@Override public List<LaboratoryDto> getLaboratories( SectionDto sectionDto, YearDto yearDto, SemesterDto semesterDto) { Section section = modelMapper.map(sectionDto, Section.class); Year year = modelMapper.map(yearDto, Year.class); Semester semester = modelMapper.map(semesterDto, Semester.class); List<Laboratory> laboratories = laboratoryDao.getLaboratories(section, year, semester); return modelMapper.map(laboratories, new TypeToken<List<LaboratoryDto>>() {}.getType()); }
@Override public User update(User entity) { log.info("Updating ... {}", entity); UserEntity usrEntity = modelMapper.map(entity, UserEntity.class); userRepo.save(usrEntity); return modelMapper.map(usrEntity, User.class); }
@Override public void savePurchase(final Purchase purchase) { PurchaseEntity entity; ModelMapper mapper = new ModelMapper(); entity = mapper.map(purchase, PurchaseEntity.class); // TODO: remove CustomerEntity Depenency CustomerEntity ce = mapper.map(cdl.getCustomerById(purchase.getCustomer().getId()), CustomerEntity.class); entity.setCustomerid(ce); List<PurchaseitemEntity> list = new LinkedList<PurchaseitemEntity>(); for (PurchaseItem pi : purchase.getPurchaseItems()) { PurchaseitemEntity e = mapper.map(pi, PurchaseitemEntity.class); // ProductEntity pe = new ProductEntity(pi.getProductid()); // e.setProductid(pe); e.setProductno(pi.getProductNo()); e.setPurchaseid(entity); list.add(e); } entity.setPurchaseitemCollection(list); try { this.pfl.create(entity); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getGlobal().log(Level.WARNING, ex.toString()); } }
@Override public User create(User entity) { log.info("Saving... {}", entity); UserEntity usrEntity = modelMapper.map(entity, UserEntity.class); usrEntity.setCreateDate(LocalDateTime.now()); userRepo.save(usrEntity); return modelMapper.map(usrEntity, User.class); }
public static <S, T> List<T> mapList(List<S> source, Class<T> targetClass) { List<T> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < source.size(); i++) { T target = INSTANCE.map(source.get(i), targetClass); list.add(target); } return list; }
@Override public LaboratoryDto getLaboratoryById(int id) throws ServiceEntityNotFoundException { try { Laboratory laboratory = laboratoryDao.getLaboratoryById(id); return modelMapper.map(laboratory, LaboratoryDto.class); } catch (DaoEntityNotFoundException e) { LOGGER.debug("DaoEntityNotFoundException"); throw new ServiceEntityNotFoundException(e); } }
// TODO stream() vs parallelStream() // TODO 로깅 // TODO HEATEOAS // TODO 뷰 // TODO boot를 프로덕션에 배포할때 튜닝포인트(?) 궁금해요~ ^^ (강대권) // NSPA 1. Thymeleaf // SPA 2. 앨귤러 3. 리엑트 @RequestMapping(value = "/accounts", method = GET) @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) public PageImpl<AccountDto.Response> getAccounts(Pageable pageable) { Page<Account> page = repository.findAll(pageable); List<AccountDto.Response> content = page.getContent() .parallelStream() .map(account -> modelMapper.map(account, AccountDto.Response.class)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); return new PageImpl<>(content, pageable, page.getTotalElements()); }
public <S, T> List<T> convert(List<S> source, Class<T> tClass) { List<T> content = new ArrayList<>(); ModelMapper modelMapper = entityConvertersPack.getPreparedModelMapper(); for (S s : source) { content.add(modelMapper.map(s, tClass)); } return content; }
@Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) public List<User> getAllUsers() { List<User> lstUsers = new ArrayList<>(); userRepo .findAll() .forEach( usr -> { lstUsers.add(modelMapper.map(usr, User.class)); }); return lstUsers; }
// 부분 업데이트 : PATCH // - (username:"******") // - (passowrd:"pass") // - (fullName:"seokgon lee") @RequestMapping(value = "/accounts/{id}", method = PUT) public ResponseEntity updateAccount( @PathVariable Long id, @RequestBody @Valid AccountDto.Update updateDto, BindingResult result) { if (result.hasErrors()) { return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST); } Account updateAccount = service.updateAccount(id, updateDto); return new ResponseEntity<>( modelMapper.map(updateAccount, AccountDto.Response.class), HttpStatus.OK); }
@Test public void shouldMapUserEntity() { // given final User user = new User("John Doe"); // when final UserDto result = modelMapper.map(user, UserDto.class); // then Assert.assertEquals("John", result.getFirstName()); Assert.assertEquals("Doe", result.getLastName()); }
public static <S, T> Page<T> mapPage(Page<S> source, Class<T> targetClass) { List<S> sourceList = source.getContent(); List<T> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < sourceList.size(); i++) { T target = INSTANCE.map(sourceList.get(i), targetClass); list.add(target); } return new PageImpl<>( list, new PageRequest(source.getNumber(), source.getSize(), source.getSort()), source.getTotalElements()); }
