public MinimumMaximumValidator(Class<?> numberType, String minimum, String maximum) {


      mNumberType = numberType;
      mMinimum = ClassUtils.parseNumber(numberType, minimum);
      mMaximum = ClassUtils.parseNumber(numberType, maximum);

      if (mMinimum == null) {
        setErrorMessage("Must be less than " + mMaximum);
      } else if (mMaximum == null) {
        setErrorMessage("Must be greater than " + mMinimum);
      } else {
        setErrorMessage("Must be between " + mMinimum + " and " + mMaximum);
 static {
   if (ClassUtils.niceForName("org.richfaces.component.UISuggestionBox") != null) {
     VERSION_SPECIFIC_WIDGET_BUILDER = new RichFaces3Support();
   } else {
     VERSION_SPECIFIC_WIDGET_BUILDER = new RichFaces4Support();
  public UIComponent buildWidget(
      String elementName, Map<String, String> attributes, UIMetawidget metawidget) {

    // Not for Tomahawk?

    if (TRUE.equals(attributes.get(HIDDEN))) {
      return null;

    if (attributes.containsKey(FACES_LOOKUP) || attributes.containsKey(LOOKUP)) {
      return null;

    Application application = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication();
    String type = WidgetBuilderUtils.getActualClassOrType(attributes);

    if (type == null) {
      return null;

    Class<?> clazz = ClassUtils.niceForName(type);

    if (clazz == null) {
      return null;

    // HtmlInputFileUpload

    if (UploadedFile.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
      return application.createComponent("org.apache.myfaces.HtmlInputFileUpload");

    // Not for Tomahawk

    return null;
  public StaticJavaWidget buildWidget(
      String elementName, Map<String, String> attributes, StaticJavaMetawidget metawidget) {
    // Drill down

    if (ENTITY.equals(elementName)) {
      return null;

    // Suppress

    if (TRUE.equals(attributes.get(HIDDEN))) {
      return new StaticJavaStub();

    String type = WidgetBuilderUtils.getActualClassOrType(attributes);
    Class<?> clazz = ClassUtils.niceForName(type);
    String name = attributes.get(NAME);

    // String

    if (String.class.equals(clazz)) {
      StaticJavaStub toReturn = new StaticJavaStub();
              new JavaStatement(
                  "String " + name + " =" + StringUtils.capitalize(name) + "()"));
      JavaStatement ifNotEmpty =
          new JavaStatement("if (" + name + " != null && !\"\".equals(" + name + "))");
              new JavaStatement(
                      + name
                      + "\"), '%' + "
                      + name
                      + " + '%'))"));
      return toReturn;

    // int

    if (int.class.equals(clazz)) {
      StaticJavaStub toReturn = new StaticJavaStub();
              new JavaStatement(
                  "int " + name + " =" + StringUtils.capitalize(name) + "()"));
      JavaStatement ifNotEmpty = new JavaStatement("if (" + name + " != 0)");
              new JavaStatement(
                  "predicatesList.add(builder.equal(root.get(\"" + name + "\")," + name + "))"));
      return toReturn;

    // Lookup

    if (attributes.containsKey(FACES_LOOKUP)) {
      StaticJavaStub toReturn = new StaticJavaStub();
      JavaStatement getValue =
          new JavaStatement(
                  + " "
                  + name
                  + " ="
                  + StringUtils.capitalize(name)
                  + "()");
      JavaStatement ifNotEmpty =
          new JavaStatement("if (" + name + " != null && " + name + ".getId() != null)");
              new JavaStatement(
                  "predicatesList.add(builder.equal(root.get(\"" + name + "\")," + name + "))"));
      return toReturn;

    // We tried searching against N_TO_MANY relationships, but had the following problems:
    // 1. Difficult to make JPA Criteria Builder search for 'a Set having all of the following
    // items'. For 'a Set
    // having the following item' can do:
    // predicatesList.add(root.join("customers").in(;
    // 2. Cumbersome to have a new class for that only has a single Customer, as opposed
    // to a Set
    // 3. Difficult to make JSF's h:selectOne* bind to a Set
    // 4. Difficult to make JSF's h:selectMany* appear as a single item dropdown
    // So we've left it out for now

    return new StaticJavaStub();
  protected String getDefaultConfiguration() {

    return ClassUtils.getPackagesAsFolderNames(HtmlMetawidgetTag.class)
        + "/metawidget-html-default.xml";
    public UIComponent buildWidget(
        String elementName, Map<String, String> attributes, UIMetawidget metawidget) {

      FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
      Application application = context.getApplication();
      Class<?> clazz = WidgetBuilderUtils.getActualClassOrType(attributes, null);

      if (clazz == null) {
        return null;

