private void cleanUp() { if (!testRoot.exists()) { return; } String mockup = System.getProperty(MOCKUP_KEY); File[] files = testRoot.listFiles(); for (File f : files) { if (mockup != null && !mockup.trim().equals("")) { Utils.deleteRecursively(f); } else { File parent = f.getParentFile(); ensureMutable(parent); FileEntry entry = ClearcaseUtils.readEntry(Clearcase.getInstance().getClient(), f); if (entry != null && !entry.isViewPrivate()) { uncheckout(f); Clearcase.getInstance().getClient().exec(new RmElemCommand(f), false); FileUtil.refreshFor(parent); Clearcase.getInstance() .getClient() .exec(new CheckinCommand(new File[] {parent}, null, true, false), false); } else { Utils.deleteRecursively(f); } } } }
/** Creates diff panel and immediatelly starts loading... */ public MultiDiffPanel(VCSContext context, int initialType, String contextName) { this.context = context; this.contextName = contextName; currentType = initialType; initComponents(); setupComponents(); refreshSetups(); refreshComponents(); refreshTask = org.netbeans.modules.versioning.util.Utils.createTask(new RefreshViewTask()); }
@Override protected final void performContextAction(final Node[] nodes) { Utils.postParallel( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { VCSContext context = getCurrentContext(nodes); performAction(context); } }, 0); }
/** * Creates annotation format string. * * @param format format specified by the user, e.g. [{status}] * @return modified format, e.g. [{0}] */ public static String createAnnotationFormat(final String format) { String taf = org.netbeans.modules.versioning.util.Utils.skipUnsupportedVariables( format, new String[] {"{status}", "{tag}", "{revision}", "{binary}"} // NOI18N ); taf = taf.replaceAll("\\{revision}", "{0}") . // NOI18N replaceAll("\\{status}", "{1}") . // NOI18N replaceAll("\\{tag}", "{2}") . // NOI18N replaceAll("\\{binary}", "{3}"); // NOI18N return taf; }
@Override protected void performAction(Node[] activatedNodes) { Utils.logVCSActionEvent("CC"); final VCSContext ctx = ClearcaseUtils.getCurrentContext(activatedNodes); // XXX not in awt ??? EventQueue.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { final ClearcaseTopComponent vtc = ClearcaseTopComponent.findInstance(); vtc.setContentTitle(NbBundle.getMessage(RefreshAction.class, "CCView_Name")); // NOI18N; vtc.setContext(ctx);; vtc.requestActive(); } }); }
/** Result computed show it... Takes AnnotateLines and shows them. */ public void annotationLines(File file, List<AnnotateLine> annotateLines) { // set repository root for popup menu, now should be the right time repositoryRoot = Mercurial.getInstance().getRepositoryRoot(getCurrentFile()); final List<AnnotateLine> lines = new LinkedList<AnnotateLine>(annotateLines); int lineCount = lines.size(); /** 0 based line numbers => 1 based line numbers */ final int ann2editorPermutation[] = new int[lineCount]; for (int i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) { ann2editorPermutation[i] = i + 1; } DiffProvider diff = (DiffProvider) Lookup.getDefault().lookup(DiffProvider.class); if (diff != null) { Reader r = new LinesReader(lines); Reader docReader = Utils.getDocumentReader(doc); try { Difference[] differences = diff.computeDiff(r, docReader); // customize annotation line numbers to match different reality // compule line permutation for (Difference d : differences) { int offset, editorStart; if (d.getType() == Difference.ADD) { offset = d.getSecondEnd() - d.getSecondStart() + 1; editorStart = d.getFirstStart(); } else if (d.getType() == Difference.DELETE) { offset = d.getFirstEnd() - d.getFirstStart() + 1; editorStart = d.getFirstEnd(); for (int c = editorStart - offset; c < editorStart; c++) { ann2editorPermutation[c] = -1; } offset = -offset; } else { // change int firstLen = d.getFirstEnd() - d.getFirstStart(); int secondLen = d.getSecondEnd() - d.getSecondStart(); offset = secondLen - firstLen; if (offset == 0) continue; editorStart = d.getFirstEnd(); for (int c = d.getFirstStart(); c < editorStart; c++) { ann2editorPermutation[c] += -1; } } for (int c = editorStart; c < lineCount; c++) { ann2editorPermutation[c] += offset; } } } catch (IOException e) { Mercurial.LOG.log( Level.INFO, "Cannot compute local diff required for annotations, ignoring..."); // NOI18N } } doc.render( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { StyledDocument sd = (StyledDocument) doc; Iterator<AnnotateLine> it = lines.iterator(); previousRevisions = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, HgRevision>()); originalFiles = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, File>()); elementAnnotations = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<Element, AnnotateLine>(lines.size())); while (it.hasNext()) { AnnotateLine line =; int lineNum = ann2editorPermutation[line.getLineNum() - 1]; if (lineNum == -1) { continue; } try { int lineOffset = NbDocument.findLineOffset(sd, lineNum - 1); Element element = sd.getParagraphElement(lineOffset); elementAnnotations.put(element, line); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { // TODO how could I get line behind document end? // furtunately user does not spot it Mercurial.LOG.log(Level.INFO, null, ex); } } } }); final String url = HgUtils.getRemoteRepository(repositoryRoot); final boolean isKenaiRepository = url != null && HgKenaiAccessor.getInstance().isKenai(url); if (isKenaiRepository) { kenaiUsersMap = new HashMap<String, KenaiUser>(); Iterator<AnnotateLine> it = lines.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { AnnotateLine line =; String author = line.getAuthor(); if (author != null && !author.equals("") && !kenaiUsersMap.keySet().contains(author)) { KenaiUser ku = HgKenaiAccessor.getInstance().forName(author, url); if (ku != null) { kenaiUsersMap.put(author, ku); } } } } // lazy listener registration caret.addChangeListener(this); this.caretTimer = new Timer(500, this); caretTimer.setRepeats(false); elementAnnotationsSubstitute = ""; onCurrentLine(); revalidate(); repaint(); }