public File getSeedFileLocation() { if (retrievedList.size() > 0) { RetrieveEntry rent = retrievedList.get(0); return rent.getSaveFile(); } return null; }
private void updateDownloadedInfo(RetrieveEntry rent) { retrievedList.add(rent); OutputWriter opt = getOPOut(); String str = " " + rent.getEffectiveAddress(); opt.println( NbBundle.getMessage( RetrieverEngineImpl.class, "MSG_retrieved_saved_at", str, rent.getSaveFile())); // NOI18N opt.flush(); }
private void createCatalogIfRequired(RetrieveEntry rent) { URI curURI = null; String addr = rent.getEffectiveAddress(); try { // check if this is the first entry and the connection was redirected. If yes, then // store the URI as the original URI instead of the redirected URI String tempStr = URLResourceRetriever.resolveURL(rent.getBaseAddress(), rent.getCurrentAddress()); if (!(new URI(tempStr).equals(new URI(addr)))) { addr = tempStr; } } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { // ignore } if (isSave2SingleFolder()) { if (!rent.getCurrentAddress().equals(rent.getEffectiveAddress())) addr = rent.getCurrentAddress(); } try { curURI = new URI(addr); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { // this is not supposed to happen. But if it does, then just return return; } FileObject fobj = null; try { fobj = FileUtil.toFileObject(FileUtil.normalizeFile(rent.getSaveFile())); } catch (Exception e) { return; } if (fobj == null) return; CatalogWriteModel dr = null; try { if (this.catalogFileObject == null) { Project project = FileOwnerQuery.getOwner(fobj); if (project == null) { // See issue #176769 // In can happen if the file was saved outside of the project return; } dr = CatalogWriteModelFactory.getInstance().getCatalogWriteModelForProject(fobj); } else { dr = CatalogWriteModelFactory.getInstance() .getCatalogWriteModelForCatalogFile(this.catalogFileObject); } } catch (CatalogModelException ex) { // ignore this exception but return return; } // fobj = FileUtil.toFileObject(rent.getSaveFile()); try { dr.addURI(curURI, fobj); } catch (Exception ex) { // ignore this exception but return ex = new Exception("Exception while writing in to catalog.", ex); handleException(rent, ex); return; } }
private void updateDownloadingInfo(RetrieveEntry rent) { OutputWriter opt = getOPOut(); if (rent.getBaseAddress() != null) { opt.println( NbBundle.getMessage( RetrieverEngineImpl.class, "MSG_retrieving_location_found_in", rent.getCurrentAddress(), rent.getBaseAddress())); // NOI18N } else { opt.println( NbBundle.getMessage( RetrieverEngineImpl.class, "MSG_retrieving_location", rent.getCurrentAddress())); // NOI18N } opt.flush(); }
private void correctAllEntriesInTheList(File newRoot) { for (RetrieveEntry rent : currentRetrievalList) { String oldPath = rent.getLocalBaseFile().toString(); String newPath = new String( new StringBuffer(oldPath) .replace(0, currentSaveRootFile.toString().length(), newRoot.toString())); File newLocalBaseFile = new File(newPath); rent.setLocalBaseFile(newLocalBaseFile); } for (RetrieveEntry rent : retrievedList) { String oldPath = rent.getSaveFile().toString(); String newPath = new String( new StringBuffer(oldPath) .replace(0, currentSaveRootFile.toString().length(), newRoot.toString())); File newLocalBaseFile = new File(newPath); rent.setSaveFile(newLocalBaseFile); } }
