public void reformat() throws BadLocationException { final Document document = context.document(); final BaseDocument bd = (BaseDocument) document; bd.runAtomic( new Runnable() { public void run() { try { Element rootElement = document.getDefaultRootElement(); List<Context.Region> regions = context.indentRegions(); for (Context.Region region : regions) { int startOffset = region.getStartOffset(); int length = region.getEndOffset() - region.getStartOffset(); int elementIndex = rootElement.getElementIndex(startOffset); final int prevIndex = elementIndex > 0 ? elementIndex - 1 : elementIndex; int indent = getIndent(document, prevIndex); String text = document.getText(startOffset, length); if (text.startsWith(TEMPLATE_START)) { // remove template tags int st = startOffset + text.indexOf(TEMPLATE_START); document.remove(st, TEMPLATE_START.length()); int en = startOffset + text.indexOf(TEMPLATE_END) - TEMPLATE_START.length(); document.remove(en, TEMPLATE_END.length()); // modify indent int lastElement = rootElement.getElementIndex(en); for (int i = elementIndex; i <= lastElement; i++) { Element element = rootElement.getElement(i); int so = element.getStartOffset(); int currentIndent = context.lineIndent(so); // first line should not be indented if there is something already except // whitespaces boolean doIndent = true; if (i == elementIndex) { String textBefore = document.getText(so, startOffset - so); boolean isTextWSOnly = textBefore.matches("\\s+"); // NOI18N doIndent = textBefore.length() == 0 || isTextWSOnly; if (!doIndent) { indent = getIndent(document, i); } } else { doIndent = true; } if (doIndent) { context.modifyIndent(so, currentIndent + indent); } } } } } catch (BadLocationException e) { logger.log(Level.FINE, e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } }); }
private void addFolds( BaseDocument doc, List<? extends ASTElement> elements, Map<String, List<OffsetRange>> folds, List<OffsetRange> codeblocks) throws BadLocationException { for (ASTElement element : elements) { ElementKind kind = element.getKind(); switch (kind) { case FIELD: case METHOD: case CONSTRUCTOR: case CLASS: case MODULE: ASTNode node = element.getNode(); OffsetRange range = ASTUtils.getRangeFull(node, doc); // beware of synthetic elements if ((kind == ElementKind.METHOD && !((MethodNode) node).isSynthetic()) || (kind == ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR && !((ConstructorNode) node).isSynthetic()) || (kind == ElementKind.FIELD && ((FieldNode) node).getInitialExpression() instanceof ClosureExpression) // Only make nested classes/modules foldable, similar to what the java editor is doing || (range.getStart() > Utilities.getRowStart(doc, range.getStart())) && kind != ElementKind.FIELD) { int start = range.getStart(); // Start the fold at the END of the line behind last non-whitespace, remove curly brace, // if any start = Utilities.getRowLastNonWhite(doc, start); if (start >= 0 && doc.getChars(start, 1)[0] != '{') { start++; } int end = range.getEnd(); if (start != (-1) && end != (-1) && start < end && end <= doc.getLength()) { range = new OffsetRange(start, end); codeblocks.add(range); } } break; } List<? extends ASTElement> children = element.getChildren(); if (children != null && children.size() > 0) { addFolds(doc, children, folds, codeblocks); } } }
