// Issue 139: https://bitbucket.org/telestax/telscale-restcomm/issue/139 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected Response updateCall( final String sid, final String callSid, final MultivaluedMap<String, String> data, final MediaType responseType) { final Sid accountSid = new Sid(sid); try { secure(daos.getAccountsDao().getAccount(accountSid), "RestComm:Modify:Calls"); } catch (final AuthorizationException exception) { return status(UNAUTHORIZED).build(); } final Timeout expires = new Timeout(Duration.create(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); final CallDetailRecordsDao dao = daos.getCallDetailRecordsDao(); final CallDetailRecord cdr = dao.getCallDetailRecord(new Sid(callSid)); final String url = data.getFirst("Url"); String method = data.getFirst("Method"); final String status = data.getFirst("Status"); final String fallBackUrl = data.getFirst("FallbackUrl"); String fallBackMethod = data.getFirst("FallbackMethod"); final String statusCallBack = data.getFirst("StatusCallback"); String statusCallbackMethod = data.getFirst("StatusCallbackMethod"); // Restcomm- Move connected call leg (if exists) to the new URL Boolean moveConnectedCallLeg = Boolean.valueOf(data.getFirst("MoveConnectedCallLeg")); String callPath = null; final ActorRef call; final CallInfo callInfo; try { callPath = cdr.getCallPath(); Future<Object> future = (Future<Object>) ask(callManager, new GetCall(callPath), expires); call = (ActorRef) Await.result(future, Duration.create(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); future = (Future<Object>) ask(call, new GetCallInfo(), expires); CallResponse<CallInfo> response = (CallResponse<CallInfo>) Await.result(future, Duration.create(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); callInfo = response.get(); } catch (Exception exception) { return status(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).entity(exception.getMessage()).build(); } if (method == null) method = "POST"; if (url != null && status != null) { // Throw exception. We can either redirect a running call using Url or change the state of a // Call with Status final String errorMessage = "You can either redirect a running call using \"Url\" or change the state of a Call with \"Status\""; return status(javax.ws.rs.core.Response.Status.CONFLICT).entity(errorMessage).build(); } // Modify state of a call if (status != null) { if (status.equalsIgnoreCase("canceled")) { if (callInfo.state().name().equalsIgnoreCase("queued") || callInfo.state().name().equalsIgnoreCase("ringing")) { if (call != null) { call.tell(new Hangup(), null); } } else { // Do Nothing. We can only cancel Queued or Ringing calls } } if (status.equalsIgnoreCase("completed")) { // Specifying "completed" will attempt to hang up a call even if it's already in progress. if (call != null) { call.tell(new Hangup(), null); } } } if (url != null && call != null) { try { final String version = getApiVersion(data); final URI uri = (new URL(url)).toURI(); URI fallbackUri = (fallBackUrl != null) ? (new URL(fallBackUrl)).toURI() : null; fallBackMethod = (fallBackMethod == null) ? "POST" : fallBackMethod; URI callbackUri = (statusCallBack != null) ? (new URL(statusCallBack)).toURI() : null; statusCallbackMethod = (statusCallbackMethod == null) ? "POST" : statusCallbackMethod; final UpdateCallScript update = new UpdateCallScript( call, accountSid, version, uri, method, fallbackUri, fallBackMethod, callbackUri, statusCallbackMethod, moveConnectedCallLeg); callManager.tell(update, null); } catch (Exception exception) { return status(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).entity(exception.getMessage()).build(); } } if (APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE == responseType) { return ok(gson.toJson(cdr), APPLICATION_JSON).build(); } else if (APPLICATION_XML_TYPE == responseType) { return ok(xstream.toXML(new RestCommResponse(cdr)), APPLICATION_XML).build(); } else { return null; } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected Response putCall( final String accountSid, final MultivaluedMap<String, String> data, final MediaType responseType) { final Sid accountId = new Sid(accountSid); try { secure(daos.getAccountsDao().getAccount(accountSid), "RestComm:Create:Calls"); } catch (final AuthorizationException exception) { return status(UNAUTHORIZED).build(); } try { validate(data); if (normalizePhoneNumbers) normalize(data); } catch (final RuntimeException exception) { return status(BAD_REQUEST).entity(exception.getMessage()).build(); } final String from = data.getFirst("From"); final String to = data.getFirst("To"); final String username = data.getFirst("Username"); final String password = data.getFirst("Password"); final Integer timeout = getTimeout(data); final Timeout expires = new Timeout(Duration.create(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); CreateCall create = null; try { if (to.contains("@")) { create = new CreateCall( from, to, username, password, true, timeout != null ? timeout : 30, CreateCall.Type.SIP, accountId, null); } else if (to.startsWith("client")) { create = new CreateCall( from, to, username, password, true, timeout != null ? timeout : 30, CreateCall.Type.CLIENT, accountId, null); } else { create = new CreateCall( from, to, username, password, true, timeout != null ? timeout : 30, CreateCall.Type.PSTN, accountId, null); } create.setCreateCDR(false); if (callManager == null) callManager = (ActorRef) context.getAttribute("org.mobicents.servlet.restcomm.telephony.CallManager"); Future<Object> future = (Future<Object>) ask(callManager, create, expires); Object object = Await.result(future, Duration.create(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); Class<?> klass = object.getClass(); if (CallManagerResponse.class.equals(klass)) { final CallManagerResponse<ActorRef> managerResponse = (CallManagerResponse<ActorRef>) object; if (managerResponse.succeeded()) { final ActorRef call = managerResponse.get(); future = (Future<Object>) ask(call, new GetCallInfo(), expires); object = Await.result(future, Duration.create(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); klass = object.getClass(); if (CallResponse.class.equals(klass)) { final CallResponse<CallInfo> callResponse = (CallResponse<CallInfo>) object; if (callResponse.succeeded()) { final CallInfo callInfo = callResponse.get(); // Execute the call script. final String version = getApiVersion(data); final URI url = getUrl("Url", data); final String method = getMethod("Method", data); final URI fallbackUrl = getUrl("FallbackUrl", data); final String fallbackMethod = getMethod("FallbackMethod", data); final URI callback = getUrl("StatusCallback", data); final String callbackMethod = getMethod("StatusCallbackMethod", data); final ExecuteCallScript execute = new ExecuteCallScript( call, accountId, version, url, method, fallbackUrl, fallbackMethod, callback, callbackMethod); callManager.tell(execute, null); // Create a call detail record for the call. // final CallDetailRecord.Builder builder = // CallDetailRecord.builder(); // builder.setSid(callInfo.sid()); // builder.setDateCreated(callInfo.dateCreated()); // builder.setAccountSid(accountId); // builder.setTo(to); // builder.setCallerName(callInfo.fromName()); // builder.setFrom(from); // builder.setForwardedFrom(callInfo.forwardedFrom()); // builder.setStatus(callInfo.state().toString()); // final DateTime now = DateTime.now(); // builder.setStartTime(now); // builder.setDirection(callInfo.direction()); // builder.setApiVersion(version); // final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); // buffer.append("/").append(version).append("/Accounts/"); // buffer.append(accountId.toString()).append("/Calls/"); // buffer.append(callInfo.sid().toString()); // final URI uri = URI.create(buffer.toString()); // builder.setUri(uri); CallDetailRecord cdr = daos.getCallDetailRecordsDao().getCallDetailRecord(callInfo.sid()); // // builder.setCallPath(call.path().toString()); // // final CallDetailRecord cdr = builder.build(); // daos.getCallDetailRecordsDao().addCallDetailRecord(cdr); if (APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE == responseType) { return ok(gson.toJson(cdr), APPLICATION_JSON).build(); } else if (APPLICATION_XML_TYPE == responseType) { return ok(xstream.toXML(new RestCommResponse(cdr)), APPLICATION_XML).build(); } else { return null; } } } } else { return status(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) .entity(managerResponse.cause() + " : " + managerResponse.error()) .build(); } } return status(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).build(); } catch (final Exception exception) { return status(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).entity(exception.getMessage()).build(); } }