protected String[] escapePaths(String srcPath, String dstPath) { srcPath = srcPath.trim(); dstPath = dstPath.trim(); String os = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(); if (os != null && os.indexOf("windows") > -1) { srcPath = "\"" + srcPath + "\""; dstPath = "\"" + dstPath + "\""; } else { int lastidx = -1, curridx; StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(srcPath); while ((curridx = buff.indexOf(" ", lastidx)) > 0) { buff.insert(curridx, "\\"); lastidx = curridx + 2; } srcPath = buff.toString(); buff = new StringBuffer(dstPath); lastidx = -1; while ((curridx = buff.indexOf(" ", lastidx)) > 0) { buff.insert(curridx, "\\"); lastidx = curridx + 2; } dstPath = buff.toString(); } return new String[] {srcPath, dstPath}; }
public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(getClass().getName()); sb.append('@'); sb.append(Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(this))); sb.append(" (context="); sb.append(_context); sb.append(", static_permitions="); sb.append(_statisPermissions); sb.append(')'); return sb.toString(); }
static { try { String jaggeryDir = System.getProperty("jaggery.home"); if (jaggeryDir == null) { jaggeryDir = System.getProperty("carbon.home"); } if (jaggeryDir == null) { log.error("Unable to find jaggery.home or carbon.home system properties"); } String modulesDir = jaggeryDir + File.separator + JAGGERY_MODULES_DIR; CommonManager.getInstance() .initialize( modulesDir, new RhinoSecurityController() { @Override protected void updatePermissions( PermissionCollection permissions, RhinoSecurityDomain securityDomain) { JaggerySecurityDomain domain = (JaggerySecurityDomain) securityDomain; ServletContext context = domain.getServletContext(); String docBase = context.getRealPath("/"); // Create a file read permission for web app context directory if (!docBase.endsWith(File.separator)) { permissions.add(new FilePermission(docBase, "read")); docBase = docBase + File.separator; } else { permissions.add( new FilePermission(docBase.substring(0, docBase.length() - 1), "read")); } docBase = docBase + "-"; permissions.add(new FilePermission(docBase, "read")); } }); } catch (ScriptException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } }
@Nullable private static String lintIt(Context context, String fileName, ScriptableObject scope) throws IOException { if (Boolean.valueOf(System.getProperty("test.lint.skip"))) { return null; } Object[] args = {FileUtil.loadFile(new File(fileName), true), JSHINT_OPTIONS}; Function function = (Function) ScriptableObject.getProperty(scope.getParentScope(), "JSHINT"); Object status =, scope.getParentScope(), scope.getParentScope(), args); if (!(Boolean) Context.jsToJava(status, Boolean.class)) { Object errors = function.get("errors", scope); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(fileName); for (Object errorObj : ((NativeArray) errors)) { if (errorObj == null) { continue; } NativeObject e = (NativeObject) errorObj; int line = toInt(e.get("line")); int character = toInt(e.get("character")); if (line < 0 || character < 0) { continue; } Object reasonObj = e.get("reason"); if (reasonObj instanceof String) { String reason = (String) reasonObj; if (IGNORED_JSHINT_WARNINGS.contains(reason) || reason.startsWith("Expected exactly one space between ')' and ") || reason.startsWith("Expected '}' to match '{' from line ") || reason.startsWith("Expected '{' and instead saw ")) { continue; } sb.append('\n').append(line).append(':').append(character).append(' ').append(reason); } } return sb.length() == fileName.length() ? null : sb.toString(); } return null; }
private URL getUrlObj(String url) { URL urlObj; try { urlObj = new URL(url); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { // Assume as Main.processFileSecure it is file, need to build its // URL String curDir = System.getProperty("user.dir"); curDir = curDir.replace('\\', '/'); if (!curDir.endsWith("/")) { curDir = curDir + '/'; } try { URL curDirURL = new URL("file:" + curDir); urlObj = new URL(curDirURL, url); } catch (MalformedURLException ex2) { throw new RuntimeException( "Can not construct file URL for '" + url + "':" + ex2.getMessage()); } } return urlObj; }
/** Returns an array of the property names on the given script object. */ private Object[] getObjectIdsImpl(Context cx, Object object) { if (!(object instanceof Scriptable) || object == Undefined.instance) { return Context.emptyArgs; } Object[] ids; Scriptable scriptable = (Scriptable) object; if (scriptable instanceof DebuggableObject) { ids = ((DebuggableObject) scriptable).getAllIds(); } else { ids = scriptable.getIds(); } Scriptable proto = scriptable.getPrototype(); Scriptable parent = scriptable.getParentScope(); int extra = 0; if (proto != null) { ++extra; } if (parent != null) { ++extra; } if (extra != 0) { Object[] tmp = new Object[extra + ids.length]; System.arraycopy(ids, 0, tmp, extra, ids.length); ids = tmp; extra = 0; if (proto != null) { ids[extra++] = "__proto__"; } if (parent != null) { ids[extra++] = "__parent__"; } } return ids; }