public EditList getEditList() { try { BaseDocument doc = context.doc; Node bodyNode = ifNode.getThenBody(); boolean isIf = bodyNode != null; if (bodyNode == null) { bodyNode = ifNode.getElseBody(); } ParserResult info = context.parserResult; OffsetRange bodyRange = AstUtilities.getRange(bodyNode); bodyRange = LexUtilities.getLexerOffsets(info, bodyRange); if (bodyRange == OffsetRange.NONE) { return null; } String body = doc.getText(bodyRange.getStart(), bodyRange.getLength()).trim(); if (body.endsWith(";")) { body = body.substring(0, body.length() - 1); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(body); sb.append(" "); sb.append(isIf ? "if" : "unless"); // NOI18N sb.append(" "); OffsetRange range = AstUtilities.getRange(ifNode.getCondition()); range = LexUtilities.getLexerOffsets(info, range); if (range == OffsetRange.NONE) { return null; } sb.append(doc.getText(range.getStart(), range.getLength())); OffsetRange ifRange = AstUtilities.getRange(ifNode); ifRange = LexUtilities.getLexerOffsets(info, ifRange); if (ifRange == OffsetRange.NONE) { return null; } return new EditList(doc) .replace(ifRange.getStart(), ifRange.getLength(), sb.toString(), false, 0); } catch (Exception ex) { Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex); return null; } }
public static void reformat(final BaseDocument doc, final int startOffset, final int endOffset) { final XMLLexerFormatter formatter = new XMLLexerFormatter(null); doc.runAtomic( new Runnable() { public void run() { formatter.doReformat(doc, startOffset, endOffset); } }); }
/** * Makes the bar visible and sensitive to LogOutoutListener events that should deliver actual * content to be displayed. */ public void annotate() { annotated = true; elementAnnotations = Collections.<Element, AnnotateLine>emptyMap(); doc.addDocumentListener(this); textComponent.addComponentListener(this); editorUI.addPropertyChangeListener(this); revalidate(); // resize the component }
/** * Gets a the file related to the document * * @return the file related to the document, <code>null</code> if none exists. */ File getCurrentFile() { File result = referencedFile; if (result == null) { DataObject dobj = (DataObject) doc.getProperty(Document.StreamDescriptionProperty); if (dobj != null) { FileObject fo = dobj.getPrimaryFile(); result = FileUtil.toFile(fo); } } return result; }
FileObject getCurrentFileObject() { FileObject result = referencedFileObject; if (result == null) { Object sdp = doc.getProperty(Document.StreamDescriptionProperty); if (sdp instanceof FileObject) { result = (FileObject) sdp; } else if (sdp instanceof DataObject) { result = ((DataObject) sdp).getPrimaryFile(); } } return result; }
/** * Reformat with NetBeans format settings * * @param doc */ private void reformat(Document doc) { final BaseDocument baseDoc = (BaseDocument) doc; final Reformat reformat = Reformat.get(baseDoc); reformat.lock(); try { baseDoc.runAtomic( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { reformat.reformat(0, baseDoc.getLength()); // Remove tab from Document Block removeIndentDocBlock(); } catch (BadLocationException ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, null, ex); } } }); } finally { reformat.unlock(); } }
/** Pair method to {@link #annotate}. It releases all resources. */ private void release() { editorUI.removePropertyChangeListener(this); textComponent.removeComponentListener(this); doc.removeDocumentListener(this); caret.removeChangeListener(this); if (caretTimer != null) { caretTimer.removeActionListener(this); } elementAnnotations = Collections.<Element, AnnotateLine>emptyMap(); previousRevisions = null; originalFiles = null; // cancel running annotation task if active if (latestAnnotationTask != null) { latestAnnotationTask.cancel(); } AnnotationMarkProvider amp = AnnotationMarkInstaller.getMarkProvider(textComponent); if (amp != null) { amp.setMarks(Collections.<AnnotationMark>emptyList()); } clearRecentFeedback(); }
