private void oaepCompatibilityTest(String digest, PrivateKey privKey, PublicKey pubKey) throws Exception { if (Security.getProvider("SunJCE") == null || Security.getProvider("SunRsaSign") == null) { return; } KeyFactory fact = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA", "SunRsaSign"); PrivateKey priv2048Key = fact.generatePrivate(priv2048KeySpec); PublicKey pub2048Key = fact.generatePublic(pub2048KeySpec); byte[] data = new byte[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16}; Cipher sCipher; try { sCipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/OAEPWith" + digest + "AndMGF1Padding", "SunJCE"); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { return; } catch (NoSuchPaddingException e) { return; } sCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, pub2048Key); byte[] enctext = sCipher.doFinal(data); Cipher bcCipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/OAEPWith" + digest + "AndMGF1Padding", "BC"); bcCipher.init( Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, privKey, new OAEPParameterSpec(digest, "MGF1", MGF1ParameterSpec.SHA1, PSource.PSpecified.DEFAULT)); byte[] plaintext = bcCipher.doFinal(enctext); if (!Arrays.areEqual(plaintext, data)) { fail("data did not decrypt first time"); } bcCipher.init( Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, pubKey, new OAEPParameterSpec(digest, "MGF1", MGF1ParameterSpec.SHA1, PSource.PSpecified.DEFAULT)); enctext = bcCipher.doFinal(data); sCipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, priv2048Key); plaintext = sCipher.doFinal(enctext); if (!Arrays.areEqual(plaintext, data)) { fail("data did not decrypt second time"); } }
private void rawModeTest( String sigName, ASN1ObjectIdentifier digestOID, PrivateKey privKey, PublicKey pubKey, SecureRandom random) throws Exception { byte[] sampleMessage = new byte[1000 + random.nextInt(100)]; random.nextBytes(sampleMessage); Signature normalSig = Signature.getInstance(sigName, "BC"); normalSig.initSign(privKey); normalSig.update(sampleMessage); byte[] normalResult = normalSig.sign(); MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance(digestOID.getId(), "BC"); byte[] hash = digest.digest(sampleMessage); byte[] digInfo = derEncode(digestOID, hash); Signature rawSig = Signature.getInstance("RSA", "BC"); rawSig.initSign(privKey); rawSig.update(digInfo); byte[] rawResult = rawSig.sign(); if (!Arrays.areEqual(normalResult, rawResult)) { fail("raw mode signature differs from normal one"); } rawSig.initVerify(pubKey); rawSig.update(digInfo); if (!rawSig.verify(rawResult)) { fail("raw mode signature verification failed"); } }
boolean asn1Equals(ASN1Primitive o) { if (!(o instanceof DERUniversalString)) { return false; } return Arrays.areEqual(string, ((DERUniversalString) o).string); }
public void init(boolean forEncryption, CipherParameters params) throws IllegalArgumentException { byte[] k = Arrays.clone(((KeyParameter) params).getKey()); DESedeParameters.setOddParity(k); if (!Arrays.areEqual(((KeyParameter) params).getKey(), k)) { fail("key not odd parity"); } cipher.init(forEncryption, params); }
public void performTest() throws Exception { KeyFactory fact; byte[] input = new byte[] { (byte) 0x54, (byte) 0x85, (byte) 0x9b, (byte) 0x34, (byte) 0x2c, (byte) 0x49, (byte) 0xea, (byte) 0x2a }; byte[][] output = new byte[][] { Hex.decode( "8b427f781a2e59dd9def386f1956b996ee07f48c96880e65a368055ed8c0a8831669ef7250b40918b2b1d488547e72c84540e42bd07b03f14e226f04fbc2d929"), Hex.decode( "2ec6e1a1711b6c7b8cd3f6a25db21ab8bb0a5f1d6df2ef375fa708a43997730ffc7c98856dbbe36edddcdd1b2d2a53867d8355af94fea3aeec128da908e08f4c"), Hex.decode( "0850ac4e5a8118323200c8ed1e5aaa3d5e635172553ccac66a8e4153d35c79305c4440f11034ab147fccce21f18a50cf1c0099c08a577eb68237a91042278965"), Hex.decode( "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"), Hex.decode( "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"), Hex.decode( "06b5b26bd13515f799e5e37ca43cace15cd82fd4bf36b25d285a6f0998d97c8cb0755a28f0ae66618b1cd03e27ac95eaaa4882bc6dc0078cd457d4f7de4154173a9c7a838cfc2ac2f74875df462aae0cfd341645dc51d9a01da9bdb01507f140fa8a016534379d838cc3b2a53ac33150af1b242fc88013cb8d914e66c8182864ee6de88ce2879d4c05dd125409620a96797c55c832fb2fb31d4310c190b8ed2c95fdfda2ed87f785002faaec3f35ec05cf70a3774ce185e4882df35719d582dd55ac31257344a9cba95189dcbea16e8c6cb7a235a0384bc83b6183ca8547e670fe33b1b91725ae0c250c9eca7b5ba78bd77145b70270bf8ac31653006c02ca9c"), Hex.decode( "135f1be3d045526235bf9d5e43499d4ee1bfdf93370769ae56e85dbc339bc5b7ea3bee49717497ee8ac3f7cd6adb6fc0f17812390dcd65ac7b87fef7970d9ff9"), Hex.decode( "03c05add1e030178c352face07cafc9447c8f369b8f95125c0d311c16b6da48ca2067104cce6cd21ae7b163cd18ffc13001aecebdc2eb02b9e92681f84033a98"), Hex.decode( "00319bb9becb49f3ed1bca26d0fcf09b0b0a508e4d0bd43b350f959b72cd25b3af47d608fdcd248eada74fbe19990dbeb9bf0da4b4e1200243a14e5cab3f7e610c") }; SecureRandom