private void handleException(RetrieveEntry rent, Exception ex) { if (audits == null) audits = new HashMap<RetrieveEntry, Exception>(); audits.put(rent, ex); // System.out.println(ex instanceof UnknownHostException); if (ex instanceof UnknownHostException) { String errorMess = NbBundle.getMessage(RetrieverEngineImpl.class, "MSG_unknown_host_p1") + ex.getLocalizedMessage() + "\n" + NbBundle.getMessage(RetrieverEngineImpl.class, "MSG_unknownhost_p2"); outputError(errorMess); if (showErrorPopup) { NotifyDescriptor.Message ndm = new NotifyDescriptor.Message(errorMess, NotifyDescriptor.Message.ERROR_MESSAGE); DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(ndm); } return; } if (ex instanceof URISyntaxException) { String errorMess = ex.getLocalizedMessage(); outputError(errorMess); if (showErrorPopup) { NotifyDescriptor.Message ndm = new NotifyDescriptor.Message(errorMess, NotifyDescriptor.Message.ERROR_MESSAGE); DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(ndm); } return; } if (ex instanceof FileNotFoundException) { String errorMess = NbBundle.getMessage(RetrieverEngineImpl.class, "MSG_unknown_file", ex.getMessage()); outputError(errorMess); if (showErrorPopup) { NotifyDescriptor.Message ndm = new NotifyDescriptor.Message(errorMess, NotifyDescriptor.Message.ERROR_MESSAGE); DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(ndm); } return; } if (ex instanceof IOException) { String exStr = NbBundle.getMessage(RetrieverEngineImpl.class, "EXCEPTION_CYCLIC_REFERENCE_INDICATOR"); if (ex.getMessage().startsWith(exStr)) { outputMessage( ex.getMessage() + ":\n\t " + NbBundle.getMessage( RetrieverEngineImpl.class, "MSG_retrieving_location_found_in", rent.getCurrentAddress(), rent.getBaseAddress())); return; } String errorMess = NbBundle.getMessage(RetrieverEngineImpl.class, "MSG_general_io_error", ex.getMessage()); if (showErrorPopup) { NotifyDescriptor.Message ndm = new NotifyDescriptor.Message(errorMess, NotifyDescriptor.Message.ERROR_MESSAGE); DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(ndm); } outputError(errorMess); return; } outputError(ex.getMessage()); return; }
private void pullRecursively() { synchronized (RetrieverEngineImpl.class) { while (!currentRetrievalList.isEmpty() && !STOP_PULL) { // System.out.println(currentRetrievalList); RetrieveEntry rent = currentRetrievalList.getFirst(); // System.out.println("###"+rent.toString()); currentRetrievalList.removeFirst(); RetrieverTask rt = new RetrieverTask(rent, this); if (firstTime) { firstAddressParentStr = rent.getCurrentAddress().substring(0, rent.getCurrentAddress().lastIndexOf("/")); firstTime = false; } updateDownloadingInfo(rent); HashMap<String, File> storedFileMap = null; try { storedFileMap = rt.goGetIt(); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { // This might an error in the file. Ignore // ex.printStackTrace(); handleException(rent, ex); continue; } catch (IOException ex) { // This might have been thrown to indicate a cyclic reference. // ex.printStackTrace(); handleException(rent, ex); continue; } if (!rent.isRecursive()) continue; if (storedFileMap == null) { continue; } String effectiveSrcAddr = storedFileMap.keySet().iterator().next(); File storedFile = storedFileMap.get(effectiveSrcAddr); rent.setSaveFile(storedFile); rent.setEffectiveAddress(effectiveSrcAddr); updateDownloadedInfo(rent); createCatalogIfRequired(rent); DocumentTypeParser dtp = DocumentParserFactory.getParser(rent.getDocType()); List<String> thisFileRefs = null; try { thisFileRefs = dtp.getAllLocationOfReferencedEntities(storedFile); // System.out.println("Parsed:"+storedFile+" Got:"+thisFileRefs); } catch (Exception ex) { // was not able to parse the doc. Currently ignore this. // ex.printStackTrace(); continue; } for (String ref : thisFileRefs) { currentRetrievalList.addLast( new RetrieveEntry( effectiveSrcAddr, ref, storedFile, null, rent.getDocType(), rent.isRecursive())); } printList(); } closeOPOuts(); } }