/** * Locates AnnotateLine associated with given line. The line is translated to Element that is used * as map lookup key. The map is initially filled up with Elements sampled on annotate() method. * * <p>Key trick is that Element's identity is maintained until line removal (and is restored on * undo). * * @param line * @return found AnnotateLine or <code>null</code> */ private AnnotateLine getAnnotateLine(int line) { StyledDocument sd = (StyledDocument) doc; int lineOffset = NbDocument.findLineOffset(sd, line); Element element = sd.getParagraphElement(lineOffset); AnnotateLine al = elementAnnotations.get(element); if (al != null) { int startOffset = element.getStartOffset(); int endOffset = element.getEndOffset(); try { int len = endOffset - startOffset; String text = doc.getText(startOffset, len - 1); String content = al.getContent(); if (text.equals(content)) { return al; } } catch (BadLocationException e) { Mercurial.LOG.log(Level.INFO, "HG.AB: can not locate line annotation."); // NOI18N } } return null; }
@Override public DeclarationLocation findDeclaration(ParserResult info, int lexOffset) { final Document document = info.getSnapshot().getSource().getDocument(false); if (document == null) { return DeclarationLocation.NONE; } final BaseDocument doc = (BaseDocument) document; PythonParserResult parseResult = PythonAstUtils.getParseResult(info); doc.readLock(); // Read-lock due to Token hierarchy use try { PythonTree root = PythonAstUtils.getRoot(parseResult); final int astOffset = PythonAstUtils.getAstOffset(info, lexOffset); if (astOffset == -1) { return DeclarationLocation.NONE; } AstPath path = null; PythonTree node = null; if (root != null) { path = AstPath.get(root, astOffset); node = path.leaf(); } // See if it's an import DeclarationLocation imp = findImport(parseResult, lexOffset, doc); if (imp != DeclarationLocation.NONE) { return imp; } DeclarationLocation url = findUrl(parseResult, doc, lexOffset); if (url != DeclarationLocation.NONE) { return url; } final TokenHierarchy<Document> th = TokenHierarchy.get(document); org.netbeans.modules.python.editor.lexer.Call call = org.netbeans.modules.python.editor.lexer.Call.getCallType(doc, th, lexOffset); FileObject fileObject = info.getSnapshot().getSource().getFileObject(); // Search for local variables if (root != null && call.getLhs() == null) { if ((path.leaf() instanceof Name)) { PythonTree scope = PythonAstUtils.getLocalScope(path); SymbolTable symbolTable = parseResult.getSymbolTable(); String name = ((Name) path.leaf()).getInternalId(); SymInfo sym = symbolTable.findDeclaration(scope, name, true); if (sym != null) { if (sym.isFree()) { PythonIndex index = PythonIndex.get(fileObject); List<Import> imports = symbolTable.getImports(); List<ImportFrom> importsFrom = symbolTable.getImportsFrom(); Set<IndexedElement> elements = index.getImportedElements( name, QuerySupport.Kind.EXACT, parseResult, imports, importsFrom); if (elements != null && elements.size() > 0) { return getDeclaration( parseResult, null /*name*/, elements, path, node, index, astOffset, lexOffset); } // Must be defined by one of the imported symbols } if (sym.node != null) { PythonTree declNode = sym.node; if (sym .isImported()) { // Rather than showing the import symbol go to the definition in // the library! // Determine if it's an "as" name (import foo as bar) and if so just show the "as", // if not, // follow through to the library if (declNode instanceof Import) { Import impNode = (Import) declNode; List<alias> names = impNode.getInternalNames(); if (names != null) { for (alias at : names) { if (at.getInternalAsname() != null && name.equals(at.getInternalAsname())) { break; } else if (at.getInternalName().equals(name)) { // We found our library - just show it return findImport(parseResult, name, null); } } } } else { assert declNode instanceof ImportFrom : declNode; ImportFrom impNode = (ImportFrom) declNode; List<alias> names = impNode.getInternalNames(); if (names != null) { for (alias at : names) { if (at.getInternalAsname() != null && name.equals(at.getInternalAsname())) { break; } else if (at.getInternalName().equals(name)) { // We found our library - just show it return findImport(parseResult, impNode.getInternalModule(), name); } } } } } if (sym.isUnresolved()) { PythonIndex index = PythonIndex.get(fileObject); List<Import> imports = symbolTable.getImports(); List<ImportFrom> importsFrom = symbolTable.getImportsFrom(); Set<IndexedElement> elements = index.getImportedElements( name, QuerySupport.Kind.EXACT, parseResult, imports, importsFrom); if (elements != null && elements.size() > 0) { return getDeclaration( parseResult, null /*name*/, elements, path, node, index, astOffset, lexOffset); } } else { OffsetRange astRange = PythonAstUtils.getNameRange(null, declNode); int lexerOffset = PythonLexerUtils.getLexerOffset(parseResult, astRange.getStart()); if (lexerOffset == -1) { lexerOffset = 0; } return new DeclarationLocation(fileObject, lexerOffset); } } } // // List<Name> localVars = PythonAstUtils.getLocalVarNodes(info, scope, // name); // if (localVars.size() > 0) { // return new DeclarationLocation(info.getFileObject(), // PythonAstUtils.getRange(localVars.get(0)).getStart()); // } } } // I'm not doing any data flow analysis at this point, so // I can't do anything with a LHS like "foo.". Only actual types. String type = call.getType(); if (type != null && "self".equals(type)) { // NOI18N type = PythonAstUtils.getFqnName(path); } if (type != null && type.length() > 0) { String name = null; PythonTree leaf = path.leaf(); if (leaf instanceof Name) { name = ((Name) path.leaf()).getInternalId(); } else if (leaf instanceof Attribute) { name = ((Attribute) leaf).getInternalAttr(); } if (name != null) { PythonIndex index = PythonIndex.get(fileObject); // Add methods in the class (without an FQN) Set<IndexedElement> elements = index.getInheritedElements(type, name, QuerySupport.Kind.EXACT); if (elements != null && elements.size() > 0) { return getDeclaration( parseResult, null /*name*/, elements, path, node, index, astOffset, lexOffset); } } } // Fallback: Index search on all names String prefix = new PythonCodeCompleter().getPrefix(info, lexOffset, false); if (prefix == null) { try { prefix = Utilities.getIdentifier(doc, lexOffset); } catch (BadLocationException ex) { Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex); } } if (prefix != null) { PythonIndex index = PythonIndex.get(fileObject); Set<? extends IndexedElement> elements = null; if (prefix.length() > 0 && Character.isUpperCase(prefix.charAt(0))) { elements = index.getClasses(prefix, QuerySupport.Kind.EXACT, parseResult, true); } if (elements == null || elements.size() == 0) { elements = index.getAllElements(prefix, QuerySupport.Kind.EXACT, parseResult, true); } if (elements == null || elements.size() == 0) { elements = index.getAllMembers(prefix, QuerySupport.Kind.EXACT, parseResult, true); } if (elements != null && elements.size() > 0) { return getDeclaration( parseResult, null /*name*/, elements, path, node, index, astOffset, lexOffset); } // TODO - classes // WORKING HERE // if (elements == null || elements.size() == 0) { // elements = index.getClasses(prefix, QuerySupport.Kind.EXACT, // PythonIndex.ALL_SCOPE, parseResult, true); // } // if (elements != null && elements.size() > 0) { // String name = null; // unused! // // return getMethodDeclaration(info, name, elements, // path, null, index, astOffset, lexOffset); // } } } finally { doc.readUnlock(); } return DeclarationLocation.NONE; }
@Override protected void initDocument(BaseDocument doc) { super.initDocument(doc); doc.putProperty(SyntaxUpdateTokens.class, new SUT()); }