@Override public GameRoom create(final GameRoomDto.Create createDto) throws JsonProcessingException { final GameRoom gameRoom = modelMapper.map(createDto, GameRoom.class); if (gameRoomRepository.findOneByOwnerAndEnabled(createDto.getOwner(), Enabled.TRUE) != null) { log.error( "owner duplicated exception. {} : {}", createDto.getOwner().getId(), createDto.getOwner().getNickname()); throw new OwnerDuplicatedException("[" + createDto.getOwner().getEmail() + "] 중복된 방장 입니다."); } fillInitData(gameRoom); return gameRoomRepository.save(gameRoom); }
@Override public void saveLaboratory(LaboratoryDto laboratoryDto) throws ServiceEntityNotFoundException, ServiceEntityAlreadyExistsException { Laboratory laboratory = modelMapper.map(laboratoryDto, Laboratory.class); try { populateLaboratoryFields(laboratory); laboratoryDao.saveLaboratory(laboratory); } catch (DaoEntityNotFoundException e) { LOGGER.debug("DaoEntityNotFoundException"); throw new ServiceEntityNotFoundException(e); } catch (DaoEntityAlreadyExistsException e) { LOGGER.debug("DaoEntityAlreadyExistsException"); throw new ServiceEntityAlreadyExistsException(e); } }
@RequestMapping(value = "/accounts", method = POST) public ResponseEntity createAccount( @RequestBody @Valid AccountDto.Create create, BindingResult result) { if (result.hasErrors()) { ErrorResponse errorResponse = new ErrorResponse(); errorResponse.setMessage("잘못된 요청입니다."); errorResponse.setCode("bad.request"); // TODO bindingResult 안에 들어있는 에러 정보 사용하기. return new ResponseEntity<>(errorResponse, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST); } // 1.리턴 타임으로 판단. // 2.파라미터 이용. Account newAccount = service.createAccount(create); return new ResponseEntity<>( modelMapper.map(newAccount, AccountDto.Response.class), HttpStatus.CREATED); }
@Override public Job to(UriInfo uriInfo, JobModel representation) { return Job.Builder.build( j -> { j.setJobName(representation.getName()); j.setExternalIds(representation.getExternalIds()); j.setJobType(JobType.valueOf(representation.getType())); Optional.ofNullable(representation.getStatus()) .map(ResourceStatusModel::getCurrent) .map(JobStatus::valueOf) .ifPresent(j::setStatus); j.setJobConfiguration( modelMapper.map( representation.getConfiguration(), getJobConfigurationClass(representation.getType()))); Optional.ofNullable(representation.getPriority()).ifPresent(j::setPriority); }); }
@Override public List<Purchase> getPurchaseByCustomer(final Customer customer) { List<Purchase> purchases = new LinkedList<Purchase>(); List<PurchaseEntity> entities = pfl.findAll(); ModelMapper mapper = new ModelMapper(); for (PurchaseEntity e : entities) { if (e.getCustomerid().getId() == customer.getId()) { Purchase p = mapper.map(e, Purchase.class); for (PurchaseitemEntity pie : e.getPurchaseitemCollection()) { PurchaseItem pi = new PurchaseItem(); pi.setDescription(pie.getDescription()); pi.setId(pie.getId()); pi.setQuantity(pie.getQuantity()); pi.setProductNo(pie.getProductno()); p.getPurchaseItems().add(pi); } purchases.add(p); } } return purchases; }
public static <S, T> void mapTo(S source, T dist) { INSTANCE.map(source, dist); }
@Override public List<NoteDto> getNotesByLaboratory(int laboratoryId) { List<Note> notes = noteDao.getNotesByLaboratory(laboratoryId); return modelMapper.map(notes, new TypeToken<List<NoteDto>>() {}.getType()); }
@Override public Job update(UriInfo uriInfo, JobModel jobModel, Job target) { modelMapper.map(jobModel, target); return target; }
@RequestMapping(value = "accounts/{id}", method = GET) @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) public AccountDto.Response getAccount(@PathVariable Long id) { Account account = service.getAccount(id); return modelMapper.map(account, AccountDto.Response.class); }
/** * Map input bean to a new output bean. * * @param input Input bean * @param outputClass Output bean class * @return New output bean */ protected <I, O> O map(I input, Class<O> outputClass) { return modelMapper.map(input, outputClass); }
@Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) public User getById(Long id) { return modelMapper.map(userRepo.findOne(id), User.class); }
/** * Map input bean to an existing output bean. * * @param input Input bean * @param output Output bean */ protected <I, O> void map(I input, O output) { modelMapper.map(input, output); }
private Class<T> convert(Class<E> source, Class<T> destination) { Class<T> obj = (Class<T>) modelMapper.map(source, destination); return obj; }
private UserCredentials userCredentialsEntityToUserCredentials( UserCredentialsEntity userCredentialsEntity) { return modelMapper.map(userCredentialsEntity, UserCredentials.class); }
public static <S, T> T map(S source, Class<T> targetClass) { return INSTANCE.map(source, targetClass); }