      // Colors (as of RichFaces 3.3.1)

      if (Color.class.equals(clazz)) {
        if (WidgetBuilderUtils.isReadOnly(attributes)) {
          return FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()

        return application.createComponent("org.richfaces.ColorPicker");

      // Suggestion box
      // Note: for suggestion box to work in table column footer facets, you need

      if (String.class.equals(clazz)) {
        String facesSuggest = attributes.get(FACES_SUGGEST);

        if (facesSuggest != null) {
          UIComponent stubComponent = application.createComponent(UIStub.COMPONENT_TYPE);
          List<UIComponent> children = stubComponent.getChildren();

          // Standard text box

          HtmlInputText inputText =
              (HtmlInputText) application.createComponent(HtmlInputText.COMPONENT_TYPE);
          inputText.setStyle(((HtmlMetawidget) metawidget).getStyle());
          inputText.setStyleClass(((HtmlMetawidget) metawidget).getStyleClass());

          UISuggestionBox suggestionBox =
              (UISuggestionBox) application.createComponent(HtmlSuggestionBox.COMPONENT_TYPE);

          // Lock the 'id's so they don't get changed. This is important for the
          // JavaScript getElementById that RichFaces generates. Also, do not just use
          // 'viewRoot.createUniqueId' because, as per the RenderKit specification:
          // "If the value returned from component.getId() is non-null and does not start
          // with UIViewRoot.UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX, call component.getClientId() and render
          // the result as the value of the id attribute in the markup for the component."
          // Therefore the 'id' attribute is never rendered, therefore the JavaScript
          // getElementById doesn't work. Add our own prefix instead

          inputText.setId("suggestionText_" + FacesUtils.createUniqueId());
          suggestionBox.setId("suggestionBox_" + FacesUtils.createUniqueId());

          // Suggestion box


          try {
            // RichFaces 3.2/JSF 1.2 mode
            // Note: we wrap the MethodExpression as an Object[] to stop link-time
            // dependencies on javax.el.MethodExpression, so that we still work with
            // JSF 1.1
            // Note: according to JavaDocs returnType is only important when literal
            // (i.e. without #{...}) expression is used, otherwise Object.class is fine
            // (

            Object[] methodExpression =
                new Object[] {
                          new Class[] {Object.class})
            ClassUtils.setProperty(suggestionBox, "suggestionAction", methodExpression[0]);
          } catch (Exception e) {
            // RichFaces 3.1/JSF 1.1 mode

            MethodBinding methodBinding =
                application.createMethodBinding(facesSuggest, new Class[] {Object.class});

          // Column
          // Note: this must be javax.faces.component.html.HtmlColumn, not
          // org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlColumn. The latter displayed okay, but when
          // a value was selected it did not populate back to the HtmlInputText

          UIColumn column =

          // Output text box

          UIComponent columnText = application.createComponent(HtmlOutputText.COMPONENT_TYPE);
          ValueBinding valueBinding = application.createValueBinding("#{_internal}");
          columnText.setValueBinding("value", valueBinding);

          return stubComponent;

      return null;
  protected String getDefaultConfiguration() {

    return ClassUtils.getPackagesAsFolderNames(StaticJavaMetawidget.class)
        + "/metawidget-static-javacode-default.xml";
  public Component processWidget(
      final Component component,
      String elementName,
      Map<String, String> attributes,
      VaadinMetawidget metawidget) {

    // Only bind to non-read-only Actions

    if (!ACTION.equals(elementName)) {
      return component;

    if (component instanceof Stub) {
      return component;

    if (!(component instanceof Button)) {
      throw WidgetProcessorException.newException(
          "ReflectionBindingProcessor only supports binding actions to Buttons");

    if (WidgetBuilderUtils.isReadOnly(attributes)) {
      return component;

    if (metawidget == null) {
      return component;

    Object toInspect = metawidget.getToInspect();

    if (toInspect == null) {
      return component;

    Button button = (Button) component;

    // Traverse to the last Object...

    String[] names = PathUtils.parsePath(metawidget.getPath()).getNamesAsArray();

    for (String name : names) {
      toInspect = ClassUtils.getProperty(toInspect, name);

      if (toInspect == null) {
        return component;

    // ...and wire it up

    final Object fireActionOn = toInspect;
    final Class<?> fireActionOnClass = fireActionOn.getClass();
    final String actionName = attributes.get(NAME);

        new ClickListener() {

          public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {

            try {
              Method method = fireActionOnClass.getMethod(actionName, (Class[]) null);
              method.invoke(fireActionOn, (Object[]) null);
            } catch (Exception e) {
              throw WidgetProcessorException.newException(e);

    return component;
  public Converter getConverter(ValueHolder valueHolder, Map<String, String> attributes) {

