private boolean startReindexingMetadata(ArchivalUnit au, boolean force) { if (metadataMgr == null) { errMsg = "Metadata processing is not enabled."; return false; } if (!force) { if (!AuUtil.hasCrawled(au)) { errMsg = "Au has never crawled. Click again to reindex metadata"; showForceReindexMetadata = true; return false; } AuState auState = AuUtil.getAuState(au); switch (auState.getSubstanceState()) { case No: errMsg = "Au has no substance. Click again to reindex metadata"; showForceReindexMetadata = true; return false; case Unknown: errMsg = "Unknown substance for Au. Click again to reindex metadata."; showForceReindexMetadata = true; return false; case Yes: // fall through } } // Fully reindex metadata with the highest priority. Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement insertPendingAuBatchStatement = null; try { conn = dbMgr.getConnection(); insertPendingAuBatchStatement = metadataMgr.getPrioritizedInsertPendingAuBatchStatement(conn); if (metadataMgr.enableAndAddAuToReindex( au, conn, insertPendingAuBatchStatement, false, true)) { statusMsg = "Reindexing metadata for " + au.getName(); return true; } } catch (DbException dbe) { log.error("Cannot reindex metadata for " + au.getName(), dbe); } finally { DbManager.safeCloseStatement(insertPendingAuBatchStatement); DbManager.safeRollbackAndClose(conn); } if (force) { errMsg = "Still cannot reindex metadata for " + au.getName(); } else { errMsg = "Cannot reindex metadata for " + au.getName(); } return false; }
/** * Returns a list of BibliographicItems from the metadata database. * * @return a list of BibliobraphicItems from the metadata database. */ public static List<BibliographicItem> getBibliographicItems() { List<BibliographicItem> items = Collections.<BibliographicItem>emptyList(); Connection conn = null; try { DbManager dbManager = getDaemon().getDbManager(); conn = dbManager.getConnection(); items = getBibliographicItems(dbManager, conn); } catch (DbException ex) { log.warning(ex.getMessage()); log.warning("bibliographicItemsQuery = " + bibliographicItemsQuery); } finally { DbManager.safeRollbackAndClose(conn); } return items; }