// This is used both when loading a model and when the user is making // new widgets in the UI. For most widget types, the same type string // is used in both places. - ST 3/17/04 public Widget makeWidget(String type, boolean loading) { type = "DUMMY " + type.toUpperCase(); Widget fromRegistry = org.nlogo.window.WidgetRegistry.apply(type); if (fromRegistry != null) { return fromRegistry; } else if (type.equals("DUMMY SLIDER")) { return new org.nlogo.window.DummySliderWidget(); } else if (type.equals("DUMMY CHOOSER") || // current name type.equals("DUMMY CHOICE")) // old name, used in old models { return new org.nlogo.window.DummyChooserWidget( new org.nlogo.nvm.DefaultCompilerServices(workspace.compiler())); } else if (type.equals("DUMMY BUTTON")) { return new org.nlogo.window.DummyButtonWidget(); } else if (type.equals("DUMMY PLOT")) { // note that plots on the HubNet client must have the name of a plot // on the server, thus, feed the dummy plot widget the names of // the current plots so the user can select one. We override // this method in InterfacePanel since regular plots are handled // differently ev 1/25/07 String[] names = workspace.plotManager().getPlotNames(); if (names.length > 0) { return DummyPlotWidget.apply(names[0], workspace.plotManager()); } else { return DummyPlotWidget.apply("plot 1", workspace.plotManager()); } } else if (type.equals("DUMMY MONITOR")) { return new org.nlogo.window.DummyMonitorWidget(); } else if (type.equals("DUMMY INPUT") || // in the GUI, it's "Input Box" type.equals("DUMMY INPUTBOX")) // in saved models, it's "INPUTBOX" { java.awt.Font font = new java.awt.Font(org.nlogo.awt.Fonts.platformMonospacedFont(), java.awt.Font.PLAIN, 12); return new org.nlogo.window.DummyInputBoxWidget( new org.nlogo.window.CodeEditor( 1, 20, font, false, null, new EditorColorizer(workspace), I18N.guiJ().fn()), new org.nlogo.window.CodeEditor( 5, 20, font, true, null, new EditorColorizer(workspace), I18N.guiJ().fn()), this, new org.nlogo.nvm.DefaultCompilerServices(workspace.compiler())); } else if (type.equals("DUMMY OUTPUT")) // currently in saved models only - ST 3/17/04 { return new org.nlogo.window.OutputWidget(); } else if (type.equals("DUMMY CC-WINDOW")) // definitely in saved models only { // in current NetLogo versions, the command center goes in // a JSplitPane instead of in the InterfacePanel, so we ignore // the entry in the model - ST 7/13/04, 3/14/06 return null; } else if (type.equals("DUMMY GRAPHICS-WINDOW") || type.equals("DUMMY VIEW") || type.equals("VIEW")) { view = new org.nlogo.window.DummyViewWidget(workspace.world); return view; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("unknown widget type: " + type); } }
// This is used both when loading a model and when the user is making // new widgets in the UI. For most widget types, the same type string // is used in both places. - ST 3/17/04 @Override public Widget makeWidget(String type, boolean loading) { type = type.toUpperCase(); Widget fromRegistry = org.nlogo.window.WidgetRegistry.apply(type); if (fromRegistry != null) { return fromRegistry; } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("SLIDER")) { return new org.nlogo.window.SliderWidget(workspace.world.auxRNG) { @Override public int sourceOffset() { return org.nlogo.workspace.Evaluator.sourceOffset(org.nlogo.agent.Observer.class, false); } }; } else if (type.equals("CHOOSER") || // current name type.equals("CHOICE")) // old name, used in old models { return new org.nlogo.window.ChooserWidget(workspace); } else if (type.equals("BUTTON")) { return new org.nlogo.window.ButtonWidget(workspace.world.mainRNG); } else if (type.equals("PLOT")) { return org.nlogo.window.PlotWidget.apply(workspace.plotManager()); } else if (type.equals("MONITOR")) { return new org.nlogo.window.MonitorWidget(workspace.world.auxRNG); } else if (type.equals("INPUT") || // in the GUI, it's "Input Box" type.equals("INPUTBOX")) // in saved models, it's "INPUTBOX" { java.awt.Font font = new java.awt.Font(org.nlogo.awt.Fonts.platformMonospacedFont(), java.awt.Font.PLAIN, 12); return new org.nlogo.window.InputBoxWidget( new org.nlogo.window.CodeEditor( 1, 20, font, false, null, new EditorColorizer(workspace), I18N.guiJ().fn()), new org.nlogo.window.CodeEditor( 5, 20, font, true, null, new EditorColorizer(workspace), I18N.guiJ().fn()), workspace, this); } else if (type.equals("OUTPUT")) // currently in saved models only - ST 3/17/04 { return new org.nlogo.window.OutputWidget(); } else if (type.equals("CC-WINDOW")) // definitely in saved models only { // in current NetLogo versions, the command center goes in // a JSplitPane instead of in the InterfacePanel, so we ignore // the entry in the model - ST 7/13/04, 3/14/06 return null; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("unknown widget type: " + type); } }