rand = new FixedSecureRandom(); fact = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA", "BC"); PrivateKey privKey = fact.generatePrivate(privKeySpec); PublicKey pubKey = fact.generatePublic(pubKeySpec); PrivateKey priv2048Key = fact.generatePrivate(priv2048KeySpec); PublicKey pub2048Key = fact.generatePublic(pub2048KeySpec); // // key without CRT coefficients // PrivateKeyInfo keyInfo = PrivateKeyInfo.getInstance(privKey.getEncoded()); BigInteger zero = BigInteger.valueOf(0); PKCS8EncodedKeySpec noCrtSpec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec( new PrivateKeyInfo( keyInfo.getPrivateKeyAlgorithm(), new org.mightyfish.asn1.pkcs.RSAPrivateKey( privKeySpec.getModulus(), privKeySpec.getPublicExponent(), privKeySpec.getPrivateExponent(), zero, zero, zero, zero, zero)) .getEncoded()); PrivateKey noCrtKey = fact.generatePrivate(noCrtSpec); if (noCrtKey instanceof RSAPrivateCrtKey) { fail("private key without CRT coefficients returned as CRT key"); } // // No Padding // Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance("RSA", "BC"); c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, pubKey, rand); byte[] out = c.doFinal(input); if (!areEqual(out, output[0])) { fail( "NoPadding test failed on encrypt expected " + new String(Hex.encode(output[0])) + " got " + new String(Hex.encode(out))); } c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, privKey); out = c.doFinal(out); if (!areEqual(out, input)) { fail( "NoPadding test failed on decrypt expected " + new String(Hex.encode(input)) + " got " + new String(Hex.encode(out))); } // // No Padding - incremental // c = Cipher.getInstance("RSA", "BC"); c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, pubKey, rand); c.update(input); out = c.doFinal(); if (!areEqual(out, output[0])) { fail( "NoPadding test failed on encrypt expected " + new String(Hex.encode(output[0])) + " got " + new String(Hex.encode(out))); } c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, privKey); out = c.doFinal(out); if (!areEqual(out, input)) { fail( "NoPadding test failed on decrypt expected " + new String(Hex.encode(input)) + " got " + new String(Hex.encode(out))); } // // No Padding - incremental - explicit use of NONE in mode. // c = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/NONE/NoPadding", "BC"); c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, pubKey, rand); c.update(input); out = c.doFinal(); if (!areEqual(out, output[0])) { fail( "NoPadding test failed on encrypt expected " + new String(Hex.encode(output[0])) + " got " + new String(Hex.encode(out))); } c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, privKey); out = c.doFinal(out); if (!areEqual(out, input)) { fail( "NoPadding test failed on decrypt expected " + new String(Hex.encode(input)) + " got " + new String(Hex.encode(out))); } // // No Padding - maximum length // c = Cipher.getInstance("RSA", "BC"); byte[] modBytes = ((RSAPublicKey) pubKey).getModulus().toByteArray(); byte[] maxInput = new byte[modBytes.length - 1]; maxInput[0] |= 0x7f; c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, pubKey, rand); out = c.doFinal(maxInput); c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, privKey); out = c.doFinal(out); if (!areEqual(out, maxInput)) { fail( "NoPadding test failed on decrypt expected " + new String(Hex.encode(maxInput)) + " got " + new String(Hex.encode(out))); } // // PKCS1 V 1.5 // c = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding", "BC"); c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, pubKey, rand); out = c.doFinal(input); if (!areEqual(out, output[1])) { fail( "PKCS1 test failed on encrypt expected " + new String(Hex.encode(output[1])) + " got " + new String(Hex.encode(out))); } c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, privKey); out = c.doFinal(out); if (!areEqual(out, input)) { fail( "PKCS1 