/** @generated */ protected Command getDestroyElementCommand(DestroyElementRequest req) { View view = (View) getHost().getModel(); CompositeTransactionalCommand cmd = new CompositeTransactionalCommand(getEditingDomain(), null); cmd.setTransactionNestingEnabled(false); for (Iterator<?> it = view.getTargetEdges().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Edge incomingLink = (Edge) it.next(); if (Neuro4jVisualIDRegistry.getVisualID(incomingLink) == OperatorInput7EditPart.VISUAL_ID) { DestroyElementRequest r = new DestroyElementRequest(incomingLink.getElement(), false); cmd.add(new DestroyElementCommand(r)); cmd.add(new DeleteCommand(getEditingDomain(), incomingLink)); continue; } } EAnnotation annotation = view.getEAnnotation("Shortcut"); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (annotation == null) { // there are indirectly referenced children, need extra commands: false addDestroyShortcutsCommand(cmd, view); // delete host element cmd.add(new DestroyElementCommand(req)); } else { cmd.add(new DeleteCommand(getEditingDomain(), view)); } return getGEFWrapper(cmd.reduce()); }
/** @generated */ public EditPart getPrimaryChildEditPart() { return getChildBySemanticHint(Neuro4jVisualIDRegistry.getType(EndNodeNameEditPart.VISUAL_ID)); }
/** @generated */ protected void refreshSemantic() { if (resolveSemanticElement() == null) { return; } LinkedList<IAdaptable> createdViews = new LinkedList<IAdaptable>(); List<Neuro4jNodeDescriptor> childDescriptors = Neuro4jDiagramUpdater.getJoinNodeJoinNodeMainOutputCompartment_7002SemanticChildren( (View) getHost().getModel()); LinkedList<View> orphaned = new LinkedList<View>(); // we care to check only views we recognize as ours LinkedList<View> knownViewChildren = new LinkedList<View>(); for (View v : getViewChildren()) { if (isMyDiagramElement(v)) { knownViewChildren.add(v); } } // alternative to #cleanCanonicalSemanticChildren(getViewChildren(), semanticChildren) // // iteration happens over list of desired semantic elements, trying to find best matching View, // while original // CEP // iterates views, potentially losing view (size/bounds) information - i.e. if there are few // views to reference // same EObject, only last one // to answer isOrphaned == true will be used for the domain element representation, see // #cleanCanonicalSemanticChildren() for (Iterator<Neuro4jNodeDescriptor> descriptorsIterator = childDescriptors.iterator(); descriptorsIterator.hasNext(); ) { Neuro4jNodeDescriptor next = descriptorsIterator.next(); String hint = Neuro4jVisualIDRegistry.getType(next.getVisualID()); LinkedList<View> perfectMatch = new LinkedList<View>(); // both semanticElement and hint match that of // NodeDescriptor for (View childView : getViewChildren()) { EObject semanticElement = childView.getElement(); if (next.getModelElement().equals(semanticElement)) { if (hint.equals(childView.getType())) { perfectMatch.add(childView); // actually, can stop iteration over view children here, but // may want to use not the first view but last one as a 'real' match (the way original // CEP does // with its trick with viewToSemanticMap inside #cleanCanonicalSemanticChildren } } } if (perfectMatch.size() > 0) { descriptorsIterator .remove(); // precise match found no need to create anything for the NodeDescriptor // use only one view (first or last?), keep rest as orphaned for further consideration knownViewChildren.remove(perfectMatch.getFirst()); } } // those left in knownViewChildren are subject to removal - they are our diagram elements we // didn't find match // to, // or those we have potential matches to, and thus need to be recreated, preserving // size/location information. orphaned.addAll(knownViewChildren); // ArrayList<CreateViewRequest.ViewDescriptor> viewDescriptors = new ArrayList<CreateViewRequest.ViewDescriptor>(childDescriptors.size()); for (Neuro4jNodeDescriptor next : childDescriptors) { String hint = Neuro4jVisualIDRegistry.getType(next.getVisualID()); IAdaptable elementAdapter = new CanonicalElementAdapter(next.getModelElement(), hint); CreateViewRequest.ViewDescriptor descriptor = new CreateViewRequest.ViewDescriptor( elementAdapter, Node.class, hint, ViewUtil.APPEND, false, host().getDiagramPreferencesHint()); viewDescriptors.add(descriptor); } boolean changed = deleteViews(orphaned.iterator()); // CreateViewRequest request = getCreateViewRequest(viewDescriptors); Command cmd = getCreateViewCommand(request); if (cmd != null && cmd.canExecute()) { SetViewMutabilityCommand.makeMutable(new EObjectAdapter(host().getNotationView())).execute(); executeCommand(cmd); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<IAdaptable> nl = (List<IAdaptable>) request.getNewObject(); createdViews.addAll(nl); } if (changed || createdViews.size() > 0) { postProcessRefreshSemantic(createdViews); } if (createdViews.size() > 1) { // perform a layout of the container DeferredLayoutCommand layoutCmd = new DeferredLayoutCommand(host().getEditingDomain(), createdViews, host()); executeCommand(new ICommandProxy(layoutCmd)); } makeViewsImmutable(createdViews); }
/** @generated */ private boolean isMyDiagramElement(View view) { return OperatorOutput8EditPart.VISUAL_ID == Neuro4jVisualIDRegistry.getVisualID(view); }