public static final void main(String args[]) throws IOException { String outdir = "/home/johannes/gsv/miv-matrix/qs2013/"; String matrixFile = "/home/johannes/gsv/miv-matrix/qs2013/matrix.txt"; String zoneFile = "/home/johannes/gsv/gis/zones/geojson/nuts3.psm.gk3.geojson"; String inhabFile = "/home/johannes/gsv/miv-matrix/qs2013/inhabitants.csv"; final NumericMatrix carVol = new NumericMatrix(); final NumericMatrix railVol = new NumericMatrix(); final NumericMatrix airVol = new NumericMatrix();"Loading zones..."); ZoneCollection zones = ZoneGeoJsonIO.readFromGeoJSON(zoneFile, "NO"); TObjectDoubleHashMap<String> zoneRho = calcDensity(inhabFile, zones);"Reading matrix..."); MatrixReader mReader = new MatrixReader(); matrixFile, new MatrixReader.RowHandler() { @Override public void handleRow( String from, String to, String purpose, String year, String mode, String direction, String day, String season, double volume) { if (mode.equalsIgnoreCase("M")) { carVol.add(from, to, volume); } else if (mode.equalsIgnoreCase("B")) { railVol.add(from, to, volume); } else if (mode.equalsIgnoreCase("F")) { airVol.add(from, to, volume); } } });"Calculating shares per od-pair..."); NumericMatrix carShare = new NumericMatrix(); NumericMatrix railShare = new NumericMatrix(); NumericMatrix airShare = new NumericMatrix(); NumericMatrix odCounts = new NumericMatrix(); Discretizer discr = FixedSampleSizeDiscretizer.create(zoneRho.values(), 1, 20); // Discretizer discr = new DummyDiscretizer(); Set<String> keys = carVol.keys(); keys.addAll(railVol.keys()); keys.addAll(airVol.keys()); ProgressLogger.init(keys.size(), 2, 10); for (String from : keys) { for (String to : keys) { Double car = carVol.get(from, to); if (car == null) car = 0.0; Double rail = railVol.get(from, to); if (rail == null) rail = 0.0; Double air = airVol.get(from, to); if (air == null) air = 0.0; if (car > 0 && rail > 0 && air > 0) { double total = car + rail + air; double fromRho = zoneRho.get(from); double toRho = zoneRho.get(to); fromRho = discr.discretize(fromRho); toRho = discr.discretize(toRho); String fromRhoStr = String.valueOf(fromRho); String toRhoStr = String.valueOf(toRho); odCounts.add(fromRhoStr, toRhoStr, 1); // odCounts.add(fromRhoStr, toRhoStr, total); carShare.add(fromRhoStr, toRhoStr, car / total); railShare.add(fromRhoStr, toRhoStr, rail / total); airShare.add(fromRhoStr, toRhoStr, air / total); } } ProgressLogger.step(); } ProgressLogger.terminate();"Calculating averages..."); keys = odCounts.keys(); for (String from : keys) { for (String to : keys) { Double count = odCounts.get(from, to); if (count != null) { carShare.multiply(from, to, 1 / count); railShare.multiply(from, to, 1 / count); airShare.multiply(from, to, 1 / count); } } }"Writing matrices..."); NumericMatrixTxtIO.write(carShare, String.format("%s/carShare.txt", outdir)); NumericMatrixTxtIO.write(railShare, String.format("%s/railShare.txt", outdir)); NumericMatrixTxtIO.write(airShare, String.format("%s/airShare.txt", outdir));"Done."); }
private void loadSociogramData(Collection<VertexRecord> records, SQLDumpReader sqlData) {"Loading sociogram data..."); Map<String, VertexRecord> map = sqlData.getFullAlterKeyMappping(records); TObjectIntHashMap<Vertex> rawDegrees = new TObjectIntHashMap<Vertex>(); for (Vertex v : proj.getVertices()) { rawDegrees.put(v, v.getNeighbours().size()); } int edgecnt = 0; int doublecnt = 0; int egoEdge = 0; Set<Vertex> notOkVertices = new HashSet<Vertex>(); Set<Vertex> okVertices = new HashSet<Vertex>(); DescriptiveStatistics notOkStats = new DescriptiveStatistics(); DescriptiveStatistics okStats = new DescriptiveStatistics(); DescriptiveStatistics numDistr = new DescriptiveStatistics(); DescriptiveStatistics numDistrNoZero = new DescriptiveStatistics(); DescriptiveStatistics sizeDistr = new DescriptiveStatistics(); TDoubleArrayList sizeValues = new TDoubleArrayList(); TDoubleArrayList kSizeValues = new TDoubleArrayList(); TDoubleArrayList numValues = new TDoubleArrayList(); TDoubleArrayList numValues2 = new TDoubleArrayList(); TDoubleArrayList kNumValues = new TDoubleArrayList(); for (VertexRecord record : records) { if (record.isEgo) { List<Set<String>> cliques = sqlData.getCliques(record); numDistr.addValue(cliques.size()); Vertex v = idMap.get(; numValues.add(cliques.size()); kNumValues.add(v.getNeighbours().size()); if (!cliques.isEmpty()) numDistrNoZero.addValue(cliques.size()); for (Set<String> clique : cliques) { sizeDistr.addValue(clique.size()); sizeValues.add(clique.size()); kSizeValues.add(rawDegrees.get(projMap.get(v))); numValues2.add(cliques.size()); List<SocialSparseVertex> vertices = new ArrayList<SocialSparseVertex>(clique.size()); for (String alter : clique) { VertexRecord r = map.get(record.egoSQLId + alter); if (r != null) { SocialSparseVertex vertex = idMap.get(; if (vertex != null) { vertices.add(vertex); } else { logger.warn("Vertex not found."); } } else { logger.warn("Record not found."); } } for (int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < vertices.size(); j++) { SampledVertexDecorator<SocialSparseVertex> vProj1 = projMap.get(vertices.get(i)); SampledVertexDecorator<SocialSparseVertex> vProj2 = projMap.get(vertices.get(j)); if (!vProj1.isSampled() && !vProj2.isSampled()) { if (Math.random() < 0.62) { SocialSparseEdge socialEdge = builder.addEdge(graph, vertices.get(i), vertices.get(j)); if (socialEdge != null) { projBuilder.addEdge(proj, vProj1, vProj2, socialEdge); edgecnt++; if (vProj1.isSampled() || vProj2.isSampled()) { egoEdge++; if (vProj1.isSampled()) notOkVertices.add(vProj1); else notOkVertices.add(vProj2); } } else { doublecnt++; if (vProj1.isSampled()) okVertices.add(vProj1); else if (vProj2.isSampled()) okVertices.add(vProj2); } } } } } } } } for (Vertex v : okVertices) okStats.addValue(rawDegrees.get(v)); for (Vertex v : notOkVertices) notOkStats.addValue(rawDegrees.get(v)); try { TDoubleDoubleHashMap hist = Histogram.createHistogram(okStats, new LinearDiscretizer(1), false); StatsWriter.writeHistogram( hist, "k", "n", "/Users/jillenberger/Work/socialnets/data/ivt2009/11-2011/augmented/k_ok.txt"); TDoubleDoubleHashMap hist2 = Histogram.createHistogram(notOkStats, new LinearDiscretizer(1), false); StatsWriter.writeHistogram( hist2, "k", "n", "/Users/jillenberger/Work/socialnets/data/ivt2009/11-2011/augmented/k_notok.txt"); TDoubleDoubleHashMap ratio = new TDoubleDoubleHashMap(); double[] keys = hist.keys(); for (double k : keys) { double val1 = hist2.get(k); double val2 = hist.get(k); ratio.put(k, val1 / (val2 + val1)); } StatsWriter.writeHistogram( ratio, "k", "p", "/Users/jillenberger/Work/socialnets/data/ivt2009/11-2011/augmented/k_ratio.txt");"Mean num of cliques: " + numDistrNoZero.getMean());"Mean size: " + sizeDistr.getMean());"Median num of cliques: " + StatUtils.percentile(numDistrNoZero.getValues(), 50));"Median size: " + StatUtils.percentile(sizeDistr.getValues(), 50)); TDoubleDoubleHashMap histNum = Histogram.createHistogram( numDistrNoZero, FixedSampleSizeDiscretizer.create(numDistrNoZero.getValues(), 2, 20), true); Histogram.normalize(histNum); StatsWriter.writeHistogram( histNum, "num", "freq", "/Users/jillenberger/Work/socialnets/data/ivt2009/11-2011/augmented/numCliques.txt"); TDoubleDoubleHashMap histSize = Histogram.createHistogram( sizeDistr, FixedSampleSizeDiscretizer.create(sizeDistr.getValues(), 2, 20), true); Histogram.normalize(histSize); StatsWriter.writeHistogram( histSize, "size", "freq", "/Users/jillenberger/Work/socialnets/data/ivt2009/11-2011/augmented/numPersons.txt"); Discretizer discretizer = FixedSampleSizeDiscretizer.create(kSizeValues.toNativeArray(), 20, 20); TDoubleArrayList valuesX = new TDoubleArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < kSizeValues.size(); i++) { valuesX.add(discretizer.discretize(kSizeValues.get(i))); } Correlations.writeToFile( Correlations.mean(valuesX.toNativeArray(), sizeValues.toNativeArray()), "/Users/jillenberger/Work/socialnets/data/ivt2009/11-2011/augmented/size_k.txt", "k", "size"); discretizer = FixedSampleSizeDiscretizer.create(kNumValues.toNativeArray(), 20, 20); valuesX = new TDoubleArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < kNumValues.size(); i++) { valuesX.add(discretizer.discretize(kNumValues.get(i))); } Correlations.writeToFile( Correlations.mean(valuesX.toNativeArray(), numValues.toNativeArray()), "/Users/jillenberger/Work/socialnets/data/ivt2009/11-2011/augmented/num_k.txt", "k", "n"); Correlations.writeToFile( Correlations.mean(numValues2.toNativeArray(), sizeValues.toNativeArray()), "/Users/jillenberger/Work/socialnets/data/ivt2009/11-2011/augmented/size_num.txt", "num", "size"); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } String.format("Inserted %1$s edges, %2$s edges already present.", edgecnt, doublecnt));"Inserted %1$s edges between at least one ego.", egoEdge)); }