test failed on decrypt expected " + new String(Hex.encode(input)) + " got " + new String(Hex.encode(out))); } // // PKCS1 V 1.5 - NONE // c = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/NONE/PKCS1Padding", "BC"); c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, pubKey, rand); out = c.doFinal(input); if (!areEqual(out, output[1])) { fail( "PKCS1 test failed on encrypt expected " + new String(Hex.encode(output[1])) + " got " + new String(Hex.encode(out))); } c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, privKey); out = c.doFinal(out); if (!areEqual(out, input)) { fail( "PKCS1 test failed on decrypt expected " + new String(Hex.encode(input)) + " got " + new String(Hex.encode(out))); } // // OAEP - SHA1 // c = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/NONE/OAEPPadding", "BC"); c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, pubKey, rand); out = c.doFinal(input); if (!areEqual(out, output[2])) { fail( "OAEP test failed on encrypt expected " + new String(Hex.encode(output[2])) + " got " + new String(Hex.encode(out))); } c = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/NONE/OAEPWithSHA1AndMGF1Padding", "BC"); c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, privKey); out = c.doFinal(out); if (!areEqual(out, input)) { fail( "OAEP test failed on decrypt expected " + new String(Hex.encode(input)) + " got " + new String(Hex.encode(out))); } AlgorithmParameters oaepP = c.getParameters(); if (!areEqual( oaepP.getEncoded(), new RSAESOAEPparams( new AlgorithmIdentifier(OIWObjectIdentifiers.idSHA1, DERNull.INSTANCE), new AlgorithmIdentifier( PKCSObjectIdentifiers.id_mgf1, new AlgorithmIdentifier(OIWObjectIdentifiers.idSHA1, DERNull.INSTANCE)), new AlgorithmIdentifier( PKCSObjectIdentifiers.id_pSpecified, new DEROctetString(new byte[0]))) .getEncoded())) { fail("OAEP test failed default sha-1 parameters"); } // // OAEP - SHA224 // c = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/NONE/OAEPWithSHA224AndMGF1Padding", "BC"); c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, pub2048Key, rand); out = c.doFinal(input); if (!areEqual(out, output[3])) { fail( "OAEP SHA-224 test failed on encrypt expected " + new String(Hex.encode(output[2])) + " got " + new String(Hex.encode(out))); } c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, priv2048Key); out = c.doFinal(out); if (!areEqual(out, input)) { fail( "OAEP SHA-224 test failed on decrypt expected " + new String(Hex.encode(input)) + " got " + new String(Hex.encode(out))); } oaepP = c.getParameters(); if (!areEqual( oaepP.getEncoded(), new RSAESOAEPparams( new AlgorithmIdentifier(NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_sha224, DERNull.INSTANCE), new AlgorithmIdentifier( PKCSObjectIdentifiers.id_mgf1, new AlgorithmIdentifier(NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_sha224, DERNull.INSTANCE)), new AlgorithmIdentifier( PKCSObjectIdentifiers.id_pSpecified, new DEROctetString(new byte[0]))) .getEncoded())) { fail("OAEP test failed default sha-224 parameters"); } // // OAEP - SHA 256 // c = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/NONE/OAEPWithSHA256AndMGF1Padding", "BC"); c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, pub2048Key, rand); out = c.doFinal(input); if (!areEqual(out, output[4])) { fail( "OAEP SHA-256 test failed on encrypt expected " + new String(Hex.encode(output[2])) + " got " + new String(Hex.encode(out))); } c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, priv2048Key); out = c.doFinal(out); if (!areEqual(out, input)) { fail( "OAEP SHA-256 test failed on decrypt expected " + new String(Hex.encode(input)) + " got " + new String(Hex.encode(out))); } oaepP = c.getParameters(); if (!areEqual( oaepP.getEncoded(), new RSAESOAEPparams( new AlgorithmIdentifier(NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_sha256, DERNull.INSTANCE), new AlgorithmIdentifier( PKCSObjectIdentifiers.id_mgf1, new AlgorithmIdentifier(NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_sha256, DERNull.INSTANCE)), new AlgorithmIdentifier( PKCSObjectIdentifiers.id_pSpecified, new DEROctetString(new byte[0]))) .getEncoded())) { fail("OAEP test failed default sha-256 parameters"); } // // OAEP - SHA 384 // c = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/NONE/OAEPWithSHA384AndMGF1Padding", "BC"); c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, pub2048Key, rand); out = c.doFinal(input); if (!areEqual(out, output[5])) { fail( "OAEP SHA-384 test failed on encrypt expected " + new String(Hex.encode(output[2])) + " got " + new String(Hex.encode(out))); } c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, priv2048Key); out = c.doFinal(out); if (!areEqual(out, input)) { fail( "OAEP SHA-384 test failed on decrypt expected " + new String(Hex.encode(input)) + " got " + new String(Hex.encode(out))); } oaepP = c.getParameters(); if (!areEqual( oaepP.getEncoded(), new RSAESOAEPparams( new AlgorithmIdentifier(NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_sha384, DERNull.INSTANCE), new AlgorithmIdentifier( PKCSObjectIdentifiers.id_mgf1, new AlgorithmIdentifier(NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_sha384, DERNull.INSTANCE)), new AlgorithmIdentifier( PKCSObjectIdentifiers.id_pSpecified, new DEROctetString(new byte[0]))) .getEncoded())) { fail("OAEP test failed default sha-384 parameters"); } // // OAEP - MD5 // c = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/NONE/OAEPWithMD5AndMGF1Padding", "BC"); c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, pubKey, rand); out = c.doFinal(input); if (!areEqual(out, output[6])) { fail( "OAEP MD5 test failed on encrypt expected " + new String(Hex.encode(output[2])) + " got " + new String(Hex.encode(out))); } c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, privKey); out = c.doFinal(out); if (!areEqual(out, input)) { fail( "OAEP MD5 test failed on decrypt expected " + new String(Hex.encode(input)) + " got " + new String(Hex.encode(out))); } oaepP = c.getParameters(); if (!areEqual( oaepP.getEncoded(), new RSAESOAEPparams( new AlgorithmIdentifier(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.md5, DERNull.INSTANCE), new AlgorithmIdentifier( PKCSObjectIdentifiers.id_mgf1, new AlgorithmIdentifier(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.md5, DERNull.INSTANCE)), new AlgorithmIdentifier( PKCSObjectIdentifiers.id_pSpecified, new DEROctetString(new byte[0]))) .getEncoded())) { fail("OAEP test failed default md5 parameters"); } // // OAEP - SHA1 with default parameters // c = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/NONE/OAEPPadding", "BC"); c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, pubKey, OAEPParameterSpec.DEFAULT, rand); out = c.doFinal(input); if (!areEqual(out, output[2])) { fail( "OAEP test failed on encrypt expected " + new String(Hex.encode(output[2])) + " got " + new String(Hex.encode(out))); } c = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/NONE/OAEPWithSHA1AndMGF1Padding", "BC"); c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, privKey); out = c.doFinal(out); if (!areEqual(out, input)) { fail( "OAEP test failed on decrypt expected " + new String(Hex.encode(input)) + " got " + new String(Hex.encode(out))); } oaepP = c.getParameters(); if (!areEqual(oaepP.getEncoded(), new byte[] {0x30, 0x00})) { fail("OAEP test failed default parameters"); } // // OAEP - SHA1 with specified string // c = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/NONE/OAEPPadding", "BC"); c.init( Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, pubKey, new OAEPParameterSpec( "SHA1", "MGF1", new MGF1ParameterSpec("SHA1"), new PSource.PSpecified(new byte[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5})), rand); out = c.doFinal(input); oaepP = c.getParameters(); if (!areEqual( oaepP.getEncoded(), new RSAESOAEPparams( new AlgorithmIdentifier(OIWObjectIdentifiers.idSHA1, DERNull.INSTANCE), new AlgorithmIdentifier( PKCSObjectIdentifiers.id_mgf1, new AlgorithmIdentifier(OIWObjectIdentifiers.idSHA1, DERNull.INSTANCE)), new AlgorithmIdentifier( PKCSObjectIdentifiers.id_pSpecified, new DEROctetString(new byte[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}))) .getEncoded())) { fail("OAEP test failed changed sha-1 parameters"); } if (!areEqual(out, output[7])) { fail( "OAEP test failed on encrypt expected " + new String(Hex.encode(output[2])) + " got " + new String(Hex.encode(out))); } c = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/NONE/OAEPWithSHA1AndMGF1Padding", "BC"); c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, privKey, oaepP); out = c.doFinal(out); if (!areEqual(out, input)) { fail( "OAEP test failed on decrypt expected " + new String(Hex.encode(input)) + " got " + new