new PathRef("/folder0"); ACP acp = new ACPImpl(); ACL acl = ACPImpl.newACL(ACL.LOCAL_ACL); acl.add(ACE.builder("toto", SecurityConstants.READ).build()); acp.addACL(acl); session.setACP(ref, acp, true); TransactionHelper.commitOrRollbackTransaction(); waitForCompletion(); startTransaction(); docs = ess.query( new NxQueryBuilder(restrictedSession) .nxql("select * from Document order by dc:title")); Assert.assertEquals(10, docs.totalSize()); acp = new ACPImpl(); acl = ACPImpl.newACL(ACL.LOCAL_ACL); // make the ACE archived Date now = new Date(); Calendar begin = new GregorianCalendar(); begin.setTimeInMillis(now.toInstant().minus(10, ChronoUnit.DAYS).toEpochMilli()); Calendar end = new GregorianCalendar(); end.setTimeInMillis(now.toInstant().minus(2, ChronoUnit.DAYS).toEpochMilli()); acl.add(ACE.builder("toto", SecurityConstants.READ).begin(begin).end(end).build()); acp.addACL(acl); session.setACP(ref, acp, true); TransactionHelper.commitOrRollbackTransaction(); waitForCompletion(); startTransaction(); docs = ess.query( new NxQueryBuilder(restrictedSession) .nxql("select * from Document order by dc:title")); Assert.assertEquals(0, docs.totalSize()); } finally { restrictedSession.close(); } }
protected void resetPermissions(DocumentModel doc, String userName) { ACP acp = session.getACP(doc.getRef()); ACL localACL = acp.getOrCreateACL(ACL.LOCAL_ACL); Iterator<ACE> localACLIt = localACL.iterator(); while (localACLIt.hasNext()) { ACE ace =; if (userName.equals(ace.getUsername())) { localACLIt.remove(); } } session.setACP(doc.getRef(), acp, true);; }
protected void resetPermissions(DocumentRef docRef, String userName) { ACP acp = session.getACP(docRef); ACL localACL = acp.getOrCreateACL(ACL.LOCAL_ACL); Iterator<ACE> localACLIt = localACL.iterator(); while (localACLIt.hasNext()) { ACE ace =; if (userName.equals(ace.getUsername())) { localACLIt.remove(); } } session.setACP(docRef, acp, true); TransactionHelper.commitOrRollbackTransaction(); TransactionHelper.startTransaction(); }
/** Key to distinguish ACEs */ protected static String getACEkey(ACE ace) { // TODO separate user/group return ace.getUsername() + '|' + ace.getPermission(); }