 public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
 * Base class for handling login authentication in applications. You can register an implementation
 * of {@link ILoginDelegate} via the extension-point "org.nightlabs.base.ui.login", which will be
 * processed by this class. Per application only one registered {@link ILoginDelegate} is allowed,
 * otherwise an exception is thrown. You can trigger login or logout via the static methods {@link
 * #login()} or {@link #logout()}.
public final class Login extends AbstractEPProcessor {
  private static ISingletonProvider<Login> sharedInstance =
          new ISingletonFactory<Login>() {
            public synchronized Login makeInstance() {
              Login login = new Login();
              return login;

  public static Login sharedInstance() {
    return sharedInstance.getInstance();

  private Login() {}

   * Is a shortcut to {@link #sharedInstance()} and {@link #_login()}.
   * @return Returns the shared instance after login was performed.
   * @throws LoginException If the login fails (usually the login will retry until the user cancels,
   *     but then, a WorkOfflineException or sth. similar will be thrown)
  public static Login login() throws LoginException {
    Login login = sharedInstance();
    return login;

   * Is a shortcut to {@link #sharedInstance()} and {@link #_logout()}.
   * @return Returns the shared instance after logout was performed.
  public static Login logout() {
    Login login = sharedInstance();
    return login;

  public static LoginState getLoginState() {
    return sharedInstance()._getLoginState();

  //	private void lazyProcess()
  //	{
  //		if (isProcessed())
  //			return;
  //		try {
  //			process();
  //		} catch (EPProcessorException e) {
  //			throw new RuntimeException(e);
  //		}
  //	}

  private void assertLoginDelegateExists() {
    if (loginDelegate == null)
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "There is no ILoginDelegate registered! Exactly one plugin must contribute an extension to the extension point \""
              + getExtensionPointID()
              + "\"!"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$

  public synchronized void _login() throws LoginException {
    //		lazyProcess();

  public synchronized void _logout() {
    //		lazyProcess();

  public synchronized LoginState _getLoginState() {
    //		lazyProcess();
    return loginDelegate.getLoginState();

  private String contributingPluginId = null;
  private ILoginDelegate loginDelegate = null;

  public String getExtensionPointID() {
    return "org.nightlabs.base.ui.login"; //$NON-NLS-1$

  public static final String LOGIN_DELEGATE_ELEMENT = "login";

  public void processElement(IExtension extension, IConfigurationElement element) throws Exception {
    if (Login.LOGIN_DELEGATE_ELEMENT.equals(element.getName())) {
      ILoginDelegate loginDelegate;
      try {
        loginDelegate = (ILoginDelegate) element.createExecutableExtension("class"); // $NON-NLS-1$
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new EPProcessorException(e.getMessage(), extension, e);

      if (this.loginDelegate != null)
        throw new EPProcessorException(
            "More than one plugin provide an extension to \""
                + getExtensionPointID()
                + "\": The plugin \""
                + contributingPluginId
                + "\" did already initialize loginDelegate and the plugin \""
                + extension.getNamespaceIdentifier()
                + "\" collides with this previous contribution!",
            extension); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$

      this.contributingPluginId = extension.getNamespaceIdentifier();
      this.loginDelegate = loginDelegate;