String(Hex.encode(out))); } // // ISO9796-1 // byte[] isoInput = Hex.decode("fedcba9876543210fedcba9876543210fedcba9876543210fedcba9876543210"); PrivateKey isoPrivKey = fact.generatePrivate(isoPrivKeySpec); PublicKey isoPubKey = fact.generatePublic(isoPubKeySpec); c = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/NONE/ISO9796-1Padding", "BC"); c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, isoPrivKey); out = c.doFinal(isoInput); if (!areEqual(out, output[8])) { fail( "ISO9796-1 test failed on encrypt expected " + new String(Hex.encode(output[3])) + " got " + new String(Hex.encode(out))); } c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, isoPubKey); out = c.doFinal(out); if (!areEqual(out, isoInput)) { fail( "ISO9796-1 test failed on decrypt expected " + new String(Hex.encode(input)) + " got " + new String(Hex.encode(out))); } // // // generation with parameters test. // KeyPairGenerator keyPairGen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA", "BC"); // // 768 bit RSA with e = 2^16-1 // keyPairGen.initialize( new RSAKeyGenParameterSpec(768, BigInteger.valueOf(65537)), new SecureRandom()); KeyPair kp = keyPairGen.generateKeyPair(); pubKey = kp.getPublic(); privKey = kp.getPrivate(); c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, pubKey, rand); out = c.doFinal(input); c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, privKey); out = c.doFinal(out); if (!areEqual(out, input)) { fail( "key generation test failed on decrypt expected " + new String(Hex.encode(input)) + " got " + new String(Hex.encode(out))); } // // comparison check // KeyFactory keyFact = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA", "BC"); RSAPrivateCrtKey crtKey = (RSAPrivateCrtKey) keyFact.translateKey(privKey); if (!privKey.equals(crtKey)) { fail("private key equality check failed"); } crtKey = (RSAPrivateCrtKey) keyFact.generatePrivate(new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(privKey.getEncoded())); if (!privKey.equals(crtKey)) { fail("private key equality check failed"); } crtKey = (RSAPrivateCrtKey) serializeDeserialize(privKey); if (!privKey.equals(crtKey)) { fail("private key equality check failed"); } if (privKey.hashCode() != crtKey.hashCode()) { fail("private key hashCode check failed"); } RSAPublicKey copyKey = (RSAPublicKey) keyFact.translateKey(pubKey); if (!pubKey.equals(copyKey)) { fail("public key equality check failed"); } copyKey = (RSAPublicKey) keyFact.generatePublic(new X509EncodedKeySpec(pubKey.getEncoded())); if (!pubKey.equals(copyKey)) { fail("public key equality check failed"); } copyKey = (RSAPublicKey) serializeDeserialize(pubKey); if (!pubKey.equals(copyKey)) { fail("public key equality check failed"); } if (pubKey.hashCode() != copyKey.hashCode()) { fail("public key hashCode check failed"); } // // test an OAEP key // SubjectPublicKeyInfo oaepKey = new SubjectPublicKeyInfo( new AlgorithmIdentifier(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.id_RSAES_OAEP, new RSAESOAEPparams()), SubjectPublicKeyInfo.getInstance(pubKey.getEncoded()).parsePublicKey()); copyKey = (RSAPublicKey) serializeDeserialize( keyFact.generatePublic(new X509EncodedKeySpec(oaepKey.getEncoded()))); if (!pubKey.equals(copyKey)) { fail("public key equality check failed"); } if (pubKey.hashCode() != copyKey.hashCode()) { fail("public key hashCode check failed"); } if (!Arrays.areEqual(copyKey.getEncoded(), oaepKey.getEncoded())) { fail("encoding does not match"); } oaepCompatibilityTest("SHA-1", priv2048Key, pub2048Key); // TODO: oaepCompatibilityTest("SHA-224", priv2048Key, pub2048Key); commented out as fails // in JDK 1.7 oaepCompatibilityTest("SHA-256", priv2048Key, pub2048Key); oaepCompatibilityTest("SHA-384", priv2048Key, pub2048Key); oaepCompatibilityTest("SHA-512", priv2048Key, pub2048Key); SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom(); rawModeTest("SHA1withRSA", X509ObjectIdentifiers.id_SHA1, priv2048Key, pub2048Key, random); rawModeTest("MD5withRSA", PKCSObjectIdentifiers.md5, priv2048Key, pub2048Key, random); rawModeTest( "RIPEMD128withRSA", TeleTrusTObjectIdentifiers.ripemd128, priv2048Key, pub2048Key, random); // init reset test c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, pubKey, rand); out = c.update(new byte[40]); c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, pubKey, rand); out = c.update(new byte[40]); }