/** Result computed show it... Takes AnnotateLines and shows them. */ public void annotationLines(File file, List<AnnotateLine> annotateLines) { // set repository root for popup menu, now should be the right time repositoryRoot = Mercurial.getInstance().getRepositoryRoot(getCurrentFile()); final List<AnnotateLine> lines = new LinkedList<AnnotateLine>(annotateLines); int lineCount = lines.size(); /** 0 based line numbers => 1 based line numbers */ final int ann2editorPermutation[] = new int[lineCount]; for (int i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) { ann2editorPermutation[i] = i + 1; } DiffProvider diff = (DiffProvider) Lookup.getDefault().lookup(DiffProvider.class); if (diff != null) { Reader r = new LinesReader(lines); Reader docReader = Utils.getDocumentReader(doc); try { Difference[] differences = diff.computeDiff(r, docReader); // customize annotation line numbers to match different reality // compule line permutation for (Difference d : differences) { int offset, editorStart; if (d.getType() == Difference.ADD) { offset = d.getSecondEnd() - d.getSecondStart() + 1; editorStart = d.getFirstStart(); } else if (d.getType() == Difference.DELETE) { offset = d.getFirstEnd() - d.getFirstStart() + 1; editorStart = d.getFirstEnd(); for (int c = editorStart - offset; c < editorStart; c++) { ann2editorPermutation[c] = -1; } offset = -offset; } else { // change int firstLen = d.getFirstEnd() - d.getFirstStart(); int secondLen = d.getSecondEnd() - d.getSecondStart(); offset = secondLen - firstLen; if (offset == 0) continue; editorStart = d.getFirstEnd(); for (int c = d.getFirstStart(); c < editorStart; c++) { ann2editorPermutation[c] += -1; } } for (int c = editorStart; c < lineCount; c++) { ann2editorPermutation[c] += offset; } } } catch (IOException e) { Mercurial.LOG.log( Level.INFO, "Cannot compute local diff required for annotations, ignoring..."); // NOI18N } } doc.render( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { StyledDocument sd = (StyledDocument) doc; Iterator<AnnotateLine> it = lines.iterator(); previousRevisions = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, HgRevision>()); originalFiles = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, File>()); elementAnnotations = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<Element, AnnotateLine>(lines.size())); while (it.hasNext()) { AnnotateLine line =; int lineNum = ann2editorPermutation[line.getLineNum() - 1]; if (lineNum == -1) { continue; } try { int lineOffset = NbDocument.findLineOffset(sd, lineNum - 1); Element element = sd.getParagraphElement(lineOffset); elementAnnotations.put(element, line); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { // TODO how could I get line behind document end? // furtunately user does not spot it Mercurial.LOG.log(Level.INFO, null, ex); } } } }); final String url = HgUtils.getRemoteRepository(repositoryRoot); final boolean isKenaiRepository = url != null && HgKenaiAccessor.getInstance().isKenai(url); if (isKenaiRepository) { kenaiUsersMap = new HashMap<String, KenaiUser>(); Iterator<AnnotateLine> it = lines.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { AnnotateLine line =; String author = line.getAuthor(); if (author != null && !author.equals("") && !kenaiUsersMap.keySet().contains(author)) { KenaiUser ku = HgKenaiAccessor.getInstance().forName(author, url); if (ku != null) { kenaiUsersMap.put(author, ku); } } } } // lazy listener registration caret.addChangeListener(this); this.caretTimer = new Timer(500, this); caretTimer.setRepeats(false); elementAnnotationsSubstitute = ""; onCurrentLine(); revalidate(); repaint(); }
public void run(RubyRuleContext context, List<Hint> result) { Node node = context.node; ParserResult info = context.parserResult; IfNode ifNode = (IfNode) node; if (ifNode.getCondition() == null) { // Can happen for this code: // if () // end // (typically while editing) return; } Node body = ifNode.getThenBody(); Node elseNode = ifNode.getElseBody(); if (body != null && elseNode != null) { // Can't convert if-then-else conditionals return; } if (body == null && elseNode == null) { // Can't convert empty conditions return; } // Can't convert if !x/elseif blocks if (ifNode.getElseBody() != null && ifNode.getElseBody().getNodeType() == NodeType.IFNODE) { return; } int start = ifNode.getPosition().getStartOffset(); if (!RubyHints.isNullOrInvisible(body) && ( // Can't convert blocks with multiple statements body.getNodeType() == NodeType.BLOCKNODE || // Already a statement modifier? body.getPosition().getStartOffset() <= start)) { return; } else if (!RubyHints.isNullOrInvisible(elseNode) && (elseNode.getNodeType() == NodeType.BLOCKNODE || elseNode.getPosition().getStartOffset() <= start)) { return; } BaseDocument doc = context.doc; try { int keywordOffset = ConvertIfToUnless.findKeywordOffset(context, ifNode); if (keywordOffset == -1 || keywordOffset > doc.getLength() - 1) { return; } char k = doc.getText(keywordOffset, 1).charAt(0); if (!