    // Use existing Converter (if any)

    Converter converter = valueHolder.getConverter();

    if (converter != null) {
      return converter;

    // Create from id

    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    String converterId = attributes.get(FACES_CONVERTER);

    if (converterId != null) {

      converter = context.getApplication().createConverter(converterId);

    } else if (valueHolder instanceof UISelectOne || valueHolder instanceof UISelectMany) {

      // Create from parameterized type (eg. a Date converter for List<Date>)

      String parameterizedType = WidgetBuilderUtils.getComponentType(attributes);

      if (parameterizedType != null) {
        Class<?> parameterizedClass = ClassUtils.niceForName(parameterizedType);

        // The parameterized type might be null, or might not be concrete
        // enough to be instantiatable (eg. List<? extends Foo>)

        if (parameterizedClass != null) {
          converter = context.getApplication().createConverter(parameterizedClass);

    } else {

      // Create implicit converters
      // JSF does not appear to implicitly hook up DateTimeConverters without either an
      // explicit f:convertDateTime tag or a registered java.util.Date converter. Adding one
      // fixes both POSTback and display of read-only dates (otherwise JSF uses Date.toString)
      // JSF *does* appear to implicitly hook up NumberConverters.

      String type = attributes.get(TYPE);

      if (type != null) {

        Class<?> clazz = ClassUtils.niceForName(type);

        if (clazz != null) {

          if (clazz.isAssignableFrom(Date.class)) {
            converter = getDateTimeConverter(converter);

    // Support for DateTimeConverter

    if (attributes.containsKey(DATE_STYLE)) {
      converter = getDateTimeConverter(converter);
      ((DateTimeConverter) converter).setDateStyle(attributes.get(DATE_STYLE));

    if (attributes.containsKey(DATETIME_PATTERN)) {
      converter = getDateTimeConverter(converter);
      ((DateTimeConverter) converter).setPattern(attributes.get(DATETIME_PATTERN));

    if (attributes.containsKey(TIME_STYLE)) {
      converter = getDateTimeConverter(converter);
      ((DateTimeConverter) converter).setTimeStyle(attributes.get(TIME_STYLE));

    if (attributes.containsKey(TIME_ZONE)) {
      converter = getDateTimeConverter(converter);
      ((DateTimeConverter) converter).setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone(attributes.get(TIME_ZONE)));

    if (attributes.containsKey(DATETIME_TYPE)) {
      converter = getDateTimeConverter(converter);
      ((DateTimeConverter) converter).setType(attributes.get(DATETIME_TYPE));

    // Support for NumberConverter

    if (attributes.containsKey(CURRENCY_CODE)) {
      converter = getNumberConverter(converter);
      ((NumberConverter) converter).setCurrencyCode(attributes.get(CURRENCY_CODE));

    if (attributes.containsKey(CURRENCY_SYMBOL)) {
      converter = getNumberConverter(converter);
      ((NumberConverter) converter).setCurrencySymbol(attributes.get(CURRENCY_SYMBOL));

    if (attributes.containsKey(NUMBER_USES_GROUPING_SEPARATORS)) {
      converter = getNumberConverter(converter);
      ((NumberConverter) converter)

    if (attributes.containsKey(MINIMUM_INTEGER_DIGITS)) {
      converter = getNumberConverter(converter);
      ((NumberConverter) converter)

    if (attributes.containsKey(MAXIMUM_INTEGER_DIGITS)) {
      converter = getNumberConverter(converter);
      ((NumberConverter) converter)

    if (attributes.containsKey(MINIMUM_FRACTIONAL_DIGITS)) {
      converter = getNumberConverter(converter);
      ((NumberConverter) converter)

    if (attributes.containsKey(MAXIMUM_FRACTIONAL_DIGITS)) {
      converter = getNumberConverter(converter);
      ((NumberConverter) converter)

    if (attributes.containsKey(NUMBER_PATTERN)) {
      converter = getNumberConverter(converter);
      ((NumberConverter) converter).setPattern(attributes.get(NUMBER_PATTERN));

    if (attributes.containsKey(NUMBER_TYPE)) {
      converter = getNumberConverter(converter);
      ((NumberConverter) converter).setType(attributes.get(NUMBER_TYPE));

    // Locale (applies to both DateTimeConverter and NumberConverter)

    if (attributes.containsKey(LOCALE)) {
      if (converter instanceof NumberConverter) {
        ((NumberConverter) converter).setLocale(new Locale(attributes.get(LOCALE)));
      } else {
        converter = getDateTimeConverter(converter);
        ((DateTimeConverter) converter).setLocale(new Locale(attributes.get(LOCALE)));

    // Return it

    return converter;