(k == 'i' || k == 'u')) { return; // Probably ternary operator, ?: } } catch (BadLocationException ble) { Exceptions.printStackTrace(ble); } // If statement that is not already a statement modifier OffsetRange range = AstUtilities.getRange(node); if (RubyUtils.isRhtmlDocument(doc) || RubyUtils.isYamlDocument(doc)) { // Make sure that we're in a single contiguous Ruby section; if not, this won't work range = LexUtilities.getLexerOffsets(info, range); if (range == OffsetRange.NONE) { return; } try { doc.readLock(); TokenHierarchy th = TokenHierarchy.get(doc); TokenSequence ts = th.tokenSequence(); ts.move(range.getStart()); if (!ts.moveNext() && !ts.movePrevious()) { return; } if (ts.offset() + ts.token().length() < range.getEnd()) { return; } } finally { doc.readUnlock(); } } ConvertToModifier fix = new ConvertToModifier(context, ifNode); if (fix.getEditList() == null) { return; } List<HintFix> fixes = Collections.<HintFix>singletonList(fix); String displayName = NbBundle.getMessage(ConvertConditionals.class, "ConvertConditionals"); Hint desc = new Hint(this, displayName, RubyUtils.getFileObject(info), range, fixes, 500); result.add(desc); }
@Override public Map<String, List<OffsetRange>> folds(ParserResult info) { ASTNode root = ASTUtils.getRoot(info); if (root == null) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } GroovyParserResult rpr = ASTUtils.getParseResult(info); AnalysisResult analysisResult = rpr.getStructure(); Map<String, List<OffsetRange>> folds = new HashMap<String, List<OffsetRange>>(); List<OffsetRange> codefolds = new ArrayList<OffsetRange>(); folds.put("codeblocks", codefolds); // NOI18N final BaseDocument doc = LexUtilities.getDocument(rpr, false); if (doc == null) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } final OffsetRange[] importsRange = new OffsetRange[1]; final List<OffsetRange> commentsRanges = new ArrayList<OffsetRange>(); doc.render( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { TokenSequence<?> ts = LexUtilities.getGroovyTokenSequence(doc, 1); int importStart = 0; int importEnd = 0; boolean startSet = false; while (ts != null && ts.isValid() && ts.moveNext()) { Token t = ts.token(); if ( == GroovyTokenId.LITERAL_import) { int offset = ts.offset(); if (!startSet) { importStart = offset; startSet = true; } importEnd = offset; } else if ( == GroovyTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT) { // does this Block comment (GSF_BLOCK_COMMENT) span // multiple lines? E.g. includes \n ? StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(t.text()); if (sb.indexOf("\n") != -1) { int offset = ts.offset(); commentsRanges.add(new OffsetRange(offset, offset + t.length())); } } } try { importEnd = Utilities.getRowEnd(doc, importEnd); importsRange[0] = new OffsetRange(importStart, importEnd); } catch (BadLocationException ble) { Exceptions.printStackTrace(ble); } } }); if (!commentsRanges.isEmpty()) { folds.put("comments", commentsRanges); // NOI18N } try { if (importsRange[0] != null && Utilities.getRowCount(doc, importsRange[0].getStart(), importsRange[0].getEnd()) > 1) { folds.put("imports", Collections.singletonList(importsRange[0])); // NOI18N } addFolds(doc, analysisResult.getElements(), folds, codefolds); } catch (BadLocationException ex) { Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex); } return folds; }